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Exjock Doug's story of an expanding toolbelt (and appetite!) |
PROLOGUE Doug sat in the backseat of his work van. He stared listlessly at the dozens of tools strewn about. He belched loudly and groaned, rubbing his enormous stomach. His entire stomach hung huge and heavy in his thick lap. These days it was so big that it overhung the edge of the seat. Doug looked like your typical ex-jock repair man: broad shoulders, powerful arms and chest, round beer-belly, and, of course, the classic plumber's crack. Like many handymen Doug had little vanity about his physique. It wasn't his problem if the world could see his stomach or a bit of his butt, right? What was atypical about Doug was that, after several years of being a handyman, he was as wide around as he was tall. He took a long pull at his beer and finished it off. After another huge burp his mind started functioning again. These binges had been going on since he had become a certified repairman. Now that Doug had an apprentice of his own he hardly had to lift a finger! And his daily feast had grown so much in size and decadence! Doug pulled out the fifth beer of his six pack, and, after a long pull, belched again. He felt very satisfied and was a little drunk. Packed nearly to bursting, he looked down past his ill-kept tank-top, which was not only stained with oil and paint, but sugar, syrup, ketchup, and mustard. If that didn't look sloppy enough, it was a size "large" and could only stretch far enough to cover his immense moobs, baring his fantastically corpulent stomach for all to see. Lately his wardrobe could only cover half his stomach at the best of times, not that he cared or even noticed. Or in the case of his heavy tool-belt and colossal bubble butt, he would only reel in his britches if they were close to falling off or in danger of bursting wide open! One would think that employers would shy away from someone who acted like...well... a bloated man-pig. The truth was opposite. Everyone called him Big Doug now, but he was the best. Painting, plumbing, electrics, cable; if you needed any repair work of any kind, Doug was the man to call. But Doug didn't always take up half the cab. As Doug began to relive the events that caused him to bloat up to the nearly obscene weight of over 600 pounds, he grinned and slapped his gut a few times to send shock waves across his body while thinking of where it all began... DOUG'S "SKINNY" YEARS Doug was your average highschool football player. He had never been very big, but was still talented. Being skinny had always been his disadvantage when dealing with taller, bulkier players. So he started indulging in the increased appetite that puberty brings as well as lifting weights during the weekdays. His mom was a good old fashioned cook with a wealth of family recipes. She was one of those kindly moms who are always concerned that their skinny little boy wasn't getting enough to eat, so she kept him well fed with hearty meals at home. Doug had plenty of friends, most of them on the team. Like all teens, Doug's friends were changing all the time. Some had sudden spurts of height, muscle, or even fat as the other spurts leveled out. They were all your goofy, joshing kids and they were all pretty laid back. They would tease each other a bit if they suddenly had lovehandles one month or start arm wrestling if they noticed one of them looking stronger lately. They'd pinch or slap any new chub that presented itself or roughhouse and wrestle; your typical teenage nonsense. It was common for one of the guys to go from lean to chubby over the holiday, or from chubby to fat over the summer, or even for some of the bulkier boys to go from heavy, to SERIOUSLY fat, in a short while. Those facts, combined with the fact that they all ate like gluttons, may explain Doug's laid back attitude with his body. He always wanted to be a bit stronger, but was more casual about it. But most managed to lose a bit in the training season - never from cutting back on the calories, not for Doug's friends. Especially his best friends Kris and Todd. In Todd's case, he had been a skinny guy like his whole life, and was really obsessed with getting bigger. He pumped weights all the time. In little time his body erupted with muscles. He was one of the strongest guys in his class. But his headlong rush for bigger biceps had him stuffing his face when not pumping iron. So in the summer before his senior year he bulked up in a way he wasn't intending. He got a bit of ribbing from his buds, but he paid them back in kind. Kris's story had a different begging but a similar ending. He had always had an advantage of size in football, as he had never quite lost his ample puppy-fat. His strategy of more food, then more weightlifting, then more and more food and heavier weightlifting, had paid off, big time. He had always