Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1467651-Kyriis-Adventure
by G-cat
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1467651
Another story I made From Karbo's world Felareya
Kyrii’s adventure.

         Kyrii Mindarelius was a typical scorching caw Neko. She commonly goes nude. She is fast and agile. She has blue knee length hair and dark brown fur on her ears and tail. She love’s to stalk potential food and is a little hyper. The only difference between Kyrii and other Scorching claw Neko’s is that she towers ninety feet above them. Kyrii’s size was the result of an experiment from approximately a year ago. Since then Kyrii has been hunting mostly humans and Naga’s. She tend’s to be a wanderer and always seems to find interesting place’s, friend’s, enemies and even prey. Lately Kyrii has been in the area of the giant tree, however after discovering this was the home of the Naga Crisis she decided to leave rather of staying where she no longer felt comfortable.. She is presently near the Bulvon wood’s near the base of the giant tree. Here Kyrii prepares for another day, but today she would meet people who will change her life. _____________________________________________________________________________

         It took a fairly long time for Kyrii to get to the bottom of the tree. It certainly took longer than she thought it would. When she reached the ground she found herself wandering at random again. Whenever she wandered she picked a direction based on something in the area. A pretty flower leaning east. A ominous shadow to the north. Today was no exception, but today’s reason was curiosity. While in the giant tree Kyrii overheard some humans talking about the group that went into the woods and never came out. Then they spoke of a swordsman with only a cameraman as support who went to find the missing team. Apparently he refused to wait for the search party that was being organized. Kyrii decided to see what this human was doing.

         Kyrii slowly entered the woods, her eye’s slowly adapting to the low light that shone through the tree’s sunlight. Her blue hair conflicting with the green foliage. Her first observation was the wet ground, it felt unpleasant to her bare feet and the cool air that resulted from the tree cover made her decide to cover herself in her mishmash bra and panties that she had made. The trees here were big but after the giant tree she was just in this was nothing special. Kyrii wondered what to expect in such a beautiful place. One thing she has learned is on Felareya there are only a few safe places for predators and fewer for prey. She was just glad to be out of the prey category. Kyrii crept through the tangle of vines and branches making as little noise as possible. She came across an arboreal frog. A tiny thing to her, she hid behind the trunk of the nearest tree and waited. After a quarter of an hour more frogs gathered, now was the time to act. She leapt from her spot and landed in the center of the group which was beginning to scatter. Kyrii caught three of the frog’s, one in each hand and one under her foot. She smiled at her achievement and was ready to eat when a scream of pain pierced the tranquil atmosphere of the forest. Kyrii quickly let the frog’s go and rushed towards the yell. After about five minutes she arrived at the edge of a clearing., in the center of the clearing a young female Dridder was laying on the ground in a pool of blood. As Kyrii emerged from the forest the Dridder rolled over to see her. Kyrii saw blood on her face as she fell over. Kyrii slowly approached. The Dridder looked about her height from head to ground.

Dridder: If....you .......want to finish me.........get it over with.
Kyrii: No, I’m here to help you.
Dridder: Go.......away..

Kyrii looked at the wounded girl and felt she couldn’t abandon her. She walked forward.

Kyrii: Sorry, I can’t leave you alone that injured.
Dridder: I said........forget it. If you want to help me then I can’t stop you.
Kyrii: No you can’t, so don’t move too much or you’ll worsen your condition.

Kyrii checked the girl and found all her right legs were badly damaged, inches from their breaking point. Four of her ribs and her right arm were broken and she was bleeding from a large gash in her side. Kyrii stopped the bleeding bandaged her legs, arm and ribs and cleaned her off a bit. She was glad that she had learned basic medical skill’s from her tribe, because though she didn’t use them often she did find having them useful. Kyrii helped her over to a tree.

Kyrii: Looks like you need some rest and something to eat and you should feel better in no time.
Dridder: Who are you anyway.
Kyrii: I’m Kyrii. Kyrii Mindarelious. I’m a Neko of the scorching claw tribe. Pleased to meet you.
Dridder: I’m Nerina, a bola Dridder.
Kyrii: If you don’t mind me asking, how did you get that hurt.
Nerina: Well actually, I was careless.
Kyrii: Careless?
Nerina: Yes. I was out hunting and found a lost human looking around. He was calling out for someone, I couldn’t hear the name. I jumped from my perch up there

Nerina pointed to a large branch hundreds of feet up.

