Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1477699-Sapphire
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1477699
A wee story about a young girl who wakes up to find that she has become a mermaid.
Warm rays from the brilliant sun peeked through the forest canopy as it watched the world below.  Lovingly, it sprinkled golden specks of light down upon a young mermaid who lay fast asleep on a bed of silver rocks. 

Dreams waved across her lids as she slept with her head cradled on her arms.  Gentle winds tugged at her hair and nipped lovingly at her nose.  It was time for her to awaken.  It was time for her to remember.

With a fluttering of long lashes, her tear drop eyes opened.  At first her clear blue eyes could only stare in wonder at the beauty of the cascading waterfalls.  The gentle rush of the cool water filled her ears as it flowed into the pool around her, creating a light mist that floated along the air and kissed her face. 

Her thoughts returned to her dream.  In it, she had travelled far on the river that fed these waters.  That is until their boat had crashed.  It must have been the currents that had brought her here after the accident.  But there were others.  Her sisters.  Anxiety filled her as she looked around.  Where were her sisters?     

Still groggy from sleep but too anxious to lay about, the girl lifted her head slowly from the smooth rock and then pushed her torso up.  It was then that she felt the difference.  Her body swayed a little as she tried to adjust it to a sitting position.  That’s when she realized, half of her was missing.  Well…the half she was used to anyways.

“A tail?” the young girl whispered in disbelief.  This was a dream, it had to be.  Wasn’t it?  Her fingers trembled as they cautiously poked several places on the long sapphire sleeve that once was flesh.  The silky stretch of scales felt nothing like she had imagined or feared.  At the end of this mysterious tail was a sparkling gossamer fin. 

The caudal fin obediently reacted to her unspoken thought and rose to greet her hand.  Its fine detail was only upstaged by its feathery softness. 

“What has become of me?” she fretted as she lowered her fin.  With a tail, she was confined to this pool and would not be able to search for her sisters.

The beauty around her called out to soothe her but she could not find comfort.  Tears shimmered as they fell like sparkling diamonds from her eyes.  She missed her sisters greatly. 

The wind whispered around her.  Promises that she did not understand.  It kissed away her tears and smoothed her hair.  Still, the mermaid wept.  She was alone and there was no hope for her ever finding her sisters.

“You have returned to us…to your home,” a voice whispered from one direction.  Then from another, “We have missed you greatly.”

“I don’t understand,” the mermaid asked, her voice cracking.  “I do not remember anything.  How can this be my home?  Who are you?  Where are you?  Please, I must find my sisters.”

“You were lost and near death when you were first brought you here.  The waters took pity on you and your sisters.  They transformed you so that you could continue to exist,” the voice spoke, coming from yet another direction.  “You were allowed to leave for a brief time but now fate has returned you to us.  This time, the currents cradled you until your body remembered what it once knew.  The gift it was once given.”

“But my sisters…,” the mermaid began but her voice was so strained that she could not finish.

“As we speak, the current reminds them of what they once were,” the voice answered the unspoken question.   

The head of a bright red-orange flower bobbed anxiously beside the silver rock.  Its sweet fragrance called out to the mermaid.  She reached down and carefully lifted the large flower out of the water and to her nose.  Her nostrils sucked in the calming aroma before she placed it in her lap. 

“You will be reunited with your sister’s soon, dear child,” the spirit promised.  “You need only to have patience and everything you desire shall be yours.”
© Copyright 2008 ChristyCondoleo (chriscondoleo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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