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Different points of view of people in different realms.

The city of Aron is a very popular city. Many sorts of people move here just because they can. This city is in the planet Saturn and is known for having ruffians and criminals here. Many people don’t stay at night because they know how dangerous it can be. This chapter begins in this very city. A woman named Pilar is walking with her two little daughters whose names are River and Fire. As they are walking they bump into a man.
“Hey young ladies give your money and nobody gets hurt!” He growled at them holding a gun to their heads.
“Please mister I don’t having any money that I can give you. We have to go home and then maybe the next time that we meet you we will provide with a lot of money but right now we do not have any to give you.” Pilar remarked trying to be courageous in front of her two frightened daughters. The man began laughing.
“You are very funny woman but no. I want money now and I am going to get it or else.” He said and then he grabbed Fire. “This little girl goes to meet her maker.” He added with a smile. Fire began to cry.
“Please I will give you money just give me back my baby!” Pilar screams. She then took out her purse and began looking through it for money. She found only a hundred dollars in it and then she noticed that she had jewelry so she took that out. “Here are my precious things that you want. Now please give me back my kid.” She yelled.
“No, I have a better suggestion. I am going to take this objects that you considerately provided for me and then I am going to kill this little girl.” The man said and began to laugh. He put the gun to Fire’s head and was about to pull it when he was shot, this bullet killed him but Fire was unharmed. When the man died Fire ran to her mother.
“Mommy, mommy I love you." Fire screamed and jumped into Pilar’s outstretched arms. A weird person came out of nowhere with a hat. She was wearing a hat and had a sniper in her hands. Pilar and her daughters looked at the gun with a frightened gaze at the gun.
“Don’t worry I am not here to hurt you. My name is Rin Nelson.” The young woman said to them and put out her hands. Pilar shook it.
“Thank Rin I am really glad that you could help me today.” Pilar said to the young woman.
“It was a satisfaction helping you. I mean that guy didn’t have the right to try to rob you or hold your daughter hostage until you give him money or your expensive jewelry no he didn’t have that right. No criminal has the right to steal from anybody. Now you be safe and don’t let any person stop you from going home now.” Rin said to her and then she left them. The first thing that Pilar, Fire, and River did was go home.
“Pilar, what happened, you look terrified about something?” Richard, her husband asked her when she entered the house. “Please Pilar let me know every little detail that happened. You are my companion and I deserve to know. Also if it has anything to do with our daughters I deserve to know.” Richard added and then gave them seats. Pilar looked at her husband and sighed.
“Ok, Richard before I began the story. I want you to seat down also because this will be a scary story about what happened to your daughter, River, and when I am telling you the story please don’t interrupt me.” Pilar said to him. Richard nodded and then sat down. The story began. Meanwhile as Pilar was telling her husband the story Anne was with the generals she looked really angry.
“Michael, it is your duty. So I want you to take care of it!” She shrieked at him. Her face red with rage, in contrast with her being anger, Michael was very calm; he took Anne’s yell very peacefully.
“Anne, it is not my fault that the other generals are being very stubborn. I mean ever since Gabriel was put into confinement nothing has ever been the same.” Michael remarked calmly. Anne just stared at him with a cold look this time Michael shivered, who could blame him, that look was like staring into death’s eyes and no one dared say anything that would irritate her after she had given that look.
“Michael, I want to make sure that the other four generals go back to their normal ways or else heaven will fall. Even though I hate to say this but you, Raphael, Raguel, Remiel, Gabriel, Uriel, and Sariel are the reason why the demons haven’t been conquered by Lucifer and his people in hell.” Anne said despondently, Michael looked into Anne’s face and saw that she looked very miserable. Michael was surprised because this was the first time that he had ever seen like this.
“Ok, Anne I would do my best to get Gabriel out of confinement and then I will do my best to wake up the others.” Michael said to the sad Anne.
“Thank you Michael. I know that I am very hard on you but I am only doing this for the betterment of this realm.” Anne said still sad, now tears were falling. Michael left quickly to do his job. After he left a male wearing blue appeared into her room. He had goggles around his eyes.
“Anne, you should win an Oscar someday that was high-quality acting. I mean you really fooled Michael to do what you wanted him to.” The guy said with a smile on his face.
“Yukino, whatever do you mean?” Anne asked with an innocent look. “I did not act a role so that Michael could believe me.” She added and gave him a look. Yukino laughed at that.
