Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1467647-Kyriis-beginning
by G-cat
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1467647
This was a story I made to get into the swing of this.
I made it take place on Felareya, a world created by the artist Karbo (I don't know him any other way),  It has a more specialized genre but I hope whoever reads it enjoys it.

          Kyrii awoke one morning as her sister came into the room to inform Kyrii it was time to leave again. She looked around her makeshift home, at the dull cloth roof, the sticks holding it up. Kyrii was one of the group’s top hunters and scouts and therefor was given permission to use one of the temporary houses. The fact of Kyrii being a top hunter made her sister, Mari, jealous to no end. Though she was proud of her sister, she would never admit it.  Her sister and her were some of the  “reckless” youth that abandoned their tribe to find another place to live free from their harpy “allies.” A group of  two hundred and sixty-five set out to find a new place to live. The first challenge on their journey was the lake of illusions, they managed to keep a cool head and found their way around without too much trouble. Next they traveled around the Ascarlin mountains, the worst they had was a few rock harpies. They managed to scare them off but took losses. Their biggest problem was the grove of carnivorous plants. Though they traveled along the side of the river, they still lost many to the various Dryads. Again the group pressed on. Being down a hundred members out of their original group, and still finding no place to call home lowered moral. They thought that the plants were bad but then they entered the area around the fairy pond. This area was beautiful, peaceful and perfect. Kyrii and their leader Verdranar decided to continue a little more. About fifty decided to remain in this paradise, the group said their good-byes and they continued. Sadly those fifty were never heard from again. Traveling north they eventually they found the ruined city of Ur-Sagol. They decided not to set up in the city because that would not only attract attention but may lead to their destruction by the guardian that destroyed it originally. They already had the ire of their fellow tribesmen and the resentment of a guardian was not something they needed. The small tribe set themselves up about a half day to the south of Ur-Sagol and set up a small town.  The small one hundred fifteen member group grew fairly quickly into a town of almost five hundred. Life was not easy and many died to the Kensha Beasts, they learned to avoid the podmaws after one of their members, Miki, was almost digested. It took a large group but they saved her, though she was heavily traumatized by the experience. The worst predator was a naga who always found their hunting groups, she alone was responsible for more than fifty deaths.  On the five-year anniversary of their bid for independence, Kyrii noticed that some of their supplies and tools were missing. After a brief search she had come to find obvious evidence of intruders. This continued for several days until the Neko’s decided to investigate further. Naturally, Kyrii was placed at the head of the search party. They departed as a group of fifty and searched for hours. Narrowly surviving a naga attack and most of the remaining members died fending off a group of Kensha beasts. By the time Kyrii and the last six girls found what appeared to be the intruder’s they were exhausted. The intruder turned out to be a small group of mercenaries who was stealing important items’ from the Neko’s camp. They all had rifles and camouflage patterned armor. Kyrii requested the return of their item’s the mercenary leader opened the door to a small cave and Kyrii, him and four guards’ entered. Just as Kyrii entered the guards closed the door behind her. Inside Kyrii saw two young human women, one had short brown hair, glasses and a lab coat.. The other had long dark brown hair down to her middle back, a long robe and a large amount of makeup. Kyrii was not the most knowledgeable about humans but she figured out this was a scientist and a mage from what she heard from the other’s. The mercenary leader cleared his throat.

Neither girl noticed, or seemed to care.

Girl with glasses- Can I help you?
Merc leader- I finished my assignment.
As she looked up
Girl with too much makeup- I don’t see a. . . . oh you actually got a Neko to visit.
Merc 1- we got a whole group outside
Kyrii- Look miss. I’m sure you’re thrilled that I’m here but I assure you that if you don’t return what you took from us my visit will be far from pleasant.
Girl with Glasses- Aria please pay the man.
Kyrii- Hey!
Aria- Ms.
Kyrii- Kyrii.
Aria- Ms Kyrii please everything will be cleared up in a moment
Girl with glasses- Kyrii . . . right. Anyway, all your belongings will be returned to your village, we only needed a live specimen for our project.
Merc Leader- Down her!

Kyrii barely turned around and the four guards hit her. As she drifted out of consciousness she heard talking

Merc Leader- Ok boys . . .  neutralized!
Girl in glasses- Put . . . a cell.
Kyrii heard no more.

         Kyrii awoke in a cell. Across from her she saw two of the girls she came with.

Kyrii- Where are the others?
Neko Prisoner Rinal- They were brought out there and we heard screaming, none came back though.
Neko Prisoner Miki- They’re dead. That’s why they stopped. They’re dead. *sniff*
Kyrii- Don’t worry. I’ll get you out of here. Any idea what’s going on.
Rinal- From what I heard the scientist in charge will be performing some studies on us. The Mercenaries stole those things to lure us out here.
Kyrii- And I led us right into their trap.
Miki- Because of you all of our friends*sniff*. We’re going to die here.
Kyrii- I . . . I’m so sorry.
Rinal- Kyrii don’t worry about it. It could have happened to anyone.
Miki- But . . . *sniff* . . . but . . . it happened to us. Why couldn’t Mari’s group had gone?

