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Al about phytochemistry and uses
Scientific name : Moringa oleifera
Common names : Sajina, the horseradish tree, drumstick tree, benzolive tree, kelor, marango, mlonge, moonga, mulangay, nébéday, saijhan, sajna or Ben oil tree.
Introduction and geographical distribution
Moringa oleifera is the most widely cultivated species in the sub-Himalayan tracts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. This rapidly-growing tree was utilized by the ancient Romans, Greeks and Egyptians; it is now widely cultivated and has become naturalized in many locations in the tropics. It is a perennial softwood tree with timber of low quality, but which for centuries has been advocated for traditional medicinal and industrial uses. It is already an important crop in India, Ethiopia, the Philippines and the Sudan, and is being grown in West, East and South Africa, tropical Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, Florida and the Pacific Islands. All parts of the Moringa tree are edible and have long been consumed by humans. (Jed W. Fahey, 2005)

Fig-1: Leaves of Moringa oleifera.
According to Fuglie (1999), the many uses for Moringa include: alley cropping (biomass production), animal forage (leaves and treated seed-cake), biogas (from leaves), domestic cleaning agent (crushed leaves), blue dye (wood), fencing (living trees), fertilizer (seed-cake), foliar nutrient (juice expressed from the leaves), green manure (from leaves), gum (from tree trunks), honey- and sugar cane juice-clarifier (powdered seeds), honey (flower nectar), medicine (all plant parts), ornamental plantings, biopesticide (soil incorporation of leaves to prevent seedling damping off), pulp (wood), rope (bark), tannin for tanning hides (bark and gum), water purification (powdered seeds). Moringa seed oil (yield 30-40% by weight), also known as Ben oil, is a sweet non-sticking, non-drying oil that resists rancidity. It has been used in salads, for fine machine lubrication, and in the manufacture of perfume and hair care products (Tsaknis, 1999). In the West, one of the best known uses for Moringa is the use of powdered seeds to flocculate contaminants and purify drinking water (Berger, 1984), but the seeds are also eaten green, roasted, powdered and steeped for tea or used in curries (Gassenschmidt, 1995). This tree has in recent times been advocated as an outstanding indigenous source of highly digestible protein, Ca, Fe, Vitamin C, and carotenoids suitable for utilization in many of the so-called “developing” regions of the world where undernourishment is a major concern. (Jed W. Fahey, 2005)
Moringa trees have been used to combat malnutrition, especially among infants and nursing mothers. Three non-governmental organizations in particular—Trees for Life, Church World Service and Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization—have advocated Moringa as “natural nutrition for the tropics.” Leaves can be eaten fresh, cooked, or stored as dried powder for many months without refrigeration, and reportedly without loss of nutritional value. Moringa is especially promising as a food source in the tropics because the tree is in full leaf at the end of the dry season when other foods are typically scarce. (Jed W. Fahey, 2005)

Fig-2: Moringa oleifera plant.
A large number of reports on the nutritional qualities of Moringa now exist in both the scientific and the popular literature. Moringa leaves contain more Vitamin A than carrots, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, more Vitamin C than oranges, and more potassium than bananas,” and that the protein quality of Moringa leaves rivals that of milk and eggs. The oral histories recorded by Lowell Fuglie in Senegal and throughout West Africa, who reports countless instances of lifesaving nutritional rescue that are attributed to Moringa (Fuglie, L.J., 1999, 2000). In fact, the nutritional properties of Moringa are now so well known that there seems to be little doubt of the substantial health benefit to be realized by consumption of Moringa leaf powder in situations where starvation is imminent. Nonetheless, the outcomes of well controlled and well documented clinical studies are still clearly of great value. (Jed W. Fahey, 2005)
In many cultures throughout the tropics, differentiation between food and medicinal uses of plants (e.g. bark, fruit, leaves, nuts, seeds, tubers, roots, flowers), is very difficult since plant uses span both categories and this is deeply ingrained in the traditions and the fabric of the community (Lockett et al., 2000).
