Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1467715-pain
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Drama · #1467715
just something i felt like saying to people who might be depressed or feel like i feel
A girl who hides her
sadness so well is hidden
behind eyes that don't
show the truth, a mask
hides her tears as she
struggles with family and
friends trying to hide her
pain she takes a smoke
and hopes it will be her
last for she is suicidal but
no one knows and no one
asks as she keeps her
secrets hidden from the
world she is dying inside.
she knows shes not the
only one but she feels
shes alone in the world
and knows no one can
help her. with her last
breath they will see what
she has been hiding
from the world all along
and the pain she has suffered.
But the pain will live on
because she knows what she
has done to her family and
friends, the pain
she brought them by the slow suicide
she called life she could have
asked for help but instead she
kept it inside hiding her onto her
fears, and pain not letting any one know.
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