wanted to be the Big Dog; the big lineman the other team hates to see. He transformed from a chubby lad of 230 pounds his freshman year, to a hulking 360 pounds at graduation. But his weight was never anything but a boon. He was fat sure, but damn strong. He was the one who liked to tease Kris about his added weight. But it was only a joke, as he gained even more weight than Todd that same summer! Its little wonder that Todd didn't sweat about his gain (pun intended). Its strange that Doug would end up at a lean, somewhat muscled 160 pounds at graduation. He had a big appetite, but somehow the weight just didn't stick. The truth was he didn't care either way. He would like to have more muscle, but wasn't interested in spending all his time at the gym, like Todd. The truth was he was just plain comfortable as he was and didn't care how his body changed - bigger or smaller. THE FRESHMAN 15...and...15...and again.... The summer after graduation all three boys decided to celebrate all summer long by eating, drinking, and parting every night. They may not have considered it a constant party, but the days where they were "taking it easy" were in reality all day binges. They simply didn't realized that the quantities of food were ludicrous now that they were out of football. They gained a good bit of weight, but strutted onto their college campus proud of their increased beer bellies. They were still broad-shouldered, strong-chested beasts. Todd did not go to university, as his grades had slipped in school and had lost his chances of a athletics scholarship. Todd was clever in his own way, however, as he immediately went to a trade's school to become an electrician, instead of mooching off his parents they way his slack-jawed older brother had done. It turns out that Todd had the right idea from the start. Kris and Doug missed their life-long friend, but didn't let his absence stop them from having the wildest time of their lives. They joined the same wild frat house filled with other insane, overindulgent, over-drinking, oversleeping, overeating, slovenly pigs. Immediately the duo set to work making the all-night all-you-can-eat their new home. As Doug reflected on that time, he could remember very little of the classes. Cramming meant shoving chips into his mouth (spilling crumbs sticking to his bare belly) when studying for exams. Everything else was no-cares no-worries fun. He and Kris were among the greatest competitors in beer sports. Kris started turning drinking into a serious competition, as he could really hold his own. But Doug had found the all-night-all-you-can-eat to be VERY accommodating. It didn't take long for the weight to start growing on Doug. By the time the Freshman 15 had found him, he had only just started noticing the gain. He had spent a good deal of his teen years fretting about being scrawny and underweight, before puberty kicked in and started filling him out. So he didn't seem surprised at all at the change. Really he guessed it to be only five pounds in all and assumed it was natural to "fill out a little more." As far as athletics goes both boys had completely halted their lifting habit. It took too much energy and too much time. They spent those hours socializing, eating, drinking, and occasionally making time with a sorority sister or two. The girls didn't mind that they acted like kids or that they ate like pigs. The were strong and confident, which often counts for a good deal, when weighing a man's qualities. Of course some of the pretty-midriff- showing girls were displaying a good deal more midriff themselves than in their own highschool days and were glad to have someone to make them feel thinner, even if they were getting fatter than ever themselves. Doug was naturally gaining large amounts of weight very quickly. Kris wasn't really gaining any weight, just staying fat and happy. Their care-free mentality applied to football as well as class and they skipped as much as they could allow and still technically be going to college, not simply loitering in one. Fortunately for them the new popular look for college kids was to wear a plain t-shirt and a pair of elastic pajama pants all the time. The look probably got started by lazy students years ago, but the fact that waistbands can stretch and students NEED their waistbands to stretch more and more is probably the real reason the look has survived. Of course your average skinny, but lazy, student is likely to use the look. Still that loose stretchy material is not only comfy but hides those new pounds as well! They had adopted the stretchy clothes early on, enjoying never having to fight with buttons. So Doug had no clue that, when he went home for the holidays he hadn't expected to have already gained 23 pounds. He had really been packing it away! None of his old stuff fit that didn't have elastic. But he didn't actually check the scale. He