Phytochemicals are, in the strictest sense of the word, chemicals produced by plants. Commonly, though, the word refers to only those chemicals which may have an impact on health, or on flavor, texture, smell, or color of the plants, but are not required by humans as essential nutrients. An examination of the phytochemicals of Moringa species affords the opportunity to examine a range of fairly unique compounds. In particular, this plant family is rich in compounds containing the simple sugar, rhamnose, and it is rich in a fairly unique group of compounds called glucosinolates and isothiocyanates (Bennett et. al., 2003; Fahey et. al., 2001). For example, specific components of Moringa preparations that have been reported to have hypotensive, anticancer, and antibacterial activity include 4-(4'-O-acetyl-a-L-rhamnopyranosyloxy) benzyl isothiocyanate (Abrams B, D Duncan, & I Hertz-Piccioto, 1993), 4-(a-L-rhamnopyranosyloxy) benzyl isothiocyanate (Abuye et. al., 1999), niazimicin (Akhtar AH, KU Ahmad, 1995), pterygospermin (Anderson et. al.,1986), benzyl isothiocyanate (Anwar F. and MI Bhanger, 2003), and 4-(a-L-rhamnopyranosyloxy) benzyl glucosinolate (Asres K., 1995).

Figure 3. Structures of selected phytochemicals from Moringa spp.: 4-(4'-O-acetyl-a-L-rhamnopyranosyloxy)benzyl isothiocyanate [1], 4-(-L-rhamnopyranosyloxy)benzyl isothiocyanate [2], niazimicin [3], pterygospermin [4], benzyl isothiocyanate [5], and 4-(a-L-rhamnopyranosyloxy)benzyl glucosinolate [6].
While these compounds are relatively unique to the Moringa family, it is also rich in a number of vitamins and minerals as well as other more commonly recognized phytochemicals such as the carotenoids (including b-carotene or pro-vitamin A). These attributes are all discussed extensively by Lowell Fuglie (1999) and others, and will be the subject of a future review in this series. (Jed W. Fahey, 2005)
Disease Treatment and Prevention
The benefits for the treatment or prevention of disease or infection that may accrue from either dietary or topical administration of Moringa preparations (e.g. extracts, decoctions, poultices, creams, oils, emollients, salves, powders, porridges) are not quite so well known (Palada MC, 1996). Although the oral history here is also voluminous, it has been subject to much less intense scientific scrutiny, and it is useful to review the claims that have been made and to assess the quality of evidence available for the more well-documented claims. The readers of this review are encouraged to examine two recent papers that do an excellent job of contrasting the dilemma of balancing evidence from complementary and alternative medicine (e.g. traditional medicine, tribal lore, oral histories and anecdotes) with the burden of proof required in order to make sound scientific judgments on the efficacy of these traditional cures (Sampson W, 2005 ; Talalay P, and P Talalay, 2001). Clearly much more research is justified, but just as clearly this will be a very fruitful field of endeavor for both basic and applied researchers over the next decade. (Jed W. Fahey, 2005)
Widespread claims of the medicinal effectiveness of various Moringa tree preparations have encouraged the author and his colleagues at The Johns Hopkins University to further investigate some of these possibilities. A plethora of traditional medicine references attest to its curative power, and scientific validation of these popular uses is developing to support at least some of the claims. Moringa preparations have been cited in the scientific literature as having antibiotic, antitrypanosomal, hypotensive, antispasmodic, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, hypocholesterolemic, and hypoglycemic activities, as well as having considerable efficacy in water purification by flocculation, sedimentation, antibiosis and even reduction of Schistosome cercariae titer. (Jed W. Fahey, 2005)
Unfortunately, many of these reports of efficacy in human beings are not supported by placebo controlled, randomized clinical trials, nor have they been published in high visibility journals. For example, on the surface a report published almost 27 years ago (Shaw BP, and P Jana, 1982) appears to establish Moringa as a powerful cure for urinary tract infection, but it provides the reader with no source of comparison (no control subjects). Thus, to the extent to which this is antithetical to Western medicine, Moringa has not yet been and will not be embraced by Western-trained medical practitioners for either its medicinal or nutritional properties. (Jed W. Fahey, 2005)
In many cases, published in-vitro (cultured cells) and in-vivo (animal) trials do provide a degree of mechanistic support for some of the claims that have sprung from the traditional medicine lore. For example, numerous studies now point to the elevation of a variety of detoxication and antioxidant enzymes and biomarkers as a result of treatment with Moringa or with phytochemicals isolated from Moringa (Fahey JW, AT Dinkova-Kostova, and P Talalay, 2004; Faizi et. al., 1994; Kumar NA, and L Pari, 2003, Rao KNV., V Gopalakrishnan, V Loganathan, and S Shanmuganathan, 1999).
