Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1467238-The-Treatment
by cerial
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Fantasy · #1467238
Joes wife is about to die. He finds a Man who has a way to save her.Contains AR,AP, Death.
Throughout the therapy's,  drugs and operations, they did all they could but in the end  Joe Williams was told that there was nothing more that could be done and his wife of over fifty years would die within weeks from the cancer that rapidly consumed her body.
Joe was troubled and not one to give up easily he quickly  pursued radical and untested treatments looking for something that might save Helen.
Joe thought all was lost until one day he received a phone call...
The young man was Christopher Taylor up to this point he had great success working with animals. With Joe's permission Helen went in for her first treatment.

Although Joe wanted to be by Helen's side. Mr. Taylor ensured Joe that it would be best if he stayed outside and that everything would be alright.
Helen was wheeled into a large room cluttered with Mr. Taylor's equipment.
After only forty minutes the young man returned.
Joe knew this could only mean one thing and began to break down before the Mr. Taylor could begin to tell him the news "Mr.Williams the procedure was a success your wife is jus..".
Just then Joe seen a site that almost through him back into his seat. His wife slowly walking through the door to the operating room.
Tears of joy ran down Joe's cheeks as he flew across the room to Helen.

Christopher began to speak "Now Mr.Williams I know your wife seems great. Nevertheless, at this point all I have done is bought her time I will have to see her in a month for another procedure."
A look of concern came over Joe's face. "Will she be.."Joe said before Christopher quickly interrupted."Oh yes, in her current condition she could stay in this state for more than 6 months without problems."Her body needs to adjust to the treatment. Not only that but the supplies needed to progress to the next step will take a month to produce. Now, as we discussed over the phone. This is still an experimental treatment, and I will need you to stay at the house that I have arranged during the treatment  and communication to family and relatives should be vague tell them she is in better shape but still bed ridden. Do you understand, Joe?" Christopher asked looking at Joe who seemed to be lost in his wife's condition.

Joe agreed and they were brought to a house about twenty minutes from the treatment center. It was an old country house on seven acres and furnished for a couple like Joe and Helen, they would have no problem staying there during the treatment.
Joe couldn't help but wonder what the doctor did to make such a drastic change in Helen. Frankly, he didn't care at this point he was just so happy to be able to still hold onto his wife.

The month went by and once again Helen was wheeled into the room. After Thirty seven minutes Joe heard screaming on the other side of the doors. Without thinking Joe reached for the doors and pulled and then pulled again only to find them locked before he heard the screaming stop.
After a few minutes Dr.Taylor emerged from the room and said "No need for concern, there was a small neurological hump that needed to be crossed for someone in your wife's condition, but she progressed as planned. My assistant Julia will be escorting her out here shortly."
"But, what about the screaming?" Joe pointed out.
"Helen's nervous system will  be rebuilt over the next month the initial treatment is rather painful. However, the pain will quickly subside.The screaming was just an involuntary reaction to the nervous system being brought back to life after of months of immobility."Christopher informed.
"Jim?" Helen said as she walked through the doors.
"No, This is your husband Joe." Christopher said to Helen in a concerned voice.
Looking back at Joe Christopher continued "Her pathways are rebuilding at an increasing rate she will still have some confusion but everything will become clear soon".

Joe couldn't stop looking at Helen something  was different. Maybe, it was the fact that she had been bedding ridden for so long. But, for some reason, she looked younger to Joe.

The month flew by Joe was amazed at Helen's recovery and by the end of the month she seemed to have more energy and pizzazz than Joe could remember.

As Helen was wheeled into the room for the final time. Joe had to see what was going on. After the door swung open Joe quickly ducked inside and hid behind some equipment before Christopher could turn around and lock the door.
"Julia let's get started." Christopher said in a firm voice.
Julia began to administer Anastasia to Helen while Christopher went over to a computer.
Once Helen had fallen into sleep Julia went over to a bed and laid down.
"I'm ready doctor" Julia said tilting her head up.
Joe watched as Christopher went over to the bed and tightened the clasps on some restraints that would hold Julia down then went back to his computer.
"This is the last time right doctor?" Julia asked.
"Yes, This will guarantee that the process can work in a healthy body. And, you will be returned as you were when we met." Christopher reassured Julia.
Christopher hit some keys and then went over to a canister and came beck into Joe's view with a syringe that he inserted into Julia. He then went back to his computer.

Joe heard something move and watched as a cone shaped disk was positioned above Julia.
The doctor hit a few more keys and a beam hit Julia.
Small murmurs that turned into high pitched screams came from Julia. The sound concerned Joe But when he looked back at Julia, she seemed to have gained weight.
No not weight, Joe thought something else as he watched as Julia's belly continued to expand until she looked like she was about ready to....
A high pitched scream that seemed to radiate throughout  the room came from Julia then she stopped and passed out before Christopher turned off the beam.
Christopher went over to Julia and picked something up to Joe couldn't make it out before he set it down on the table next to Julia and then went back to his computer. He hit a few keys and the cone shaped to devise rose over the object.
The machine made a whirling sound before a blue beam struck the object. The object was radiated with a blue glow. Joe heard crying and began to see legs emerge from under a cloth and a head and arms. The now Screaming child had reached the age of two in a matter of seconds and didn't stop there. Joe could only watch as the child went from two to four to six to eight to a teenager than an adult. The machine kept whirling and the screaming seemed to become more painful to the child by the second.
Throughout the entire time, the beam had struck the child a small tube on the side was being filled with a bright red fluid. However, the tube was only a quarter of the way full. Joe had already put the two together before the child was to the age of thirty. A few moments later the child was at 70 and the screams seemed blood curdling. The tube was almost completely filled right before the screaming stopped. Joe watched as the blood and seemed to be pulled out of the body and the skin sank into the bones.
The beam went from blue to red when the canister was filled and with a flash the body vanished in a burst of ashes.

Then the doctor hit some keys on the computer and then the Cone moved over Joe's wife. Joe could only watch as a yellow beam struck Helen. Joe watched in amazement as Helen's face seemed to become firmer  her hair went from gray to black and her body seemed to become younger in front of his eyes.

Joe looked over to Julia, who was regaining consciousness."Doctor remember what we agreed!" Before Joe knew it the beam had struck him. He felt the life as it was being pulled from his body until a frail Ninety year old man remained.
"You see Joe. Julia has given three children towards your wife each time being aged one year in the process. You said you would do anything for her Joe and ..." Christopher was cut off by the fading of the room. Joe fell towards the floor his body pulsed, and he soon died...
Christopher released a twenty year old Julia shortly following and Helen took her place. And the process began again with a new couple.
"It is amazing what people will give for a little more time." Christopher remarked while the machine buzzed up once again.

The End
© Copyright 2008 cerial (genius0312 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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