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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1470563
The fourth chunk. You meet a new character and Lily does something she shouldn't.
Ryan opened the door to his apartment before Lily and Lydia could even reach for the knob. Lily strolled in happily, a secret smile on her lips. She looked sexy and confident and Ryan couldn’t contain himself. He smiled widely and grabbed her arm and pulled her into him, kissing her fiercely on the lips. Upon seeing Lydia’s face after releasing Lily’s lips, one part of him felt guilty, while another part of him wanted more of Lily right then and there. He shook his head slightly and steadied himself. He left his arm protectively on Lily’s thin waist, but fixed his dark eyes on Lydia, who slammed her bag on the floor by the door.
“I expect that Lily told you what’s going on?” Ryan asked, squeezing Lily softly. Lydia noticed, but only nodded and answered, “She told me enough in the car. So now what? Or did you not get that far in your plan?” Ryan laughed, surprising Lydia.
“Actually we do have a plan. We are going to fly down to Brazil tomorrow. There is still a lot of jungle in that region and we need a place to hide. That, and we know some people.” The glance Ryan shot over to Lily wasn’t unnoticed and the flash of fear and grief that went through Lily’s new sexy stare was obvious. Lydia only raised an eyebrow, but nodded.
“We actually,” Ryan paused to grab something out of his back pocket and inspect it swiftly, “got you a ticket to South Africa. We figured you would want to experience something more… luxurious than the sticky jungle.” Ryan smiled almost sheepishly but handed her the ticket. She took it slowly and slipped it into the front pocket of her jacket.
“When are you guys leaving?” Lydia asked. Lily, recovered, answered stiffly, “tomorrow night. Early. We already wasted too much time tonight.” She glanced up at Ryan mischievously. Lydia lifted her lip in disgust, but bit it to keep from baring her teeth. It was 2:00. They had only spent 20 minutes in Lydia’s apartment, and only 5 minutes at the bank making a withdrawal from Lydia’s account. It couldn’t have taken the two 7 hours to pack their bags. Lydia felt that Lily knew what she was thinking, but she didn’t say so. Ryan, sensing the tension between the girls, broke the silence.
“Ok!” He said eagerly, “Well, since you’re here, there’s no reason for you to go all of the way back to your place. You can bunk here for the day and we’ll just head out to the airport tomorrow night, bright and early. And there is only one bedroom, so you’ll have to sleep on one of the couches. I hope that’s ok.” Lydia, thinking quickly, realized that Ryan and Lily were going to be sleeping together. It angered her, but she what they were doing for her was already enough. Lily wouldn’t let Lydia complain. The only things on her mind were Ryan and staying alive, not sleeping arrangements.
“Good. No complaints! So, you can go downstairs and put your bag in the trunk with ours. Alright?” Lily smiled smugly and wrapped her lean, beautiful body around Ryan’s own slim, gorgeous one. Lydia’s eyes narrowed but she could only tightened her lips and nod curtly. She turned on her tall stiletto heel and stalked out of the apartment, picking up her bag before slamming the door behind her. Lily stifled a laugh through a tight lipped smile.
“Well, that went great!” She exclaimed. Ryan sighed dramatically and look down at Lily scoldingly, but Lily only laughed and kissed him tenderly on the cheek. Ryan could only grin and turn on her, lifting her up in his strong arms pressing her against his flat, muscled chest and kiss her passionately. He set her down quickly, stripped off her tight leather jacket, revealing the tight fitting white midriff tank top she was sporting underneath. Ryan shuddered excitedly as Lily tore his shirt open and kissed his collarbone back and forth.
“I don’t think you needed to ruin my shirt to do that.” He managed through clenched teeth and quiet moans. Lily knew that there wasn’t much time left before Lydia would return, so she led him to the bedroom quickly.