“Anne, I know you. I am your best-friend and we have been together for millions of years so I should know you and one of the things that you wouldn’t do is cry or beg someone unless you want to make them feel bad. Anne you fake tears so that they do what you want.” Yukino said with a smile on his face.
“Fine Yuki you got me. I did pretend because I really wanted him to do what I wanted him to they are falling apart and they are falling apart then the defense is falling apart also and I don’t what those foolish demons coming here.” Anne said to him.
“Anne, you do know that there is a barrier between Heaven and Hell. That means that the demons can’t came to heaven and the angels can’t go into the realm of hell. Anne, the reason why is because God put it like that and it wouldn’t weaken until God gets weakened and that would never happen.” Yukino said with a smile and gave Anne a great big bear hug. After the hug was over Anne beamed at that.
“Thanks Yuki I really needed that.” Anne said to him still smiling. Yuki smiled back.
“You welcome. Anne, I am your acquaintance and I am going to help you out whenever you need me to because that is what I am here for. You have been there for me a lot of times in the past and now I am going to be there for you.” Yuki said to her. Anne looked amazed but was filled with gratitude. “Anne, I am your friend and I will always help you out whenever you need help.
“Ok, so you want me to take out Jonathan Blake.” A man wearing a suit said to Brandon, he was the one that called him.
“Yes, or are you chicken to do that.” Brandon challenged him smiling. The male looked at him.
“No, but how much money do I get for murdering him?” The male asked him with a glare.
“I will pay you two million dollars if you kill him.” Brandon offered him. The guy’s face brightened.
“Now, that is what I am talking about! Ok, I will kill Jonathan Blake or my name isn’t Ren.” The guy said and took out his sword. He then licked its metal. After that he disappeared.
Meanwhile Jonathan Blake was with his mistress’s house. He was in the living room with her watching TV.
“John, are you sure that your wife doesn’t know that you are having an affair?” Cecile, his mistress asked him.
“Of course Cecile, she thinks that I over at one of my friend’s house I made sure of that.” Jonathan remarked and kissed her on the mouth. The next thing that happened was that they were kissing deeply, taking their clothes until they were naked. Then they began to have sex. Two hours later they were done. “That was really good Cecile. I have to use the bathroom downstairs.” Jonathan said to her.
“Why not use the bathroom upstairs?” Cecile asked him. She was very perplexed on what he had just said.
“The reason is because I really like the lavatory downstairs.” He answered truthfully. Cecile nodded her head and he went to the downstairs’ lavatory. Cecile stayed in her room and took out a book to read. When she got through half the book, she looked at the time; an hour had passed when Jonathan said that he wanted to go to the bathroom.
“That idiot, he lied to me. I bet he left this house. I am going to check the bathroom first.” Cecile said furiously. When she went downstairs, the first place she went was to the bathroom, what she saw sickened her. Jonathan was dead; he looked like he was stabbed by a professional because the killer only stabbed Jonathan once. After Cecile saw this, she went to get the phone and dialed 911.
“Hello, what is the emergency?” The 911 operator asked her. Cecile tried to be brave for Jonathan.
“There has been a murder. I don’t who did it but they left the guy dead in my bathroom.” Cecile replied.
“Do you know who the victim is Madam?” The 911 operator asked her. Cecile sighed at this.
“Yes, his name is Jonathan Blake. He was my boyfriend.” Cecile replied at this and waited for an answer.
“OK, Madam the police is coming so just wait for some time. We already know where you live so don’t leave the house until you see a cop car and then opened the door.” The 911 operator said to her.
“Yes, I will do that.” Cecile said and dropped the phone. Ten minutes, the bell rang. Cecile went to the window and saw the police cars. She opened the door and showed them Jonathan’s dead body. “This is the victim.” She said to them pointing at the body.
“OK, madam what is your name. You didn’t tell the operator your name?” One of the police officer asked her.
“My name is Cecile O’Hara.” She answered truthfully. The police officers nodded their heads at each other.
“Ok, where were you at the time Jonathan Blake was killed?” Another officer asked her.
“I was upstairs reading a book. If you want to know the book it is the last Harry Potter. It is really good you should read it. I know that this book is really odd because it was written in the year 2007 but it is a really fine book to read it. I wonder how this J.K Rowling came up with this book.” Cecile said to them.
“OK, so you were upstairs reading a book when he was murdered.” The same officer repeated what Cecile had said.
“Yes, sir I was upstairs reading a book. I have no idea who killed him but I have an idea on how he died.” She said to them.
