Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1474779-16-and-Pakistani
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Comedy · #1474779
Nadia at 16, falling in love is not an easy thing to do in a culture where you kinda can't
I walked into the room with my sapphire blue tailor-made shalwar kameez a cultural outfit very elegant but mine was just hot, my heels clicked as I walked expertly down the hall catching appreciative glances from fellow brown kids, Ha! I smiled confidently and walked toward my seat, suddenly my breath got caught in my chest, to the far corner, and there he was. Dark tousled hair, olive but still light skin, piercing brown eyes, a hint of stubble, and a pack of Marlboros poking out of his side pocket, Ahmad, the love of my 16 years of life. I had been ugly and unnoticeable before but now everything was different, I was insanely hot, upper-east side hot, fabulously hot all due to a few months of self restraint and palliates videos. Hell Yea! I thought to myself, this was finally all worth it as from the corner of my eye I saw him slowly take me in and smile a smile I knew all to well. This was my cousins wedding, a much thought about affair planned for months, the whole Pakistani world invited, but screw that ‘cause most importantly it simply meant a ton of kids, guys in particular, my age, checking out every brown girl with in a 10 mile radius (I swear that must have been how large the hall was)

I sighed, this was fucking awesome, I knew that if I could just get with the fucking program and lose some weight to look insanely hot in time for this wedding, good would come out of it. He made his way across the hall, slowly and deliberately I sighed yes this was finally it; I’m finally worth something to him. He stopped right in front of me. Opened his mouth and said

“Hey girlfriend, I love your outfit, damn girl you lost some weight”.


3 words can be every girl’s defining moment or worst nightmare

I came here tonight hoping to leave with the thought that Ahmad loves me.

Instead, I leave with Ahmad is gay.

Ugh, I need a fucking cigarette.

I walked outside and lit my Marlboro light, complements of gay Ahmad, took a puff and sighed, all those months had led up to this. I thought about going inside and stuffing myself with bariyani and daal but decided against it. Those months had been hell and I wasn’t about to let all of it go just cause Ahmad is gay. I heard a snap behind me, I turned around and came face to face, well rather face to chest due to how tall he was with a guy. A hot guy.

Round 2 I thought.

“Hey” he said slowly and smiled at me. “What are you doing out here all alone?” His voice was deep and he smelled like chocolate and cinnamon. Hmm probably Ralph Lauren I thought, impressed, The guy had taste. “It was uh, too hot in there” I said smiling. “Oh I know what you mean” “I’m Ali by the way” He said. Ali, the name of a Saudi prince if I remembered correctly, that was kind of hot. “I’m Nadia” I said flashing a smile and flipped my hair at the same time. A skill that took a while to master that summer. “That’s a pretty name” he said. I melted, so this night wasn't going to be wasted after all. “Do you want to go to my car” He said. Um, what the hell!?

“Why?” I asked. “To uh you know make out” he said a little too eagerly. Wow 2 for the price of 1. “You don’t even know me” I sputtered. “Your beautiful, that’s what I know” he smiled again and reached for my hand. “No” I half yelled and stalked back to the party. Damn brown guys.

This was getting to be way to much, first Ahmad, now Ali, I decided it was time to find some friends, and share some now that I look back on it laughable (but in reality really sad) stories.

Sarah, the two faced bitch, she looked like a moose and did anything to keep a guy friends, even ugly ones, even if it meant bad mouthing one of her oldest friends AKA me. No, that bitch didn’t deserve my hilarious stories.

Fari, no where to be seen, most likely known to be making out with Sam, her fob (fresh off the boat) ((has an accent)) boyfriend in a shitty closet somewhere.

Last but not least Armani, yes that was actually her name, a fun girl, probably the best of the 3 but known to make unnecessary drama out of just about anything. You could smile at the girl and she could probably find a way to make drama out of that.

Nope I guess none of them would do, I could always find some mediocre looking guy to talk to but they would take it a wrong way and think I was in love with them or something...I went to sit down with Sarah and Armani and watched as the bride and groom walked out the door together for the first time.

Chapter 2

"Are you sure we wont get caught?"

I said nervously.

He smiled over me,

"of course not baby"

Ali and I were in my room, making out...while my parents were downstairs.

I know your probably thinking what the hell!? Why is this girl making out with the sleazy guy instead of like studying or cooking, or some brown thing like that.

Well, it turns out after the wedding that night, Ali's parents and my parents realized they were long lost buddies from college in Pakistan. Him, along with his 3 little brothers came over to my house.

While my little brother was busy showing Ali's brothers the art of video game cheat codes, and the parents were happily discussing the time at the canteen when the teacher caught them skipping class or some random memory like that from about 20 years ago...

