Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1480162-Not-decided-yet
Rated: E · Short Story · Drama · #1480162
This is not part of Complexion, its a completely different story.
The long corridor, bright from the rising sun, was teeming with life. Today was no different than any other day, but it felt special.



“It’s breakfast time.” I raced down the stairs to get there before my mom and papa. The sweet smell of fruit mixed with the delicious scent of meat filled the air as I came down the hall to the “Royal” dining hall. I’ve never quite understood the importance of putting the word “Royal” in front of it.

I sat down with a humph because my mom and papa were already sitting down. Even though it was a little immature of me to be mad at this it didn’t matter to me. “Honey, you have a guest… ah. Here he is!” Right then the doors behind me opened. I wasn’t sure if I should turn around in my chair but I decided it would be impolite. He walked very slowly from what I could hear. Then he stopped just a foot behind my chair and bowed.

“Your highness’s,” He took two steps to my right and I caught my breath when I saw him.

“Princess,” his smooth, enticing voice spoke my title.

He sat down on the first chair to my right. His gorgeous eyes never parted from my gaze.

“Darling, this is Robert. He is from the West Kingdom.” Like it was planned the doors opened from the right, which was the kitchen, and the delicious smelling food started drifting in.

When my plate was set in front of me I looked away for the first time from my dark haired beauty. I had already taken possession of him!

Breakfast went by fast. I never said a word the whole time. I just nodded when I was asked a question. It really didn’t matter that I didn’t talk because my parents asked him all sorts of questions. But I also had questions of my own like: Why was he here? Why was he “my” guest?

For the next hour I ran around trying to pry information about him that I didn’t already know. I turned up with that he was sent for a week before and that he was the next in line for king. When I was on my way to the garden to talk to Joseph, our gardener, I saw him. He saw me too. I couldn’t move and he noticed and walked up to me. He was a full half a foot taller than me. He was so close.

“Princess? Would you give me the joy of taking a walk in the garden?”

I nodded slowly.

He started walking gracefully. We passed through the archway into the garden.

“Princess, I have noticed that you haven’t talked at all. Are you okay?” He didn’t look at me when he asked.

“You can call me Stella,” I whispered in my naturally high voice.

“Thank you, Stella,” he seemed content on now knowing my name. “Doesn’t it mean star?”

“Yes,” I still whispered, afraid my voice would break if I spoke louder.

We had gotten to the middle of the east garden where a bench was placed. I usually went there to read or write because it was the most out of sight. I went there so that the maid servants wouldn’t see me and get nosy. I sat down and he sat down next to me. His masculine arm was touching my own fragile arm.

“Do you come to this part of the garden often, Stella?” He said my name like it was the most beautiful word he had ever heard.

“Yes, I come here to read and write.”

“What are you reading right now?” he asked. I had a special place for my books out in the garden. It was behind the bench two bushes back.

“Close your eyes while I go get the book,” I said. He looked like he was going to refuse but then he thought better of it. He closed his eyes and I stood there staring at him. He was so beautiful.

“Stella?” He almost opened his eyes.

“Wait,” I ran to the bush and opened the box quietly and took out the book that I had only just started reading the day before. I put the box back and went and stood in front of him.

“You can open them now,” I whispered. I handed the book to him. He started reading the first chapter.

“A fairy tale I see,” He smiled as he said that. I nodded.

“Why don’t you talk very much? All the girls in my kingdom cannot be quiet yet you are so quiet… and graceful.” He didn’t seem mad just surprised. I blushed when he said graceful because I have always been jerky and fidgety ever since I was little.

“I was very wild when I was younger, but now that I am of age I have to act like it. My parents are very proud of me and I don’t want to disappoint them.” He had an odd look on his face, almost confused. Did I say something wrong?

“Your parents should be proud of who you are not what they want you to be. I asked the servants about you and they said that you are always happy and excited around them but when guests come or there are meetings you turn quiet and shy.” I was still standing in front of him when he said this. I couldn’t believe that he was so interested about me. Didn’t he understand that I had to be quiet and precise about everything when I was around important people? I had to give a good impression or they would think I wasn’t capable of being queen.

