Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1467354-A-Different-Vampyre
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1467354
A twist on your normal vampire!
So many humans are writing about my kind. The people of the night, the bloodsuckers, the fascinating Vampyres! These people write about our flawless hard skin that can deflect bullets, our amazing speed and cat like grace. They praise us for our beauty and luring nature that render humans helpless. They say there are no weapons aganist us. The day should do nothing to our bodies and wooden stakes are ineffective weapons that are the play tools of superstitious men. There are supposed to be a few of us who are noble and refuse to drink human blood.

I speak for both my kind and the humans when I say these people discredit their ancestors and glorify our kind. They have made us indestructible and rendered themselves defenseless.They doom our future fiction. How? All this fiction about our race circulates and people fatasize about meeting one of us. Some even wish to become a vampire themself. But what they don't realize is that these people writing about us are wrong. They are dead wrong. I will correct their errors with a tale of my own. A revelation that serveral humans will try to discredit. People will think I am just another bitter writer who knows nothing about their wonderful vampyres. Yet I am a true vampyre who has seen and spoken to their creatures.

It started back in the 1900s. I was a 30 year old man who was single and not very intrested in finding a wife or heir. I was a successful bussinessman who had a stable future ahead. I would probably be a very wealthy man. Parents would throw their young daughters near me hoping I would choose one but I never did. You may not believe it but my Biter was not a lovely young woman. A seductive woman who lured me into an alley then froze me with her beautiful eyes then lovingly bit into me. It was nothing so pleasant.

I was walking in the streets wherre the lights were waning back and forth between the dark and shadows. I could barely see my path. Something flew at me and knocked the wind out of my body when I hit the ground. I was unable to get up becuase something held me down with and iron grip. Somehow I knew it was a girl and knew my life was about to end. Before I could try to throw her off her sharp fangs dug painfully into my neck. She was not accurate in her bites. She was like a new born kitten playing with a weak rabbit. Her mouth clumsily traveled over my neck until she found my jugular vein. IT was then that she slowly sucked the life out of me.

I could barely hear a noise being risen behind me, due to the nuesa I was fighting and fuzzy feeling in my head. The woman spooked at the sound of the humans and the weight on my back suddenly was gone. I lay in the street slowly bleeding to death. If I had died it would have been much better than living this life I lead now. Yet the poisen in the vampyre's fangs was now flowing through my veins. It was an icy fire that twisted and turned, quickly chilling my small amount of blood in its place. A few minutes passed before my heart stopped and I became part of the vampyre race.

My creation was no carefully calculated move but rather a incomplete killed made by a clumsy ravaged predator. Unintentionally, I was created. Slowly I stood registering my new condition. My vision was distorted by a red film of color that made my surroundings various shades of red. My depth perception had become horrbiel. I felt blind. Suddenly I heard thunder booming nearby,my mind told me it was the sound of three people walking on the cobbleston street. M eyes saw three red blurry figures standing in front of me with twisted facial expressions, they were probably staring at the pool of blood around my feet.

Then I realized something began to take over my body. Before I knew it a smile had spread over my face. My body crouched, ready to spring upon the people in front of me. Without thinking I launched at the prey and gracefully stumbled as I leapt at them. Their screams caused my vision to turn into a solid red wall. I lost all control and I was terrified. I do not remember what happened but when I came to I realized that I had managed to take down one of the humans.

My mind slowly awoke as I fed. Part of me wretched in horror while the other part of me was laughing. How could I do this? I told my body to stop; I could not do this. But there was nothing I could do. My muscles and mind were diconnected. Something had pushed all my mental controls into the backseat. My body did not feel like my own. When all the blood was drained of my meal my red filmed vision returned as well as my control over myself.

It was then I could think clear enough to realize I was ruled by my instincts now. If my body wanted food, no matter how disgusted I was, I would feed. I wondered if control could be developed over time and now a 108 years has passed and I still have no control over my body. I have also learned our kind can die from spending time in the daylight and a wood stake can kill our kind.

I learned we can still die like any other creature if mortally wounded by a bullet or even a knife if we do not heal enough. Contrary to todays beliefs our skin is as flawed as when we were humans. If you were riddled with acne you will keep it as a vampire until you die in some way. Many ill-informed humans have discovered this the hard way and seem to regret it. It is true that we have speed and stealth but they grow with age and experience.

The worse part of being a vampyre is that your instincts that allow you to kill will eventually rule you entirely. You will have no say in what you do. Your actions are those of a beast and fill only your basic needs.You will hunt when hungry or sleep when tired. There are no useless interaction with others of your kind. The oldest vampire I met was 340 years old and he lived as an animal. Whatever bonds he was able to build with other of our kind allowed him to be housed in an area where he would endanger others or himself.

I plan to get myself killed the day I can not recover from hunting. Even now it is taking longer for me to regain my body after feeding. Only by seconds, but it seems like an eternity. I have no plans to become a slave to my instincts. I am still fairly young by vampire standards. Perhaps about 30 years old in human years. A few clans have tried to play matchmaker. I have had a few flings but for the most part I choose to travel alone.

So now you have heard my tale. It is up to you to decided whether I am a spiteful human or a vampyre who wishes to help humans understand our kind. I have done the best I can to correct the errors human authors have made. Perhaps I have even helped you gain a sense of reluctance or dread so you do not seek this ill future for yourself. Cheers to you and your short life.
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