Ali and I proceeded to go in to my room,

"Wow, nice room" He said

I smiled, okay so this guy wasn't exactly Ahmad before the gay realization or the most thoughtful person in the world, but he was really cute and could be really nice at times, so what the hell?

I sat down on my bed and slowly brushed back my hear in an attempt to look sexy,

It obviously worked since about 2 seconds later he sat down and quickly started kissing me.

Long and slow at first, he kissed the base of my neck, my lips, everything

This guy was a damn good kisser I thought.


an hour later, his mom's shrill voice could be heard from downstairs breaking our sweet bliss.

He had to go, but he looked at me before he left.

He really looked at me, his piercing hazel eyes blazed in to mine, full of passion and happiness,

I knew he liked me, like was crushing on me then, not for my kissing ability

but the simple fact that I was different from other desi girls.

I didn't act too desperate, I knew what i wanted and got it.

He admired that since he seemed to be the same way.

He leaned down kissed me once more, grinned a beautiful boyish grin and leaped down the stairs before losing control again.

I sighed, went downstairs a few minutes later with all the little kids so no one would get suspicious, I said salaams to Ali's parents, thanked them for coming, and smiled the way a cute, innocent Pakistani girl smiled.

I saw his mother take me in and smile, a motherly smile, ugh i had got this look many times before

A smile from an "auntie" that basically meant they thought you were "worthy" for her son. My mom saw the look as well and smiled.

Ali noticed and smirked. Stupid desi guys, they don't understand...

Whatever I thought, I'm never gonna see him again and this was a one time thing, while the parents were exchanging tearful good-byes as they were about to board the next plane to San Antonio, Texas. I put on my best flirtatious smile and winked at Ali. His face turned red, and he looked down.

Wow way to be shy after what just happened.

They left a about 10 minutes later, typical for them, even starting conversations AFTER, "about to leave" had already been established while Ali and I awkwardly waited for the adults to finish talking....

He left, and I went back to my room to start my 30 page AP Biology lab report due tomorrow.

School isn't my favorite thing, but I do enjoy doing well in it, as I really don't want to end up at a shitty college somewhere in Alabama, and have designed Yale or Dartmouth to be more of my liking.

I finished at about 2 AM. Finally. It was definitely a job well done since I had provided the utmost detailed examples and graphs.

I fell asleep immediately, exhausted from the dramatics at the wedding, Ali's visit, and that horrid lab report.

The next morning the went to school as usual, sat with Armani, Sarah, and Fari at lunch and waited to get out of that hell hole.

Chapter 3

BRUNCH TIME, Sunday afternoon had arrived. This was the day when all the Pakistani families around here met at the local country club for an afternoon brunch.

This brunch consisted of Pakistani food, Chai (tea), recent scandals among the community, and of course the most famous Politics, Politics, and more Politics.

I sat down at my table while the waiter set down a chai cup at my table.

"Ohmigod! screamed Armani, "look at the way Bilal is looking at me, he totally likes me u guys"

"Yes Armani, he totally does" I sighed, Bilal unfortunately didn't like her, he like Fari who was already dating Sam who happened to be best friends with Bilal. Yeah, complicated, I know.

Whatever, i sighed. I reached in to my purse and pulled out a small bottle of vodka and poured some in to my chai.

Wow getting drunk in front of Pakistanis, a great time. I toasted to myself and Ali of course and drank until I was tipsy.

This is the life I thought....

All of a sudden the door opened, and a guy walked in. He was tall, had hazel eyes, and a familiar scent of Ralph Lauren.

Omigod! It was Ali!

Why wasnt he in Texas? Why was he here? Shit, why am I completely wasted!?

He walked over while my friends watched jealously.

"What are you doingg hearrree" I slurred and attempted to smile.

"My dad was transferred to the IBM here, he got the call while we were in the airport" He said, excited. "My dad is arranging for our stuff to be sent here and my mom and I found out everyone is here" He looked really happy and I didn't want to admit it but I was too. Now if only I wasn't drunk this could have been a great reunion.

I smiled and whispered if we could go outside, "Sure" he said. I got up and wobbled a little but he helped me and we walked outside.

"Are you drunk" he asked.

Shit, this is it hes gonna look at me in horror and walk away I sighed.

"Yeah" I admitted in a small voice. He went and quickly got me some water. Wow i thought, I really misunderstood this guy. When he came back he gave me a sad smile and apologized.

"Sorry for what" I asked, confused.

"That night at the wedding, I was drunk and I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry I was so rude" He said, sincerely.

I was touched by this act of regret. Guys normally don't act like that.

We smiled at each other, sat down and watched the little kids run around playing tag.

His hand slipped in to mine and he smiled at me.

This was right.

This was how it was supposed to be I thought :)

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