Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1478337-Spreading-You-Chapter-1still-editing
Rated: · Other · Women's · #1478337
A journey that brings a young woman to grips with life
It seemed almost funny how I ended up in this mess. A mess that involves me and basically a stranger surrounded my endless ranges of Arazona soil. Or how the fact that my dead mother was sitting in my lap, waiting for her ashes to be spread all over the world. Not to metion the fact that i was stuck in a little 1970's Vock's Wagen. You know the little hippie car. Yes, this is me, Susan Moores, once a professional designer, stuck in the middle of nowhere. With, a very tempting yet annoying 'gentleman'. Along with a dead person resting near. Wow, no soap oprea could ever stand up to this story of mine.

You see, it all started a couple of days after my mother, Lynn Mary Willson, died. I was just finishing packing up the remains of her stuff and hauling it to a storage site not far from her house. So, just as I finished the last of my sobbing memoirs, i recieved a call on my cell from our family lawyer, Bob, telling me about the meeting.

With a sniffle, I answered, "Hello?"

"Hey, Susan. This is Bob calling. I was checking up on you, that's all," began the husky voiced man from the other line.

"Oh, hey. Ummm, yeah, i'm doing okay. Just...cleaning out my mom's house," I muttered as i wipped away the tear streaks from my cheeks. At the time I wasn't up for talking and Bob knew that. Course I wasn't expecting this to be just a friendly conversation. I was expecting it to be business.

"Oh, well I was also calling to tell you that you're needed tomorrow for the reading of the will," added Bob.

I blinked with confusion, "Will? What will?" Now, I know my mom was responsible and organized, but I would think she was thinking of death at her age. "You mean, my mother had a will?"

"Yes, she set one up a couple years ago. Didn't she tell you?" asked the husky voice.

"No..." i replied. I leaned down against he counter for support. So this was the first step of the many secrets to reveal themselve. I learned that later on. So with a shrug, i just nodded. "Yeah, I'll be there tomorrow. What time?" I asked as i reached for a peice of paper and pen. From there Bob told me that the meeting for family was around 10:30 am at his office. So with a silent bye, I hung up on the business man and brought my hands to my face. I wasn't crying, course I wouldn't have been suprised if I did. Mostly, I was just confused. Confused on the whole, death thing, will thing and the empty hollowness things. Yes, it seemed like everyTHING was making me questioned everything I once knew.

So, the next morning was the same as every morning after my mother's death; I've wake up all groggy with sore puffed eyes, my head seemed to throb like it is ready to explode, and my whole body aches with each soft step towards the bathroom. It was bad enough my eyes were always feeling big and puffy, but it was horrifing to see it in the relection. I think at one point I covered my bathroom mirror? I don't know, those couple of days after mom's death were blurry. Probably from all the tears.

From there, I grabbed my morning dose of coffee and tried this time to look descent before walking out the door to the bright annoying sunny day.

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