Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1477461-Handprint-Portal---working-title-only
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1477461
sci-fantasy novel I have had in the works for a while...

The fire licked at the logs and danced toward the starlit sky. The shadows it threw on the old man's face failed to hide the sparkle in his eyes as he studied the circle of eager, young faces. They crowded closer as he cleared his throat and began his tale.
"Many stories begin with 'once upon a time', or with 'in a galaxy for away', This one however, starts with people you know and places you've seen. It begins in my own childhood, when I was not much older than you. It also connects the worst time in our history, with the best. . . . .. "


She glared fiercely at the wall before her. She was part of a scientific exploration team that was cataloging the jungles in this area. They had gone as far as they could before being closed in by the cliffs. All the rest of the team returned to camp, but she had snuck back around determined that a mere cliff would not keep her from finding the secrets this jungle seemed so eager to hide. Her emerald eyes scanned the stones. There was a ledge about forty feet up. It looked like an easy climb, so she shrugged her backpack into place and began. She searched carefully for each hand and foot hold, knowing that one slip would send her plummeting to the bottom.
It seemed like an eternity before she caught the edge of the walkway she had seen. Her mahogany hair clung to her forehead as she pulled herself up. A swig of water from her canteen bolstered her resolve and she began to walk along the ledge. When the path narrowed, her brow wrinkled and she frowned thinking, "That's odd, I don't remember seeing it narrow from down below."
She was caught by surprise when the rock began to crumble beneath her feet. She landed with a hard thump at the bottom of a hole. She sat up gingerly, searching herself for broken bones. The sand under her began draining away as if someone had pulled the plug and she fell through total darkness striking something below her. Stars flashed behind her eyelids, then she lost consciousness. While she lay there the hole above her began to grate closed. When it was completely shut the moss and lichens began to glow with an eerie light. The water trickling down the stones next to her head sprayed a cool mist on her face as it hit the ground. After a few moments, she stirred and sat up slowly. Carefully touching the bump on her forehead, she growled, "Damn it! My curiosity got the better of me and got me into trouble as usual." Then her eyes widened as she saw a door cut into the stone in front of her. It was barely visible in the pale glow of the moss, so she fumbled for her pack. She rummaged through it and pulled out her lantern. The soft glow of light illuminated the wall in front of her. She gasped in astonishment at the strange writing and the shape of a handprint cut into the door. A feeling of deja vu tickled the back of her mind as she struggled to place where she had seen this lettering before. She smiled, of course she knew it; it was the ancient alphabet she had been studying. She translated as she read it.

( Im not able to figure out how to host the symbols here - I think I have to be premium)

The translation read: "Whosoever touches this handprint must be willing to utterly forsake their old world."
Curious, she touched the print; slow warmth spread through her body, and she snatched her hand away. Then she squared her shoulders, took a deep breath and put her hand into the print again. That warmth spread through her body like the first warm rays of the sun caressing the land. The warmth became an intense burning, but she didn't withdraw her hand. Then a land spread before her eyes. She witnessed its history and the lives of the people who lived there. She soared on wings of joy so intense she thought her heart would burst. Slowly that feeling was replaced by anger and then by a terrible sadness. One word flashed before her eyes, as lightening before thunder,**** , and she knew this was the point of no return.


Her face haunted his dreams. It was a face he had never seen before. Her clothing was strange and so were her mannerisms. In his dreams she stretched her hand out to him, her green eyes beseeching. She was connected to that orb somehow. The scourge that plagued his beloved Laona's mind for some time now.
He remembered the moment it happened. The village was at the Moonstone Festival and suddenly a wrenching sensation tore at everyone's heart. A black orb, glowing with a dark red light, had scattered the holy fires, sending the people fleeing in terror. But what he couldn't describe, was the feeling the orb evoked in not only his heart, but also the hearts of all the people.


She sat staring sadly into the crystal. Her face was etched with lines of worry and exhaustion. A frown flitted over her beautiful features. "If only she would come. It has been a moon already, where is she?"
All her people were suffering; there was sickness in both adults and children, but mostly the young. Sickness was something that her people had never known, and so many gone forever, before their life's journey had begun. Tempers were on edge and fighting broke out among her peaceful village. All this, the crystal had shown her. It wounded her heart to see the things that would come to pass if Katanna did not come.


