Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1472661-Adventure-to-Remember
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1472661
A short story about two fox pups who learned a lesson.
Once upon a time, there were two small fox pups. Their names were Freddi and Tori. Freddi and Tori were twins and looked exactly alike except for a single black whisker on the right side of Tori’s face.

Tori and Freddi loved to play in the woods around their home. As they left, Mama Fox called after them. “Be careful and stay away from the dead oak tree!”

“ok mom!” Tori and Freddi called as they dashed up and over a hill. Suddenly, Freddi tripped and knocked Tori over. They tumbled down the hill until they hit a tree. Tori shook her head and looked up at the tree, which appeared dead.

In one of the tallest branches sat a squirrel. Tori nudged Freddi and he looked up at the squirrel, too. Slowly, the squirrel swung down from the branches towards them.

Tori was amazed. She wanted to know how the squirrel swung from branch to branch without falling. She called out to the squirrel. “Mr. Squirrel, how do you swing from branch to branch like you do without falling?” The squirrel came down and sat next to Tori.

Freddi was afraid. Mama Fox told them to stay away from the dead oak tree. Freddi leaned over and whispered in Tori’s ear. “Tori, we’re not supposed to be here. Please, let’s go home, before something bad happens.”

“Oh, Freddi, quit being such a worry-wart. Nothing’s going to happen!” Tori replied. Then the squirrel spoke.

“Hello, Tori, Freddi. Come and play with poor Sammy. Sammy needs a friend. Will you be Sammy’s friend?” The squirrel asked.

“Hi Sammy. Can you show me how to swing in the branches like you do?” Tori said. She really wanted to do what Sammy was doing. It looked like fun!

“Sammy can show Tori. Tori is Sammy’s new friend.” Sammy began racing through the tree branches in excitement. Tori moved closer to the tree.

“No Tori! Don’t do it!” cried Freddi as Tori started to climb the tree after Sammy. Freddi was beginning to become very worried. Something about Sammy wasn’t right.

“Oh, quit being a baby, Freddi. Watch me!” Tori said. Soon Tori was swinging through the branches just like Sammy. She was having a lot of fun.

Suddenly the branch Tori was swinging on broke! Tori was falling! “Tori!” Freddi yelped in alarm as Tori landed on the ground.

Freddi ran to where Tori fell and nudged her with his nose. “Tori, are you okay? I’m going to go get Mamma. I’ll be right back, Tori. Hold on!”

Freddi ran as fast as his short legs would carry him back to their home. “Mamma, Mamma, Tori’s hurt! Come quick!”

Mamma Fox appeared at the door, her face filled with alarm. “What’s wrong, Freddi? Where’s Tori?” She looked behind Freddi to see if Tori was somewhere behind him.

“Tori and I were at the dead oak tree. I told her we shouldn’t be there but she wouldn’t listen. Sammy was showing her how to swing in the branches and she fell. Come quick, Mamma!”

“Show me, Freddi. Take me to her.” They ran off to the dead oak tree where Tori lay. Mamma Fox picked up Tori and carried her back to their home.

Mamma Fox gave Tori some medicine to make her feel better and tucked her and Freddi into bed. “Mamma?” Tori said.

“Yes, Tori?” Mamma Fox said.

“I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you and Freddi. Are you mad at me?” Tori asked.

“No, my little one. Now you know to listen to me next time. Now, good night Tori. Good night Freddi.” Mamma Fox answered, kissing Freddi and Tori good night.

“Good night, Mamma!” called Freddi and Tori as Mamma Fox turned out the light.

From that day on, Freddi and Tori listened to Mamma Fox, even when she told them to eat their vegetables.
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