“Yes, we know how he died. He was pierced with a very rare sword.” All of the officers said to her.
“Who do you think killed him?” Cecile asked them then she gave them a look of despair.
“Well I don’t know what the other officers but I think that he was killed by a Shinobi.” The fourth remarked to her.
“If it is a Shinobi we can’t do anything about that.” The fifth officer said to her and then waited for the other officers to say something.
“Why can’t you arrest a Shinobi for murder?” Cecile inquired them with a look of astonishment.
“That is a very simple question my dear. The answer to that is because it is their job to kill but we can arrest the person that hired a Shinobi. The men or women that hired the Shinobi we can arrest so don’t worry you still can have justice.” The leader said trying to reinsure Cecile. As the officers were talking they don’t notice that Ren was still there. He had a smile on his face then he took out a detonator, he had put a bomb in the man’s stomach after he had killed Jonathan. He pushed a button and the time was silently beeping when there was a second left Ren disappeared. The bomb exploding killing Cecile, and the officers, meanwhile went back to Brandon’s palace.
“Well Ren did you kill him?” Brandon asked him a look of anger came into his eyes but when he saw that Ren nodded his head. He cooled down. “Good.” He said and then gave him a suitcase. Ren opened it and then took from his pocket a reveler and scanned the money it was real money and was the amount that Brandon had guaranteed that he would get.
“Nice doing business with you. I really enjoyed this. Brandon, the next person that you want dead I want you to call me and I will see to it that this person is dead. You know how much I love the hunt and also money.” Brandon said with a smile on his face.
“Of, course Ren the next person that I want dead I will call you so that you can kill them. You are the best Shinobi that I have ever hired.” Brandon said with a smile. After he had said that Ren vanished Brandon smiled and then he went to his cupboard and saw his alcoholic drinks there. So he decided in his celebration of his ex-girlfriend’s husband’s death he was going to drink his uncommon wine. He opened it and poured it into his expensive cup.
“To Jonathan’s death, this is the best thing that ever happened to me.” He said and then began to laugh. While Brandon was celebrating the death of Jonathan Blake, a young boy was angry with himself. He was with his teacher.
“Teacher, I am so sorry that I lost my boxing match to that boy but he cheated. I didn’t know what he did to me.” The young man said to him.
“Daniel, I know that he cheated. The rule clearly said no magic and he used magic. Daniel, if it didn’t say no magic you could block that blinding spell.” His teacher said and ruffled Daniel’s hair. Daniel grinned at that.
“Thank you for understanding teacher. I am going to be the best so that I can satisfy you teacher.” He remarked looking at his teacher.
“Daniel, don’t worry about me. I am not going to be like those people that use their kids to fulfill the things that they were unsuccessful at when they were younger no Daniel I want you to accomplish what you want to. Don’t do something to satisfy me because whatever you do I will be pleased.” His teacher said with a smile on his face. Daniel nodded his head at that then he put up his boxing gloves. “Hey teacher lets practice. I want to get stronger for myself.” Daniel told him. His teacher beamed at that and went to get gloves, and then he came back wearing his boxing clothes. The practice had begun. Daniel tried to punch his teacher but he dodged that.
“Daniel, that was awful now I see why you lost you suck. Can’t you do any better than that?” He asked his apprentice. After he said that Daniel jabbed on his stomach. He fell down that was a hard jab in the stomach. “Nice one Daniel, that was very powerful jab that you just threw right now.” He said to him.
“Of course teacher, I learned from the best.” Daniel said and moved away when he noticed that his teacher was going to punch him.
“That was a very good dodge. You are getting better, Daniel.” He said as he punched Daniel. The young boy punched his teacher back. This continued back and forth until they both tired out. When the practice was over his teacher gave him a pat on the back.
“Congratulations, Daniel you are getting better. Soon you’re fighting skills will be the same level as your magic.” His teacher said to him. Daniel smiled at that.
“You think so master. That would be really great and it would be all thanks to you. I will appreciate you teaching me how to box.” Daniel said to him, he began to blush at this.
“Daniel, it is time for you to go home. Your dad is really angry that you didn’t care so I am here to pick you up.” Miranda said to him, and gave his teacher an irritated look.
“I am sorry Mrs. Miranda Zelso. Daniel wanted to have a practice after his big match so I couldn’t say no. I guess I didn’t see how late it is.” Teacher said to her.