Finally, he would have his revenge. After so long of waiting. That village was a nuisance; so peaceful and calm, it made him sick. His handsome features were marred by a sneer. Well that orb would take care of things and would bring her here. Katanna, his star child, his queen. She would be his.
He could feel her presence; she would be here soon. He had spent years reading the runes; he knew the power she possessed and he would have it. That elf boy would help him or die.


A haunting melody flitted out of the lush green trees. A slender figure sat on the ground. There was a brilliant bed of moss under him, and a clear stream nearby singing along with his pipes.
"I wonder what Sean is up to?" he thought. "Why must I pay my debt to him in this way? Who is this Katanna I hear him thinking about?"
If his clan knew about his connections with Sean, they would be shamed even though he did this for them. Well he would see, he would only do this one last thing; no problem. But there was a problem, Katanna. There was something about the red haired beauty, something he couldn't put his finger on. There she stood in his mind's eye like an enigma, and those eyes asked something of him, but what he didn't know.


A feathery softness enclosed her body and she sank towards the floor as if in a trance. Darkness enclosed her, warm and comforting, and she felt nothing until a gut-wrenching lurch shook her to her very core. She felt so weak, that she lay still, unwilling to move or even open her eyes. She realized that she was not laying on the hard floor of the cavern, but on a soft surface. She opened her eyes and gazed around her in wonder. Under her was a large bed of moss, and there was a small stream next to her, clear enough to see straight to the bottom. The clear water trickled over a rainbow of gemlike pebbles with a tinkling sound.
She was awestruck, nothing she had ever seen in all her travels compared to the beauty around her. The moss was colored in brilliant hues of yellow and green; the treetops towering overhead were the same colors. Even the bark of the trees was a sight to behold, from the purest ivory, to the blackest ebony. She breathed softly; hardly daring to for fear this beauty would vanish. As she pulled herself up, she saw huge brilliantly colored flowers under all the trees, aflame with every imaginable color. She reached for her pack and glanced with surprise at her right palm. On the pad below her thumb were the letters scarred into the skin. "I wonder what it means, help? Help who?"
The hairs on the back of her neck prickled a warning: she could feel eyes on her, from every direction. An especially penetrating one right behind her. She turned letting out a startled yelp at the closeness of a very tall and proud looking man. He had come up so quietly she didn't hear him, and he stood over her pack. He took a couple of quick steps and seized her right hand, turning it palm up. She struggled in vain to free herself from his powerful grasp. She then searched his face for a reaction that never came. His eyes met hers and she saw him motion to someone in the shadows of the trees. A dozen people, half of who were women, surrounded her. They used no force, yet there was something about them that called for no questions asked when something was said. A beautiful, young woman stepped out of the group, and with a musical voice, clear as crystal said:
"Greetings, I am Laona, and these are my people. Please accompany us to our village."
She didn't answer, and somehow knew she could trust these people. She nodded, picked up her pack, and followed them as they led her through the jungle.

