Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1480698-Wiccan-Ch-3
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Young Adult · #1480698
A young girl practicing wicca goes through some nasty experiences.
         The day dawned bright and warm, although many of the leaves had already changed color. On his way to Aisling’s, Taylor looked over all the gorgeous colors; know that soon, they would all be littering the ground.

         Two kids were jumping in the leaves, playing and swimming through them. Once exhausted Taylor lay on his back next to Bailey, and looked at the sky. “You know, it’s all so magical, the way the leaves changed like this. It seems like an enchanted world,” Bailey commented, looking over at her brother. Her hazel eyes shown with excitement. He nodded, agreeing with her.

         Jeez, he thought, when did I become so close minded, as he pulled up to the curb in front of the old bed and breakfast. He turned the engine off and walked up the lawn to the door. On the porch, he nervously rang the doorbell.

          “Come in,” came Aisling’s voice, “My aunt will be with you in just a…” Her voice trailed off as she looked up to see Taylor walking through the door. She managed a small smile, while Taylor surveyed the empty room. It was set up with a receptionist’s desk, where the guests were to check in. The room opened up to the left to display a sitting room, complete with velvet love seats and an easy chair. To the right were wooden stairs that led up to the second and third floors. Taylor slowly advanced over to where Aisling sat, on a stool behind the desk.

          “Hi, um, I came to talk,” he said quietly, hoping she would get his meaning.

         Apparently she did, because in the next instant she was calling for her aunt, telling her that Taylor from school was here and they were going upstairs to her room to talk about their project. Then barely glancing at Taylor, she led the way up the stairs.

         Once in her room, Aisling watched as Taylor looked around spellbound. She smiled; her room usually had that effect on people. Even in NYC, her friends had stopped and stared at her outrageously decorated room. Taylor finally came back to where he was and looked around for a chair. He pulled out the chair from Aisling’s desk and sat down, looking at her.

         Aisling nervously walked over to her bed and sat. What was she going to say to him? What did he want? She wondered. An awkward silence enveloped the room. Realizing that she was going to have to talk first she took a deep breath and said, “I’m sorry.”

         Taylor looked surprised, “Why?”

          “Well, for setting your pants on fire. Also for what happened in the library,” she replied.

          “Problem is, I don’t know how I can trust you. I mean it does seem as though you were trying to kill me,” Taylor stated.

         Aisling lashed out, “I wasn’t trying to kill you! Look, if you would just listen to me, maybe you would understand. Can I at least have a chance to explain myself?” By this time Aisling had jumped and was now pacing the room, somewhat angrily.

         Taylor, as suspicious as he still was, heard his sister’s voices echoing in his ears, give it a chance. “Alright, go ahead,” he said haughtily.

         Aisling walked purposefully over to her bookshelf and removed a leather bound book. Then she took a deep breath and began: “You hurt me yesterday. I mean you don’t even know me and already you are judging. I couldn’t harm you. You must believe me.”

         When she saw that he didn’t and that he was growing impatient, she sighed.

          “I’m not a witch,” Aisling stated firmly.

          “You’re not?” Taylor replied sarcastically.

          “No, I’m a Wiccan. Listen Wicca isn’t just about casting spells and such; it’s a whole way of life. It’s my religion. I was offended yesterday when you said that my ancestors deserved to be burnt at the stake. My ancestors were healers. Not demon-coercers,” Aisling stated.

          “What’d you mean, it’s your religion?” Taylor asked, curiosity overpowering his fear of her for the moment.

          “I worship nature, and believe in a Goddess and God that created this earth. I try to keep in harmony with nature. What happened the other day at school was an accident. I lost control. It wasn’t intentional, and I definitely can hurt you. Not in that way, anyway,” Aisling ended quietly.

         This made Taylor nervous. “What do you mean not in that way?

          “I don’t have that kind of power. Besides, all I want to do is fit, and be safe. Hurting people with magic is not the way to do that.”

          “Oh,” Taylor replied.

          Tell him about your parents. Aisling shook her head to clear her of that horrible image. No! I can’t.

