Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1469862-The-Room
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1469862
just a story
The Room

He woke up in a strange place; he didn't know where he was or why he was there, let alone how he got there. He also couldn't remember his name, where he was from, or how old he was. His last clear memory was lying down to go to sleep, but he wasn't even sure if it was in his own bed that he laid down in.

His eyes began to adjust to the dim light as he picked himself up off the floor. Looking around he saw that he was in what appeared to be a large basement, a huge cold, damp, concrete room with a ceiling so high up he couldn't begin to touch it with even his strongest jump. He guessed it had to be at least twelve to fourteen feet high. In the center of the room was a large pool of water, dark water. Like a swimming pool that hadn't been cleaned in some time. He couldn't see the bottom, so he guessed it was deep, very deep. While he couldn't tell what, he knew there was something very ominous about the pool. The water was completely still in some spots, but small waves rippled in a strange pattern from time to time, almost as if there was something swimming around inside the pool. At this thought, all the hair on the back of his neck was on end.

Suddenly he realized that it was quiet in the room, a still silence. He decided to look around for a door, a window, or some other way out. He decided to walk to the far end of the room. The pool took up about half of the space in the room, offering only a narrow strip of walkway about the width of a city sidewalk on its sides, and a large space on the ends. He realized that the large pool was rectangular in nature, like the pools in health clubs and high school gyms.

Walking the length of the pool he saw that the dim light in the room was provided by a single bulb hanging from the ceiling centered above the pool. He saw evidence of florescent lighting that once might have existed, just some hanging wires and a light fixture remained however.

As he reached the far end of the room he saw two things that surprised him. One was a door located on the far wall, high out of reach as if a set of stairs once existed. The other was a young woman lying in the fetal position along the edge of the pool.

Quickly he rushed over to her and knelt down beside her. She was young, about twenty one or twenty two. She had blonde hair that extended about half way down her back. From what he could see in the dim light she was pretty. She had a medium build and soft delicate features. Her eyes were closed, for she was asleep, dreaming, and it didn't seem to be a pleasant one.

He decided to wake her when she began to make soft mewling sounds, and a single tear ran down her cheek from one of her closed eyes. He put a hand on her back and gently shook her.

"Hey, wake up!" he said "You're having a nightmare." She opened her eyes and mouth in a silent scream. Her eyes were a cold shade of blue, but were also filled with terror as she stared at him. She began to back away from him, and almost backed herself into the dark evil water. He reached out and pulled her away from the water.

"Careful!" he yelled, his voice echoed, causing a noticeable stir in the water, "there is something in the water."

She froze, and looked at him for a few seconds before she finally spoke.

"Where am I?" She asked, almost crying.

"I don't know" He said.

"Who are you?"

"I don't know that either, I don't remember anything."

"Neither do I, the last thing I remember is getting into bed, I'm not even sure if it was my bed." She began to tear up.

"I'm the same way," he said assuring, "we'll get out of here if we can just reach that door."

"Door, What door?" She looked around.

"Up there," he pointed toward the door, its top met the rooms ceiling.

"Its up so high, how can we reach it," she asked. "What is this place?"

"I think it use to be a health club, or high school pool; I'm not sure, but stay away from the water. There is something wrong with it." He said.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I don't know, some parts are just still, but other parts ripple, like something is swimming in it."

"Its so dark, almost black, like it’s not water at all" she added.

"I know, it seems so evil, I don't even like to look at it."

The two stood up and stared at the door for a bit, when suddenly something caught the girl's attention.

"Where did those come from?" She asked with surprise as she pointed toward the floor.

"I don't know," he replied "I can almost swear that they weren't there a minute ago."

On the floor were about twenty small Treasure Troll dolls, the kind that people kept on their desks at work, and small children played with. They were of all sizes, with colorful hair that stood up on end. There was something unsettling about these toys though, they seemed to look at you with an evil smile, and they almost seemed aware.

"Something is definitely not right about those." Said the girl

"Is it me, or are they staring at us?" He asked.

The girl didn't answer; instead she grabbed his arm and began to back away from the ominous dolls on the floor. The man took her hint and followed suit. They turned around and moved to the other end of the room. When the girl turned she screamed.

"What is it?" He asked as he turned around. "What the hell?" he said staring in wide eyed wonder at the Troll dolls.

"It looks like they're mocking us with their smiles." He said.

"Oh my God," said the girl, "Look!"

She pointed to one of the larger dolls in the middle of the pack. It was holding a tiny butcher knife; about the length of the dolls own body. The man stepped forward and kicked the knife wielding doll into the pool. It sank slowly into the muck as they watched. Just before it sank completely, the doll winked at the girl and the man.

"That was the single most fucked up thing I've ever seen" He said. Then he kicked the remaining dolls into the pool. The two ran back to the end of the room with the door. The man began to search the wall for some kind of hold on which he could hoist himself up to the door. When he noticed the camera mounted in the upper right hand corner of the room on the door side.

"Look!" he said, "A camera!"

The two began to shout at the camera, pleading for help. When suddenly the girl felt something on the back of her leg.

"Ow!' She cried.

"What is it?" He asked as he turned around

one of the Troll dolls were on her leg, biting and clawing at her pants. It turned its head to look at the man. It was alive; it smiled at him revealing rows of tiny blood stained teeth. He reached down and pulled the little monster off of the girl and hurled it at the wall. It let out a high pitched squeal before it righted itself and set out at a run toward the girl again. Just before it could latch back onto her leg the man swooped the Troll back up and this time threw it into the pool. The little monster screamed an almost human scream until it hit the water. Suddenly, a huge snake-like monster revealed its head from the depths of the pool with the troll in its mouth. The monster cried out in pain before it went back under the water.

The girl was huddled in the corner holding her wounded leg. The man went to her side.

"What the hell is going on?" she cried, "What was that thing in the water?"

"I don't know, but I wish I did," He said, "is your leg okay?"

"Yes, its not bad," she said though her sobs, "I'm just a little freaked out is all."

The man began to shout at the camera again for a little while, then decided to try to get to the door again, but was unsuccessful. When he finally gave up he huddled up next to the girl, and held her until she cried herself to sleep. The wound on her leg was no longer bleeding, but it was swelling. As he sat holding the girl he tried to think of a way out. There were no windows, and only one door that were out of reach. He suddenly realized that he was hungry, and thirsty. He couldn't remember when he had eaten last. Eventually, he joined the girl in sleep.

He woke to a sharp pain in his side, without opening his eyes he put his hand on the spot that hurt but jerked it away when he felt a sharp pain in his hand. He opened his eyes and looked down to see the knife wielding Troll Doll grinning at him with rows of blood stained teeth. He tried to scream, but the Troll slashed at his neck before he could get a sound out. He put a hand to his neck and knocked the Troll away with his other. He frantically looked for the girl, and saw only her limp, bloody body being pushed into the pool by a group of the small evil Troll dolls. He began to feel week, and choke on his own blood. He tried to get up but only fell on his back. Suddenly the knife troll jumped on his chest, smiling at him with those evil teeth. Out of nowhere he heard a loud laughing, a laughing that sounded like it was coming over an intercom. His last thought before the Troll plunged its tiny blade into his chest was "Why, what is going on, why?"

In another room a young boy is sitting in an easy chair, eating ice cream as he watches a small screen with images of a group of tiny Treasure Trolls, overseen by a Troll holding a knife, push a body into a dark pool in the middle of the room. Next to him is a microphone with a red L.E.D light glowing? He is laughing as if this scene is the greatest he has ever seen.
© Copyright 2008 Bucky62200 (bucky62200 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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