Antibiotic Activity
This is clearly the area in which the preponderance of evidence—both classical scientific and extensive anecdotal evidence—is overwhelming. The scientific evidence has now been available for over 50 years, although much of it is completely unknown to western scientists. In the late 1940’s and early 1950’s a team from the University of Bombay (BR Das), Travancore University (PA Kurup), and the Department of Biochemistry at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore (PLN Rao), identified a compound they called pterygospermin a compound which they reported readily dissociated into two molecules of benzyl isothiocyanate (Anwar F, and MI Bhanger, 2003). Benzyl isothiocyanate was already understood at that time to have antimicrobial properties. This group not only identified pterygospermin, but performed extensive and elegant characterization of its mode of antimicrobial action in the mid 1950’s. (Jed W. Fahey, 2005)
Bennie Badgett (1964) identified a number of glyosylated derivatives of benzyl isothiocyanate (e.g. compounds containing the 6-carbon simple sugar, rhamnose) (Badgett BL, 1964). The identity of these compounds was not available in the refereed scientific literature until “re-discovered” 15 years later by Kjaer and co-workers (1979). Seminal reports on the antibiotic activity of the primary rhamnosylated compound then followed, from U Eilert and colleagues in Braunschweig, Germany (Eilert U, 1978; Eilert U, B Wolters and A Nahrstedt, 1981). They re-isolated and confirmed the identity of 4-(a-L-rhamnopyranosyloxy) benzyl glucosinolate (Asres K, 1995) and its cognate isothiocyanate and verified the activity of the latter compound against a wide range of bacteria and fungi. (Abuye C, AM Omwega, JK Imungi, 1999)
Extensive field reports and ecological studies forming part of a rich traditional medicine history, claim efficacy of leaf, seed, root, bark, and flowers against a variety of dermal and internal infections. Unfortunately, many of the reports of antibiotic efficacy in humans are not supported by placebo controlled, randomized clinical trials. Again, in keeping with Western medical prejudices, practitioners may not be expected to embrace Moringa for its antibiotic properties. In this case, however, the in-vitro (bacterial cultures) and observational studies provide a very plausible mechanistic underpinning for the plethora of efficacy claims that have accumulated over the years. (Jed W. Fahey, 2005)
Aware of the reported antibiotic activity of 4-(-L-rhamnopyranosyloxy) benzyl isothiocyanate, benzyl isothiocyanate, and other isothiocyanates and plants containing them, we undertook to determine whether some of them were also active as antibiotics against Helicobacter pylori. This bacterium was not discovered until the mid-1980’s, a discovery for which the 2005 Nobel Prize in Medicine was just awarded. H. pylori is an omnipresent pathogen of human beings in medically underserved areas of the world, and amongst the poorest of poor populations worldwide. It is a major cause of gastritis, and of gastric and duodenal ulcers, and it is a major risk factor for gastric cancer (having been classified as a carcinogen by the W.H.O. in 1993). Cultures of H. pylori, it turned out, were extraordinarily susceptible to 4-(-L-rhamnopyranosyloxy) benzyl isothiocyanate, and to a number of other isothiocyanates (Fahey et al., 2002; Haristoy et al., 2005). These compounds had antibiotic activity against H. pylori at concentrations up to 1000-fold lower than those which had been used in earlier studies against a wide range of bacteria and fungi. The extension of this finding to human H. pylori infection is now being pursued in the clinic, and the prototypical isothiocyanate has already demonstrated some efficacy in pilot studies (Galan MV, AA Kishan and AL Silverman, 2004; Yanaka et al., 2005).