Suddenly Rinal stood up and hit Miki across the face. Miki sat in shock

Rinal- Kyrii already feel’s bad enough so don’t pile any more onto her. I didn’t see you trying to fight back against our capture, you broke down, cried and surrendered.
Miki- But . . . but.
Rinal- You promised me you would not be a liability on this mission. That’s why I let you take Ranku’s place in this group.
Miki- *sniff* But . . . I . . . she.
Rinal- Now you make all this fall onto Kyrii. Take at least partial blame. If your parents were still alive . . .

Miki pounced at Rinal who easily parried her. Rinal was one of their best fighters and Miki was so frail in comparison that in a serious fight Rinal would tear her apart. As Rinal leapt at Miki She turned to block. Kyrii recognized the movements Rinal was performing. This was her favorite killing blow.


Rinal stopped about half an inch away from Miki’s exposed side.

Rinal- But Kyrii she was out of line. She attacked me.
Kyrii- You made an unjust comment toward her. As for her attack I’ve seen more lethal lunges from leaves blowing in the wind. As far as her breakdown it is not completely unexpected, after all she has come closer to death than anyone else. She almost died in a podmaw and I doubt you heard but the naga Kayrissa near our home let her live in exchange for her parent’s lives. She had to watch.

Rinal turned to Miki. Who was staring at her claw.

Rinal- Miki. You saw your parents die.
Miki- I . . .  I . . . watched as Kayrissa lifted my mother over her mouth. She told my father to stay put or I would be next. Mom . . . mom . . . *sniffs* . . . she screamed in horror all the way down
Kayrissas throat. Then she . . . she . . . grabbed me and held me to her stomach. As my father moved Kayrissa Caught him in her mouth. She held me . . . she wouldn’t let go. I listened until their screaming stopped and was replaced by the . . . by . . . her . . .

Rinal stepped forward and held Miki who had broken down crying once again.

Rinal- I’m so very sorry Miki . . . I never knew.
Kyrii- the village leader and Miki decided that telling everyone would make her life too hard. All the pity, all the whispered talk. She didn’t want the tribe to walk on eggshells around her.

Suddenly the door swung open. Ten guards came in.

Merc 1-Take her!

The guard pointed at Miki.

Rinal- No please take me. Leave her. I’ll go instead.

The guards pushed Rinal aside and grabbed Miki. Rinal tried to fight but was easily overpowered by the sheer numbers of the men. Kyrii reached for the Merc who was near her bar’s. as she grabbed him the others shot at her. She felt a sharp pain in her thigh. She looked down and saw small darts. As the guards dragged Miki out and Kyrii faded from consciousness she heard faint whispers.

Miki- No . . . no . . . please . . . No!
Rinal- Kyrii . . . Kyrii are you . . .

Once again the black abyss of sleep took her         
         She awoke several hours later. She looked around and her eyes settled on Rinal who was eating something.

Rinal- Your food is over there. It’s fish, so I don’t know weather to be happy or insulted.
Kyrii-Wh . . . what happened to Miki?
Rinal- Kyrii I don’t think you need to hear about . . .
Kyrii-WHAT happened to Miki?
Rinal- She was brought to that room, after about ten minutes she started yelling. She screamed for about two hours. Then it was quiet. The scientist came in and took some of our blood and went back out. Then you woke up.
Kyrii-Any chance she’s all right?
Rinal-Alive maybe, but all right. Kyrii I’ve never heard anyone scream so loud or so constantly four that long.

The door opened again.  The girl in the glasses entered escorted by six guards. She approached Rinal’s cell.

Girl in glasses-Take this one. The other’s cells are perfect for the experiment but I want one more test before the main show.
Kyrii- what did you do to Miki?
Girl in glasses-Miki? The one we just tested. She did not possess what we needed so she is presently waiting for death to take her.

Rinal broke free from her guard and lunged at the scientist. She was about to swing when the other guards tackled her. Rinal thrashed and fought with the guards all the way out.

Girl in glasses- Spirited, energetic, dangerous, a pity you’re not the one who fit’s our experiment.

Kyrii watched in silence as Rinal was taken through the door. She heard the horrible screaming. She looked at the fish on her plate.

Kyrii-Humans make everything suffer.


         The next morning she woke up to a knocking on her door. She looked up and saw the Merc leader.

Merc leader- Miss Kyrii was it?
Kyrii- What do you want?
Merc leader- My name’s Luke.
Kyrii- What did I do to make me seem like I care who you are?
Luke- I just wanted to apologize for this whole mess. My group needed the deal desperately.
Kyrii- And I want to apologize for the fact that if I survive I will personally kill every one of you.
Luke- Fair enough.