Wired, she slammed him against the bed and passionately lunged at him, landing on top of his thin, but well muscled body, kissing him roughly. Ryan knew that Lydia was going to be coming soon, but his amount of control was limited. Recklessly he let himself go, returning Lily’s aggression with his own. It was his turn to have the dominant position and he eagerly took the role, slowly accepting the new power. Lily stopped Ryan hesitantly, a new, strange idea taking root in her mind. She let her fangs be exposed, nervously advancing on him, kissing up and down his chest and arms lightly, stopping occasionally to sink her teeth into his smooth muscled skin, drawing blood. Smiling hungrily, she lapped up a few drops at each spot. Confused and surprised, Ryan shot up and rolled on top of Lily, stopping her with a shocked expression and a flurry of emotions in his eyes. If it was anything you didn’t ever do to another vampire, it was drink their blood. It was strict taboo and extremely frowned upon in the small but existent vampire society.
“What the hell are you doing?!” He asked, standing up and pacing the room fearfully. Lily sat up slowly, red faced and fidgety.
“I don’t know! I’m hungry and, and , I don’t know!” Lily’s tough sexy exterior broke, exposing the scared and confused young woman she was. She drew in her knees and put her head in her hands sobbing. This was the second time in two days that she had broken down and Ryan felt guilty. It was his idea to go to Brazil and his idea to bring Lydia. The stress was hard on her and the added fact that Lily had not eaten in two days was even worse. He sighed tiredly and slowly approached her, taking her gently in his arms, holding him close to him. Ryan could smell Lydia close by, but she didn’t care. He only held Lily tightly, the blood on his body drying in thin streaks on his flawless white skin. Shirtless and beautiful, he looked animalistic and tribal, fierce and proud, protecting his broken love with his body and soul. Lily gradually stopped crying, but she knew that she needed to go and eat. She stood up quickly, leaping off of the bed and swiftly picked up her jacket from it’s spot on the floor next to Ryan’s torn shirt, shoving past Lydia and disappearing out of the door, not bothering to close it after her. Ryan watched her run helplessly, looking to Lydia for any amount of support. She only shrugged and turned away to smile.
Lily leapt into her car and started it up quickly, speeding out of the parking lot at breakneck speeds. She had no worries about accidents, even in the traffic of the city. Her finely tuned reflexes gave her the ability to drive as skillfully at 80 mph as if she was driving at only 20 mph. Her gift came to be of good use that night, her tension and fear caused her hands to shake violently and her eyes were blurry with tears, but her car drove down the road as straight as a pin. She came to a screeching stop in the middle of the road and turned into the first bar she saw, turning off the car and lunging out of it as if it was on fire. She soothed her shaking hands and wiped her teary eyes, not having to worry about runny make up, for the reason that she didn’t need any. She smoothed her dark skinny jeans and rumpled leather jacket before strutting towards the smoke filmed building anxiously. As she was just about to enter the building, a slurred husky voice called to her, the scent of an easy kill attracting her to the sound. She turned to face the direction the voice and scent of alcohol drifted from, her eyes catching the source of the noise and disgusting odor. A horribly drunken man was leaning on the front of a rusty old red pickup, smiling at her stupidly. She mustered up a hardly flirtatious smirk and strode to him, grabbing his arm and pulling him into the darkness of the side of the bar hurriedly. There wasn’t time to work him over and it wasn’t necessary; he was compliant enough to follow her. She shoved him against the rough brick wall attacking his throat hungrily, fangs extending into his flesh and tearing the skin as if it was only thin paper. Warm blood rushed into her mouth and she drank quickly, draining the man in mere minutes. He had not screamed or struggled, and it wasn’t exciting to Lily, but she was now full enough to actually spend time toying with her next victim. She left the empty body slumped on the ground against the wall, entering the bar with new confidence. She knew that what she had done was wrong, but Ryan would forgive her and everything would be ok again. Her eyes wandered towards a somewhat handsome looking man slumped over the bar, his lightly stubbled face facing her, eyes closed. Entranced and focused, she walked over to the semiconscious man confidently, slipping her body onto the stool next to him, resting her head in the crook of her elbow. The position allowed her to face him comfortably. When he didn’t wake, Lily sat up and tapped him on the shoulder with her right hand and stroked his hand with her left. The attractive man’s eyelids fluttered open, exposing deep, beautiful sapphire eyes. Fascinated, Lily stopped stroking his hand, not taking her eyes off of his for one moment.
