Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1470722-Mex-Tex
by necro
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1470722
Sci-fi Horror set in the distant future
Chapter 1 - The Briefing

For the first time in his well ordered life, Paul Henders was running late!

First day as sergeant and your going to be late, really well done!

He grabbed his military issue boot's from his locker as he dressed quickly. As he hurriedly pulled his arm through his shirt, he accidentally knocked his mug of the side. It smashed against the metal surface, spilling his morning coffee. “shit” Henders cursed, the word echoed loudly around the tight confides of his room.

He didn't have time to clean up the mess. The briefing was at 0800 hours. He had five minutes to make it across the living quarters and up to the second floor.

As he ran out of his room, he stopped abruptly, almost forgetting to lock the door behind him, he quickly turned and swiped his key card through the lock.

Buttoning his shirt as he went, Henders rushed through the living quarters ignoring the smirks and behind-his-back comments made, in good jest, by the other people milling about.

He made it to the briefing room with only seconds to spare. As he slid into one of the chairs inside the room he took a quick survey of the rest of the people sat at and around the table.

Two corporate types sat directly over from Henders, both where middle aged men. They where filing through reports and other corporate garbage that Henders didn't care about.

To Henders left was an empty chair, reserved for Hagen, his old buddy and last nights drinking partner.

Henders smiled to himself as he thought about how much cheap brandy the two had drank in last nights celebration. The pair had both been promoted to sergeant following excellent records of achievements across the course of their long careers.

“A man could spend a lifetime as a grunt we deserve a little celebration”

Hagen's argument, when Henders had declined his first offer of a 'celebration', rang around his head.

He looked to the last member who was stood at the end of the table.

Lieutenant Johnson was stood looking down, at what looked like to Henders, as an order form. A puzzled look was painted across his fat face. He glanced up and saw Henders staring at him. He quickly grabbed the order form and shoved it away into his pants pocket.

What are you up to?

Suspicion crept into Henders mind as he watched the Lieutenant. Henders hadn't really paid much attention to Johnson until now, but looking at the man closer, Henders could see the tension and anxiety in his face. He was twitchy, nervously glancing between the two corporates and the conference room door

Henders turned towards the door as he heard it slide open. Hagen came in, a sour look across his face. He was flanked closely by the commander.

What the hells going on?

The look Hagen gave Henders told him, that whatever it was, it wasn't good.

The commander walked up to Johnson and whispered something in his ear. The lieutenant noticeably relaxed, on the outside at least. The commander then walked forward to the edge of the table while the lieutenant took up a seat behind and to the left of the commander

“I hope I haven't kept you waiting long” commander Pirkin addressed towards the corporates. He gave Henders a respectful nod.

Henders liked Pirkin, he was a strong leader and brilliant tactician. On the few occasions that Henders had the opportunity to speak privately with the commander, he had found out that Pirkin was also a good man and someone Henders would trust with his life.

However he had never heard of the commander being present at a briefing for a sergeant, let alone speaking at one ,something was very wrong here.

“I know this breaks usual procedure, but I'm going to let a civilian do the briefing” Pirkin's words hung in the air, causing a whirlpool of questions to flood into Henders mind. He managed however to submerge them all for now, as the corporate began speaking.

“I work for a corporation called Mex Tex”

The name sounded familiar to Henders but he couldn't quite place it.

“We set up new colony's across the known regions of space”

Henders remembered seeing one of the advertisements for the Mex Tex corporation. The advertisement depicted a backwater planet turned into a thriving metropolis, but what did that have to do with the space marines?

“One of our oldest colony's was set up at the furthest reaches of sector 1. We lost all communications with the colony six months ago. At first we thought it was malfunctioning equipment, but after two weeks without any word, we set into motion are contingency plan.”

The corporate paused.

“A ten-man crew was sent to ascertain the situation. It took them one week to make it there and we received a communications message telling us of there arrival, that was over five months ago and we haven't heard anything since” The corporate paused again allowing the information to be digested.

“because of its location at the border of known space, we our asking for your help in finding out what is going on at the colony”

why now? Why weren't we called in in the first place?

The suspiciousness of the briefing was prompting all kinds of questions for Henders and he couldn't contain them any more.

“Why have you waited so long to ask us ?”

Henders question was sharp and to the point, but the corporate didn't break his stride

“We are aware fully aware that we should have come to the space marines first, but we where trying to keep things quiet ,you have to understand, we aren't the only large corporation fighting for the planets to start new colony's and any instability shown at our colony's, would surely help our competitors”

The corporates argument seemed hollow to Henders ,it wasn't quite enough in his book ,not to have told the space marines. If it did leak out now ,Mex Tex could be in for a hard ride.

The corporate jumped back in ,before Henders could carry on questioning him

“We must leave now, we have other matters to attend to, the commander will fill you in on the specifics of the mission”

and with that the two corporate got up and left.

“Henders, your going to lead alpha team. Accompanied by two civilian advisor's. Bravo team will remain a safe distance away from the planet while alpha team investigates”

Henders mind was still filled with the unanswered questions.

"Sir with all due respect what's going on ?” Henders asked the commander.

“Where not hear to ask questions sergeant... we all have our orders”

The commander went on to detail the incursion point and other specifics of the mission. Henders continued to listen, trusting fully in the man, which he would soon find out to his cost, to be the biggest mistake of his life.
© Copyright 2008 necro (necro12 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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