The door opened and the Girl in glasses entered with her usual entourage.

Girl in glasses- I feel bad about doing all this and not even telling you my name. I am Melanie Zephyr. You already know my partner Aria Lafleur. Take her!

Luke- A regular bleeding heart

Luke opened Kyrii’s cell and she got to her feet. The guards entered and grabbed her.

Kyrii- I know the way
Melanie- Let the lady walk.

The guards let her go and led he through the door.
The room was mostly empty apart from a few machines and a bed a few machines. Aria stood near the bed.

Aria- Over here, please.

The guards aimed at Kyrii. She slowly approached the bed. The guards walked her there.
They strapped her down.

Melanie- In order for you to understand what were doing I believe an explanations are in order. First of all I’m sure you noticed the creatures of this world, the fact that they are huge, they eat smaller creatures, creatures like us. My research is to create a weapon to counter this.
Kyrii-Why did so many suffer?
Aria- Progress.
Melanie- Precisely. As the saying goes “You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.”
Kyrii- why us?
Melanie- Simply put. Nekos are tougher and stronger than humans so they have a better chance of surviving the process. We though of elves but with their command of magic we decided Nekos would make more compliant subjects.
Kyrii- That is your reason?
Aria- Tell her the plan.
Melanie- All right. Keep quiet everyone because I don’t want to repeat myself. My brilliant plan is to use Aria’s magic and my science to create a biological weapon to counter the Naga’s, mermaids, fairies and various other predators of Felareya. Our weapon, in this case a Neko who is on par in size as the natural predators. This idea came at a great cost, and many died collecting the necessary materials. We have some water from the fairy pond, samples of various plants, pieces of a fairy wing, a sample of the Naga Katrika’s DNA for her adaptability. Also, Aria has been studying the magic’s of the various races around Felareya. Our plan is simply to even the playing field. I have concluded that you body will accept the serum that we made, all that is required is Aria to bombard you with magical energy as you change. The last two were needed to help Aria figure out how much energy she needs to use.
Kyrii-Before we start can I see the others?
Melanie- I see no harm in it.

Melanie pushed a button and some observation bays opened. Kyrii looked and what she saw was horrifying. The girls she came with were mutated beyond recognition. She looked at each body, each more disfigured than the last. She came to one window, it held a creature that no longer resembled any normal creature on it there was a nameplate “MIKI.” Kyrii’s eyes watered as she saw the poor girl still clinging to life. She remembered what Verdranar had said to Miki after her parents died, just after the Podmaw incident “Miki, your will to live and strength of heart are far greater than anyone I know. More so than Rinal, more so than even myself. Never lose that spark of life that makes’ you who you are.” Kyrii though that he was just consoling her about her parents but in the end, even like this Miki still held to life. Luke and his men looked at the girls remains in mixed shock and horror

Melanie- We are going to start now. Oh . . .  and Kyrii. This is going to hurt a lot.

As she pushed a button and hundreds of needles surrounded Kyrii and Aria started chanting.
The needles moved as one and all pierced  Kyrii’s skin at the same moment, they went into her bones as she started screaming. Over her own screams she heard a sad sounding whine coming from Miki’s direction. She passed out a while later.

          Kyrii awoke in a gigantic empty room. She looked around and saw nothing but a table of food. Then the intercom came on.

Male voice over intercom- Kyrii, that food is to keep your strength up over the growth process. The process has already begun and will take about a week. When you are too large to feed, we will bring in animals for you.
Kyrii- How do I get out when you want me to fight the predators.
Male voice over intercom- You get released when it is time.

         Kyrii though that the procedure was the most painful thing she had ever endured. Then the growing set in. Her body started expanding slowly. Her muscles and bones stretching snapping and reforming as she nearly choked to death on her food. What seemed an eternity later the pain faded and disappeared. She looked around. What little she was wearing was tiny fabrics on her body. The table full rest of her food was crushed her under back as she sat up the door opened and Melanie walked in. Kyrii stood up to her full height. Melanie was barely up to her ankle. It took most of Kyrii’s will not to crush Melanie where she stood, a bit more to avoid eating her, and what was left to not play some cat and mouse. To kill Melanie now would only condemn her to be stuck in here till she died. Her only thoughts were of revenge

Melanie- Lay down, please. I want to measure your growth.

Kyrii stretched out obediently. Melanie waved Luke over and instructed him to hold the measuring tape against Kyrii’s foot. Luke looked uncomfortable being next to a foot that was bigger than himself. Melanie walked along with the measuring tape up to Kyrii head.

