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by Luke
Rated: · Other · Other · #1473775
Chapter three of my story.
The smell of blood filled the halls as Laurel carried her weak wounded body through the halls of the hell she once called her school. As she reached an intersection where two halls met, her frail gave out and she fell to the blood stained floor. She looked around the area which was most likely be the place where she was going to die. She was surrounded by the bodies of fellow students, most people she known since preschool. Tears began to run down her face as she rolled onto her back to look up at the ceiling.

“Why?” She asked herself. “Why did this have to happen? Why does it have to be like this?”

This morning, a friend of her told her told her that a boy Laurel was crushing on was planning to asked her out today. The boy, Nick Dyer, had only been her friend for a few weeks, they meet at a friends’ sixteenth birthday party. And Laurel hadn’t stop thinking about him since then. So knowing what was going to happen she was nervously happy throughout the day. And as the moment came after third period, He came. He was a man who walked into the school randomly without warning and started shooting up the place.
Nick was one of the first students he killed. He had died in her arms with his last words being. “Will you like to go out later?”

The memory of this made Laurel’s tears come harder. What she thought was going to be her best day quickly became her worse and her last. Laurel grew weaker as she played the memories of her life through her head. Her first boyfriend, her first kiss, her first love, the first time she was allow to drive her parents car, her friend, her family. With these memories, Laurel wanted to get up and try to get help but her body was to weak and she felt it coming. Her vision was fading and she was losing consciousness and with everything left in her she closed her eyes and smiled “Of course, I will go with you, Nick.”

Abaddon entered into Mr. Elliott’s English classes room. It was a fairly large classroom with about thirty desk lined up in a seven rows with five columns and the teacher’s desk in the back corner. Abaddon made his way to the desk. He attempt to open the bottom left drawer but it was locked. Abaddon smiled as he took a step back and aimed his glock at the lock then pulled the trigger. He gave the drawer another try, this time, it opened with ease. Within the drawer, he found a few papers and a black covered book. The book looked as if it had a great age to it. Still smiling Abaddon picked the book up and flipped through it. It was written in a language known as Anglo-Saxon, or Englisc known to its speakers.
Before coming to the school, Mr. Elliott was the head of the English-history department at a state college but moved here to be with his family. A week ago a friend of Mr. Elliott sent him the book to translate it from Anglo-Saxon to English That book now was in Abaddon hands. The reason Abaddon wanted this book was it told the story of truth which the world wasn’t ready for. The reason behind the blood and killing of the students was for Abaddon’s own entrainment.
After reading a few pages, Abaddon placed the book into a black bag and walked into the hallways. By now, the school was empty and the police department should be out front waiting for him, maybe the S.W.A.T. team. But this didn’t worry Abaddon, He was still getting out of this school alive even if the military shown up. As he approached the front door. He carried his long sword in his left hand and his glock 17 in his right. Once he walked outside, he was greeted by a team of six SWAT members. Six of the members to cover behind two armour cars and Abaddon guessed another SWAT member was off in a high position, aiming their crosshairs of a .50 caliber sniper rifle at his head.

“Place your weapons on the ground. “one of the members shouted.
Abaddon smiled and raised his glock at the SWAT members, but before he had a chance to pull the trigger, the SWAT sniper took his shot. The bullet impact threw Abaddon’s body Violently to the ground.

Jack Raven stared at the body of the crazed killer as he remain behind the cover of the armour car. One of the six SWAT members made a hand signal and to another say that he was going to check the body. Jack nodded then watched nervously as the man made his way out to the body. This was his first real SWAT mission he had been on the team for a year now, but the same town didn’t really see much actions.
Jack’s heart began to race as his team member reached down to check the shooter’s pulse. In the black of his mind something wasn’t right. But the team member raised his hand giving the okay. The other relaxed and went out to meet the member out by the body.

“Good Job, Ben.” One of the members said as he pat the daring member on the back

Ben smiled “Yeah, I was scaried as shit. But lucky our sniper had a good shot.”

Then Ben turned to Jack. “ You completed your first mission, how do you feel.”

Jack looked at Ben then the body. “Great but should we stand around the body like this?”

Ben laughed walked over to the body and attempted to give it a kick, but to his surprise the body’s hand raised up and blocked it.

“Oh, fuck.” Ben yelled as he watched the body rise to his feet.

The dead man gave a wicked smile. “They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword.” then grabbed his sword and thrusted it into Ben’s neck. The other members reacted by turning off their safety and opening fire on the man but he used Ben’s body as a shield then returned fire with his glock. The SWAT members dropped one by one, even the sniper was picked off by a simple handgun. When Jack realized he was the last one alive he attempt to run but as he turned he was meet by the barrel of the dead man’s glock 17. The dead man smiled then pulled the trigger. Click. The gun was empty. The dead man laughed as Jack’s knees gave out and he fell to his knees. He was to scared to react and he couldn’t move.

“Relay a message to the media for me.” The Dead man said “Tell that this only the beginning and Death and destruction comes hand in hand.” Then the man slammed the hammer of his glock against Jacks head knocking him out .
© Copyright 2008 Luke (theforgotten at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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