Cancer Prevention
Since Moringa species have long been recognized by folk medicine practitioners as having value in tumor therapy (Hartwell JL., 1967-1971), we examined compounds O-acetyl-a-L-rhamnopyranosyloxy)benzyl isothiocyanate and 4-(-L-rhamnopyranosyloxy)benzyl isothiocyanate for their cancer preventive potential (Fahey JW, AT Dinkova-Kostova, and P Talalay, 2004). Recently, 4-(4'-O-acetyl-a-L-rhamnopyranosyloxy)benzyl isothiocyanate and the related compound niazimicin were shown to be potent inhibitors of phorbol ester (TPA)-induced Epstein-Barr virus early antigen activation in lymphoblastoid (Burkitt’s lymphoma) cells (Murakami et al., 1998; Guevara et al., 1999). In one of these studies, niazimicin also inhibited tumor promotion in a mouse two-stage DMBA-TPA tumor model (Murakami et al., 1998). In an even more recent study, Bharali and colleagues have examined skin tumor prevention following ingestion of drumstick (Moringa seedpod) extracts (Bharali R, J Tabassum, MRH Azad, 2003). In this mouse model, which included appropriate positive and negative controls, a dramatic reduction in skin papillomas was demonstrated.

Abrams B, D Duncan, & I Hertz-Piccioto (1993) A prospective study of dietary intake and acquired immune deficiency syndrome in HIV-sero-positive homosexual men. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. 8: 949-958.
Abuye C, AM Omwega, JK Imungi (1999) Familial tendency and dietary association of goitre in Gamo-Gofa, Ethiopia. East African Medical Journal 76:447-451.
Akhtar AH, KU Ahmad (1995) Anti-ulcerogenic evaluation of the methanolic extracts of some indigenous medicinal plants of Pakistan in aspirin-ulcerated rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 46:1-6.
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Anwar F, and MI Bhanger (2003) Analytical characterization of Moringa oleifera seed oil grown in temperate regions of Pakistan. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51: 6558-6563.
Asres K (1995) The major constituents of the acetone fraction of Ethiopian Moringa stenopetala leaves. Mansoura Journal of Pharmacological Science 11(1): 55-64.
Badgett BL (1964) Part I. The mustard oil glucoside from Moringa oleifera seed. Rice University PhD Thesis (student of Martin G. Ettlinger), Houston, TX, USA.
Bennett RN, FA Mellon, N Foidl, JH Pratt, MS DuPont, L Perkins and PA Kroon (2003) Profiling glucosinolates and phenolics in vegetative and reproductive tissues of the multi-purpose trees Moringa oleifera L. (Horseradish tree) and Moringa stenopetala L. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51: 3546-3553
Berger MR, M Habs, SA Jahn, S Schmahl (1984) Toxicological assessment of seeds from Moringa oleifera and Moringa stenopetala, two highly efficient primary coagulants for domestic water treatment of tropical raw waters. East African Medical Journal 61: 712-716.
Bharali R, J Tabassum, MRH Azad (2003) Chemomodulatory effect of Moringa oleifera, Lam, on hepatic carcinogen metabolizing enzymes, antioxidant parameters and skin papillomagenesis in mice. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 4: 131-139.