“You can be yourself around me. I will not disown you or cast you away for being who you are,” his voice had a passion in it. Like he really wanted me to be myself.

“Okay,” I tried saying louder than a whisper.

“What do you do for fun?” he asked.

“I have my maid servant play piano and I dance…” What am I thinking? He wouldn’t want to dance! “Or-“

“I actually play myself. Would that be okay?” He understood my embarrassment.

“Only if you want to.” I whispered.

“Yes, that would be great.” He followed me to the empty ballroom. I showed him the piano.

“How long have you been playing?” I tried to sound more like me but how could I?

“Since I was nine, so about eight years,” he seemed happier now that I had started talking. He sat down and brushed the keys lightly with his fingers. I stepped out in to the middle of the room.

My parents had me take lessons on ballroom dancing and they didn’t want me to forget so they said I should practice. I would come in the ballroom all the time with my chambermaid. She would play while I danced.

He started playing a song I didn’t know but it was very pretty. I tried moving a little bit but it didn’t seem right. This wasn’t a song I could do ballroom dancing to.

I looked up at him and he saw my confusion. “Just dance with the song. Move with the notes,” he said. I closed my eyes and saw the music in my head. It was beautiful and had a marvelous melody.

I raised my arms up and twirled. I took single steps twirling with the song, moving my arms around me. After a while the song changed to one I knew so I started doing ballroom dancing with my pretend partner. I kept my eyes closed because I was too embarrassed to look at him. There was a slight break in the song, but I thought nothing of it. All of the sudden there was an arm around my waist and a warm hand in mine. My eyes popped open with a start. He laughed at my reaction. I looked over at the piano bewildered by what was happening. It was my chambermaid playing the piano.

“You are unbelievably beautiful,” he whispered in my ear. Still wide-eyed I stared at him… was this really happening? Wait… something didn’t seem right about his sudden affection towards me.

“Melinda you can go now,” I said. She looked shocked but then smiled and left.

“Is everything okay?” He didn’t understand my sudden command.

“Why are you here? Why did my parents send for you?” I didn’t understand it. Things like this didn’t happen to me on a daily basis.

His face turned thoughtful then frustrated but he quickly changed his expression.

“Why is it secretive? Is something bad going to happen?” I had no idea what was happening so I assumed the worst.

“Yes.” He seemed sad.

“What is happening? Why are you courting me all of the sudden?”

“Because I am to protect you,” he was holding back.

“Why you, the heir to another kingdom?”

“I’m not, actually. I’m third in line for it,” He saw that I was going to ask again so he started explaining. “There are people out there who want you killed or not the queen. So they will try to do everything in their power to get you out. In my kingdom, I am the most experienced and well-known in protection. I am also young enough to court you; your parents didn’t want an old man because they knew you would refuse.” He stared at me making sure I understood.

I understood that my parents were protecting me, and in my best interest, but why didn’t they tell me?

“Am I supposed to know about this?” I asked.

“No. They weren’t going to tell you for a while but I think it would be better if you knew now so I wouldn’t lose your trust later.” I see now why they chose him because he understood me and my situation.

“I won’t tell them. Thank you for doing this for me. I would have been completely devastated if I was told later that you were tricking me to love you.” I understood that it was a setup for me and I was willing to go along with it. I looked at his face and he was in utter surprise. Why though?

“You think that I am tricking you? That everything I said about you was for show? Stella, No. I offered to do this because I had heard so much about you and I wanted to be your protector, the one that you went to for help and protection.” I was in shock. He wanted to care for me and protect me. And not just because he had to.

“Really, you were telling the truth about me?”

“Yes,” A huge grin flashed across his face. We had not moved from the dancing position but now he took his other hand out of mine and wrapped it around my waist pulling me tighter to him. I was unsure about where to put my hands, so I put them on his shoulders. Being only fourteen I was unaccustomed to this.

He started to twirl me around to our inaudible music. I like him very much, but he is too perfect for me.
© Copyright 2008 Rosie k (aquarosie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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