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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1470569
The sixth chunk. Lily gets into more trouble. As usual...
Lily drove back to Ryan’s apartment slowly. She knew that Jason was turned and it was all her fault. Her and Ryan had decided years ago that they wouldn’t change anyone for as long as they were together. Up until now, they both had kept the promise. Lily knew that Jason was different, but she wouldn’t stay around long enough to know how. Her and Ryan were going to be off to Brazil in only a matter of hours. She wouldn’t have to worry about Jason ever again. But for some reason that seemed to be a problem for Lily. She like him. He was a warm comfort to her that she never would able to experience with Ryan. But her own foolish mistake caused her to lose that in Jason. He would never be as cold as Ryan, but no longer warm. Lily looked shamefully down at her fingers and noticed that she had crushed the steering wheel under her hands like play dough.
“Shit.” She muttered, the mistake making her even more frustrated. She snarled and pounded her fist into the horn, smashing the middle of the steering wheel and causing her to lose all control of the vehicle. It coasted into the other lane, putting Lily into a dangerous position. The oncoming traffic didn’t have the time to stop and rammed into the small car. She braced herself as she was thrown around the inside of the automobile. The vehicle spun like a top, finally crashing into the cement guard rail on the other side of the street. Lily could move her torso freely, but her legs were stuck between the middle of the car and the totaled driver’s side door that was stabbing into her leg. The pain was almost unbearable, but she forced herself to wipe the blood out of her eyes with a scream. The last thing she saw before she blacked out were a pair of eyes, piercing black eyes, glaring at her through the smoking wreckage, terrifying her.
Lily snapped awake with a scream in her mouth. She let it go fiercely and sat straight up, looking around her fearfully. She was in a plain white room, it’s hash florescent lights burning her sensitive eyes. With a glance down at her sore body, she knew that she was in the hospital. That realization was however, not a comfort. The machines hooked up to her showed her usual lack of heartbeat and extremely low body temperature. They probably thought that she was dead except for the fact that she was breathing, if anything.
“Shit.” She spat, her frown becoming even deeper. They would be running tests and that was never good. They wouldn’t understand. No one would ever understand. She swung her legs off of the narrow bed, her bare feet touching the cold floor silently. She immediately winced and hopped back onto the bed, grimacing in pain. Her left leg was marred with deep gashes that were stitched in a neat and orderly manner. They were painful, but they would be healed in roughly two days, four at the most. Her skillful fingers lightly brushed her face and almost screamed again. Lily’s beautiful flawless face was torn and felt horrid. She ground her teeth and set her jaw as she leapt off of the bed and bolted across the room in two painful bounds, throwing herself into the small bathroom. Her nose was bandaged, probably broken. A long stitched and bandaged gash stretched across the right side of her face and was probably just a deep scar by now. The rings under her eyes were even darker than usual and her face looked sunken and sickly. The smell of blood was a horrible temptation. There was hardly anything stopping her from killing everyone in this hospital. Except for her deep control. Using her shaking index finger she lifted up one side of her top lip. Unfortunately, one of her fangs greeted her.
“Oh shit.” She used her pain to her advantage and raced out of the bathroom and escaping her room altogether. She pumped her legs, pushing herself out of the hospital without checking to see if the sun was up. Thankfully there was only a greenish glow from the rising dawn.
“Ryan.” She murmured, rushing towards the nearest person at their car. She launched herself at a middle aged man just ducking into his car, shoving him down and leaping into his car, hotwiring it in mere seconds. It started with a guttural roar and Lily sped off in a race against the sun.
Ryan’s pacing did not stop. Lily was gone. It had been one long night and something seemed wrong. Lydia was no help; she lay sprawled on the bed in the other room, sleeping soundly. But it really didn’t matter to him where she was anyways. The sun’s heat that radiated through the thick blinds made Ryan’s body ache like a sunburn. He didn’t care. The warmth was a painful reminder of his love for Lily. He hadn’t apologized to Lydia and that made his sour mood even worse. The bite wounds on his arms were healed and long gone, but the spots still itched.
“Come Home!” He wanted to scream out into the city so Lily would hear and come to him so they could finally leave. Leave to a safer place, a place ridden with terrible memories, but memories all the same. Ryan knew that Lily still had problems with going to Brazil, but it seemed to be the safest place for them to be. Lydia would be safe in South Africa, where he had personally set up a mountain villa for her to live in with her own servants and housekeepers. She had a new life ahead of her and too many people to thank. Too many lives that were wasted to become her vampire servants.
“We’re going to go to Hell.” Ryan chuckled grimly.