Nerina: As I was coming down I felt my line break. I looked up and saw a human with a sword standing over my cut web. I tried for another line but he severed that one too. I was cut on a branch on my way down and I fell on my right side.

Nerina’s stomach let out a growl. Kyrii thought for a moment. She needed food for both of them and cover, at least until Nerina could stand again.

Kyrii: Do you know of any good places to rest?
Nerina: There is a small cave through there that I use to sleep every now and then.
Kyrii: I’ll get you there and then worry about filling you stomach.

Kyrii carried Nerina through the trees and found the cave. She enterer and though Nerina said it was a small cave it easily fit both of them and had room for four more. Kyrii sat her on the makeshift bed and walked out. She covered the entrance and took off running.  She had to move fast or she would loose her way. She backtracked for about twenty minutes and heard exactly what she wanted to.

Male voice: You sure this is the way?
Female voice: Chris, shut it. I know how to read a scanner.
Other Male voice: Sir, the signal had disappeared around this area.
Chris: Virgil take those four and go that way. Clair and I will stay with the rest.
Virgil: Sir, I don’t know about splitting up our group is a good idea Sir.
Clair: I don’t care what you thoughts are. Just do it soldier.
Virgil: Sir. Yes Sir

Kyrii made a quick count of about fifteen humans. The man named Virgil pointed at four other guys and moved in Kyrii’s direction. Kyrii needed something to hold them in. Then an idea hit her. She took off her bra and panties and tied them together into a sac. She hid in the trees just above where the soldiers would pass by and held her makeshift bag by the vines. The men didn’t notice the bag over them until it was too late. Virgil managed to roll forward away from the bag as the others disappeared into it. Before Virgil could regain his footing Kyrii was over him. He fired his rifle as Kyrii scooped him into her bag. Kyrii then went in the direction of the cave Nerina was in. Five humans would be enough for one of them but not both, Kyrii needed to get more, but for now this would do for Nerina. It took the better part of an hour to find her way back. Her bag had been surprisingly quiet the entire time. Maybe they didn’t know what was to become of them. She opened the cave and saw Nerina asleep. Kyrii slowly approached her when suddenly the bag burst into flames. Kyrii dropped the bag and the trapped humans rolled out into view trying to gather their bearings. Kyrii looked at them as the took aim at her.

Soldier 1: Good job with the flare, Sir
Virgil: We’re not out of the woods yet.
Soldier 2.: Backup has been alerted Sir. But I doubt they will make it on time.

Kyrii stepped on the flaming bag to put it out. The men backed away from her foot knowing full well if she stepped on them it was over. Kyrii watched the men fan out. She knew how this worked. They were going to make a run for it and hope she couldn’t catch them all. One of them backed into one of Nerina’s legs and when he turned to check what it was he screamed and went to run. The rest of the soldier’s turned to see what startled their friend. Upon seeing the dridder it became clear.

Soldier 1: God dammit, Chucks a god damn arachnophobic.

Kyrii capitalized on their mistake and kicked sand and dirt at them as she caught the fleeing Chuck. The men were strewn about and disoriented so Kyrii took the chance to pull away their weapons. Nerina slowly raised her head, aroused by the noise. Kyrii used her foot to push the men into a pile and hold them down.

Nerina: What’s going on? What’s with all the noise?
Kyrii: Dinner didn’t want to cooperate.

As she spoke Kyrii was tearing the clothes off the man she held. He fought furiously. Finally naked she looked at the others trapped under her foot then at Nerina.

Kyrii: I’ll get more later but for now this should be good. Open wide. Hurry the others’ wiggling is tickling my foot.

