Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1469608-The-Diseased-Day-1Chapter-1
by Dead.
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Gothic · #1469608
A zombie outbreak is caused by a snail parasite
Leucochloridium paradoxum- A terrible parasitic flatworm that used gastropods, or simply, snails, as an intermediate host.

November 15, 2012. Edmonton, Alberta. Day 1
Population: 1,034,945
Once there were two friends, Maybella, and Isabella. The best of friends. Both twenty years of age. Maybella, had long black hair, in which fell down to her back. Her hair came to the meeting point between her two shoulder blades, vertically, and straight down from her neck. And she was about the height of a normal sized refrigerator. Isabella, had short orange hair, up to the bottom of her ears, and about the same height as Maybella. They both had completely different interests, but the same personalities. Maybella's interests were very dark, and one of the things she liked to do, is poke pins and needles into dolls heads, and she liked to paint. Mainly creepy things, such as, skulls, people dying, ect. Isabella, was a very girly girl. 'Nuff said. Their personalities, bitchy. Very bitchy. Except for one day, when they were about to have no more to bitch about.
The girls were sitting out in Maybella's backyard, sitting at her yard table when they seen a snail with it's left tentacle swollen, and colorful. Maybella, as usual picking up strange things, picked it up and gently layed it between her forearm and wrist. It almost as looked as the snail had some type of worm in it's tentacle. The snail did not move. Stiff as a statue. Then, all of a sudden, the snail began to bow it's head. Maybella was quite frightened, but then the snail, layed it's tentacle on her arm. The snail stopped. The left tentacle, which was on the arm, started to look like there were several lumps inside moving around continuously. Then out of the blue, like a bullet, the bottom of the snails tentacle completely ripped as if someone cut it like a four-way street. The snail stayed again. Dead. But for that last split second the tentacle had broke, Maybella had seen a black tail crawl into her arm, leaving a little hole. She began to jump, yell, and cry. Isabella ran into her house and roughly grabbed her car keys. When she picked up her keys, she noticed Maybella stopped screaming. Maybe she figured that it was nothing, just a little overreaction. And when Isabella walked out, her best friend, layed dead. With her eyes to the back of her head, and her hair spread all about her head, Isabella then became speeachless. But then she spotted something. Maybella, was still breathing. But barely. It was a miracle Isabella had thought to herself. Isabella quickly picked her up, shoved her in the back seat, of her car and drove to the hospital. She raced through the city traffic, to try and save her friend.
It was about an hour now driving through half the city to get to the hospital and Maybella looked real white. They had finally made it to the hospital and were on their way to the emergency room. One docter, Dr.Phillips examined her eyes. He began to talk, "Blood shot, and, wait, no pupils?", that was obviously abnormal. The whole four doctors in the room had started doing tests on her. After an hour of studying the body, they came to a conclusion. It was very easy and very short. "Well, the heart monitor is showing that Maybella is still alive, but we had to resort to cut her head open, and take a look at her brain. It's completely black. We've never seen anything like it before" Dr. Phillips said. Isabella started to tell Dr. Phillips about the snail, and the worm and whatnot. "Leucochloridium paradoxum" he said, "It's a type of worm that enters a snails body making the snail very attractive by birds. But since the worm has entered a human body, I guess it had a bigger affect on it", he said looking at his clipboard. When Dr. Phillips finished looking at his clipboard, they all heard screaming. Isabella ran into her friends room, only too see that Maybella was feeding off another doctors arm to infect him with her disease. Maybella quickly looked up. Isabella couldn't believe her eyes. Has her best friend, turned into a flesh eating zombie?
The half eaten arm doctor sat in the corner, as then Maybella ran straight at Isabella. Isabella, was obviously too slow for the running zombie. Maybella jumped on her, and attempted to bite her arm. But Isabella had been pushing her face away. With all the doctors in the background screaming at the police that were on the telephone, Isabella finally broke through her raging dead friend. Running out the hospital, she looked back while running. Maybella wasn't in sight, and all Isabella could see was blood splattering on the windows of the hospital and she could hear people screeching for help. Isabella turned around and ran home. When she got home she had searched, and searched, and searched for a baseball bat, and an axe. She had looked everywhere. Except for the two places she rarely visits, her attic, and her basement. She went to her basement first, found the axe. Then the attic, where she found the baseball bat. Although it had taken quite some time. She went out side to warn her neighbors, and the people around her neighborhood about the undead approaching. When she got outside, it had been getting dark. She first went to her closest neighbor, Jerry. She knocked on Jerry's door. "You have to lock your doors, stay inside, and get a weapon that is able to smash open a human head okay?" Isabella quickly said. Her neighbor was confused. "What in the world are you talking about, Isabella?". "Okay, let me tell you about it". She begun, "You remember Maybella?" Jerry shook his head in agreement. "Well, she got infected, beginning with a snail, and she started to actually eat a doctor. Then, about two mintues later, he became infected". There was a long pause in confusement. "Y-you mean, mean like a zombie?" Jerry asked hesitantly. "Well, I have never thought of it like that, but yeah that's whats going on" Isabella responded. Jerry quickly ran inside, grabbed his biggest coat, a huge shot gun, and thirteen lighters. Jerry believe her from the start. The two opened Jerry's van door, crawled in, and then drove away. The color of Jerry's white van was a very dark, but yet light baige. Dirty. Smoke ran from the exhaust pipe, which the smoke covered half of the van. Jerry and Isabella did not tell their other neighbors about the outbreak. But they didn't have a reason. Except for the fact that they would not have enough room in Jerry's van, but they weren't aware of that reason then. Most of the neighbors in the neighborhood rarely had a car. Estimately, only at least six of their neighbors had vehicles, because most of them were all teenagers living on their own. And the six vehicles that were in their neighborhood were very tiny, and could only fit two or three people at a time. There was one neighbor that had a pickup truck, but he was very greedy.
© Copyright 2008 Dead. (tekki at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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