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About a native african young man who searches for his love
Story is set around in 1st century AD when there are vast agriculture lands around ancient cities like Alexandria. Alexandria consists of mixed-race people (with Greeks, Egyptians and Romans mixed). The agriculture lands grew wheat,maize and have many Roman/Greek land lords who have army of slaves to cultivate lands, till crops and look after cattle.

One such wealthy roman family consists of a old roman land lord, his wife and 3 beautiful daughters - one of them around 16 years. This story is about love between that girl and a young boy of same age (who is mixed race egyptian greek) who works in that field. (His ancestors were ancient egyptian agrarian society which cultivated maize and wheat in north of Egypt along the Nile. They lived along side ancient jews. His ancestors were once temple builders and slave masters who worked for pharaohs - perhaps its disease/famine/wars finally led them to become agricultural worker slaves and house-hold slaves and forced them to get married to every invading race who set foot in Egypt. Perhaps its some kind of curse that his ancestors never had a peaceful life without bondage. All of the workers are chained so that they wont esacpe, they are not taught to swim - lest they escape swimming through nile. If they are household slaves (who sang songs and music and entertained), they are castrated.)

Though forbidden, girl and boy meet regularly in banks of the great river... After all true love does not rely upon appearences or colors. Both of them understand that they will never be able to marry given the social structures.

One day, out of nowhere, Vandals from Spain attack, burn the house. They take all of those in home captive, they stab and kill and men, women in that house. However, they take the girl alone hostage.. The young man (chained) and his family were tied to a catamaran and pushed into deep part of the river banks/pools which are still.. All of them were chained and pushed into water..

As fate would have it, while the young boy and his sister struggle gasp for breath at shallow bottoms - when most of his family his old father and mother have given up.. (Perhaps God), fisherman fleeing vandals from their villages while collecting their nets in a hurry find entire family of slaves struggling to breathe, pull them out, save them and take them to red-sea port. (In olden days people ate baby and mid-size crocodiles and they had these thick jute nets tied to bottom which entraps crocodiles - he would have caught it perhaps..).

There they meet merchants from South India and send both that boy and his sister to work in paddy,spice plantations in South India. A man from South India and his wife who had no children, adopt them and take them to South India. While he is no longer a slave, he owned a field, (land of plenty and exotic as people from west called it), he felt so free - and yet he mind was never free - He thought about her and cried in pain.

Despite all advice against it, he travels back to Egypt, Alexandria, where he goes back to his house in ruins. He travels with spice merchants to Vandalia(south Spain), Morocco in search of his love. After several ardous travel through dry desertland, finally he finds her. She was shattered, She has borne Vandal children. Her life was wreked and Vandals sold her to desert tribes. Its a tragedy.

He finally pays with all his camels and goods to set her free and brings her (and her children) back to his plantation in South India where they start their life (though they are different from native black people in South India, they are provided their own land and allowed to live freely). His adopted parents accept her and their children are allowed to marry whomever they wish and are free to leave if they wish to.

Their children and grand children also have a choice to meet and marry traders from south east asia and even people of different religion (like those buddhists who emigrate from North west of India). Then they inter-marry with the syrian-roman-christian-jewish entourage which came along with Saint Thomas - they were all telling stories about Jesus and some marketing of their new-found religion - which reached out to natives in bits and pieces - like twittering - At first people were sympathetic about a person who was murdered at a cross, then they start to like the story and the religion/cult caught on - with extreme opposition from native religions (whose religious leaders questioned that they do not need jesus and their roman customs - when they have their own culture and tradition) - but the King intervened and provided amnesty and protection to all of the foreigners and allowed religious freedom for them and anyone converted. They were given their own lands and settlement by the kings who ruled the portions of South India. But with onset of dark ages, businessmen and religious men visiting India dwindled and those converted got reconverted back to buddhism and hinduism. With lack of proper communication on whether Roman occupation of Syria fell or not - Which religon won there - jesus/or the fat-guy - jupiter - the travellers had 2 statues - one for jesus and one for jupiter and they switched religions (like we switch TV news channels depending on political climate) - those converts slowly gave up christianity and embraced the local religion of hinduism. For local religious leaders preaching hinduism - no-news from persia and middle-east (and no business travellers from there) is good news and a sigh of relief.

Their decendants lend out lands for south east asian traders to cultivate and trade agricultural goods - so that they can fresh produce from South India to Persia,Egypt. Their later descendants marry persian,mongol,han entourage of Marco polo which settles down in South India. Their descendents hence become greko egyptian persian hans (kind of west meeting east meeting west). Years pass by, their descendants own lands in south india help British setup east india company - then they fight along with armies of british generals like lord cornwalis (who by the way was fighting his last wars of his life - kind of fight for his retireedom) and help them consolidate the british empire in india. They are hated as traitors from those muslim rulers in southwestern india - they brainwash people that the real traitors come from south east of india - they give them derogatory names like cavalis - which means vandals/thieves -those who were invaded and lost their kingdoms - try all means to alienate their descendants and ostracise them - (it could have been entirely different india, if British were not to occupy it and unite it).

In his life, God never gave him up. His parents were long gone - but his children and grand children survive the odds in the new land and become free. When God closes one door, he opens another. In this world "displacement" always happens and it is will of God that people of a given community have to scatter across the world for various reasons from wars to famine - it is an exercise given by God to adapt, survive and spread the love and to make them stronger.

