Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1478478-Jennie-a-Special-Angel
Rated: E · Short Story · Family · #1478478
The life of a young lady born without muscle tone.
  The Almighty in his infinite wisdom, sends angels to deserving families on a regular basis. Each of His angels are received in the form of a cherub to be nurtured and loved. Some famlies He blesses with many angels. Other families receive but one of God's little gifts to accept into their care and responsibility until God sees fit to take his angelic gifts back unto his divine presence. Few, if any parents , have an inkling as to what those responsiblities encompass. Each day  child rearing provides new challenges in their lives. For the most part, loving parents, do well to provide the basics of shelter, food, clothing, and unending love for their angels. This becomes a constant in their daily lives. However, each child is different and each family is different. That's what has made parenting such a challenge. Families have some commonality, but each follows a different path. For many reasons to provide the nurturing of their indivdual children, they are left to decide what is best for each child. This is the story about the life and nurturing of "Jennie, a Special Angel".

  Jennie's story began almost 30 years ago. She was born December 23, 1978. Jennie and her mother, Georgia went home Christmas Eve. The tiny cherub was adorned with a red stocking that had been provided by the local hospital. Jennie introduced herself into the famly in a very normal manner. She was the second offspring of John and Georgia. Her brother, John, was born some ten years earlier. It had been a very normal pregnancy, so everyone was under the impression the the birth of the new baby had been fine. Jennie had been delivered right on time. She and her mother appeared to be in good health and doing well. One day, while Georgia was feeding little Jennie, she noticed that the baby was not responding to her feeding as usual. Georgia didn't know what "it" was, but something was amiss with her daughter. A doctor, in Wichita Kansas soon after confirmed that everything was not normal with this little angel. Thus began the saga for John, Georgia, and this little baby to determine what infirmities Jennie might possess. Next would be implementation of a plan of action to assist with her physical growth and development. It was not to be an easy path for anyone. For the most part, it was an ongoing investigation that consumed numerous visits with various doctors and many many hours of time and travel. No one, including all of the doctors, who examined and attempted to evaluate Jennie had a clue as to what had spawned little Jennie's frailties. Even more unsettling, there was little or no knowledge as to how to deal with her situation. However, through it all that little angel was to promote the strength of a marriage, a profile of courage and a wonderful being. God had blessed those with Jennie's presence. This included her very loving family, countless friends, numerous volunteers, a concerned community, and a devoted town!!!

  For the next year or so, Jennie and family spent going to hospitals and undergoing tests to discover what shortcomings the child had and make some prognosis. During this time it was never really diagnosed as to what the problem(s) truly seemed to entail. Finally, a doctor at the Kansas University Medical Center, said that he would describe Jennie's condition as cerebral palsay. His thinking was that her condition appeared to be "something wrong with her brain". John and Georgia began looking, with fervor, for some place or facility, that would let their baby "be as good as she could be". This in itself was another challenging task. Many hours were devoted toward the search. After a time they became aware of The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential. This organization was non-profit and provided teaching programs and literature. It claimed to improve the health and development of children who have sustained brain injuries. The goal of the Institutes, "to raise significantly the intellectual, physical, and social abilities of all children". However, Jennie was placed on a waiting list as there were no openings, at that time, available for her. Later John and Georgia discovered Sister Agedia, a nun from Wichita Kansas, who had studied the Patterning Theory used at the Institutes. She had experience with this program and had patterned a young man with a brain injury from Garden City Kansas. Jennie began patterning with over 200 vounteers in Iola Kansas in 1980.

  Jennie was accepted into The Institutes in 1981. After three years of 12 hour days, seven days a week, it was determined to transfer the small cherub from the Patterning program. She was immediately entered in the Preschool for Exceptional Children located in Iola Kansas. Soon, thereafter, she developed a siezure disorder and required medication daily. The amounts of medication increased continuously over the following years.

  At nine years of age, Jennie began attending classes for the severly handicapped at the Hutton School in Chanute Kansas.She attended this school for a few years. John and Georgia were pleased with Jennie's progress. They by now, accepted the fact that things were progressing in regard to Jennie's overall care and education.

  Around 1993 the growing child transferred to the SMH classes at Iola High School. She graduated after her 21st. birthday in 2000. The whole family rejoiced that she had been involved with the educational process and had completed the goals expected of her. Following her graduation, the TriValley Development Center employees came to her home to continue her care.

  As time passed Jennie developed severe osteoporosis. She was nearly 25 years old. Over the span of this time she endured four broken bones, the last of which was a hip. At that time John and Georga would not allow the staff to take Jennie out of their home or to move her about. Due to the osteoporosis and physical inactivity, the now young lady, became more and more susceptible to severe colds and flu. It would continually get out of control. She would endure seizures every three to five minutes for days on end. Consistently, the she  would end up in the hospital with pneumonia. This was the case in October of 2007. She started the multiple seizures. John and Georgia treated her at home for over two weeks. They then admitted her to the hospital as her seizures became worse and worse. Jennie in the process became weaker and weaker. She soon developed pneumonia in the hospital. At 2:45 P.M., October 2007 Jennie, a Special Angel died in Georgia's arms. The Almighty had reclaimed his angel. For the better part of 28 years John and Georgia had provided Jennie with never-ending nurturing and love. In response to their efforts for Jennie, "she became the best that she could be".

                                      A Haiku to Jennie

                                      Jen, a true angel

                          Born to parents, loving and strong,

                                        Infinitely loved!

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