She smiled; the small band traversed the most amazing trail through the jungle. She felt like an ant compared to the smallest plant. She paused next to a brilliant blue blossom with pale peach spots on the petals. The nectar inside glittered enticingly and the sweet aroma drifted by. With a shrug she reached to gather some; a strong arm yanked her roughly back.
"What do you think you are doing?" She yelped.
"Saving your arm, perhaps your life," he growled. It was the same man she had first seen.
"What do you mean?"
"Watch." He then tossed something into the nectar in the middle. The petals snapped shut and the plant began thrashing. Her eyes widened in horror as she stared death in the face.
"Orestes eth Paash, a man eating plant."
She swallowed, "Thanks."
He shrugged and turned to follow the group.
"Boy,” she thought, "Talk about your strong silent types." She felt foolish and overwhelmed. She didn't know where she was or what she as doing here. There was something else that bothered her about this place, but she couldn't put a finger on it; it flitted elusively at the edge of her mind. A whisper of a rustle startled her, breaking the silent cocoon spun around them. A dark shadow skulked through the trees at the left of them. She poked the man next to her, and pointed out the shadow.
"There. Do you see it?"
"See what?"
She looked again and the shadow was gone, "Nothing"
He looked at her oddly, but said nothing. The silence was deafening, and the realization dawned; that was it, the silence. In the jungle the cacophony of birds and animals usually drowned out any chance of hearing yourself think, but here there wasn't any sounds at all. Laona paused and looked at her, "Beautiful isn't it?"
"Yes, but where are all the birds, insects, and animals?"
She smiled a sad knowing smile and turned to continue. "Laconia, a once beautiful and majestic place, now crumbles."
"But why?"
" A few moons ago, a black orb landed in the middle of our village. It is evil. Darkness and heaviness hang like a shroud over it. My people and I did not want to abandon our home, so we stayed. In the Aurien crystal, we saw that a savior would come. One not from here. Someone who is not from Laconia must deal with this kind of magic. . The emotions it evokes are unfamiliar to us. One from Terra may touch it and not suffer. You are that savior."
"Me? Why me?"
"You were led to the portal, and accepted by placing your hand in the print. You bear the mark."
A frown passed over her face, and the sound of her name from Laona startled her.
"Katanna. . . . "
Wide eyed she asked, "How do you know my name?"
"I know more about you that you know about yourself," she smiled sweetly, then left Katanna to her thoughts.
At the next rise, the group halted. Laona took her elbow and guided her to the front of the group. With a quick intake of breath, her eyes widened. They stood on the lip of a valley. A delicate mist softened the features of the village below, and behind the village was a majestic waterfall, which she guessed was their water supply. The falls tumbled down over emerald and gold cliffs and the rocks nearby were covered with yellow and bright pink moss.
"How beautiful," she breathed.
The rolling hills were a brilliant green and yellow like the trees of the jungle. The flowers were brightly colored, small and fragile looking. As they started down into the valley, she had a warm sense of home, like this was where she belonged.
Laona turned to the group, "Please go and tell them she is here."

The two women trailed behind the group. "Katanna, will you help us? It won't be easy, but my people are willing to assist you in any way possible."
She looked down at the strange markings on her palm feeling caught in a storm beyond her control. "I will help, though I don't profess to being this so called savior. I feel strongly connected to this place and will do what I can."
They approached a group of solemn faced people and for the first time since she had arrived, Katanna got a good look at the clothing of this planet. The women wore pants tucked into knee high boots made of what looked like leather. Their shirts were short sleeve tunics that laced at the neck. The men's pants and boots were the same, but some wore a sleeveless vest instead of a shirt. In contrast to the bright colors of the forest, their outfits were earthy browns and greens.
As they approached the center of the village, the atmosphere became thick and gloomy, almost unbearable; they turned to face the people congregated. Laona addressed her village. "Katanna has agreed to assist us. This will be an arduous journey, she will be given some provisions, but she will need a companion. Someone strong both in heart and spirit who is willing to lead her." her eyes scanned the crowd.
The man who had saved her life stepped forward and bowed slightly, "I will go with her."
"Very well Atean. Our destinies lead us where we are meant to go." She turned to Katanna and said, "Place your palms together." Atean stepped to her and placed his left hand against hers. A glow lit between their palms along with a burning sensation and when they separated his palm was scarred with the same four letters. "You must leave in the morning, but first, a good night's rest." announced Laona.
Before she knew it, she was tucked into a hut and fast asleep under a strange moon, wondering what tomorrow would bring.

The next morning, they were up and ready to go early. The same solemn people brought packs of food and supplies. Atean and Katanna hefted the packs to their shoulders as Laona told them what they must do.
"Follow the sun for three days to the place where the river
flows backwards. Beyond that, the great valley where the
anjew roam. There is a shaft to the heart of the planet.
There, the orb must find rest, and the hole close forever."