“Wha-?” He asked, confused and disoriented, his wonderful eyes hooded from his drunken sleepy stupor.
“Shh, Shh” Lily soothed, putting her well-manicured finger on his imperfect, but strangely enticing lips. The action sobered him up, the fog over his luscious eyes clearing immensely. He sat up to face Lily, a confused look in his eyes, but a new hesitant smile lit up his face. Lily took her finger off of his lips with a sexy smile.
“Do I know you?” He asked with a more confident smile, “If not, I should.” Before Lily could even roll her eyes at the lame pick up line, he laughed, the deep throaty sound scaring Lily. Ryan’s laugh was clear and pretty, this human’s laugh was different and she found herself strangely enjoying it.
“Sorry about that, but you are just, wow.” He laughed once more, making Lily grin. She stuck out her hand politely.
“My name is Lily. And you are?” He took her hand and shook it with a grin, flashing white, but not perfect teeth. Lily wondered how fangs would look in that imperfect mouth, shocked at herself for thinking such thoughts.
“My name is Jason. It’s a pleasure to meet you Lily. It would be even better though if I wasn’t drunk in a damn bar!” Both he and Lily laughed, the two completely different sounds meshing, creating a vibrant new sound.
‘I can’t kill him,’ she realized, ‘I don’t even know if I could bite him.’ Angrily, she threw the strangely human thoughts away and stood up quickly, grabbing one of Jason’s warm, rough hands. She immediately wanted to pull her hands away, for his were so hot and sharp compared to Ryan’s cool, comfortable and smooth hands. But her hunger and fierce determination pulled her through, but the small piece of human still in her made Lily quicken her pace. Jason, still half drunk, eagerly came after her. She led him out to her car, shoving him into the backseat roughly, jumping in after him, and landing on top of the shocked man excitedly. She took her time; unbuttoning his shirt and stopping at each button to plant a gentle, light, kiss on his slowly exposing chest. She noticed that he wasn’t as defined as Ryan.
Ryan was sharp, muscled, lean, and beautiful, still maintaining a tender side. This human, however, was rough, average, and scruffy, but mysteriously attractive and handsome. This quick comparison made Lily move faster, racing her way up to his neck, inhaling Jason’s scent deeply. The smell of cologne and alcohol didn’t completely mask the natural aroma of cinnamon and warmth. It made Lily drool and her fangs instinctively were exposed. Jason was too busy moaning under his breath to notice the change in Lily’s face. She smiled hungrily and sank her fangs into his neck. His warm blood flowed into her mouth and she drank it eagerly. The taste made her shiver and moan herself. It was a completely different flavor to Lily and it was intoxicating. She slowly felt his lifeblood beginning to reach its end and stopped herself. Jason’s breath came our in shallow gasps. His heartbeat was slow and weak, and his blood began to taste sour in her mouth. Panicking, Lily did the first thing that came to mind. Her index finger slid across her collarbone, the perfect nail making a 2-inch long line of red. She lifted his head to her body, forcing him to drink. To Lily’s relief, he did, gripping her slim arm with his large, now slightly cooler hands. The grasp gradually began to get tighter, his blunt fingertips digging into her soft flesh, making her wince. He was getting stronger, fresh blood making him more and more powerful. She pulled his head away from her collarbone, twisting her long fingers into his shaggy chocolate colored locks, pulling roughly. Snarling in frustration and pain the changed male opened his eyes; the once peaceful blue was cold, harsh and angry. Disgusted, Lily took her other hand and shoved him away, wriggling off of him. The small distance wasn’t enough for her; she leaned over to throw open the passenger side door, and push the transformed man on his butt outside of the vehicle. Lily grabbed the door, pulling it shut, slamming Jason on the head with the hard metal, creating a huge gash on the side of his head and knocking him unconscious. Full and satisfied, Lily slipped into the driver’s seat, starting the car and revving up the engine, flying out of the small parking lot with wild ferocity in her eyes and the gut wrenching feeling that something bad was going to happen.
© Copyright 2008 Luvrgrl (spilket101 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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