         Just then, Aisling felt someone walking up the stairs. “So what kind of powers do you have?” Taylor inquired from his spot on her psychedelic chair.

         Aisling sat down cross-legged on the floor and motioned for him to come over and sit down next to her. He cautiously got up, walked the golden oak flooring of her attic room and sat down next to her.

          “Are you sure you want to see this?” Aisling asked him, not sure he was stable enough to handle what she was about to show him.

          “Yes,” Taylor confirmed.

         Slowly but surely, as Aisling sat there concentrating, she levitated a candle over by them. When Taylor saw it, gasped and scrambled backwards a few feet. “It’s okay, it’s won’t bite.”

         As fear gave in to wonder, Taylor heard Aisling say, “Levitating an object is one of the first things I learned. Telekinetics was the one I so wanted to when I started training. I haven’t exactly finished learning yet. I can still only move small objects like candles.”

          “What?” Taylor exclaimed confusedly.

         Aisling opened her eyes, saw the bewildered look on his face and smiled. “I’m sorry, I went too fast. I’m not used to discussing my practice, basically because there’s no one to discuss it with. See you can’t just become a Wiccan. You have to train for several years before you can have the privilege to call yourself one. I’ve trained for at least 6 years now, and I’ve dedicated myself to this way of life. However, I still have a lot to learn. But it’s something I believe is right for me. Don’t always believe people, especially people our age, when they boast about casting spells and being witches. The true Wiccans are the ones who don’t boast and practice quietly.”

          “Okay,” Taylor said, nodding, “I can see that. So what else can you do?”

          “Well, I have an uncanny ability with fire. I seem to be able to create it. Watch,” Aisling instructed, then gently blew on the lilac candle that was on the floor in front of them. Suddenly, the candle burst into flame, giving off a soft glow of light. “The Fire Dragon must really like me,” she added.

         Taylor looked at her confused, “Just when I thought I was beginning to understand. Who’s the Fire Dragon?”

         Aisling laughed and replied, “I’m sorry, each of the 4 elements are represented by a deity. A dragon for fire, an undine for water, a gnome for the earth, and faeries for the air. Sometimes a deity takes a special liking to someone and allows them the use of their power in exchange for special attention. It’s not typical, but it’s been known to happen. The Fire Dragon is my favorite elemental.”

         Taylor nodded in understanding. It made sense, although it was little unnerving to actually have seen what Aisling had just explained. This was definitely not a magic trick.

          “Anything else?” Taylor asked.

          “Well, I’m particularly adept at knowing when someone’s there. Like for instance, if they are lurking in the shadows or hiding in a stairway, I can usually sense their presence. Sometimes, I can even tell who it is. By the way, Bailey, you can come in, you don’t have to stand in the dark,” Aisling raised her voice a little on the last past in order to be heard.

         Sheepishly, Bailey stepped into Aisling’s room. Looking around, her eyes landed on Aisling.

          “Sorry, but Taylor left these books at home. How he planned on working on your project without them is behind me,” she explained, shaking her head at her brother.

         Aisling stifled a laugh. Watching these two together was very interesting.

         Slowly Bailey walked across the room and gently dumped Taylor’s book on Aisling’s bed. A town records book, a regional information book, a book on Wiccan History, and his notebook all tumbled out.

         The sight of Taylor’s stuff gave Aisling a very sickening feeling. Would he stay her partner or was he going to refuse to work with her?

         Taylor took a gentle swat at his sister, replying indignantly, “It’s not nice to eavesdrop on another person’s private conversation, Bailey.”

         Bailey just looked over at Aisling and caught her eyes. Holding her gaze for a second, something passed between the two, and then Bailey quipped back at her brother, “It’s interesting you should say that, seeing as you’re the King of eavesdropping.”

         Taylor gave his sister a fake smile and said, quite sarcastically, “Sorry. Jeesh…”

         Bailey’s giggles cut him off and he looked at her strangely.

          “I’m sorry, Taylor. It’s just I have an audition in an hour and I’m extremely nervous about it,” she explained. “I mean, when’s the last time this was in style?”

