Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1474926-September-Crawling
Rated: E · Poetry · Dark · #1474926
That eerie feeling that you're not alone in the darkness.
And that sound that you think is just the ambient rumble
Of traffic on the freeway, and that rustle’ng you think is just
The breeze, but then there is no breeze on this cloudless night with
The moon so full and bright as it stares wide-eyed down on you
And the branches of trees shuffle’ng layers of dark and light
Up and up the stalk of the trunk, and you can almost see
The spindly hands that claw at bark and hide behind the leaves
Where devilish whispers emanate so softly

Something creepy about the way you can see into your
Room from down below, but the blinds make it impossible
For you to see out, and how the slanting window in the
Dark garage has no curtain, you can almost see something
Ghostly white creeping around or slamming against the thin
Pane when you walk by; rumbling traffic on the interstate
Fills your ears until they’re breaking with ambience and the
Roar of silence and that never-blinking moon is grinning
Toothily down at you through stars and floating hair
On eyeballs; where are the clouds to hide this wretched display
Of ethereal allure? When will the trees recall
To turn down their branches and hide their secret guests from view?
Has all the world forgot the way it keeps in company
Of humans’ view? It’s as if we’ve all gone loony, forget-
Ting the way nature hides its true splendor, and we
Hide how we know it’s keeping more truth than it tells. It’s nights

Like these, when autumn chill pervades the hilly landscape and
Asphalt roadways, that darkness forgets to mask its rev’lers
And if you are very lucky, or if not lucky than
Choicely chosen for the reveal: you will see how nature
Truly acts when mortal eyes pretend to be fixed on temporal things
There are creatures in the darkness and secrets in the sky
That humans like to pretend they know nothing about, when
In reality, we all just turn our head the other
Way while things in darkness come out to play.

© Copyright 2008 RJ Grey (greyfayt at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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