Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1480347-Sierras-Voyage---Chapter-1
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1480347
This is the real story of Sierra.
Sierra Scobar dreamed of space. She had always wanted to get off this boring little backwater planet. She could be a jump pilot or a ship captain, like her Aunt Alicia, the one her parents never talked about. And why didn’t they ever talk about her? The position of ship Captain was a widely respected occupation, except on Theta Five, and Sierra's parents had other plans for her. If they had their way, she would marry a wealthy young man with political clout, have plenty of children, and accept the role of homemaker - the traditional Theta 5 woman.

While Sierra had nothing against boys and even had fun with them from time to time, she wasn't the least bit interested in waiting on them or raising children, only to have more mouths to feed. In fact, she thought nothing could be more dull. If she could steer clear of any marriage arrangements for the next 10 months, she would be free and clear. She yearned for the day when she reached her majority, when she would be bound for a planet with a more progressive society. She had been saving for the last 3 years, and she almost had enough money to book passage to the Cetan Hub, which was a major trade and shipping nexus. From there she could find work on a ship, not only earning money, but traveling as well. Just a few more months now, and she would be on her way.

When Sierra returned home from school that day, there was a strange car in the drive. “Probably one of Father’s associates,” Sierra thought as she climbed the front steps.

“Good afternoon, honey,” her mother greeted her. “This is Mrs. Barra. She’s a Babba.”

Sierra froze, her gaze going to the older woman sitting with her mother. She felt suddenly very faint. A Babba was a matchmaker, a go-between for families in the arranged marriage culture of Theta 5. Having a Babba here, in her living room, could only mean one thing. Someone's parents had extended a marriage offer. Sierra felt her hopes and dreams crumbling like a cliff beneath her feet.

On Theta 5, marriages were still arranged by the parents, with the Babbas playing matchmaker. The children had little to no choice in the matter. Some parents, usually those with sons, were a bit more liberal, and let their offspring have a say in the matter. For girls, however, there was very rarely any choice. Once a girl’s parents selected a husband for her, it was all over.

Women on Theta 5 were not chattel, but the distinction was a hazy one. Once a girl reached her majority, she could theoretically run her own life, but since most girls didn’t have any money of their own, they were forced to rely on their parents. Sierra was lucky in this respect. Her parents had been giving her an allowance for years. It was small, just enough to buy the pretties that girls were supposed to want, hair ornaments and the like.

But Sierra wasn’t interested in hair ornaments. She was interested in escape. While she didn’t know much about her Aunt Alicia, she did know she was a ship captain who ran away from an undesired marriage, and escaped off planet. After that, the only thing Sierra ever learned came from a letter her mother had received, simply stating that Alicia had made Captain. When Mrs. Scobar caught Sierra reading the letter, she had soundly switched her and then burned the letter.

"Sierra?" her mother inquired, worry sounding in her voice. "Are you alright?"

Sierra snapped back to the present. Her mother and the Babba were staring at her expectantly.

“The Fargo’s have extended a marriage offer, Sierra. Isn’t that wonderful?” Sierra’s mother was looking at her now, the hope and expectation clear on her face.

The Fargo’s……oh yes, Daren’s parents. Oh. Daren. Sierra felt her heart sink even lower. She despised Daren Fargo. He was always trying to seduce her, and any other girl he could get close to. He was a slimeball. Not Daren. Anyone but Daren Fargo. Sierra didn’t respond, still staring at them blankly, her mind reeling with shock.

“Mrs. Barra, could you excuse us? This has obviously come as quite a shock to my daughter,” Mrs. Scobar murmured as she herded Mrs. Barra towards the door. “We will be sure to call on you when Sierra feels more like herself.”

“Sierra, what is the matter with you?” Mrs. Scobar asked sharply. “This is a wonderful offer. I can hardly wait to tell your father the good news. The Fargo family is very well connected, and …”

Sierra stopped listening, inwardly panicking. What could she do? Her parents were sure to accept the offer, and then she would be legally bound to slimy Daren Fargo. His betrothed. To all outward appearances, she remained calm, but inside she raged at the injustice of it all. 10 months! 10 measly months, and she would have been free.