Melanie- 90 feet without ears, 96 feet with ears. Muscle mass normal. Everything is fine. I suggest you exercise until you get used to this size. The transformation process was probably hard on your body                    

Melanie decided to get Kyrii used to her life as a weapon and despite not letting her out until she deemed her ready. She brought bandits in from outside and left them in Kyrii’s room.

Melanie over intercom- They will serve as you meal for today.
Kyrii- What?!? How could feed members of your own race to me?
Melanie over Intercom- If you’re trying to appeal to my good side don’t bother. These people have interrupted my research too many times. We are not feeding you anything else until those ten are dead.
Cowardly bandit Naire- You . . . you don’t want to eat us?
Reckless bandit Steven- Bring it on girlie.

Kyrii smiled a large smile exposing her teeth. Naire backed behind Steven.

Cocky bandit Dion- This ain’t nothing. You saw she was military. She can’t let kitty-lady here eat us. She’s trying to make us crack and rat out our chum’s.
Clever bandit Kaven- Unless she neglect’s to report our capture.
Slow bandit Jose- She . . . wouldn’t do that would she? I mean we’re people, not food. 
Fearless Bandit Radam- Don’t worry all we have to do is escape before she gets hungry.
Kaven- At her size, assuming she is fit and judging from the usual feeding habits of other creatures her size to fill herself up she would eat about half of us.
Jose- So is she gonna eat us or not?

The bandits tried for a day and a half at random escape attempts. Kyrii’s Stomach was growling.
The bandits started trying more desperately to escape. Kyrii really did not want to eat the people trapped with her but if she was to survive she might have no choice. Kyrii stood up, the bandits all stared at her as she clenched her fist and let out a powerful hit that left a dent in the artificial wall.

Melanie over intercom- Hey Kyrii calm down. Feeling hungry?
Kyrii- Let me out of here. This isn’t funny.
Melanie- I’ll let you out when I think you’re ready to serve my purpose.
Kyrii- Your purpose? Is this some kind of sick game?
Melanie- No, this is an experiment.
Kaven- Hey Intercom lady? Your experiment’s are not supported by whatever military you came with are they?
Melanie over Intercom- Clever observation. No, I’m actually an exiled scientist from another world. I was exiled for “cruel, Inhumane experimentation.” But if you don’t mind me asking how did you figure that out?
Kaven- Quite simple actually. To my knowledge researcher’s shouldn’t have the authority to kill prisoners. That and you’ve surrounded yourself with mercenaries. Other than your mage you’re probably alone.
Melanie over intercom- How did you know about Aria?
Kaven- So you do have a mage. I thought so.

Suddenly the door opened and Melanie entered. The bandits all moved near her as Radam grabbed her throat. The door closed.

Melanie- Kyrii . . . If they . . . kill me . . . you . . . are . . . stuck . . . here.

Kyrii looked at the bandits who when faced with their captor somehow managed to forget the 90-ft girl behind them. Kyrii did not want to help Melanie however starving and faced with permanent imprisonment she thought obedience was the best course of action. She lifted her foot over the five bandits furthest from Melanie. Then she cleared her throat.

Kyrii- I suggest you discuss this like mature adults. Or this might get a bit messy.

As if noticing her for the first time, the bandits looked up and saw the sole of her foot. Radam looked and only let go as Kyrii lower her foot a little. Melanie stood up rubbing her neck. Kyrii again had to display an amazing degree of willpower to avoid stomping Melanie to death. Melanie walked over to Kaven. As Kyrii finally lowered her foot where Melanie just was.

Melanie- You, smart ass. How would you like to work for me?
Kaven- Listen, you seem attractive, smart and a hell of a lot better off than these guys.
Melanie- So it’s a deal.
Kaven- Let me finish. Despite all this I happen to think that my poor, ugly, smelly, dumbass friends are better people than a hundred of you.
Melanie- I grow tired of this. Kyrii I’ve changed my mind.

Kyrii’s ear’s lowered in confusion. She seemed puzzled as to what Melanie meant.

Melanie- I’m leaving now, don’t let them follow me. If you want food . . .

Melanie’s voice trailed off as she looked at Kaven. As the door opened and Melanie went to leave Steven leapt for the door and Kyrii kicked at him. She only meant to move her foot, just get it in the way but instead she kicked him full out.  Naire screamed as Stevens bleeding body hit the wall. Most of the others tried to get away from Kyrii. She heard a horrible yell and felt something squish and crunch as she lowered her foot. She looked down and saw Jose looking toward his leg which disappeared under her heel. Naire stood over Stevens body. All of the bandits were yelling.

Naire- Murderer! You cold-blooded murderer!
Kaven- You’re no better than that girl!
Radam- Monster! You’re inhuman!
Jose- She . . . she crushed my leg! It hurts, someone help me it hurts!
Dion- Think your so tough eh?! Killin and stomping little guys’ like us for that bitch. You just her attack dog!

