Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1467901-Nothing---Chapter-Two
by xilch
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Horror/Scary · #1467901
Chapter Two of my novel in progress called "Nothing".
Chapter Two

Three years later.

I awake slowly out of a dream. In this dream I am looking down on the Earth, and everywhere I see darkness and Sin, like tar, coating every surface. The Earth practically reeks from the putrid scent of it. I wrinkle my nose with disgust. They deserve to die, all of them. I race down with my sword as an avenging angel and lay waste to the world. Nothing escapes my wrath. Finally I stand alone on the outskirts of a smoking city, my sword in my hand. I walk along the blood soaked sand, the red stained water laps at the rotting corpses. Carrion birds wing through the air and peck at their lifeless eyes. Overhead the sun just manages to shine through the clouds of choking smoke. I smile at what I've wrought. Finally the stink of iniquity which had threatened to invade my very being is no more.

I lay there on my right side and listen to the sounds of the emerald waters of the Pacific lapping at the fine white sand outside. The salt air wafts through the open glass door at the foot of the bed and the sounds of Gulls follows on the breeze. A rather attractive young woman lays spooned in front of me, her warm skin pressed tight. I put my arm around her and hold her, the beginnings of morning wood poking at her backside. What was her name again?

She stirs, stretches lazily and playfully slaps me away. “Exit only!” she says sleepily and smiles, her eyes still closed. I pull the sheet down, over her protestations, and look at her in the morning light. She's got a pretty face, full lips, mussed blond hair, graceful neck, soft white skin. I trace her spine from between her shoulder blades down to the curve at the hollow of her back. She giggles. I slap her gorgeous ass. “Hey!” she says and her eyes flash open in surprise. They are the most amazing shade of brown I've ever seen. She turns over rapidly and I can't keep myself from stroking one of the perkiest breasts I've ever seen, it's twin lies buried out of reach. I rub the pink nipple between my thumb and forefinger and it begins to stiffen. What the hell is her name?

“Hey now! I've been a good girl!” she says.  I have every indication she has been a very good girl indeed, or very bad, depending on your point of view. I peer into her eyes and what I see makes me smile. Why can't I remember her?

“Good morning -” I say. She reaches down and grabs my cock.

“My my, what have we here?” she laughs and slides down in the bed to get a better look. She rolls me over on my back.“We mustn't let this go to waste.” she says and slips the head of my cock between her moist lips. Shivers of pleasure race up my body to my brain and I gasp. I harden under her ministrations and she pops me out of her mouth, my phallus sticking up like a flagpole in the morning breeze. Suddenly exposed like this the air feels like ice water and I gasp again. She climbs up over me and squats down, guiding me into her as she does. The contrast is shocking, her body feels hot around my member. She begins thrusting her hips and her eyes close. I reach up and gently massage her breasts, rubbing the areola and nipples with my thumbs. Soon her thrusts become more frantic and she comes. I let her thrust a few more times before I pull her down to me and roll her onto her back. Without breaking our contact, I slip her legs over my shoulders and thrust into her repeatedly. The beast awakens within me and I have to fight to keep it's icy claws from tearing her to shreds. She ceases to be a person and becomes something made only for my pleasure; a vessel for my seed. I slip my hands around her shoulders and hold her down while my hips begin to pump in earnest. Her face scrunches up and she moans. Any other time the contortions her face is going through would be interpreted as extreme pain. Our bodies slap together in an increasing rhythm. I slip her legs off my shoulders and hold her down with my hands behind her knees. Each thrust brings me closer to the edge. She comes again and I can feel it starting, pooling in my scrotum and spreading upward like a pleasant warmth. Suddenly I lose control and I feel her life flowing into me as I begin to come. I fight it and halt the transfer in time before I kill her. I come then, filling her up. I give her back what I've stolen too, it wouldn't be right for me to keep it without her consent. I fall to the bed beside her, spent, still entangled in her. She's sweating and so am I. We kiss and she looks at me with a grin on her face. “Good morning to you too!” she says. We lay there for an unknown time holding each other. I light up a cigarette from the pack on the nightstand and breath deeply. I offer her one but she declines.

I never know what to say during these times and I've never been good at it. “What are you thinking about?” she asks. Ah, the age old question. What was I thinking about? Nothing really.

“Just thinking about you.” I lie and she smiles.

“What about me?” she asks. I go with the obvious.

“I was just thinking about how beautiful you are.” I say. Women always like to be told that. Her smile confirms this. My cock has become flaccid by now and remains inside her only because of our proximity.