Katanna stared in wonder for a minute at the woman before her surprised at how she knew so much yet remained powerless to help her people, it didn't seem fair. She beckoned to Katanna. "Come, you must retrieve the orb." Slowly she followed and when Atean moved to follow also, Laona turned and said sharply, "No! She must bear this alone."
Approaching the spot of the mysterious orb was very difficult, her heart became heavy. The aura of that thing was oppressive. Laona stopped walking, "I can go no further, here is the bag." She handed Katanna a dark, thick bag. It seemed to Katanna, that it took forever to reach the orb. She finally reached down for it, and when her hand connected with it she gasped in pain. Images shot through her mind wildly; painful and terrible were the things she was witnessing, she fell to her knees. She wanted very badly to tear her hand from this object, but she was unable to, it was like touching a live wire. Pain shot through her body and her mind was wracked with the images and shadows that climbed through it. Then taking a deep breath, she stilled her quickly beating heart and unknowingly built a wall around her soul using the things she loved, the beautiful things she remembered, all the sunsets and stars. The peaceful nights and cooing of doves as twilight fell. The feel of a soft spring rain. Slowly the shadows retreated and her mind cleared. Then as if coming out of a trance, she tucked the "monster" into the bag. She fell forward to the grass and cried. What would have happened to these people if it were left here? Laconia would become like Terra. She cried for the loss of an innocence she hadn't known she possessed; but she was stronger for the loss. Her only question was, would she succumb to the darkness she had seen inside the orb, the darkness she had seen in herself. After what seemed like an eternity, Katanna staggered to her feet. "Let's go," she gasped.
Atean moved to support her but could not because of the orb. They headed out of the village without another word to anyone. Laona shook her head sadly as she watched them leave, "Go in strength" she whispered.