Kyrii’s backed away covering her ears. Tears rolling down her face. The hunger pains mixed with the sensory overload of the small bandits yelling at her. She curled into the fetal position.

Kyrii- Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

Suddenly what was said hit her. No better than that girl. Her, the biggest victim in all of this, no better than Melanie. Suddenly Kyrii stopped crying, she stopped yelling, the hunger was too much and these people already thought she was a monster. She pushed herself up onto her hands and looked at the bandits with a hungry expression. She reached out and covered Jose with her hand. She started pulling him towards her lowered face.

Kyrii- No better than her am I? I’m about to show you how “inhuman” I can be. I don’t understand why I was starving myself.  I have food right here.
Jose- No! Please! No! Guys help me!

The others stared in fear as Kyrii licked her lips and lifted Jose over her open mouth.

Jose looked into the dark pit of Kyrii’s throat. He tried to hold onto her hand as she let him slide onto her waiting tongue. His screams became muffled as Kyrii closed her mouth. The last thing Jose saw before the light disappeared were Kyrii’s saliva-covered teeth closing. The rest of Jose’s friend’s watched as Kyrii rolled Jose around in her mouth. Suddenly she stopped, looked at the others, closed her eye’s and swallowed. The small human’s looked in shock as their friend slowly traveled towards her stomach. Kyrii began to purr as her victim reached her stomach. Kyrii giggled as Jose squirmed in her stomach. Kyrii looked at the rest.

Kyrii- Not too bad. I see why the predator of this land like you all so much. You taste great!

Kyrii reached with both hands towards the remaining members. The group tried to scatter but Kyrii moved faster and caught two. Like a greedy kid with candy Kyrii stuffed the two into her mouth, and in almost the same instant she caught two more. Suddenly a large monitor turned on and everyone could see Melanie sitting in her office.

Melanie- See what happens when you oppose me! So Kyrii, how is it? Do they taste good?
Radam- We’re humans, you cold-hearted monster.
Melanie- I don’t see humans. All I see is cat food!

Melanie laughed as the monitor turned off. Kyrii ate seven of the bandits before falling asleep. The remaining two, Kaven and Naire sat near Steven’s body as they stared at the huge girl who ate their friends. They heard Kyrii’s stomach groan and gurgle. Naire broke down. They sat for hours with only Kyrii’s stomach and Naire’s crying as noise.

Naire- Do you think we’ll be all right?
Kaven- I doubt it. We’re trapped in here with a  monster.
Naire-  Dion, Radam, Jose, Steven. May you rest in peace.
Kaven- By now the others have probably been digested and . . .  I’m so sorry.
Naire- No it’s the truth. Besides you’ve always put science and logic before emotion and friends. I just wish you would talk more like a hero.

Kyrii opened her eye’s and saw the two. She was a little full but she still hated the humans who tormented her dreams and she saw two right in front of her. She reached for them. Kaven pushed Naire out of the way and Kyrii caught him.

Kaven- Naire, I won’t let her hurt you!
Naire- Kaven! No!

Kyrii put him in her mouth, and Naire ran up to Kyrii.

Naire- Please! Kyrii please let him live. Don’t make me be alone. I love him. Ill do anything.

Kyrii made a show of letting Kaven get halfway out of her mouth before pulling him back inside with her tongue. Kyrii again started purring, relishing in her prey’s futile attempt’s to escape.
Kyrii looked at Naire, smiled and swallowed. Then she reached for Naire, rubbing her stomach.

Kyrii- That’s cute! Sadly though I’m done caring for humans. You’re all horrible creatures who only care about yourselves. Well guess what? You are all food to me now. You wanted me to prove that I’m no better than Melanie, so here you are. You know I think it’s funny. I’ve never had much of an opinion of humans. Where I come from we used to catch them and feed them to the harpies. I never thought I would actually be the on eating you. I guess this place is getting to me. Now do you want me to eat you now or for breakfast?
Naire- You . . . how could . . .

Kyrii placed her into her mouth. She wondered if this was wrong. She swallowed and drifted off satisfied with her meal.


         Kyrii woke up to the sound of talking. She opened her eye’s and saw Aria and Luke arguing and Luke’s men behind Aria.

Luke- This is wrong! I don’t care if it’s for your experiment. People are suffering and dying.
Aria- But it is for the better. If this works then we will have nothing to fear from the predators of Felareya. Melanie’s plan is a little unethical but the results are well . . . look.
Luke- Your scientists are insane! 
Aria- Do not put Melanie in with that bunch of cowards. Every one of them refused her research. The kept referring to the uncertainty. Those worthless people pretty much refuse to do anything unless it is sure to work. Like they never heard of testing.
Luke- Forget this. I’m not staying here for the pathetic sum you offered me. Killing as many as you have is worth much more. C’mon guys.
Merc 1- Sir, with all due respect we are not leaving.
Luke- Excuse me?
Merc 2 - They keep us fed here and we have steady work. We like it here.
Luke- What about the projects running.
Merc 1- What projects? We’re not here to judge our employer. Only to do the job we’ve been given.
Luke- I can’t believe you. When Kyrii finds out about what happened to her village . . .

