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A twilight Fan Fiction... |
CHAPTER ONE Krysti Krysti stared threw the inky darkness of night. Staring at the beautiful pale skinned boy. His pale blonde hair seemed to float in the wind, his soft blue eyes watching her intently. Krysti took a step forward, longing to be close to him. But as soon as he took a step forward in response, the feeling of fear washed over her. She knew not where this came from, but the power of it was heavy upon her. Her sub-conscious seemed to yell at her, ‘Run,’ it screamed, desperate to get her away. She felt her fear rise, and her eyes stared at the pale figure, wide with fright. The boy had a look on his face, sadness. He seemed to realize she feared him, and also seemed to know she would. Krysti continued to watch him, rocking on her heels, trying to decide whether to run or not. The boy walked closer, his eyes warm. Slowly Krysti felt all of her fear turn to comfort, and calmness. She stared at the figure in wonder. Did he do it? She watched him, her eyes never straying from his; she seemed unable to look away. He stopped a few yards away, his eyes begging her to come closer to him. Krysti tried to get her feet to move forward, but they refused. They would, and could only move back. She saw the sadness multiply across his face. She longed to reach out and comfort him. He walked a lit closer, stopping just a yard away. He held out his hand, his eyes pleading with her. He wanted her to come closer, he wanted to touch her, just to get to know her would be sufficient. Krysti was still unable to come any closer, though her fear was swallowed by the over whelming feeling of comfort. She stared at this figure in complete surprise. ‘Who are you?’ She wondered, ‘And what do you want.’ She knew perfectly well that she didn’t speak these words, so she knew that no response would be made. The pale stranger took another step closer, and Krysti turned and ran. She fled threw the darkness, unable to be so close to such a person as this Blonde, Pale, Gorgeous boy. She was quickly swallowed up by the dense and darkened forest. Krysti continued to run threw the thick vegetation, half surprised the strange boy did not follow her. The last look she saw on his face, as she turned and ran, she would not easily forget. Not some one like him. His face showed pain, as she ran from him, terrified. He also betrayed some emotion that he knew she would. But…how could he know? She turned around, and saw him watching her from next to a tree. The fear was back, all of the calm, and warmth from earlier gone. She turned, and kept running. Krysti awoke with a start, the dream still fresh in her sub-conscious. She panted heavily, as she tried to gain control of her breathing. She had never had such an odd dream before. And worse, many of Krysti’s dreams came true. She seriously hoped this wouldn’t be one of those times. She glanced at the clock resting on the dresser, next to her bed. She pulled back the large bright red comforter, and slipped out of the crimson silk sheets. She walked to the mirror and looked at herself, trying to discover what to wear. Suddenly her cell phone rang, playing ‘Welcome to the Black Parade,’ by My Chemical Romance. She picked it up, and flipped it open, “Hello,” she said, her voice soft, and gentle. “Hey Krysti!” Lizzy’s voice came threw the phone, “How are you this morning?” She asked. Krysti sighed, “Troubled… What do you think I should wear today?” she asked her best friend. Before Lizzy could answer, Krysti said, “Good Idea, but I think the purple corset would be better then the silver.” Lizzy laughed, “Could you try not to reply before I have had a chance to? It makes the conversation harder.” “Oh, Right.” Krysti muttered blushing, “I am sorry.” She apologized. Lizzy laughed, “So I’ll see you in 20 minutes?” Krysti nodded, then remembered Lizzy wouldn’t see it, “Yes, Liz. See you soon.” She hung up, and walked to the closet. She pulled out the knee length black dress, a purple corset, and black and purple striped tights. She quickly pulled on the tights, and then pulled the dress on over her head, tying the purple sash around her waist tighter. She adjusted the corset, tying the thick silky black ribbon into a bow. She picked up a pair of black elbow length gloves, which had holes for the thumb, and fingers, cut out. She piled on tons of black and purple bracelets onto each wrist. Then walked back to the mirror. Krysti looked at her long black hair, that when left down would brush against her thighs. She brushed it out, and parted it to the side, tucking a section behind her ear. Her pale skin was beautiful and completed the whole set up. The doorbell rang from below. Krysti ran down the stairs, and answered the door. She took a step back in surprise, thinking it was Liz. A pale boy, with blonde hair stood before her. The same boy from her dream, “Umm, can I help you?” she asked nervously. Her voice light and calm, despite the fear she felt inside. The boy looked her up and down, and then smiled, “Actually yes. Umm, my family is new, we just moved in yesterday, and my brothers and I are kind of lost. Do you know where the Frejon High School is?” He asked his voice hopefully. Krysti sighed, “Keep driving down this road, then take a right on 14th street. That will take you straight to the school’s parking lot.” She explained, anxious to get these pale faced, gorgeous boys away from her house. The boy smiled, “Thank you so much,” He thanked her graciously, quite happily. Krysti nodded, “Your welcome.” She was about to close the door when the boy turned back to her. He gave her a bright smile, “By the way, I am Demitri.” He said. Krysti couldn’t help smiling, “Krysti.” She replied, and then closed the door. She thought to herself, trying to figure out how that beautiful boy made her go crazy. She finished getting ready for school, and ran out the door. She walked, quietly to the school. Her mind never staying focused on one thing. She walked up to the school steps, and saw Demitri. She looked away from him and kept walking. “Krysti!” A familiar voice called out. Krysti spun around, to see Demetri turn to her. Tomas walked up to her. A smile on his tanned face, “Hey!” He greeted her with a hug. Krysti smiled a fake smile, not really that happy to see him, “Hello, Tomas.” She said softly. Tomas grinned and looked around, “Still no boyfriend I see. So does that mean I am allowed to make a move?” Krysti looked at him in surprise, but a sharp hiss cut her off before she could retaliate. She looked up to see Demitri glaring darkly at Tomas. She sent Demitri a confused look. Demitri ignored her, his fierce gaze still on Tomas. Tomas caught Demitri’s stare, and looked surprised. He quickly disappeared into the crowd. Krysti sighed with relief, and began to walk to class when someone caught her arm. She spun around to see Demitri watching her, “Don’t I at least get a thank you for making him leave?” Demitri asked grinning. Krysti sighed heavily, “Thank you.” She said calmly, and pulled away from Demitri’s grasp. Demetri’s grin grew larger, “So where are you going, “He asked. Krysti looked at him curiously, “Umm… To Science, with Mr. Mill.” She said quietly. Demitri looked at Krysti, “How lucky for me, so do I.” Krysti grimaced, finding it far from lucky. She started to walk away, but Demitri fell into step with her, “Why do I get the feeling you are trying to avoid me?” He asked her. Krysti made a face, “Because I don’t like people.” She stated coldly. Demitri recoiled as if struck by an invisible force, “Umm… Oh…” Was all he could say. Krysti glared at him, as two girls called out her name. She walked away from Demitri, running to Lizzy, and Tessa. |