Katanna was silent as they moved towards the opposite end of the valley and began to climb the hill. Atean studied her profile as they walked, she was strange yet there was something about her that was familiar, something on a deeper level, and it wasn't just because her face had invaded his dreams for so long.
Without turning to look at him she asked, "Why did you choose to come with me?"
He didn't answer her for a moment, it was almost as if she had know what he was thinking.
"I don't know. When I saw you standing under the tree, with your strange clothing, facing us so bravely I admired your spirit. When you agreed to help us, I admired your spunk. When I saw you struggling with that orb, I knew I would go to the end of the world if need be to help you in your quest. There is something different about you, something I have never seen before."
It was the most Katanna had heard him speak. She smiled softly, "Thank you"
The first day passed in a blur of trees and sky, Katanna was too preoccupied with her own thoughts to consider much else, but as night drew near, they began to search for a place to make camp. As the darkness drew around their camp Katanna felt a chill creep around her, a feeling that had nothing to do with the cool night air, but she remained silent. She sat up looking at the fire long after Atean had gone to sleep. The flames danced before her and she began to see the shapes of the shadows she had faced earlier in them. So caught up in the visions, she failed to see the man standing in the shadows watching her.
He chuckled softly, "Soon, soon we will meet and we will see just how strong you stand against the darkness in you."
A log popped loudly, sending a shower of sparks flying skyward and causing Katanna to jump. "Quite being such a ninny, and go to sleep you still have a long journey in front of you." she thought. She hugged herself and stood headed for her bedroll. The man gave her one last look and vanished into the night. She paused in her steps, feeling the hairs on her neck stand up, then as quickly as it had come, the feeling vanished and she shrugged it off.
The night passed quickly, and she awakened to the smell of food. She sat up and saw Atean cooking over the fire. He turned her direction and smiled.
"I hope you're hungry" he said.
They ate quickly, cleaned and packed their camp before the sun had risen too far. Then she shouldered the heavy burden of the orb once more as they set out.
"Tell me about where you come from" he asked.
"Well, it isn't anywhere near as beautiful as here. There are huge villages called cities all over, and the people are almost as numerous as the stars in the sky." she turned to see him eyeing her strangely. "I know it sounds hard to believe, but we have made a lot of mistakes that have hurt our planet, and all we were trying to do supposedly, was make life better, and easier to live."
"From what you say, it sounds like a very ugly place to live."
"No, not ugly, harsher maybe. There are lots of beautiful places and people still to be found, but many others have stopped caring about anything that doesn't make them money."
"Money? What is that."
Katanna was speechless for a moment. Well in exchange for work, you receive paper or metal coins; we then use these to get things like food, clothing, and other necessities. We also buy things to use for entertainment. Some people buy weapons to hunt with, and fish with, some people use it for things that are bad or harmful. Weapons to kill others with, substances to make you hallucinate or that affect you body and make you feel good."
Atean shook his head "You mean you don't just make or trade what you need?"
"No, we lost that skill a long time ago. Unfortunately, money is what makes the world go 'round."
"I don't understand, it makes the world turn?"
"I mean the way we survive now is by making money and using it to get what we need. Without it, you can't do anything."
"I don't think I would like your world very much."
"Sometimes, even I don't like it very much."
They fell silent again until they stopped to rest at noon. Katanna stood after eating and said "I will be back in a moment, I.... well.... um..... need to relieve myself."
She walked off a ways into the trees and took care of it. She was heading back to the camp, when she heard a rustling sound behind her. She flung herself behind a tree and peered cautiously around to see who or what was following her. The brush directly in front of her began to move and she backpedaled quickly. Tripping over a root, she landed hard on her butt and watched helplessly as the shadow emerged from the bushes. A small curious face peered at her almost comically. It was a small four-legged animal with large green eyes. He looked at her quizzically. She laughed in relief, then fell quickly silent when she heard him trill at her.
A surprised sound caught in her throat.
She slowly held out her hand. The golden fur rippled and then the animal clambered onto her hand. His paws were velvety soft, grasping her similar to a human hand. She whistled back at him and he cocked his head.
"Not leave Zeze." he said, climbing to her shoulder with an air of finality.
She reached up to stroke his soft fur and he peered around to look her in the face.
"Tell name."
She smiled. It didn't seem at all strange that this small being was actually having an intelligent conversation with her. " Katanna," she said.
"Tanna," he said thoughtfully, "Zeze like." He touched her cheek softly with his paw.
With her little passenger in tow, she turned and headed back to camp. When she appeared Atean stood slowly with an odd _expression on his face.
"This is Zeze," she said.
"Hello" trilled the small animal.
"Welcome to our camp," Atean said formally, "I am Atean."
"Hello Tean, this is Tanna" he said patting her cheek.
They both laughed at the introduction, and Zeze cocked his head looking puzzled.
"Funny?" he asked.
"Atean and I are friends," she said trying not to laugh at him again.
"Oh, Tean knows Tanna. Zeze come too."
"Of course you can" she laughed.
They sat down to finish their breakfast, and Katanna noticed Atean eyeing her with the same odd _expression.
"Don't you have any idea what he is?" asked Atean.
"No, what kind of animal is he?"
"He is an Anjew."
"Oh good, now we know what they look like."
"Great!" he mumbled. "In all history of Laconia, no one has ever befriended one on the spot, they are very shy and tend to all live in the valley Laona referred to." he eyed her again. "You sure are something"