Suddenly Kyrii sat up and grabbed Luke. The men in the room barely had time to aim their guns.

Kyrii- What happened to my village?
Luke- Ky . . . rii . . . let go . . . crushing me! I........can’t . . . breath..
Aria- Kyrii. We have a mission for you.
Kyrii- My village comes first.
Aria- No you misunderstand, the mission is to find out what happened at your village and if it is a predator eliminate it.

Kyrii put Luke down, his face blue. She got to her feet.

Kyrii- I’ll play your game.
Aria- The target is northeast of here . . .
Kyrii- I know the area. Just let me do this my way.
Aria-  Hold it. You’re taking someone with you.
Luke- I’ll go.
Merc 1- Sir, I though you quit.
Luke- Shut up. I have to see it myself.
Aria- Kyrii do you object to Luke as your partner.
Kyrii- I don’t care.
Aria- All right Kyrii please carry Luke to the destination. You have Six hours.

The back wall of the place opened up.

Melanie over intercom- Kyrii. Should you choose not to return then you condemn another Neko to this fate. Remember that.

Luke readied his rifle and Kyrii lifted him onto the back of her neck. He held on for dear life as she took off running towards her village. On the way she saw the Kensha Beasts clearing the way. Luke was amazed at how quiet Kyrii was. She made a bit of noise but she was very stealthy for a ninety-foot girl. It took an hour but Kyrii slowed down.

Kyrii- We’re almost there.
Luke- Let me down. I’ll cover you.

She placed Luke in a tree and slowly entered the clearing. Kyrii stared in shock, the entire village was ruined and right in the middle there was Kayrissa who was caressing her stomach. As Kyrii crept closer, Kayrissa turned to face her and looked as though she might fall over at the sight.

Kayrissa- My, my aren’t you big.
Kyrii- You . . . Did you do this? Did you eat everyone?
Kayrissa- Yes! And yes. I did this and I ate everyone I caught.
Kyrii- We always . . . how . . . how did you find it? We always told everyone to stay away if followed.
Kayrissa- Actually a young girl told me where to find it. She was very informative and led me right here. In exchange I let her go.

Suddenly Kyrii and Kayrissa saw something move off to the side. Kyrii tried to spot what it was as Kayrissa launched herself at it. Kayrissa looked at Kyrii, a Neko’s legs and tail hanging from her mouth. Before Kyrii could say anything the Naga swallowed her victim. Kyrii watched the bulge slowly travel down the Naga’s throat. Kyrii felt anger and hate erupt inside her.

Kayrissa- You’ll have to move much faster if you’re going to hunt.

Kyrii couldn’t take anymore. She ran at Kayrissa who seemed ill prepared for an attack. Kyrii jumped at her target ready to kill. Suddenly, as though se was waiting for the perfect opportunity Kayrissa bent backwards and let Kyrii pass over her. Kayrissa caught Kyrii’s ankles and used her body like a whip. Kyrii hit the ground hard. The wind knocked from her she struggled to regain her breath and was horrified to see herself wrapped by Kayrissa’s lower half. Kyrii couldn’t move as Kayrissa constricted around her.

Kayrissa- Uh-oh, did somebody underestimate me?

Suddenly a loud gunshot was heard. Kayrissa looked at her arm as a small dot the size of a pinprick started to bleed. Two more shots were fired and two more prick’s appeared on Kayrissa.

Kayrissa- You brought a friend.

Kayrissa released Kyrii and went towards the source of the shots. Kyrii slowly got to her feet. Her body in tremendous pain from Kayrissa’s attack. She looked to where Kayrissa was heading and realized that Luke was over there.

Kayrissa- I’m impressed you were able to remain undetected for that long.

Luke jumped out and aimed. Kayrissa moved behind a tree as Luke emptied his clip. Kayrissa moved around to get him from behind. Kyrii was slowly making her way to Luke. Kayrissa leapt out of the woods directly at Luke who vaulted over her outstretched hand and threw a flash grenade into her face. Kayrissa screamed in pain and fright as she trashed her tail and hit Luke. Kyrii lunged in and raked her claws against Kayrissa’s back. Finally, blinded, hurt but full Kayrissa decided to retreat. Kyrii could barely move and had to let Kayrissa escape. She crawled over Luke’s prone figure. Blood coming out of his mouth and from some of the joints in his armor. He turned towards Kyrii.

Luke- You’re a liar.
Kyrii- What are you talking about.
Luke- You said you would kill me personally.
Kyrii- You’re not going to die. You can’t. You saved my life.
Luke- Remember I also ruined it. Promise one thing. Don’t let that woman do this to anyone else. My men have already fallen victim to her evil and now you are all that’s left in her way.
Kyrii- Don’t worry. I’ll be sure to stop her.