“Damn that slimeball!” she muttered under her breath. Just then, she heard the familiar sound of her father’s car pulling into the drive.


A knock came on her door. “Sierra?” Her father peeked his head around the door frame. “May I come in?”

Sierra looked up from the homework she had been trying to concentrate on. “I guess.”

“I just wanted to let you know that your mother and I spoke to Mrs. Barra. We have arranged a meeting with the Fargo’s tomorrow. If all goes well, you will be betrothed by tomorrow night.” He beamed at her. “I’m so proud of you, to catch the eye of young Daren. He will make a fine husband. The family has good political connections, and they are very well-off financially. This will be a terrific move up for you.”

“But Father, I don’t want to marry Daren Fargo!” Sierra blurted.

“Nonsense!” her father scolded. “Is there some other boy you like? No? Well then, it is settled. Goodnight Sierra.” Her father stalked from the room, not noticing or not caring about the tears silently streaming down his daughter's face.


The next day at school, Sierra waited for Daren near the entrance. Finally, with just minutes before classes would begin, she saw him coming. He was tall, about 6’2, with dark brown hair and startling green eyes. He was wearing a black shirt that showed off his muscular physique. Sierra had to admit that he was good-looking, even if he was a slimeball. Just then, he spotted her standing near the doors.

“Sierra! Hello, gorgeous!” He smiled his slick, slimy smile. “Did your parents tell you? My parents are meeting with them today to arrange our betrothal. You’re going to be my wife.”

“No, I won’t! I hate you! Why would you ever think that I would marry you, you disgusting, ill-mannered idiot!”

Daren laughed. “You don’t have a choice in the matter, sweetheart. I want you, and I always get what I want. Our parents are probably signing the papers even as we speak. And once they do, you will be mine. Oh, sure, we will still have to wait for the wedding to make things ‘official’, but once those papers are signed, you are legally bound to me.”

He grinned at her, a wolf seeing that the sheep was about to be his. Sierra wanted nothing more right then than to knock that smirk off his face, but that wouldn’t help matters. Daren was known to hold a grudge, and men on Theta 5 could legally “discipline” their wives any way they chose, short of actually killing them. Daren could be a dangerous enemy.

The bell rang. They were now both late for class. Sierra turned and rushed into the building, not looking back.


The rest of the day passed in a haze of fear and dread. Sierra was scolded in her Math class for not paying attention, and she was so distracted at lunch that she spilled her drink, and only picked at her food. Surely her parents wouldn’t force her to marry Daren…surely they wouldn’t. But in her heart, Sierra knew the truth. Her parents would sign those papers. They saw the Fargo family as a huge social improvement for Sierra, and that was all that mattered. If Sierra despised Daren, if he beat her, well, that was pitiable, but it was also not uncommon on Theta 5.

The last bell finally rang. Dread slowing her steps, Sierra trudged home. Her father’s car was already in the drive, along with another car she didn’t recognize. Her parents were home, and they had guests.. With painstaking slowness she climbed the steps to the front door, warring with herself. Her mind was screaming at her to run, get away, but her body kept moving inexorably forward. She saw her hand opening the door, and tried to pull it back, but her body refused to listen. She entered the house.

The first thing she noticed was the balloons. They were scattered about the living room, and her parents were standing in the middle of the room, beaming at her. Her mother was holding a tray bearing slices of cake. Behind them, the Fargos stood, looking at her like someone not sure they had made a good investment choice. Daren was there as well, smiling triumphantly at her.

“Congratulations, honey! You are going to marry Daren Fargo! The date has been set for the day after your birthday.” Her mother rushed forward, trying to smother her with kisses while simultaneously pressing a slice of cake into her hands. Her father stood by, smiling with pride.

Sierra stood staring around the room for an instant, and then she bolted out the front door, running as fast as she could down the street.

“Sierra!” Her mother called after her, but Sierra was beyond caring or hearing. She had to get away.
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