She smiled, "Is it really unusual for an Anjew to befriend a human?"
"Well they are very reserved, and unless that person saved their life, they don't ever hang around."
"Well, he is a very intelligent, independent minded creature, who knows, maybe I did save his life somehow; maybe because he is all alone."
"Maybe," was the only answer she received.
They rested a while longer, and then began to pack up camp. When they were ready to go Katanna shouldered the heavy burden of the orb. Zeze regarded the bag and then looked at Atean.
"Follow Zeze." then he shot off into the brush.
They looked at each other in astonishment and followed.
"Aren't we going the wrong way Atean?"
"Well, I for one am not going to question the actions of our little friend, they are revered as one of the most intelligent and holy animals on Laconia."
She closed her mouth and followed in silence. They walked for several hours and finally came to a small dark cave. Zeze sat in front of it waiting for them to catch up.
"You wait here, Zeze go get." then he disappeared into the darkness.
After about ten minutes, he reappeared with a tiny, black, velvet bag. and gave it to Katanna. She opened it and gasped. From the bag she withdrew an armband and a necklace. She put the necklace on; it was a silver chain with a large teardrop shaped pendant formed from a dark green stone. Atean put the armband on and the round stone began to glow with a dark green light. Katanna's necklace glowed in seeming response. The light got brighter, and from the midst, a voice spoke. The sound was musical, almost like the notes from a cello.
"Use these wisely, they are the source of the wisdom you must use. Go in strength," then the glow faded.
Atean just stood for a moment, and then turned to her "I feel different, the orb doesn't bother me as much as it did before."
"You're right, it almost feels lighter. These talismans must protect us from the effects."
"Well let's get going, we have a lot of ground to cover before we make camp tonight."
They walked until it was too dark to see and then just rolled their blankets out for the night. Zeze snuggled close to Katanna and sighed. She looked up at the stars and thought about Earth. Laconia was so much more beautiful and even if she never got back she felt she would be content living on this planet.
Late in the night Katanna was awakened by a strange noise. She sat up and waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. Her eyes widened in surprise. The orb was floating above the ground about two feet from her. A deep red glow issued from inside the orb and suddenly a figure dressed in black stood before her. He bowed.
"Hello, I am Sean." he said. His voice was smooth, but underlied with a dark sinister tone.
She stared and time seemed to stop. His ice blue eyes held her gaze. He stood tall and proud, his hair was silver in the moonlight.
"What do you want?" she managed to ask.
"I am here to help you in your quest." he said.
She involuntarily reached for the stone around her neck. "My quest, is to get rid of this orb." she said.
"I am here to help you, trust me," he said calmly.
His voice had a chilling effect, and she didn't reply.
"Tell no one, but I will aid you when you call." he bowed once more and vanished. The globe once again settled itself among the folds of the bag, and she quickly leaned over and pulled the string tight at the neck. She lay back puzzled by what had transpired.
The next morning she woke up feeling restless. She shook her head as if to clear the cobwebs and sat up slowly. The sunlight touched the orb's surface and made it sparkle. "How on earth did that bag come undone again" she thought. For a moment she saw those ice blue eyes and then they were gone.
Atean was still sleeping so she didn't wake him as she made breakfast. When she looked over to check on him, his eyes were open and he was watching her.
"Well good morning." she said flustered.
He smiled and sat up "Hello, did you sleep well?"
A small frown passed over her featured but she quickly smoothed it, and told him yes she had slept well.
He looked at her closely and asked "What's wrong?"
They ate in silence, and then got ready to move on. She poked Zeze awake, and he turned his sleepy green eyes towards her.
"Mornin' Tanna" he said yawning.
She picked him up and cradled him in her arms. "Come on sleepy head, we have to go."
"Zeze sleepin'" he yawned again making her laugh.
"Okay, Atean will carry you for a while"
Atean smiled, "What a character"
The road they traversed that morning was overgrown and had clearly not been used for a while, if ever. About an hour later, Zeze was awake and riding in his usual spot on Katanna's shoulder. She still couldn't shake the eerie feeling she had had all morning, and was so distracted she didn't see Atean stop.
"Katanna, where are you going?"
She turned around and smiled sheepishly "Sorry."
"What's wrong?"
"I'm just distracted, that's all." She couldn't explain why she didn't say anything about the orb or the mysterious man she had seen. She pretended not to notice the look that Atean gave her. After a short rest they continued on.
The brush grew thicker and the ground under her feet gave way. With a short scream, she plunged to the bottom of a hole, and tumbled down a slope at the bottom, miraculously unharmed. She brushed herself off and looked up into a pair of ice blue eyes. He reached out a hand to help her up.
"Quite a fall there Katanna," he smiled at her.
"Katanna, are you okay?" called a voice from above.
At the sound of Atean's voice, the man winked and disappeared.
She stood for a moment looking at the spot that Sean had disappeared from. "Yes, I'm okay?" She made her way to the bottom of the hole. it seemed to tower over her giving her a claustrophobic feeling. "Please get me out"
"Don't worry, I will find a way."
The hair on the back of her neck prickled and she knew that when she turned around she would see the now familiar man. She pivoted slowly.
"What do you want of me?"
"I told you, I am here to help you"
"Why don't I believe you?"
"Let me prove it, follow me." he turned to go and without knowing why Katanna followed. She couldn't see the smirk on his face.
"Now it begins my star child. I will make you mine." he thought.
She continued to follow his form deep into the caves that were behind the hole she had fallen into.

(TO BE CONTINUED>>>>>>>>>>)
© Copyright 2008 WarriorPoet (princessmel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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