Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1471161-Falafels-and-Zohans-A-Year-in-Israel
Rated: E · Column · Other · #1471161
How to spot a good one
In the midst of my Tel-aviv-male hating phase, I have been lucky enough to meet one who isn’t half bad. In light of the past few weeks spent with said person, I have been able to reflect and suggest the following guidelines.

You know you can hold out some hope about your latest Israeli squeeze when:

- He invites you out to join him and his friends every night.

- He says he will visit you at work, shows up, drinks your coffee and leaves you a hefty tip.

- He gives you some coins in the morning and asks you to buy him a toothbrush to keep at yours.

You know you’re onto another TMS sufferer when:

- He arranges to see you alone once a week. Then spends the rest of the time telling you about the great nights he is having with his mates.

- He says he will visit you at work. You run to the loo to touch up your makeup every 5 minutes only for him never to show.

- He uses the spare toothbrush you happen to have handy. Then stops calling.
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