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by Luke
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1472073
please just forget about me.
Vansendt found himself standing alone in a very large empty room. The room was very plain: white walls, white flooring and a white ceiling with no doors. Not knowing what else to do Vansendt began to walk forward in an attempt to reach the wall in front of him but as he got closer in seemed that the walls were farer then it appeared

“Where in the hell am I?” he asked himself “is this the afterlife?”

“ If this was, do you think you would be heaven or hell?” a females voice said from behind Vansendt. He quickly turned around to view the speaker. It was Isabel; Vansendt felt his heart jump and his knees grew weak. He smiled then replied, “Well, if you are here, this has to be hell.”

Isabel smiled back. “Wait, don’t tell me it’s because I am so hot, right?” She approached him and their eyes locked. “Of course” Vansendt grinned then reached in gave her a soft kiss then held her in his arms. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too. “

Vansendt looked around then back at Isabel “So where are we?”

Isabel smiled “Right here.” She placed her index finger on Vansendt’s forehead. “We’re in your head.”

“My head?” Vansendt gave Isabel a puzzled look.

“Yeah, your head, you’re in a coma.”

Vansendt closed his eyes and the memories filled his from the night he jumped. “Yeah, okay.” Vansendt looked around the room. “If this is my head, then why is it so empty?”

Isabel frowned and Vansendt saw her happiness fade away. “It’s because you don’t want to remember what you are.”

Vansendt gave Isabel and puzzled look. “What are you talking about?”

“Vansendt, “She said as she stared the ground. “You need to forget about all of this and just remember who you are.”

“Why? Who am I?”

“Sum hwa wist sy na end, Ecnes be se þēostrung, Na last inn se leoht ne se deorc.” Isabel said in a different laugauge but in the back of Vansendt mind, the words were translated into English.

“A being who existence is never ending, everlasting in twilight, never stepping into the light or the dark.”
Vansendt translated. “Why do I know this?”

“It’s your native language. Anlgo saxon,” Isabel replied.

Vansendt took a moment to gather his thoughts. The random daydreams of a man named Abaddon, now this. Something about the life he was living always felt fake, the people around and the thinks he was doing as if he was pretending. But these thoughts only confused him more. “What is going on? “ he looked into Isabel eyes. “Who am I?”
“Vansendt, you’re the ēþellēas.” Isabel said sadly. “You can’t cease to exist. You trapped between the light and dark.”
Vansendt still held a confused look upon his face. The words which came from Isabel‘s mouth were confusing him.
“Your propose is greater then what you believe but that’s why you have to remember and forget about the rest. You have to forget about me and keep moving.”

“I can’t do that. Isabel, I can’t forgot you.”

“You have too. So please forget about me and the rest.”

Vansendt looked at Isabel not believing what he was hearing. “So you are telling me to forget about you and this amazing feeling that races through my body? How do I do that? How do I forget someone who I forget about the girl who is always on my mind, the girl who is in my dreams and in my thoughts? How do I forget the woman I love?”

Tears were slowly rolling down Isabel’s face. “The same way you forgot her,“ Isabel stepped to the right and a young woman stood behind her. She looked as if she was a Goth punk princess, wearing a white blouse and a black plaid skirt a long with black boots. Her hair was very unique sleek black with red tips. It was a little messy but didn’t hide her cold bright blue eyes. She had a blank look upon her face, a face of a broken person. Someone who could kill with thought or hesitations, But still Vansendt reach his are out to her. There was bright light and the world around him faded away.

Vansendt opened his eyes and looked around. He was in a small hospital room, lying in a bed placed in the middle of the room surrounded by get-well cards from the crew at ‘The Black Olive.’

“Why am I here?” he stared blankly at the wall in front of him as it all came back to him. The pills, the jump, Isabel, and the girl with the blue eyes.
“Damnit!” Vansendt yelled aloud. Now with that dream, vision or whatever it was, he was more confused than before. Soon after, a nurse rusted into the room.

“What’s wrong?” She seemed to be in a panic.

“I just realized I missed the final episode of my favorite TV show.” He lied.

“Oh, okay.” The nurse calmed down a bit. “Well, I am glad to see that you are up. Let me get your doctor.” The nurse left the room and Vansendt returned to staring at the empty wall across from his bed. His thoughts were racing. What was that? A dream or a vision? Or did he float in to the afterlife for awhile? And why did Isabel tell him to forget about her? So many other thought filled his head but when the doctor walked in he quickly shook them off.

“Good morning, Vansendt” The doctor smiled “I am doctor Stiff.”

“Good morning,” Vansendt nodded as he studied the doctor. Dr. Stiff was a small skinny middle age woman who stood at about 5’5. She had snowy blonde hair with jade blue eyes and a very friendly smile. Vansendt could easly see her being a teacher instead of a doctor.

Doctor Stiff walked over to a table which sat beside Vansendt and grabbed a stack of papers and began to flip through them. “Well, let’s see. “She said. “It looks like you are perfectly okay. How do you feel?”

Vansendt moved around in his bed a little. “Just a bit sore.”

“That’s it? No headaches or chest pains?”

“No ma’am” Vansendt replied.
“okay, then. You’re a lucky guy, you’re good to go.” She said as she signed a paper. “All I asks is that you seek some psychiatric treatment and for you allow your brother to stay with you for awhile. “

Vansendt looked at Dr. Stiff. “My brother?”

“Yeah, Charles, You know you should be glad to have a brother like him.” As she said that a man entered the room. “Oh, good morning, Charles”

Charles looked like one of those people who kill you with one hand but in reality he was one of the nice people you‘ve ever met. He had short black hair and had a thin goat-tee growing in and wore skater clothes. It was really hard to believe that he was Traci’s son. “You ready to go, brother?”
© Copyright 2008 Luke (theforgotten at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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