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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1466775
short story i wrote about love. everyone should read to see what love is
There is a boy named Justin. He just fell in love with the most beautiful girl in the town. Her name is Rose. The boy lost his parents in World War II. His dad was killed in combat and his mother was taken hostage and killed. Rose’s family is not the best family. Her dad is an alcoholic and a drug abuser. Sometimes he comes home and beats up her and her mom. Rose’s mom is drug manufacturer that is well known around this town. One day Justin is heading over to Rose’s house and meets her on her front porch.
“Hey!” Yelled Justin.
“Oh Hey” said Rose in a sad voice.
“What’s wrong?” questioned Justin.
“Its my dad…” said Rose.
“What about him? Did he get arrested again?” Asked Justin.
“No, he found a job.” Said Rose.
“Why is that bad?” Justin asked.
“Its in Boston. We have to leave next week. He said a drive from Oregon to Boston should take a long time so we have to start packing today.” Said Rose.
“I can’t believe this. Once we get the chance to start dating were forced to be apart.” Said Justin.
“I can’t fix this! It wasn’t my choice!” yelled Rose.
(Rose runs off)
“WHERE ARE YOU GOING?” yelled Justin.
Rose never answered she just ran back to her house.
Justin went back to his house and sat under his favorite tree. His dad use to play games with him under this tree for hours and hours before he died. He could always get his thoughts together when he sat under this tree.
“What am I going to do?” He thought.
“I could go back to her and tell her I am sorry that she doesn’t have a choice and that she shouldn’t let her feelings get the best of herself right now. She should get out and spend time with people she probably won’t ever see again.” Thought Justin.
(Justin falls asleep thinking about what he should do)
When he wakes up he runs into his house and looks at his clock.
“9:30 P.M Tuesday November 17th.” Said Justin.
“I slept for a whole day!” yelled Justin.
Justin runs down the road to where Rose lives and is met by her dad outside with a rifle.
“You stay away from my daughter!” yelled Rose’s dad.
“What did I do?” asked Justin.
“One more step and I shoot.” Said Rose’s dad.
“WHAT DI----
Before he could finish his sentence gunshots rang out.
“Don’t come near my daughter ever again ya hear?” yelled Rose’s dad.
Clutching his arm in pain Justin ran off.
“You crazy bastard!” screamed Justin.
Justin made it back to his house writhing in pain. He ran into his back yard and fell into his pool. He just sat in his pool.
(He passes out)
He wakes up lying next to his pool.
“What day is it?” he asks himself.
He makes his way inside and checks his clock.
4:30 P.M Friday November 20th.
“She’s gone.” Said Justin.
He tied a bandage around his arm and ran down the road again towards Rose’s house. It looked the same. He ran onto the porch and looked in the window. The house was bare. Everything was gone.
Justin turns around and looks down the road. He thinks he sees an old pick-up truck that resembled Roses dads. He tries the front door and it opens. He walks inside and it still has a feeling of home inside. Justin walks back to Rose’s room and opens the door. He walks in and finds nothing but a journal. It was open to a page that read:
Tuesday November 17th
I think I just lost the most important person in my life. I yelled at him and I haven’t seen him since. My dad told me he left town but I don’t think he did. I hope I get to see him before we leave. That would make me the happiest person in the world. All I need is to see his smiling face again…
“Wow.” Said Justin.
“She really does care about me. I have to see her again to make things better.” Said Justin.
He takes the journal and runs back to his house. He packs up some clothes, bandages, money, a handgun, a map and his car keys.
He runs down to his barn and tries to open the heavy barn doors. He struggles for a few seconds and eventually gets the doors open. He opens the door and jumps in the drivers seat and starts up his Chevy. He drives hard and fast to try to catch up to the truck but he cant seem to find where it was. He opens up the map and looks for the closest road that leads to Boston. He finds a highway near where he is and takes off towards that highway. All he can think of is setting things straight with Rose. He can’t imagine how much of an ass he seems like by not saying good-bye. He follows the highway all the way to Detroit.
Justin gets off the highway in Detroit. A bad part of Detroit. People at all the street corners staring at him. Justin just keeps going and doesn’t look back. He pulls into a gas station and fills up his Chevy. He notices one of the gangs of people at one of the corners walked up to the gas station.
“What you do to yo arm?” Said one guy.
“I got shot.” Said Justin.
“Around here?” asked the same guy.
“Nope. Back in Oregon.” Said Justin.
“So your not from around here?” asked another guy.
“Nope.” Said Justin.
“Well you might wanna watch yo self around here. Things around here can get rough and you don’t want to end up with another one of those.” Said another one pointing to his shot arm.
“Thanks for the warning ya’ll.” Said Justin.
“I’m not warning you I am mugging you!” said the first guy.
Then before he knew what was going on, Justin was on the ground getting punched and kicked all over. He managed to get to his feet and pulled out his gun. The gang backs up and looks around. When they look around he pulls the trigger 5 times shooting everyone in the gang. He runs around the other side of his truck and jumps in and drives away.
When he gets to Boston he realizes he has no chance of turning back. When he gets to a spot where he can stop he realizes he has no clue where to go. So he stops and opens the journal. He flips through the pages of the week that might say something about where they actually live. He flips to a page and it says, “If lost please return to 4923 Williamsburg Place. Boston, Massachusetts.”
So now that Justin has some idea of where he’s going he opens up his map again and finds her address and drives off to find his true love. When he gets close to the address he realizes a lot of people are walking toward where he’s going. When Justin gets near the house he sees Rose’s dad’s truck and the Uhaul they are using still in the driveway still packed but the Uhaul door was open. Justin parked his truck down the street and grabbed his gun and started running to the house. When he got there he looked in the window and say Rose, Rose’s mother and Rose’s father all in the room with a guy holding a gun. Justin didn’t even think twice about what he had to do. He ran into the house and kicked the door in and pointed his gun at the man and fired. Nothing came out. He was out of bullets. When the mysterious gunman realized he was no threat he shot Justin in the chest. When the gunman did that Rose’s father tackled the gunman and wrestled the gun away from him and shot him in the head. Rose ran over to Justin and kneeled beside him.
“OH MY GOD! YOU SAVED US!” yelled Rose.
“ I came all this way to set things straight.” Said Justin.
“What do you mean?” said Rose.
“I mean I have to tell you I love you otherwise I couldn’t bare to live with the guilt of just letting you leave.” Said Justin.
“That’s the nicest thing anyone will ever do for me.” Cried Rose.
(Rose’s father came over to Justin)
“I’m sorry I shot you Justin. I didn’t think you cared enough to drive across the country just to talk to my daughter. That is true love. Any man who is willing to take a bullet for not only my daughter but my entire family including me is a real man.” Said Rose’s dad.
“I just wanted to make sure Rose knew I love her and I always will. It’s to late to get to a hospital I’m losing too much blood this is the end for me. I’m glad you trust me now Sir. I lost everything to come out here and see you daughter one last time before I die and now that I have I can die happy.” Said Justin as the life slips away from him.

© Copyright 2008 Hurley Rocker22 (speedracer22 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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