Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1477172-What-am-I--Guess
Rated: E · Short Story · Activity · #1477172
This is a contest entry about a point of view short story. Guess my object!
    It is so warm crammed inside this box.  I am waiting to break out!  I have been here for so long. This plastic covering is suffocating my eyes.  The dark is seemingly darker.  I feel immobolized, so stiff.  What am I doing here?  I feel so weak.  Will I ever get out?
    Wait... I feel movement.  What's that?  Is it true?  Will I soon be free?  Hours pass by, or has it been just minutes?  My internal clock is shut off.
    I feel... I feel more free!  Something is happening.  The plastic is moving.  Am I being released?
    I feel clammy hands on my petite body.  Why can't I see or speak?  All I see is black darkness.
    Beep beep.  Whoa!  I felt a bolt of energy surge through my entire body.  Light!  I can see now!  So many things to see!  So many colors!  Even black and white!
    Now it is time to do what I was programmed to do.  I was made for only one purpose.  Click click.  What a beautiful picture!  Such vibrant colors!  My first shot was great!  I am so proud of my capabilities!  But, since I am the advanced model, there is room for modifications. 
    Red eye removal... done!  And...save to my internal memory.  Done!
    Whoa!  I hear voices.  That must be my video recording in action.  Of course I can make great video clips!
    I feel so alive now!  So glad to be out of that tiny, crammed box.  But wait...  What's happening?  I am starting to feel sleepy.  I am now slowing down.  I feel a slight tugging.  Now I am hanging from my owner's hand by a bracelet.  I feel imprisoned.  I guess it is time for a nap now.  Beep beep.  Turn off.
    Did you figure out what I was?

    I'm the newest digital camera on the market!
© Copyright 2008 mandygal00 (am_carlton at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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