A small rustle cut them off. Luke took aim with his sidearm. Kyrii looked towards the forest and three Neko’s emerged. Kyrii recognized them instantly. Mari, Ranku and Verdranar stepped into sight.

Kyrii- Luke, that’s my sister! She’s alive! ...................... Luke? Luke!

But Luke never answered. He maintained his unfaltering aim and vigil. Kyrii new that he was gone. Kyrii went to approach the group but they began to back away.

Mari- Kyrii? That you?
Kyrii- A lot has happened.
Verdranar- Kyrii? What in the world.
Ranku- Seriously Kyrii, What’s going on?
Verdranar- Everyone wait. Now asking her questions all at once will only serve to add to the confusion. We will each ask one question and Kyrii, try to answer to the best of your ability.
Kyrii- OK.
Mari- What happened to you?
Ranku- What happened to my sister? Where’s Rinal?
Verdranar- All right, and I would like to know what happened to the group that went with you.
Kyrii- Ok, this all fall’s under the same story so I’m just going to start at the beginning. My group left the village in search of the intruders and found................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Kyrii finished with coming to investigate the village. She omitted the part of eating the humans because of the fact that one would ask if it was “good.”

Kyrii- And the rest you know.
Ranku- Rinal. You died fighting bravely. Rest well my sister.
Mari- Poor Miki, to have suffered so much in her life.
Verdranar- This Melanie sounds like the girl that brought Kayrissa here.
Kyrii- Don’t worry, I will make Melanie, Aria and everyone there pay. What about you?
Verdranar- We will find a new place to call home.
Kyrii- But there are so few left. You can’t start a tribe with only three members.
Verdranar- I know but we left the tribe and I doubt they will be willing to take us back.
Mari- Kyrii, look what she did to you. Do you really want to go back? Even if it is to stop her.
Kyrii- Mari. I have to. Otherwise, she will put somebody else through the same thing.
Mari- I understand.
Verdranar- Though odds are we will never see each other again.
Kyrii- I know. I’ll miss you all.

The group said their goodbye’s and parted way’s. Kyrii buried Luke and headed towards “her” base.

Kyrii arrived and saw the men waiting, her injuries felt much better. Aria approached.
Merc 1- Oh look. She came back. Without Luke. Who saw that coming?
Merc 2- I bet a months pay she ate him.
Merc 3- I’m in.
Merc 1- Knock it off she’s staring.

Kyrii was staring, and she couldn’t understand how humans could be so callous to there own. To talk so casually when they probably truly believed she ate him. Aria walked over to Kyrii.

Aria- How did it go?
Kyrii- Look, I’m not your guinea pig, I’m Melanie’s. To that effect I’m only going to report to her!
Aria- Melanie is occupied.

Suddenly the door to the building opened. Melanie walked out.

Melanie- No need to lie. I’m not that busy.
Aria- Melanie it’s dangerous as long as she is out of the cell.
Melanie- Nonsense. Kyrii came back, with no control measures in place. I believe she knows who she belongs to.
Kyrii- No, Aria is right.

Suddenly Kyrii spun and kicked at the Merc’s only three managed to dodge. The force of the kick and the impact with the ground was fatal to the group. The rest looked at each other and retreated into the woods. Kyrii placed her foot onto Aria who was too scared to move and grabbed Melanie. Kyrii moved her foot over Aria’s arm and applied her weight. Aria let out a scream of pain and then some of the most pathetic sobs. Melanie unfazed looked at Kyrii.

Melanie- Listen Kyrii. We can cure you. Make you normal.
Kyrii- Three things. One I actually like being this big. I am finally near the top of the food chain. I may have disliked it at first but now I realize how free I am. Second I can’t trust anything you say. You are an evil, self centered, maniac with a god complex. And third. If I were normal I couldn’t do this.

Kyrii reached down and picked up the whining and sobbing Aria by her good arm and lifted her over her open mouth. Aria saw this and started babbling incoherently. Kyrii lowered Aria in slowly. Melanie looked in horror as well as pride at her creation. Kyrii closed her mouth and looked at Melanie. Aria’s arm still hanging out of Kyrii’s mouth, desperately clawing at air, Kyrii’s lips, anything to avoid the next step. Kyrii couldn’t help it. Her purring started and Aria’s arm and screams became more frantic.

Melanie- Good, isn’t she? You know that you actually exceeded my expectations. Kyrii join me. We can change Felareya. We will lead this world to a new future.

Kyrii closed her eye’s, swallowed and smiled. Melanie watched the bulge travel down her throat.
She watched the content face of Kyrii as her friend disappeared into Kyrii’s body.

