Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1476676-The-Doors-are-Rapidly-Closing
Rated: E · Short Story · Philosophy · #1476676
Discusses opportunities, both new and old, lost and found
You've heard the saying "When one door closes, another door opens." It is an optimistic idea, that getting over something is as simple and as easy as waltzing through an open door. But in truth, it is nothing like the saying at all. True, when one opportunity dissappears, more appear. But the quote never talks about what happens when that one door closes.

It suggests, it seems, that we just move on and not dwell on the issue, the closed door. But we all know it's not true. When we are shoved out that door and it closes, we all try our damnedest to get back in. We've grown comfortable in that scenario, and to be cast out in a new world, to deal with problems we hadn't yet faced... we just can't take it. So we scream and kick and bang against the door. We beg and plead with the god of that door, the one who cast us out, to let us back in; that if we were let back in things would be different.

All the while, we pay no attention to the plethora of open doors, opportunities, that surround us. And there is a trick to these open doors: they don't stay open for long. As time moves on, one by one the doors that lay open slowly begin to shut. Once they are closed, we realize that these doors surrounded us; that in that one moment when that opportunity no longer is there do we notice that it even existed. Then we think back, and wonder how long that door had been there. After all, it just shut, so it must of been open at some time. And how long was it open?

Then we remember, and realize that we missed another wonderful opportunity while we were grieving over the closed door. What happens next, you might be asking yourself. Well, we move on to that next door, the one that recently closed itself. And there, we proceed to act as we did with the previous door. It's a vicious cycle. The feeling of having to go through an open door to experience love and happiness, never leaves us.

We need to break the cycle. To look at the door and say, "Ok. That path in life for me has ended. I need to move on." I'm not saying that moving on is easy, but it is necessary in order to find the things you desire most in life.

It seems rough. But always remember this: There is only a limited number of doors in this world. An open door is not guaranteed to stay open forever; A closed door will not remain shut for eternity. All doors eventually open, and all doors eventually shut. The only question is, will you be ready to step through the open door?
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