From story "One Tree World"

By using these particles a single atom can be stretched to an equivalent of a thin sheet covering an entire solar system to galaxies. They also discover that a very few of these subatomic particles stand between matter and energy state - they also figure out that by removing/replacing these particles, they can easily convert matter to energy and by covering the converted energy with these particles it becomes matter again. They also figure out special binding-subatomic particles which maintain the overall composition of an object and energy beings somehow mastered the art of maintaining the compostion while converting from matter to energy and vice versa.

They also find that universe is a giant sling-slot/boomerang where these energy bubbles start out from center and return back to center of galaxies in an instant i.e at speed of infinity i.e like some billion billion billion times as that of light. They find out that the energy beings have decoded the secrets of universe and they find universe as a combination of positive space (which expands forever to + infinity) and a negative space (which forever compresses to - infinity). They theorized that +ve space and -ve space i.e existence and non-existence are interwined in this universe. All the cosmic dance of various matter and energy forms are from the +ve space which expands forever and all those void we see are -ve space which compresses forever. They theorized the point where the energy bubbles which originate from center of universe and from center of galaxies hit the +/-ve space barrier - they call it the "veil of God" - beyond which the realm of -ve space (or nothingness will start) - where those energy bubbles accelerate to billion billion billion times the speed of earth towards the center of ever expanding universe.. In the -ve space of nothingness, there are stranger forms of matter and energy which appears to swallow and subsume everything (like a snake eating its own tail). The energy beings do not fully understand -ve space - but they understand how it works and they can spread of matter and energy across vast amounts of space and time using these energy bubbles.

The energy beings also questioned the aliens on their understanding of "big bang" - they questioned, you see what had happened 14 billion years ago - but do you know what is happening there right now? The energy beings mention that the center of universe is like a ever germinating seed spewing globules of matter and energy and the energy bubbles of matter/energy operations programmed for the lifetime of a galaxy. They also explained that unlike the non-life forms of galaxy - life forms are special and are not created by these energy bubbles/operatives/instructions. They mentioned that when galaxies get created, they will be injected with directives of creation of life forms in specific solar systems in specific instances. They explain that +ve/-ve space intertwine and the "veil of God" is a mirror at boundary/edges of universe where life of energy bubble ends and they get sent back to center of universe. They also mentioned that these energy bubbles - end life of a galaxy by eventually making it a blackhole - the entrance to -ve space.

They theorized that as God and the directive will be ensuring that first the energy beings will be created and evolved in an appropriate space where they will evolve to understand universe and understand space travel - then they will be directed to go to appropriate solar systems and "plant" the appropriate life form as per the "supreme directive". The energy beings mentioned that they are the 1st living things created in milky way - (where they were created pre-programmed with knowledge of matter/energy/time and how to do space travel )when it was formed and they understand this special "supreme directive" and as per that direction, they came to their world. Also they mention that they are merely teachers - monitoring, mentoring and helping living beings evolve to superior form and able to travel outside their world - but before that (in order to prevent genetic contamination - and right fully so), they have to pass their judgement/test.

Aliens find out that using techniques they do not understand at that time, the energy beings simply disappear in one place and reappear in another place of their choice.. They also figure out that by creating an infinite elastic matter between two objects - intensely focussed gravity can be created only between those 2 objects and the objects can even be accelerated to the speed of light or even greater than that and energy beings use that kind of space travel (if they get bored of disappearing and reappearing in another place). They simply plot their route and create an intense attraction from destination solar system to their space craft and space craft goes in autopilot in the prechartered route at almost 100 times speed of light - depending on the intensity of attraction and whether they want their entire spacecraft to be in matter/energy form.

The more they come to know of the energy beings, the more they felt that they are eons ahead of them in technology and their best deal is be accept them as teachers and listen to them. But still some of aliens rebelled and want those energy beings and their underwater creations to be kicked out or destroyed.. They pull up the past of these energy beings on how many such life forms they had created in milky way galaxy - they find out they had created 100s of such life forms - but they could not access information on what they did with them - did they experiement with them? Judge them? Test them? Destroy them? Allowed them to understand their technologies and helped them in space travel? Their search ends in futility..

The aliens theorized that the universe (though pre-programmed by a perfect "supreme" being) is still imperfect - they theorized that the energy beings and hence their creations should have certain degree of independence which is beyond the "supreme" directive and hence there is a window of "chaos" in all the events/actions of the energy beings. They wondered "what-if" they create viruses/mutations which will prevent their underwater creations from ever forming or evolving - that way they would have defeated those energy beings who will fail their mission and hopefully will get dejected, give up and leave their planetary system never to return again. But they thought if the energy beings have not mastered on Gene-pool manipulations and create bio-control mechanisms to provide immunity against any new forms of viruses they create..

However the aliens are about to take a dangerous step. Because in their world has no organisms at micro-level - they all collapse into one single macro organism - they have no immunity against any such micro-organic life forms - but they want to use those as kind of bio-weapon against the new life-forms (which appear to become much more intelligent and smarter than them). To their greatest surprise, the energy beings (though knew fully that they are creating a bio-weapon) ignored them (as if they are doing this on purpose).

To be continued..
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