“Wanna take a shower?” she asks and disentangles herself from me, apparently deciding that my agreement is a foregone conclusion. I crush out my smoke in the ashtray on the nightstand to my left.

“Sure.” I say and follow her into the bathroom. All the while staring at her pert ass. Damn! What the Fuck is her name? What follows is one of the most enjoyable showers I've ever taken. After the shower I dry myself off with a soft terrycloth towel and tuck it around my waist. The mystery girl has disappeared for the time being, most likely into the bedroom to put on her clothes. I wipe the condensation from the mirror with my right hand and stare at my own reflection. I have a narrow face, thanks to my Mother, with black hair and blue eyes. I am tall like my Father and share his thin lips. A light sanding of stubble coats my face and neck and my eyes are bloodshot. That sure had been one hell of a party! So much so in fact the previous night is all one big blur. I exert my will and the stubble disappears. Another small exertion and my eyes clear up. I look like a new man.

An hour or so later we find ourselves in downtown Seaside, her idea. She must be a newcomer. After living here for a few years the arcades, candy shops and carnival rides lose their appeal. We cross the Nacanicum river on Broadway headed toward the ocean. A poodle is staring down into the water from the bridge, apparently fascinated by something it sees in the water. As we pass by I extend my right foot and give it a little push. There is a startled “Yip!” and then a splash. My companion turns to me with a surprised look on her face. “What was that?” she asks. I shrug and look down at the river where I see the poodle swim to the nearest bank and climb out of the river. Once there it attempts to shake the water from it's fur.

It's Aqua Dog!

“It's a dog.” I say with a blank look on my face. She eyes me suspiciously but has no choice but to believe me. She didn't actually see me kick the curly haired freak into the river. I'm smiling on the inside.

“Mitzy!” I hear an elderly lady who stinks of Ben-Gay and gardenias scream from behind us.

“Come on, I want to see the ocean.” I say and start walking, after a second she follows me. How I hate poodles! The damn thing should have been on a leash anyway. The commotion behind us fades into the distance as we make our way to the Promenade.

Once there I stand and stare out into the Pacific. The sun beats down from overhead but the cool breeze coming off of the ocean keeps the heat away. There's the usual collection of freaks, hippies and tourists clogging the Promenade and turnaround. Behind me people with cameras take turns snapping pictures of themselves with Lewis and Clark. It's a good thing I've learned how to shut them out or I'd be going crazy like I used to at this point. I immolate the end of a cigarette, close my eyes and concentrate on the sounds of the ocean as I inhale. If I had my way I'd still be living in the desert, but Seaside isn't that bad of a place to be. A familiar presence tickles my mind and I open my eyes. There is a muffled sound of air being displaced and my Father appears beside me to my right. I open my eyes and exhale slowly. “Nice to see you again Dad,” I say without looking, “How's Hell been treating you?” He refuses to rise to the bait.

“We've got to talk.” he says. It takes me a second to realize what has happened when the world slows down and the deathly silence descends on us. Not a sound can be heard beyond what we make ourselves. I look down the Promenade and see my companion frozen in the process of buying a souvenir from a sidewalk salesman. Overhead the gulls are frozen in flight, one in the process of taking a dump on a little kids ice cream cone. The ocean waves froth in frozen silence.

“You have got to tell me how you do that!” I say.

“Not now,” he says, “there's more important things.”

“Like what?”

“You're life is in danger.” he says. I can tell by the look on his face he's serious.

“I thought you said we were immortal?” I ask. He nods.

“We are as far as what these beings can do to us.” he says and motions around. “No, the threat is from one of our own kind.” A shiver goes up my spine.

“How many?” I ask.

“Five dead, so far.”

“Why?” I ask and he shakes his head.

“I don't know yet, but as soon as I do I'll let you know.” I take a second and consider what he's just told me. The society that my Father and I belong to is pretty small and consists mainly of family. If one of us is going around killing the others it is troubling indeed. “How much do you know about your little plaything over there?” he asks and motions toward the young woman I woke up with.

“Hey!” I say. “I've seen her soul, she's pure!” The look on his face is skeptical. Suddenly time starts up again around me like a record returning to speed. My Father's form becomes transparent.

'Watch your back!' My Father's voice whispers in my mind, and just before he fades away completely he adds, “Son.” The air rushes in to fill the void left behind and he's gone.
© Copyright 2008 xilch (xilch at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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