As Nerina opened her mouth the naked man started screaming and crying. His fighting turned into wild flailing and his begging turned to gibberish. By the time he hit Nerina’s tongue he had curled into the fetal position. Nerina rolled him around as Kyrii released two of the pinned men and picked them up. She stripped these two without much trouble and Handed one to Nerina, who in turn swallowed the other guy.. The one in Kyrii’s hand watched in horror as Nerina swallowed him alive. He froze in fear as the bulge that was his teammate slowly traveled into Nerina’s waiting stomach. Kyrii held the other guy out to Nerina. As Nerina lowered her head towards Kyrii’s outstretched hand. When she got in range his fist flew against Nerina’s nose his attack completely ineffective he turned to run. Nerina giggled at the struggling man  licked him off Kyrii’s hand. Kyrii pulled her hand back and stared as Nerina fluttered her eye’s smiling. Kyrii noticed she was blushing. The small man trashing in her mouth. Nerina swallowed and continued to stare. For a long moment the only noise was the scream’s from under Kyrii’s foot then it went quiet.  Kyrii had applied too much weight to the guys under her foot. Kyrii looked into Nerina’s eye’s Nerina looked back as Kyrii picked up the last two who were barely moving. She started undressing them. She looked between Nerina and the men she was undressing.

Kyrii: What was that about?
Nerina: Oh come now. Don’t be mad I was only teasing.
Kyrii: Please don’t. I don’t like that kind of joke.
Nerina: Kyrii. . .
Kyrii: Here. They’re ready.

Kyrii put them in front of Nerina and walked outside. She made a point of stomping hard on the humans equipment hoping to destroy their tracking equipment and to relieve some tension.. She went outside to keep watch. After about fifteen minute’s Kyrii heard a loud noise from the right side of the cave. She turned towards the sound and saw a small metal thing flying at her too fast to dodge. She braced for the hit, and waited,
. . .
and waited. . .

Nothing. She opened her eyes and saw the humans from before. She looked at the spot on her stomach. A small metal thing about the size of a penny with claws that dug into her skin.

Clair: Gotcha!

She pushed the button on the gun she was carrying and the metal thing let out an electrical shock. The shock hurt like hell and wouldn’t stop. Kyrii squirmed and yelled as Clair walked over to her. Clair got within talking range.

Clair: It’s no use resisting. This weapon causes every pain receptor in your body to react at once. As long as it’s on you can’t do anything more than your doing now. Quickly men their signal is coming from her. If we cut her open fast enough we can save them.
Chris: Yes sir.
Clair: This machine. . .

Kyrii stared horrified as the soldiers walked over with a huge chainsaw. The blades looked razor sharp and it roared louder a howling Kensha beast.

Clair: It’s designed to cut into the giant tree’s in the area. Unfortunately for you your skin is not as tough as the tree’s.

Tears welled up in Kyrii’s eye’s as the blade cut into her. This pain along with what she was already experiencing caused her to pass out.

Hour’s later she awoke. Nerina leaning over her. Covered in blood.

Nerina: Thank goodness. I didn’t think I did it right.

Kyrii looked at herself, covering her were some badly wrapped bandages. Kyrii saw the bandages Nerina had used were her own. Kyrii tried to sit up but the pain in her stomach stopped her dead. She wasn’t fully healed. Nerina forced her back down.

Nerina: They cut you very deep. If I hadn’t interfered you might not have made it.
Kyrii: You saved me?
Nerina: I heard your screaming so I dragged myself to the entrance. I saw them cutting into you. I scared them off and caught three of them. I managed to prevent them from cutting too far in. You’ve been asleep for half a day.
Kyrii: They. . .
Nerina: I found this. . .

Nerina held out a pin sized radio.

Nerina: Stuck to the sole of your foot. They must have assumed you ate their friends. So they tried to cut them out of you.
Kyrii: Nerina, you saved my life.
Nerina: Kyrii. . .Of course I did.
Kyrii: We’re even now.
Nerina: (I didn’t do it to make us even) Yeah, even.

Nerina brought out the Two men and a woman. They were naked and tied in a small web. Kyrii reached out and grabbed one.. The other’s rolled out of the way, pretty much letting Kyrii have their friend. Not in the mood for games at the moment Kyrii simply stuffed him into her mouth and grabbed the next guy. The girl broke down as Kyrii ate her other partner and grabbed her.

Female soldier: Wait, please. . . .
Kyrii stopped the girl inches above her open mouth. The girl stared into Kyrii’s saliva covered mouth and dark throat.

Female soldier: Please, we are both intelligent creatures. I’m sure we can work something out.

Kyrii licked the girl. Nerina let out a giggle.

Female soldier: Please, come on I have a family.
Kyrii: then you shouldn’t have joined the army.

Kyrii dropped the girl into her mouth as she let out a cry. Kyrii rolled her around in anticipation. Saliva coating the girl. She used Kyrii’s teeth to cut the web on her arm’s. she tried to pull he way out but Kyrii’s tongue was too strong and her naked body covered in saliva was too slippery.