merely noticed the extra softness peeking out over his waistband and his thicker rump. He guessed he had gained his freshman 15, but didn't realize that those 15 pounds were supposed to be spread out over the whole first year, not less than half of it! But he was too laid back to care. He even kinda liked the "improvements" the weight brought to his form. He was somewhat surprised by the heft of his new rump, but was secretly pleased. He had always felt a little flat in that department, despite the muscles playing football had given him. He didn't need a belt now, thanks to his broader butt! So when his mom called him to dinner, and he could smell all those familiar scents he decided to eat MORE not less and just enjoy himself! Doug stuffed himself all vacation long. Fortunately mom had noticed Doug's "growth spurt" so she got him a bigger wardrobe of stretch pj's to wear. She also made note her boy packing a heaping fourth helping onto his plate, followed by eating HALF the deserts prepared for Thanksgiving. The fact that he cleared out all the leftovers by HIMSELF gave a clear signal about her lad's potential need for a size larger to "grow into." She didn't mind feeding him up. She could see he was plenty comfy eating fat and happy, even if he only realized the "happy" part. So mom sent back a fatter boy than college had given her. Doug had stuffed himself with enough food to gain him 12 more pounds, bringing him up to 195 pounds. He looked fine for the change. He was blessed with naturally strong shoulders, augmented by football and weightlifting. He was soft around the middle and the rear, but had the filled-out and laid back look common with the partying crowd. He hadn't really paid any attention to the bigger sizes or the extra heft. He had never been very vain, so while he vaguely knew he had gained some, he didn't notice that most of the weight had found its way onto his butt. He felt good about the change, though, and decided to eat as much as he wanted, even between all-you-can-eat binges! There seemed to be an unspoken, but universal pact for students not to bring up the subject of weight at his school. Faculty has to as part of policy and its in the business of athletics to manage a student's size. With the exception of the isolated 30% or so that actually try to stay in shape, everyone else is either too laid back to care that they're gaining, too self-aware of their weight to mention the subject, or even actively trying to pack on the weight. Doug himself was merely too lazy to care. Kris on the other hand had found a girl who actually is attracted by his size and had no intention to lose a pound. Neither boy spent much time actually schooling and acted like they had free reign to EAT and DRINK as much as their bodies could hold. As the year continued they could do more of both all the time. They looked like sumo wrestlers in sweats. Blubber bellies hanging over the elastic, and plumbers' cracks appearing whenever they stood up. The weight was starting to slowing Doug down, but was too hooked to stop, or really notice; he never rushed anywhere anyway. Overeating had become his drug; not weed or beer. A flabby belly stuffed hard with greasy, nasty burgers and cheese fries and soothed with beer was Doug's euphoria of choice. Usually, at this point a freshman in college will come to the realization that they need to control themselves. This realization could come when coming face to face with a toilet filled with 10 beer bongs worth of whiskey. Or when they realize they haven't WASHED their pj's at all so the reason they can't squeeze in...is because the volume of their own ass has grown disproportionately to the amount they expect. This realization is followed by a choice. They can cut back on the drinking, because its not worth it and decide to get in shape. Or they can shrug it off and let loose. Doug's realization didn't come that semester at all. He hadn't realized the last benifits of football had ended his allotment of good metabolism. He was eating more than ever and gaining weight constatly. So many of his frat brothers had become fat brothers themselves that it was no big deal at all. So he outgrew his stretch-pants! It seemed that all they did anymore was casually drink beer, while stuffing - absolutely glutting themselves - all day. Days really didn't mean much then. They spent so much time partying late and sleeping in and napping after big meals, that day and night became meaningless distinctions. With the buffet open all day, they could eat until they could barely waddle back to their dorm. There they would strip down to their underwear, because their stretch-pants and shirt seemed too constrictive! Spring break was an insane binge that lasted all week long. By the end of the year even the most foolhardy and mad students were noticing their extraordinary habits. Still... boys will be boys and some of