Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1477245-I-will-do-it-today
by trudi
Rated: E · Other · Family · #1477245
Short story
I’ll do it today

Ok OK I’m getting up, though why the pigs need feeding at 6.30 in the morning beats me.

Yes dear I know they are intelligent but I’m yet to be convinced they know the difference between 6.30 and 7.00am.  Yes I do want to get started on my article early but I need to be awake first.

Damn, now I’m covered in pig swill!  Why do they have to do that? I swear they do it on purpose.  I’ll need to get changed.  Stop laughing.  I can’t help being short. He always shoves his grubby nose on my sleeve because I have to lean in so far.

Where is our darling daughter?  Come on sleepyhead, rise and shine. Don’t grumble, I told you to iron your uniform last night.

How’s the time going?  Is it nearly 7.30 already!  Have you fed your cats? No? Well get a move on.  Yes I’ll make you tea and toast, just shake a leg!

Come on, hurry, the bus will be at the stop soon.  What dear? I thought you were running her to the bus stop? You know I want to get on with the article. Ok take the tractor out while it’s cool, I’ll drop her off.

Goodbye love, have a nice day at school.  What’s that? Sports tomorrow? Where is your sport gear?  In the washing basket.  OK love I’ll put a load through as soon as I get home.

That’s the washing on; I’ll just check my emails and then get started.  Where do people get these photo’s from, they must be fake.  Boy how many pictures can you take of a new baby, talk about overkill.  That reminds me I had better call mum and see if she needs anything when I do the shopping.

How can someone that’s so deaf talk so much! I guess she get’s lonely in the nursing home, now I had better get to work. 

Hello dear you’re back early.  What! Is that the time already? May as well have a cuppa before I get started.

That was a nice break; I’ve forgotten to hang out the washing! I’d get that done first.

Yes all hung out, it’s getting hot out there!  No, I didn’t shift the horses; do they need to be moved? Well if I just lead one down the others will follow. No the dogs will be OK they can come for the exercise.

[b}Stupid dogs look what you’ve done now! You have scattered the horses in all directions, I’ll have to get lead ropes for all of them now!

Whew all done, time to turn on the fans and get started.  Oh the mailman’s just been, I’ll whip down and get the mail. Doubleday Book Club magazine is here I wonder if that book Margaret recommended is in it. Now what was it called again? Yes that’s it – The Circus comes to Love City, I had better order it now before I forget.

Lunchtime already! Righto we will just have a quick sandwich on the veranda and then I can get started.

Oh look at the new foal playing with the donkeys. I could watch them for hours.

Oh heavens is that the time. I must get to work.  I’ll just check my emails.

What do you mean what am I doing?  I’m checking my emails and getting started on the article. Yes I know I bought the new Laptop for my writing. Ok Ok I’ll just copy what I have so far to a disk and finish on the laptop.

Stupid damn laptop! I can’t use a built in mouse, it is driving me crazy.  I knew I should have bought a proper one! I’ll just copy it all back on the disk and use the other computer.  Too bad you can muck about on the internet later, my need is greater.  No I have not put the internet connection on the laptop yet. Yes I guess I could do it now if it will give me some peace and quiet.

Oh yes I would love an afternoon coffee.  We may as well whip up a batch of scones as well, it won’t take long and they will soon disappear after school.

That was nice, great to sit down and relax for a while before getting back into it.

That can’t possibly be the time. I’ll race out and meet the school bus and then I can work for a couple of hours before dinner.

Hello love how was school?  Mmmmm? Yes of course I’m listening. I’m just a little preoccupied. I still have a lot to do today.  Yes I did wash your sports clothes. I just have to get them off the line.

We’re home, dear, if you guys feed the animals I’ll get the washing in and then get to work on the article.  What? Oh yes we do have to put the horses away. We will do that first. Yes we will need to fill the horse trough.

The washing is off the line.  It would be a good idea to do your ironing tonight. Don’t pull that face at me young lady. We would not have been in such a panic this morning if you had not left it last night!  Have some scones if you are hungry I’ll start dinner in a little while.

Oh is that Antiques Roadshow – I do want to see that, I’ll just sit down for a minute.

What – you’re hungry too. I’ll get dinner done now, it won’t take long and then I can settle down to finish my article.

I’m glad you enjoyed it.  It was a new recipe I wanted to try, wish I had known it would take such a lot of time to prepare!  I’ll have a quick shower while you two do the dishes.

Do you really need the computer?  Ok well you had better look up your research material but make it quick I need to work on my article.  No I can’t use the laptop!

That’s not research, that’s your hotmail!  Off the computer! Don’t stomp off you should have done the research first.  Well you will just have to tell your Art teacher you wasted too much time won’t you.

No dear I don’t have time for TV.  Oh it’s the final of ‘Dancing with the stars’ . Ok then we can have a coffee and watch the show.

Yes you can have the computer back but do your research this time!

I really cannot believe she won!  What were people thinking?  It’s supposed to be a dance contest not a popularity contest.  No of course I didn’t vote, just a waste of time.

Lord its 9.30, my brain is too tired to concentrate on my article now.

I’ll do it tomorrow.

I did tell you what it was about, you just didn’t listen


© Copyright 2008 trudi (trudiallan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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