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Rated: · Fiction · Drama · #1467122
A girl thirsting for revenge aganist people who have wronged her and others in the town.
Chapter One

“How long as Madeline been in her room?” The doctor asked the parents. They both sighed before answering.
“She has been in her room for two months now.” Jessica replied crying. “She won’t get out of her room.”
“Can you tell me why?” The doctor asked her.
“Two months ago Madeline was raped as she going home from cheerleading practice.” Jared her father explained. “Now she is too scared to get out of her room.”
“The rape must have wounded her for life.” The doctor explained to them. “If she continues like this then she will never face the world. Jessica and Jared you have to force her out of her room if you don’t she will be in there until she dies.”
“No, I refuse to do that. I will not force my daughter out of her room!” Jessica exclaimed angry that the doctor will even think of something like that.
“Jessie, maybe he is right. Maddy has been in that room for a long time and she has to get out of that. She can’t hide from the world she needs to go out and face her fear.” Jared retorted.
“No! No! No! I don’t want to that. Maddy can come out when she is ready to. Jared I can’t believe that you would even think like that!”
“Jessica, it is the truth. Madeline hasn’t come out of her room for two months. That means that she has gone to school for a long time and she has to repeat the tenth grade and that isn’t a good thing.”
“Jared, she was raped. Our daughter has a very good reason for not going to school.”
“Madeline needs to get over it and be tough. She needs to go to school.” Jessica’s eyes widen when she heard this.
“That is all you care about Madeline missing school. You don’t care about the fact that you sixteen years old daughter was raped by a couple of strange men. The only thing that you care about is the fact that she isn’t going to school! You son of a bitch your daughter was raped and the only thing that you seem to care about is the fact that she isn’t at school. You are the worst father in the world. Other fathers would be angry at the fact that their daughters’ were raped.”
“Jessica other people that get raped go to school. They don’t hide in their rooms for two months.”
“Mr. and Mrs. Harrison you too stop this. Jared does have a point. Madeline can’t hide in her room forever she does have to come out soon but Jared your wife has a point too. Your daughter was raped you should be angry about this. Madeline is your only daughter and you should be worried about her.” The doctor explained to both parents.
“So you think that you should go to school.”
“Yes, today actually.”
“I will go get her from her room and dress her up.” Jared replied and went upstairs to his daughter’s room.
“Maddy this is your father. Can you open the door?” The door opened softly and Jared went in.
His daughter was seating on her bed. “So dad what do you want?” She asked her dad.
“Your mom and I want you to go back to school. It has been two months since you were in school and we think you should back.”
“No, I am not going back to school!” Madeline retorted panicking. Her face turned deep red.
Jared went in her closet and picked her uniform clothes. “Maddy you have ten seconds to wear this uniform on or your mother will do it for you.” He threatened her.
Madeline took the uniform from her father and went into the bathroom. First she took her bath and then she wore her uniform. After she was done with that Madeline found that her father had her backpack so she took it and went downstairs.
Her mother made her breakfast but she refused to eat it. Jared drove her to school because she refused to take the bus by herself.
When Jared arrived at the school he check the time it was 8:15. Madeline had fifteen more minutes to get in and get ready for school.
“I don’t want to go to school dad.” Maddy cried. “I don’t want to school.” Jared took out a small whistle and pepper spray and gave it to her.
“Madeline if anyone tries to hurt you then blow on this whistle or use this. It is a new type of pepper spray that the government created since many people can withstand the old pepper spray.”
“Thank you dad for these. I really need them.” She said smiling for the first time then she went to her locker. After she got out the things for school Maddy went to her first hour class which was oddly enough Psychology.
“Maddy you finally decided to come back to school.” Mrs. Rivers said to her. The whole class turned around.
Madeline walked to her old seat ignoring the looks that she getting from her classmates.
“Class, stop staring at her like that Ms Harrison has been in so much pain and agony she doesn’t need anymore so please be nice to her.” Mrs. Rivers instructed the class. They immediately stopped staring at her and returned their glances at the teacher.
“That is good now class today we are going to learn something new….”
Madeline paid attention to the class. She wanted to do in class because she wanted to go to Yale and she needed great grades to get there.
Psychology was great nothing terrible happened to her. After first hour was over Madeline went to her next hour class and that was English.
English was great and so were her next three classes. Lunch was next for Madeline and she didn’t know where to seat with her lunch tray.
“Maddy come over here and seat by us.” Paige, her best friend called out. Madeline went over and sat by her.
“I am so sorry that you were raped two months ago and I am really glad that you are back in school even though it took you a long time to muster up your courage to do that.”
Madeline didn’t say anything she just began eating her lunch. She didn’t want to talk about it. Madeline just wanted to eat her lunch and forget about what happened to her two months ago.
“Maddy, why aren’t you talking? I want to hear you say something?” Sidney asked her concerned.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Madeline replied before she continued eating the delicious food on her plate.
“But we are your friends and it will be a lot better if you talked about it instead of stuffing your mouth with food.” Elise remarked clearly disgusted about this.