“There is no excuse for Daniel to be late. If this happens again Daniel I am going to convince your father to stop you from boxing.” Miranda said with an angry look on her face. “You know that I extreme dislike boxing and that you should do something besides boxing.” She added to her son. “Now get in the car, it is time for you to go home.” She said to him. Daniel nodded his head and went into the car.
“Madam, I know that you hate boxing but you have to let Daniel do what he wants to do. You are not his real mother after all.” Teacher said to her with a look of abhorrence. “You have four kids that belong to you. You can control them in whatever manner but leave Daniel the hell alone if you make him unhappy I’ll make sure that you suffer.” Teacher threatened her. Miranda ignored that and went into the car where Daniel was in.
“Hi, Miranda how are you doing today?” He asked with an innocent look in his eyes. Miranda ignored this and drove the car to the mansion. When they got there, the others were already eating their food.
“Daniel, you are late, you should been back two hours ago.” Jeffery yelled at him, as he put down his fork.
“I’m sorry dad but you see after I lost the match to my last opponents, thus coming in second place, I wanted to be stronger so I asked my teacher to help me out so we had a practice. I didn’t know what time it was but we fought for a long. I am terribly sorry I caused you to worry about me.” Daniel explained to his adopted father.
“Ok, Daniel, just be sure that the next time you want to practice, don’t practice for six hours just one ok.” Jeffery said to him. Daniel smiled and sat down in the table and began to eat. Meanwhile Miranda was angry that Daniel wasn’t banned from boxing. As Daniel was eating his dinner, a young boy the age of twelve was in Karate Class learning from his sensei, he wasn’t the only one there. There were other young men there but he was the youngest there. Right now they were doing breathe techniques to calm them down.
“Ok, we are done practicing the breathe techniques, now I want two people to come forward, Andrew Wilson, and Thomas Moore, please come forward. I want you to fight against each other.” Their sensei said to them.
“Please Sensei this is going to be the easiest practice ever. This little boy will be easy to beat, I am eighteen years old, and this little boy is twelve, I already won the match.” Thomas said with a taunting look in his eyes.
“Thomas, just fight him, I do not want you having a big head just because he is younger than you and just fight him already.” The sensei ordered him. Thomas obeyed him. “Ok, let the practice begin.” He added and then it began. Thomas gave Andrew a taunting a look on his face and then went for the kill. Andrew dodged it and punched him in the stomach; this caused Thomas to fall unconscious. Andrew had defeated him with one punch. When Thomas became conscious he realized that he lost to a twelve years old boy. The others began to laugh, this was all too funny. “See Thomas before you judge someone on their ability because of their age, just don’t judge them it.” The sensei said to them.
“Yes, sir I wouldn’t judge anyone like that again.” Thomas said to him. The sensei nodded his head. “Andrew, what belt are you?” He asked Andrew looking directly at him. Andrew began to blush.
“I am a black belt; I have been doing martial arts since I was three years old, so it has been nine years.” Andrew answered truthfully
“Ok, thank you Andrew. Thomas Moore what belt do you have right now?” The sensei asked him.
“I am a double brown belt sir.” Thomas answered him, his pride was slipping away.
“Ok, Daniel is one belt away from you, so that makes him more powerful than you.”
“Sir, I am going to be a black belt soon. Next month I am going to take that test.” Thomas said to him, trying to regain his pride.
“Good for you Thomas, it is time to go. We have been practicing for two hours straight; the next practice will be in a month.” Their sensei said to them. After he had said that Andrew went to the front door and went out, he saw his mother waiting for him in the white van.
“So, Andrew how did your practice?” His mother asked him, she had a smile on her face.
“It was alright mom. I beat up an eighteen years old teen today during practice.” Andrew answered her honestly.
“That was good Andrew. I was right making you take karate at the age of three instead of making you do other spots; those sports can help defend yourself they don’t.” His mother told him. “Are you enjoying Martial Arts because if you aren’t then I am just misusing my money?” His mother asked him with a concern look on his face.
“No, mother, I really like martial arts, it is really fun, and you are right it does help you to protect yourself mother.” Andrew said trying to confront her. She smiled at that.
“That is good Andrew; I was worry that you don’t like taking martial arts now that you are black belt.” His mother sighed breathe of relief. Then she drove home where the whole family was there both Andrew and her went into the mansion that they owned.
His father asked him. He looked at his father before answering.