the more crazed began to emulate their style - jealous of their growth and food capacity. When they finally left the paradise of youthful decadence, those dens of gluttony and excess, they had to go home and face the music. Their report cards had beaten them home. The parents were livid. It was clear what had happened. when their boys strutted home, too fat for their sweats, missing buttons, untied drawstrings, tears, busted seams. Their shirts were covered with poorly removed foodstains. They had wasted a whole year, their scholarships, and all their money, eating like kings and drinking like fish. In the aftermath Kris and Doug would spend a good deal of time with Todd, who had completed his training and was already making money as an apprentice handyman. He had actually lost a bit of weight, working physically hard to learn his craft and he was in great shape compared to his friends. Doug's mom didn't care about the weight, but the flunking out was something she couldn't stand. Doug lay on one side on the bed, moodily munching on twinkies and rubbing the bottom of his big flabby belly. His parents were pissed and had given him the ultimatum to get a job or go to class by the fall no excuses, no screw ups, no parties or wiggle room. They didn't have the money to send him back so he would have to get off his big butt and do something. Kris was shirtless and completely soaked in sweat, guzzling every refreshment he could grab. His parents had given him the same deal, plus the added torment of putting him on a mandatory diet and exercise regimen to teach him about responsibility. Rivers and lakes of sweat dripped off his flabby body. He hadn't dieted or worked much cardio in years, so he really felt the extra weight. The two boys were in a pickle. But Todd had grown up some without his misbehaving friends. He didn't make fun, and even tried to make them feel better by commenting how he wished he could have had as much fun, eating like they had for the past year. But it was no use. They were too despondent. So Todd calmly, reasonably told them to "Quit whining and to put up or shut up." "Haven't you been listening? We've ruined everything!" Doug said. "Yeah.. how will... we get by...now?" Kris gasped. "What about what I do? Be a tradesman!" Kris looked dubious. "You'll be able to make your own hours, drink on the job, and make boatloads of easy money!" Doug stuffed another twinkie in his mouth and mumbled, "Is it hard?" Being kicked out of college had really effected him. His confidence had been shaken. The reason he didn't want to go back to school is because he knew it would be hard and wasn't sure of himself anymore. "NO! I got a perfect score, and I'm not any smarter than you." "But...I flunked out of everything." Todd gave a quick punch to one of Doug's overfilled cheeks, which was facing him. "All you have to do is get off your butt and actually go to class. Its not hard work guys. You just have to act your age." Being lectured by a friend, as well as getting an ass-punch, was just the fire the boys needed to get past their malaise. Soon both boys were joining the trade-school and getting their act together. Soon their parents had let them off the hook, satisfied that they could handle themselves. However, they wanted the boys out of their respective houses. Years of abusing privileges had culminated to the college-fiasco and they had had enough. After they became certified, and once they had some money, it would be time to stand on their own feet. They were secretly confident that they had scared some responsibility into them. Kris would occasionally complain about losing weight. It was hard for him, and his girl didn't want him thinner anyway. This prompted Doug to check his weight for the first time since graduation. 224 pounds! He had gained another 29 pounds that semester! 64 pounds in a year. He looked down at his belly. It was chubby; a good sized beer belly. Soft and mushy. He couldn't really see himself weighing that much though. 200 maybe, not 224. He checked the mirror. Shoulders and arms still looked pretty good. Pecs...er... moobs...not too bad. How could he weigh... then he decided to check the full-length mirror. AHA! The answer was on his bum. He had always thought of his tummy as a beer belly, not a grocery gut. It was clear that his thighs and ass had grown in proportion with the rest of him. He checked himself out for a while, unsure of his change of identity. He REALLY had eaten a lot! Hanging belly complete with lovehandles. Legs so thick they touched. He was very close to going from chubby guy to being fat guy. But it felt good! His flab was warm and soft. Most guys would feel bad or embarrassed but Doug didn't mind. He wobbled his butt in the mirror and laughed at the sight! He wasn't skinny anymore, that's all that mattered to him. He followed his belly as it jiggled its way into the kitchen... |