“Yeah I mean you don’t even like pasta and yet here you are eating it. It has carbs in it and you have to maintain your figure.” Lindsey agreed.
Madeline ignored all this and continued eating the pasta on her plate. She wanted to numb the pain that she had felt with food. So after she was done with the pasta she began on the jello with whipped cream that she had decided to buy tonight.
Delicious that was the food that Madeline thought of when she took the first taste. It was the sweetest thing that she had ever tasted in her life. She slowly ate it trying to flavor all the sweetest of the food.
“Oh my god Madeline you are eating that disgusted thing. You know that sugar is bad for you. Stop while you are ahead.” Paige warned her. But Madeline ignored this after she was done with the jello she turned her attention to the two chocolate cookies that she had gotten.
Madeline opened the packet and took the first cookie out and began to eat it. She could feel the chocolate melt in her mouth as she chewed the cookie. For some reason it made her feel really happy to be eating chocolate.
It had been at least two years since she ate a cookie and now that she was eating the cookie it was very delicious. The most delicious thing in the world she had forgotten the reason she stopped eating cookies.
“Maddy, don’t eat those cookies. They make you fat and you don’t want that.” Elise replied horrified at her friend for doing that.
“Yeah you don’t want two years of not eating chocolate chip cookies and other sugary junk to go down the tube.” Sally said agreeing with Elise.
“Leave me alone. I want to eat these things and all of you should just leave me alone.” Madeline snarled holding the second cookie.
The girls shut up at this anxious about Madeline’s weird behavior. Madeline took this at a good sign and began eating her second cookie. When she finished her cookie the bell rang so she threw her junk away and went to get her things. After she was done with that Madeline went to her seventh hour class and that was religion.
“So Ms Harrison you are coming back to school. That is a good thing- a very good thing.” James the Religion teacher remarked with a cold look in his eyes.
Madeline ignored this and went to her seat. After she had done this James began class.
“Class today we are going to talk about morality and what it means.” James told the class. “We are not going to use the books we are going to have a nice discussion about morals.” James added.
“James, what are we are going to talk about?” Sissy asked him. James smiled at this.
“We are going to talk about your generations and the lack of morals that you kids seem to have.” James smiled at this. “So let’s talk about how your generation has defiled sex. Many teens are getting pregnant this day. How abortion has gone up because of your generation. This generation is suppose to be our future but there are ruining it. Kids the age of eleven are having sex and becoming mothers at young age. Sex is not for people who are not married. It is for a husband and his wife who is married and loves each other very much.”
“James, so you are saying that what sex is?” Mandy asked him. James nodded his head at this. “Then what about the homosexuals?”
“Gay relationship is an abomination and should not be allowed. Anyone who gets involved in a gay relationship will be damned. They will go to hell after they have died.”
“How do you know that James?” Madeline asked him angry about this. “You can’t say who is going to hell! You are not God so you shouldn’t say that. God made everybody equal so it doesn’t matter if you are in a straight relationship or a gay relationship. Soon you will be saying that girls who get raped probably got what they deserved.”
“Yes, it is true. But really did they really get raped or they just want to ruin a guy’s life. Have you notice that every girl that says they have been raped are lesbians- bitches who belong in hell!”
“That is not true! Not every girl is lying that they have been raped and not all girls are lesbians! You are a stupid bastard and the person that belongs in hell is you. You James!” Madeline yelled at this. Everybody turned and stared at her. “ Yeah it’s true not every girl who gets raped is gay there are many who are straight and not only are there girls who are being raped boys are too so you are saying that boys are raped are gay.” She said with a calmer voice.
“Yes, and it is their punishment for that way.”
“What! Are you saying that if a girl or a guy gets raped it is because they are gay and that is their fault for being raped?” Ashley asked him. He was really angry. “I had a gay twin brother and it is people like you that he is dead right now!” Ashley exclaimed. He was really angry about this. “It is people like you that caused Timothy my twin brother to commit suicide last year. People who are closed mined- conservatives who think that people should think like them and if people don’t well they are wrong and morally corrupt.”
“Well your twin brother should not have been chosen that lifestyle so it is his fault that he committed suicide.” James replied.
Everyone gasped at this. That was the most merciless thing that someone could say to a person even April the most conservative girl in the school was disgusted at this.
“James, that isn’t right. You can not talk about the dead like that. That is just plain rude and you can’t say that at all. God said to respect the dead and you should. It is not right to say that it is a person’s fault. If people were nicer to Timothy and didn’t make fun of him because he was gay then he would still be alive. If people actually got to know him instead of judging him he would probably be with us to this day.” April retorted her face filled with fury at this. “James, it doesn’t matter if he was gay or straight the dead should never be talked liked that at all.”
“Thank you April for saying that. That was really nice of you.” Ashley said to her. April rolled her eyes at this.
After this occurred class went on. It was really uncomfortable for Madeline seeing that it was her fault that this occurred. When the bell rang she quickly went to her next hour class which was her last hour class for today and that was choir.
Choir was terrific nothing terrible happened to Madeline there. She actually had fun in that school. The songs that they sang were When Doves Cry by Prince and Can You Feel the Love by Elton John. It felt really good that choir was last class.