“It was great dad. I really enjoyed it.” Andrew said with a smile on his face. Everyone but Anne believed him. “So anyways Anne where have you been doing that new job of yours, I mean I hope you like it.” Andrew said with a taunting look on his face. Anne ignored this even though she was really angry at this.
“Yes, I was even though summer is over. I am a very learner and I learned how to do my new job rather quickly.” Anne said quickly with a look on her face.
“Anne act more mature than that, you are seventeen years old so you should act your age.” Their mother scowled at her.
“Yes, mother I will act like a seventeen years old girl. I am the oldest child since Alexander left to college.” Anne remarked with a scowl on her face. While Andrew was making of his oldest and only sister an eighteen years old teen named Minoru Hawkins. He was jousting with his master whose name was Jim Johnson. The armor that he was wearing was making him hot but he wanted to beat Jim. As they were riding their horses, both of them put their lances out so that they could knock their opponents off their horse. As they were riding full speed, they both try to hit the others’ off their horses, this time Minoru hit his master of his horse.
“That was really terrific Minoru, I am impressed.” Jim said to his student. He began to blush at this.
“Thank you master but I want to be the best knight ever. I want everyone to know how experience I am.” Minoru said to his master.
“It doesn’t matter if everyone knows experience you are. You don’t fame Minoru; you can do something you love without that.” Jim told him.
“I know that Jim, I don’t mean the media, I mean other knights. I want to be the best out of the other knights. Who cares about the stupid media?” Minoru said to him. Jim looked at his trainee with a look in his eyes so Minoru began looking at his feet.
“Minoru, I am glad that you don’t care for the media but I want you to become the greatest for you so don’t compare yourself to the knights.” Jim said to him.
“Yes, sir I wouldn’t compare myself to other knights, no I would be the best that I can be.” His student said his eyes lit up.
“That is a good thing Minoru because I want you to be the best that you could be.” Jim said to him. After he said this there was a honking sound. Minoru’s mother came to where both of them were.
“Minoru, it is time for you to come home. “ Linda, Minoru’s mother told him, she gave his teacher a smile, he smiled back to her. Minoru pretended not to see that and went into the car.
“So, how are you doing Linda?” Jim asked her, he was still smiling at her then he leaned, she leaned too thus ending up in a kiss. Minoru looked at his mother and trainer with a surprise look on his face.
“My mother is having an affair with my trainer!” He exclaimed. He was so surprised that he almost fell out of his car seat. “I hope my dad doesn’t find this out.” Minoru said to himself. “This will ruin our prefect family.” He added and took out his knight back. When he was reading it, Linda came into the car.
“Ok, Minoru lets go home now. Your father will be worried if we don’t leave soon.” Linda said to her son then she started the car. The ride home was a long ride but when they finally got home Minoru ran out of the car and into the house. He went into his room and locked the door leaving Linda in the car very confused. She went into the house meeting up with her husband.
“Linda, why did Minoru just run past me without even saying hello?” Julian asked his wife confused about was happening.
“I have no idea why he did that. Julian I will go talk to him about it and see what is wrong.” Linda told her husband. Julian nodded his head giving the go ahead. She listened to him and went upstairs and to Minoru’s room and knocked at the door.
“Who is it?” He asked his tone was filled with so much poison that Linda was surprised at his tone.
“It is your mother Linda and we need to talk.” She said to him, Minoru opened the door and let his mother in.
“Mother, I saw you do that. I am not stupid you know.” Minoru told his mother. He gave her an icy look.
“Saw me do what Minoru? I am very confused, what did I do to make you so angry.” Linda remarked.
“You kissed my teacher Jim in the lips. I know that you are having an affair so don’t lie to me anymore. I am not stupid, that is the only reason that you let me take knighting lesson so that you could be with your boyfriend even though you are married to another man!” Minoru yelled at her. He was really angry at what his mother did. “Mother, you made a vow that you will remain faithful to dad until you or him dies, the way that I see it, you are both alive.” He added. Her eyes widen in fear.
“Please don’t tell your father. He will leave me, even worse; he will take you and your siblings away from him if he divorces me I get nothing.” She told him. Minoru grinned at that.
“Why are you grinning Minoru?” His mom asked him.
“Well you should have thought about that before you started sleeping with my sensei,” Was his response.
“So you think that it is funny if your father divorces me and take you and the others away.”
“Yep, you see mom you should have thought about it before you started sleeping around you pathetic bitch.” Minoru smiled at this. His mother began crying.

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