         Taylor took a good look at his sister. Bailey had on, for effect, a sleeveless black top, with a gorgeous multi-colored skirt on. To top off the look, she had employed a little help from a friend, and put her hair up in an elaborate French braid.

          “Wow, Bailey, you look great,” Taylor complimented. “What are you auditioning for again?”

          “Aida and I have to get going. Good luck on the project. Aisling it was good to see you again. We really have to hang out sometime soon. Let me know if Taylor gets too out of hand. I’ll take care of it.” She said this last part with a sassy grin, aimed at her brother then bounded out the door and down the steps.

         Break a leg, Aisling thought to Bailey.

         Thanks, came the reply resounding in Aisling’s head.

         Smiling, Aisling turned to Taylor and asked, “So shall we get to work?”

         About 3 hours later, the duo had gone through two out o f the three books and found approximately one lead. Taylor lay on Aisling’s tie-dyed bed, sifting through the enormous town records book. He had gotten up to the L’s. Aisling lay on the floor, her feet propped up in the air, leafing through the area’s local history book. Their one lead had come from this book. It was the legend of a local haunted house that was said to have been occupied by a witch. Aisling knew that this was not helping, but couldn’t bring herself to suggest the alternative.

         Taylor looked up from his book to rub his eyes and found himself watching Aisling kick her legs back and forth in the air. She looks extremely cute in that position, Taylor found himself thinking. Startled by this sudden thought, he said, “Well, I can’t look at that book anymore. The names are swimming on the page in front of me.”

         Aisling nodded as she snapped her own book shut. “My eyes are doing funny things as well. We could take a break, it is lunchtime,” she offered.

          “Great,” Taylor announced with relief, “I’m starving.” He got up and stretched as Aisling pushed herself up off the floor.

          “Well, what would you like? We have stuff to make sandwiches, leftover spaghetti, or pasta,” she asked running down the list of things she knew were available to the non-guests. Taylor stood there and considered for a moment.

          “I’m going to have to go with spaghetti. It’s my favorite,” he pronounced after a few seconds.

         Aisling hid her smile; how did she know he was going to pick the messiest thing they had?
          “Alright, I’ll be right back. You wait here,” she instructed as she disappeared down the steps.

         Taylor looked around the room. All of a sudden it felt kind of big and lonely. He traced his way over the purple bookcase, and slowly began to look through the books on the shelves. There were fantasy books, fiction books, and mysteries. On the second shelf, there were several books on Wicca and Witchcraft. A shiver went down Taylor’s spine as his eyes landed on a book titled Book of Shadows. Knowing that he was invading her privacy, yet not being able to stop himself, Taylor pulled the book off the shelf, sat down and flipped it open. He was amazed at the contents.

         Downstairs, Aisling made a left and headed quickly into the kitchen. Leaving Taylor alone in her room was dangerous, but she wasn’t going to act as though she had something to hide. Because I don’t, she thought to herself. So she headed over to the white refrigerator to pull out the spaghetti and set the container on the counter. This kitchen couldn’t have been designed better. The refrigerator was located across the room from the door, with cupboards on either side. A microwave and stove combination was set on the right wall with the dishwasher on the left. There was an island in the center and this is where Aisling set the heated up spaghetti while she prepared her pasta lunch. Then she poured each of them a glass of her aunt’s lemonade, put all of it on a silver tray and headed back out of the kitchen and up the steps. When she reached the second floor, she heard her aunt coming down the hall and waited to say hello.

          “Well, there you are Aisling! Have you and that nice young man been cooped up in that attic room all this time?” Lisa, her aunt asked her.

         Aisling nodded an affirmation and then asked gingerly, “Aunt Lisa, do you need my help with anything?”

         Lisa looked at her and smiled. Aisling was always worried about earning her keep.

          “No, child, I’m fine. If I do, I’ll come find you. Now get upstairs, that poor boy is probably starving,” she answered kindly. As Aisling turned around and headed up the stairs, Lisa’s expression changed. It was full of longing and sorrow. If only I could…, she thought then shaking her head, got back to work.