After Choir was over Madeline went to her locker and got out the supplies she needed and put them into her backpack. After Madeline was done with that she put her backpack back into her locker and locked it then she went to the bathroom and changed for cheerleading practice then she went to the gym where Mrs. Scotts was there.
“Maddy you decided to come to practice.” She said to her. Maddy nodded her head at this. She looked around and noticed that the other girls were there also. She was the last girl to arrive.
Two hours later practice was over so Madeline went into the bathroom and changed her clothes wearing her uniform clothes. When she was done with that she went to her locker and got her backpack then she took the public bus home. When she got off the bus she began walking home when she bumped into two guys in her way.
“Hey babe what to go somewhere with us?” One of the guys asked her.
“No!” She yelled and tried to get away from them but the other guy wouldn’t let her go.
“Hey babe my friend wants you to go with him.” The other guy growled at her.
“And I said no I am going home.”
“No you are not. You stupid bitch you are going with my friends.” The second guy yelled at her. Madeline took out the pepper spray from her pocket and sprayed into the guy’s eyes. He screamed in pain at this and then he sprayed the first guy. Seeing her chance she ran room. When she arrived at her house she knocked at the door her mother opened the door.
“Mom.” Madeline cried. Jessica hugged her daughter and quickly allowed to come into the house.
“Maddy what happened?” Jessica asked her daughter.
“Two guys tried to rape me again.” Madeline explained tears streaming down her face.
Jessica allowed her daughter to cry on her. She couldn’t believe that she allowed her husband to take her daughter to school.
“So how did you escape?” Jessica asked her.
“Mom, I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to go to my room and do my homework.” Madeline answered her and went upstairs to her room.
She closed her door and went on her laptop there she went on the internet to do her first homework which was looking up websites for English class.
As Madeline was surfing the web she noticed a weird site. It was called Aratium so she went into there.
The first thing that popped up was. “Do you want to strong?” Madeline clicked on yes. After she did that a design came on the screen. Please design your armor so that you can do that.
Madeline did as the site told her to. She made the suit pink, her favorite color and everything else. After she done with that the website disappeared. Madeline tried to find the website again but she couldn’t. It seem like it disappear.
Thinking it was just a joke Madeline continued looking for websites that she could use.
Well until two days later when a strange packet came for her at seven o’clock in the evening. Madeline took the package away from her mother and went upstairs. She opened up the box. The only thing that was in the box was amulet. Madeline was about to throw away the whole thing when she noticed the instruction booklet.
She took out the instruction and read the first couple pages. The first thing it told her to do was to push the amulet and scan it on you. Madeline snuck out of her room with the amulet and went to the bar where she knew the men that raped her would be. Then she scanned the amulet on herself. At first nothing happened but then she felt armor appear on her soon she was covered with pink armor on. She also knew that she could scan around and that was what she did. Madeline saw that the men were in there so she went in.
Everyone turned around when they saw Madeline walked into the bar. The three men glared at her but didn’t stand up.
“Hey bitches it is time to give your dues!” Maddy snarled pointing at the three men.
All three of them laughed at that. Angry about that Madeline grabbed one of the men and squeezed him. He began chocking really hard blood started oozing from his nose. The other two men stopped laughing now they were scared.
Madeline stared at them through the armor. Now they will pay for what they did to. She was the powerful one and they were the weakling. They will now feel how she felt when they had raped her.
But this didn’t last long one of the customers hit her with a big metal but it barely glazed. She turned around and punched him. The customer flew through the window and was thrown three blocks away.
People began panicking even the three men. Madeline picked the other two men and flew away. She went each man on huge buildings and left them.
When the cops arrived at the place they saw the three men on the buildings and a sign it said one thing and that was Slantz.
Confused at what had just happened the allowed to firefighters to get the three men down but they were too afraid to say a thing at what had happened to them.
Meanwhile Madeline was back in her room with the amulet in her hand smiling at what she had done. It felt good to get revenge on those bastards that hurt her and now they finally felt that powerlessness that she had felt when they decided to gang up on her and rape her.
“Madeline, are you ok in here?” Jessica asked her daughter.
“Yes, mom I am ok.” She replied still smiling.
“That is good. I was worried that you were still unhappy.”
“Oh no mom I am doing great. In fact I am better than great I feel terrific.” Madeline replied and quickly took out a book and began reading.
“That is great! Your father and I were worried about you but we are glad that you fine.” Jessica replied and went away.
“Yeah thanks to this. It feels so good.” Madeline said to herself as she held the amulet. Instead of the cool feeling she felt before it was now hot. Madeline quickly took the instruction booklet. She read about the amulet it said that the person was allowed to be in the armor for an hour before it starts overheating. That was bad because if it overheated that can do damage to the person’s body and also mind.
“I am not going to use the armor over an hour.” Madeline said to herself. “Slantz that is a great name for my suit I can’t believe I thought of it.” She added clearly pleased with herself.

© Copyright 2008 SEI Lin (firestorm56 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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