“You got that right.” A forced voice agreed from the other side of the front door.
“Lily!” He cried, opening it with such a force that it ripped off of its top hinges. He was about to pull her into his arms when he saw the condition she was in. Her face was lit up into a smile, but the bandages on her nose and the side of her face were like arrows pointing to the wounds on her legs.
“Holy shit!” Ryan cried, “What the hell happened to you? Oh my god baby!” Lily grimaced and walked slowly into the apartment, collapsing onto the nearest couch. Ryan followed, closing the door the best he could in the state it was it. He sat lightly on the edge of the couch, stroking Lily’s knotted hair softly.
“What happened?” He repeated, his voice soft.
“I got into a car accident. They took me to a hospital. They took tests. I’m so sorry Ryan.”
“Don’t be sorry. You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“I wasn’t done.”
“Go ahead then.”
“I changed someone.”
“Oh.” Ryan’s face hardened.
“He’s the reason I got into the accident.” Lily finished and allowed tears to fall freely, the salty water stinging the wounds on her face.
“I’ll kill him.” Ryan started, standing up.
“No. He’s gone. I left him in the open. The sun probably got him by now anyways.”
“Oh. Well then, good. Will you be ok?” He asked, sitting down once more, “to travel, I mean?”
“We were supposed leave tonight, weren’t we?” Lily asked, not crying anymore.
“Yeah, but it’s ok, as long as we’re together, we’ll be alright.”
“Are you sure about that?” Lydia asked from the bedroom. She emerged with a tight lipped smile and jealousy dancing in her eyes.
“Yes.” Ryan said, eyes narrowed at Lydia meaningfully. She sent him a nod and satisfied, he turned his attention back to Lily.
“I’ll clean the bed off and come back for you, ok?” He told Lily, smiling warmly. She nodded gratefully and Ryan stood, walking past Lydia with a dark glare. Lydia only returned the glare viciously. As Ryan disappeared into the bedroom, Lydia skipped gaily into the living room where Lily was resting. Lydia sat down on the glass coffee table across from the couch.
“What do you want?”
“Are you ok sweetie?” Lydia asked, completely serious. Lily’s eyes softened and she said softly, “ Better. Thanks.”
“Do you need anything?”
“Blood.” Lily gasped. Lydia laughed and nodded.
“I’m on it.” She stood and looked down at Lily sympathetically.
“I’m sorry.”
“Ok.” Lydia pranced into the kitchen, shedding her happy exterior to slump over on the counter in exhaustion. She stood in the kitchen quietly, breathing deeply.
“Lyd?” Lily called, her raspy voice sounded concerned.
“I’m coming.” Lydia quickly went into the refrigerator, pouring Lily a glass of the cold red liquid. She walked back to Lily slower than before. She handed it to Lily gently and sat down on the coffee table. Lily appreciatively guzzled the blood, smiling under the glass. She set the cup down on the table next to Lydia with a new strength.
“Even more.” The two on and off friends laughed awkwardly. Lily opened her mouth to say something but just as she did, Ryan came out of the bedroom, looking suspicious. It was quickly replaced, however, with a tender smile.
“Ok. Come on.” He walked over to the couch and bent down to pick Lily up when she suddenly shook her head and sat up.
“I can do it.” She grumbled, standing up slowly.
“Are you-”
“Yes.” Lily snapped. Ryan and Lydia’s eyes widened but Ryan could only nod and hold out a hand to help Lily up. Lily took it lightly, pulling herself up with a pained grimace. She stumbled and in a split second Ryan had her in his arms, looking her over worriedly.
“Are you ok?” He asked.
“Yes. Now put me down.” Lily snarled though gritted teeth.
“No. You’re going to let me carry you to bed. So you can stop being a bitch and let me kiss you. Ok?” Lily softened and nodded, a small smile curving her lips.
“Good.” Ryan murmured, kissing her gently. He pulled away moments later and carried Lily into the bedroom, the door closing silently behind them. A few minutes later Ryan exited the bedroom, returning to the living room with a frown turning his mouth down.
“What did you do to her?” He asked, his voice a low growl.
“Nothing. I gave her a glass of blood and that was it.” Ryan’s expression turned thoughtful.
“That’s it?” He asked, confused.
“Yes.” Lydia stated, sure of herself.
“Oh. Then I’m sorry for accusing you.” He looked at Lydia in silence before muttering, “I’m going to bed.”
“Sleep tight.” Lydia whispered softly after him as he disappeared back into the bedroom.
© Copyright 2008 Luvrgrl (spilket101 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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