Nerina: How can you play with them so long. I get too impatient.

Kyrii pushed the girl to the back of her throat and swallowed. Nerina watched in fascination as the bulge traveled through Kyrii’s throat.

Kyrii: You have to learn to savor the moment. If you know you’ll be eating again soon then gobbling them up is fine. I however eat as though I might not eat again for day’s. it makes is easier to resist the urges. Also enjoying your food’s struggle’s and playing with them passes some time.
Nerina: Your strong, smart, fast, pretty. Your great in every way. Your unbeatable!

Kyrii felt uncomfortable being idolized like this.

Kyrii: Nerina, I’m far from perfect and I’m definitely not unbeatable. If that was the case then I wouldn’t be in these bandages. As far as my look’s, I knew plenty of Neko’s who were much prettier. My sister. . .
Nerina: Go on, unless you don’t want to talk about it.
Kyrii: No, it’s fine. It’s just that it’s been a while since I saw her. She was beautiful. Long blond hair, golden yellow eye’s, beige fur, her skin pale with a glow. . .

As Kyrii described her she slowly curled into a defensive ball. Her voice slowly breaking and tear’s welling up in her eye’s

Kyrii: We fought often, said mean thing’s. she hated that I was the lead hunter but we loved each other dearly. When my village was destroyed by Kayrissa I thought I would never see her again. I threw myself at Kayrissa, she caught me, I probably could have stopped her but I didn’t care. As she was crushing me my friend Luke saved me, at the cost of his life. Kayrissa retreated and Luke died. He stayed with me long enough for the last survivors of my village to arrive. My sister Mari, Ranku and Verdranar. The worst part is that was how my troubles ended.

Kyrii sniffled, tears streaming down her face.

Kyrii: As lead hunter I would never show emotion to the tribe, I had to look strong for them. Mari however got to see the real me, the weak me. The me that was weaker than anybody.

Nerina: ( So did I) Kyrii, you really are brave. I don’t know if I could survive after everyone I know either died or left me. Maybe you can finish another time. 

Suddenly a loud screech was heard. Clair’s voice rang through the cave.

Clair over loudspeaker: Neko and Dridder, you have killed my people and stood in the way of our rescue operation. I have brought the my entire compliment.. I hope you enjoyed yourselves because now you are going to die.

Nerina peeked out and ducked behind cover as a platoon opened fire. She walked over to Kyrii who was struggling to get to her feet. Kyrii started towards the opening. Nerina hugged her crying.

Nerina: They’re must be over a hundred men. After all we’ve been through, it can’t end like this can it?
Clair over loudspeaker: Men move in! Kill them both.
Kyrii: Don’t worry. I’ll get you out of here.

Suddenly Kyrii’s mind raced. She said that before and failed. She had accepted another’s life into her care and had failed. Nerina squeezed tighter and let go. Kyrii crouched in a battle stance. She released a guttural growl that didn’t seem real. She could not fail this time. Nerina knew it was hopeless.

Nerina: Kyrii. . . I trust you. Beside’s if we die here then I’ll never hear the rest of your story.

The first few men slowly entered the moth of the cave. Kyrii hit the wall and some rocks collapsed onto the men. Scouts, she dropped rock’s on a scouting party. Kyrii hadn’t planned that.

Clair (yelling): Don’t worry. Not a single life will go unaccounted for. Second group advance.
Kyrii heard a large group of men advance. She looked at Nerina who seemed to realize the same thing as her. They were finished here. They had too many injuries and there were far too many humans to have any hope of winning. Suddenly there was a new voice and the men outside stopped.

Mysterious voice: Clair, your advanced party is dead. I found their ID cards, at least of the men who weren’t eaten.
Clair: Lance, you actually survived.
Other voice: Lance wouldn’t lose to the predators on this world. He’s been studying them too long.
Lance: Clair, pull your men out now. If you don’t you will all die.
Clair: Where are you going? I’ll leave when I’m good and ready dammit. 
Chris: Clair maybe we should listen to him. He knows this world better than any of us.
Clair: God dammit Chris, you pathetic coward. I have an army. He is one man. Lethal to him is an annoyance to me. Continue forward men.

