Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1469951-two-perfect-circles
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Crime/Gangster · #1469951
what i wrote for the QCS writing task. stimulus was circles. not for children
Two shots, two hits, two perfect circles.
The man didn't have time to scream, he just looked at me, so much fear.
I put the gun back my holster, leaving the safety off just in case. I stood over the body for a while, staring into the mans face, I can’t imagine what his last thought was, but the expression. I've seen it one to many times before.
There wasn’t much blood, but soon there would be, and that was my intention. Let the blood soak out and stain the carpet, leave him here in this horrendous display for the entire world to see. In my profession it's not just about the kill, it's about the message. Everyone that's close to him will see the horrific scene, and then the fear will spread and grow.
The job was over, and now its time to get paid. I pulled out my mobile phone and started dialling the number.
"The jobs done, the mans dead. I want Mr. Gordetskie's money transferred to my account within the hour."
I knew Shane would be on the other end, working ferociously to get the transaction underway.
"I doubt Shane will be able to do anything like that in his condition." it wasn’t Shane on the other end of the call, and if it wasn’t Shane, then I had a problem.
"What have you done with Shane?" I tried to sound as menacing as possible, but somehow, I don’t think that it worked.
"You've been a great help too me, did you know that? I had no idea who my nemesis was, well, I had my suspicions, but I had no idea Gordetskie wanted my men dead. Oh well, he'll get a little surprise shortly. But for now, I'm going to have some fun with your friend here. Who knows! Shane and I could become the best of friends."
I realised who I was talking to, Whiteman. if you really want fear, all you had too do was listen to the some of the stories about Whiteman, he’s the most twisted individual on the face of the earth. I can't imagine just what he'll do to Shane.
"If you kill him I’ll-"
"stop right there. WHEN I kill him, it will be a bigger loss for you then it will be for me. Shane’s your accomplice; he's your only computer man, the only person that can manage your blood money and your illegal accounts."
So Whiteman’s done his homework. Sure Shane was my best computer tech, but he wasn’t my only one.
"I have other people Whiteman. They can do just as good a job as Shane."
"Wrong. You HAD other people."
That one statement rippled fear through my body.
"I know the circles you travel in." Whiteman said calmly. "Let me correct my self: the circles you once travelled. I’ve been busy, and I’ve saved Shane for last. Don’t you see? you’re a lone gunman, no cavalry, no air support; no ones got your back. Exactly how long do you think you'll survive?"
Not long at all. My job wasn’t a one man show. You needed a dozen men spanning over a multitude of various talents.
White man was right. I am just a lone gunman, but I still had four bullets, and now I have a goal. Give one of them to Whiteman.
"Good bye Whiteman."
I put the phone into my pocket. If I was quick I might be able to save Shane, but some how I doubt it.
"Good bye John." the voice gave me a shock, I turned around just in time to see Whiteman’s smirk. One fully loaded punch, and I was on the ground.
I realise it now. There was no saving Shane because he's already dead. White man jus took his phone. BASTARD!
Whiteman unclipped his holster and pulled out his gun.
It probably wasn’t bigger than any other pistol, but while I’m here lying on my back looking up at the barrel, it looks more like a handheld cannon then a pistol.
Whiteman smiled.
"Nothing ends as it should."
Two shots.
Two hits.
Two perfect circles.

© Copyright 2008 Thadeus (stbilly13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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