         Aisling entered her room to find Taylor on the floor before her bookcase, completely engrossed in her Book of Shadows. Aisling panicked and immediately closed her eyes and imagined her energy like roots, pulling her firmly into the ground. Calm once again, she opened her eyes and set the tray down on the floor, then moved over by Taylor.

          “Soup’s on,” she announced, causing him to jump.

         Startled Taylor looked up, and guiltily shut the book. Giving her a weak smile, he whispered, “Sorry.”

          “It’s okay, I don’t mind,” she stated truthfully. She gave him his food and then sat down with her own. However, he didn’t say anything and was acting as if his food interested him greatly. After five minutes of absolute silence, Aisling blurted out, “I can’t take it anymore, Taylor! If you have a question, for the Goddess’s sake will you just ask me?”

         He looked at her, slightly shocked. “How do you know I have a question?”

          “Because the silence is deafening,” she answered exasperated.

          “I don’t want to offend you, but what is that book?” He asked, nodding towards it. After all, she had given him permission.

          “My Book of Shadows?” she asked. When he nodded, she continued, “It’s just a journal where I keep everything I’ve learned over the course of my personal training. It’s like my own personal bible. See Wiccans don’t have a holy book or Scriptures that are universal. Instead, we compile our own bible where we can write down the Rede, the Rule of Three, our personal ethical guideline, our history and ancestors, what kind of magic we practice and our spells. We also keep a journal of our encounters with the God and Goddess and any of the other deities.”

          “Spells?” Taylor questioned his fear plain in his voice.

         Aisling nodded, “Yes, spells. But it’s not what you think it is. We don’t believe in interfering with other people’s free will. We believe that if you do, something three times as bad will happen to you. It’s the Rule of Three. We don’t believe in harming anyone, we/I just want to live in peace with others and nature. But everyone’s always so afraid of me when they find out I’m Wiccan. Either that, or the make my life miserable. So I keep it to myself, most of us do.”

          “You wouldn’t put a spell on me, you know, to make me do things I didn’t want to do?” he questioned, the words gushing out in a fluid flow.

         Aisling’s eyes widened. So this was what he was so upset about, she thought.

          “NO! I do not perform magic on people who do not wish to have magic performed on them. It’s a direct violation of my ethical code,” Aisling stated in a firm voice.

         Taylor nodded, taking in all this information. Slowly he ate the rest of his spaghetti, Aisling having already finished her pasta. Putting the food aside, he looked up at her, suddenly seeing her in a whole new light. Aisling was blonde, with chin length purple streaks framing the sides of her face. She had a pale complexion, which she changed with a little makeup to leave her looking quite stunning. Her body was shapely, not a stick, but curvy and she had stunning green eyes, which seemed to pierce through you, to the very core of your being. Shaking his head, Taylor became aware that he had been looking her over for the last three minutes and requested curiously, “Did you say you have a history of your ancestors?”

         Aisling’s heart start palpitating the minute the question was asked. She knew that this would come up. After all, Taylor wasn’t stupid, maybe a little ignorant, but quite capable of understanding her. However, she knew that others would not be like him.

          “Yes,” she replied cautiously.

          “Why didn’t you say something before? We could have saved the entire morning if you had!” Taylor exclaimed, in a confused manner.

          “Because we’re not, under any circumstances, using my ancestors for this assignment!” Aisling stated the panic rising in her throat. She was not interested in discussing this.

          “Why?” He asked, now extremely baffled.

         Aisling gulped as the tears welled up in her eyes. Her control broke and she burst out almost hysterically, “No, I...I just can’t. I can’t go through that again! I...just can’t Taylor!” By now, her voice was a hoarse whisper and tears were flowing down her cheeks unchecked.

         Alarmed by this sudden change in mood, Taylor asked, “What’s wrong? Can’t go through what again? Aisling?”

          “Nothing, just go away,” Aisling cried, and when he didn’t move, she whispered, “PLEASE!”

         As much as he didn’t want to leave her like this, he knew he had no choice. If he pressed her now, she would close up completely and then he’d never be able to help. Taylor slowly got up, grabbed his things, and headed out to his car. He drove away, wondering exactly what he was going to do now.

© Copyright 2008 Piratess Dawniebelle (silverathame at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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