Kyrii-  If your trying to appeal to my good side don’t bother. You’ve stood in the way of my freedom too many times.

For the first time, Melanie was afraid. Her eyes looked around at the dead men, then to the puddle of blood that was Aria’s arm. Then her eye’s fell on Kyrii’s face. She stood smiling, purring enjoying Aria’s struggles against her muscles as Aria traveled to her waiting stomach. Melanie didn’t plan for this. She had no bargaining chip, no leverage. Kyrii opened her eye’s and looked at Melanie. Her cool facade giving way to genuine panic.

Melanie- Kyrii, wait listen to me. You said you liked what you became. So you owe me.

Melanie heard Kyrii’s stomach groan and gurgle. Melanie figured that Aria had arrived in Kyrii’s stomach. Melanie suddenly hated being a biology major. She thought in intricate detail what was happening to her friend and what would soon befall her if she didn’t think of anything. Tear’s ran down her cheek’s.

Melanie- Kyrii. Please, I don’t want to die. Not like this.

Just then Kyrii had a wonderful idea.

Kyrii-I can give you one chance to get away.
Melanie- Re.......really? No catch.
Kyrii- Well there is one.

Kyrii put Melanie down.

Kyrii- You run. I chase. If you get away then you win. If I catch you, you lose.

Melanie turned and ran. Kyrii waited about two minutes and took off after her. In no time Kyrii caught up to Melanie and almost stepped on her. Kyrii scooped her up and looked at her. Melanie was terrified sobbing and out of breath.

Kyrii- Word of advice, when running from something bigger than yourself do not go in a strait line. Hide or dodge behind things but going straight only leads to exhaustion and you still usually end up caught.

Kyrii put Melanie down again and she took off in the opposite direction. Kyrii left right away and circled around to the base. Kyrii sat on the main lab waiting. About thirty seconds later Melanie entered the clearing. She froze as she saw Kyrii waiting for her. Kyrii hopped down and walked towards Melanie. 

Kyrii- For such a smart girl, you fell for a really basic trap. You know if you had turned and gone in another direction I probably never would have caught you. But then again I wasn’t really trying.

Kyrii reached for Melanie. Melanie, barely able to move from all the sprinting turned, took two steps and fell. Kyrii lifted her by the leg and lifted her over her face. Kyrii opened her mouth and extended her tongue.

Kyrii- Well I’m sorry to say this but you lose.
Melanie- Kyrii, please! This world can’t afford to lose my genius.

Suddenly images of Miki, Rinal, Luke, Naire, Kaven and everyone else that had suffered for Melanie’s ambition.

Kyrii- Yes it can!

Kyrii released Melanie onto her waiting tongue. Melanie struggled against Kyrii’s tongue as it pushed her into Kyrii’s waiting mouth. Melanie felt the saliva covering her body. Form inside Kyrii’s mouth Melanie heard her purr’s like a jackhammer. Melanie held onto Kyrii’s teeth and tried desperately to pull herself out of Kyrii’s mouth. Kyrii smiled and pressed Melanie against the roof of her mouth. She could feel Melanie struggling against her tongue. Kyrii looked around at the abandoned base. Only the dead bodies and her still there. She rolled Melanie around and pushed her to the back of her throat. She felt Melanie give one last burst of energy to push herself free as Kyrii swallowed. Melanie squirmed all the way down and Kyrii enjoyed every second
After Melanie arrived at her destination Kyrii stomped the base into the ground. Exhausted from her battle, meal and the work on the base she fell asleep caressing her stomach.

Kyrii woke up the next morning. Her stomach empty. She got to her feet. Trying to decide where to go.

Kyrii- Man I’m starving. I wonder where those other mercenaries got to. 

Suddenly she heard a noise. She hid behind the tree’s. a group of four men led by a young woman came out.

Young woman- This is the area. Search for her or her data. Melanie’s signal went dead yesterday.
Men- Yes Sir, Commander Zephyr

The men spread out and one called the girl over.

Soldier- Commander, look at this.

The woman walked over.

Young woman- What the hell?
Scout- Judging from the area wind, if my guess is right this was made yesterday. If it’s still in the area . . .
Young woman- Men, secure this position. There’s a predator so if anything comes near us I want to know about it before it knows about us.

Kyrii turned to leave then her stomach let out a growl. As one of the men looked toward’s her direction Kyrii pounced and pinned the guy down. The others turned and raised their gun’s.

Men- Enemy attack! Defensive positions!
Young woman- Retreat! We don’t have the firepower.

The soldier’s scattered and the woman looked at the man Kyrii held down said something quietly and ran. Seeing them all running, her tail started swishing. She wanted to play, she wanted to hunt, she wanted them. She lifted her hand’s and the soldier took off screaming. Kyrii hunched close to the ground and counted to ten. Upon reaching ten she took off after the closest man.

Kyrii- Playtime!                              
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