Kyrii listened as the men resumed their march. Nerina pulled Kyrii to the back chamber of the cave. Kyrii stood near the entrance. The only plan she had was stomp the first few and hurl herself into the main force hopefully giving Nerina time to escape. She waited for the men to enter. Outside she heard the men start shooting, yelling, panicking.

Soldier 1: Enemy attack!
Soldier 2: Form up left..
Soldier 3: Where? Above!
Soldier 2: There everywhere!

The men in the cave ran out. The guns continued for about five minutes then quiet. Nerina moved towards the door. Kyrii stepped in front of her.

Kyrii: Stay behind me.

Kyrii slowly crept outside. The light from the sun was more blotted than before and what appeared to be beautiful white silk lines covered the area each ending in a little bulb . Suddenly Kyrii came to a terrible realization, the men, those bulbs. Suddenly a black blur flew at Kyrii, she could barely move and was suddenly pinned under large sticky glob. several Dridder’s emerged from the tree’s and shadows. The largest towered one hundred and twenty seven feet high and was incredibly pretty. She crawled onto Kyrii who let out a yelp of pain. The huge Dridder made a point of standing on Kyrii’s injured rib. The Dridder’s laughed as the huge one bent toward’s Kyrii.

Nerina: Wait, Landrea.
Landrea: Nerina? I thought you were dead.
Nerina: No sister. This girl...I....um....... she saved me. Please don’t hurt her.
Landrea: Nerina, do you........ never mind. Everyone this is a celebration. My sister is alive and we just collected plenty of food. I think a party is in order for my sister’s safe return and the girl who apparently risked life and limb to save her. You two help get her back home.

Kyrii rested the entire trip to the Dridder’s home. The party and feast lasted through the night. Near the end they decided that Kyrii was the one who gets Clair who was bantering gibberish after watching everyone she knew getting eaten by these uncaring creatures.. The Dridder’s seemed confused when Kyrii untied her and put her on the ground telling her to run. They understood well after Kyrii followed her. They all got a laugh as Clair’s horrified screams pierced the night. After the party Kyrii slept like the dead. Clair’s furious struggle subsided and left Kyrii feeling satisfied.

The next morning Kyrii woke up early. The Dridder’s all still sleeping, she decided to leave early. She exited the opening to the massive cave as Landrea stepped out.

Landrea: Leaving without saying good bye?
Kyrii: It will be better this way.
Landrea: Kyrii. . .My sister, she care’s deeply for you. You saved her life and there is no way she will simply let that go.
Kyrii: She saved me from the humans. We’re even.
Landrea: Kyrii, that is not how Nerina work’s. if you leave now she will follow you.
Kyrii: Is that all right with you?
Landrea: It is her choice. I won’t stop her, but Kyrii if something happens to her. . .
Kyrii: Don’t worry. I know what it means to be a big sister.

Landrea simply nodded. An hour later Nerina came out.

Nerina: Kyrii. . . do you mind. . .
Kyrii: Nerina. Would you like to travel with me for a bit. Your sister has already agreed.
Nerina: Landrea, really.
Landrea: ONLY if you promise to come back safe.
Nerina: Yes. Of course.
Landrea: then do as you please. You have my blessing.

Nerina ran over and hugged Kyrii who was still to hurt to stop her.

Nerina: This is great. Traveling together, alone. Just the two of us.
Kyrii: Nerina, I invited you and I could just as easily uninvite you.

Nerina looked into Kyrii’s face, tears swelling up.

Nerina: Come on Kyrii. Don’t say that.
Landrea: Kyrii, one warning. My sister is weird, she is very different from normal Dridder’s. Remember that.

Kyrii looked at Nerina who was wiping her eye’s.

Kyrii: I’ll try to keep that in mind. Nerina you ready to leave.
Half sleeping Dridder1: Shut up!
Half sleeping Dridder 2: Ok, ok get going already.
Sleep talking Dridder: But if a human hides in a plant and I eat the plant am I a vegetarian?

Nerina and Kyrii walked out of the cave.

Nerina: Which way should we go.

Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck to the north, followed almost immediately by thunder. Rain began to fall heavily as clouds covered what little sky there was.

Kyrii: That-a-way!
Nerina: Toward’s the storm?
Kyrii: No, Toward’s our next adventure!
© Copyright 2008 G-cat (g-cat at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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