Eilert U (1978) Antibiotic principles of seeds of Moringa oleifera. Indian Medical Journal 38(235): 1013-1016.
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Fahey JW, AT Dinkova-Kostova, and P Talalay (2004) The “Prochaska” microtiter plate bioassay for inducers of NQO1. Chapter 14 in Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 382, Part B, pp. 243-258 (Eds.) H. Sies & L. Packer, Elsevier Science, San Diego, CA.
Fahey JW, AT Zalcmann, and P Talalay (2001) The chemical diversity and distribution of glucosinolates and isothiocyanates among plants. Phytochemistry 56(1): 5-51. [corrigendum: Phytochemistry 59: 237].
Fahey JW, X Haristoy, PM Dolan, TW Kensler, I Scholtus, KK Stephenson, P Talalay, and A Lozniewski (2002) Sulforaphane inhibits extracellular, intracellular, and antibiotic-resistant strains of Helicobacter pylori and prevents benzo[a]pyrene-induced stomach tumors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 99: 7610-7615.
Faizi S, BS Siddiqui, R Saleem, S Siddiqui, K Aftab, and AH Gilani (1994) Isolation and structure elucidation of new nitrile and mustard oil glycosides from Moringa oleifera and their effect on blood pressure. Journal of Natural Products 57: 1256-1261
Fuglie LJ (1999) The Miracle Tree: Moringa oleifera: Natural Nutrition for the Tropics. Church World Service, Dakar. 68 pp.; revised in 2001 and published as The Miracle Tree: The Multiple Attributes of Moringa, 172 pp
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Galan MV, AA Kishan, AL Silverman (2004) Oral broccoli sprouts for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection: A preliminary report. Digestive Disease Science 49(7-8): 1088-1090.
Gassenschmidt U, KD Jany, B Tauscher, and H Niebergall (1995) Isolation and characterization of a flocculating protein from Moringa oleifera Lam. Biochimica Biophysica Acta 1243: 477-481
Guevara AP, C Vargas, H Sakurai, Y Fujiwara, K Hashimoto, T Maoka, M Kozuka, Y Ito, H Tokuda, and H Nishino (1999) An antitumor promoter from Moringa oleifera Lam. Mutation Research 440: 181-188
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Kumar NA, and L Pari (2003) Antioxidant action of Moringa oleifera Lam. (drumstick) against antitubercular drugs induced lipid peroxidation in rats. Journal of Medicinal Food 6(3): 255-259.
Lockett, C. T., C. C. Calvert, et al. (2000) Energy and micronutrient composition of dietary and medicinal wild plants consumed during drought. Study of rural Fulani, Northeastern Nigeria. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 51(3): 195-208
Murakami A, Y Kitazono, S Jiwajinda, K Koshimizu, and H Ohigashi (1998) Niaziminin, a thiocarbamate from the leaves of Moringa oleifera, holds a strict structural requirement for inhibition of tumor-promoter- induced Epstein-Barr virus activation. Planta Medica 64: 319-323.
Palada MC (1996). Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.): A versatile tree crop with horticultural potential in the subtropical United States. HortScience 31, 794-797.
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Rao KNV, V Gopalakrishnan, V Loganathan, and S Shanmuganathan (1999) Antiinflammatory activity of Moringa oleifera Lam. Ancient Science of Life 18(3-4): 195-198.
Sampson W (2005) Studying herbal remedies. New England Journal of Medicine 353(4): 337-339.
Shaw BP, and P Jana (1982) Clinical assessment of Sigru (Moringa oelifera Lam) on Mutrakrichra (lower urinary tract infection) NAGARJUN 231-235.
Talalay P, and P Talalay (2001) The importance of using scientific principles in the development of medicinal agents from plants. Academic Medicine 76(3): 238-247.
Trees For Life (2005) Moringa Book.
Tsaknis J, S Lalas, V Gergis, V Douroglou, and V Spiliotis (1999) Characterization of Moringa oleifera variety Mbololo seed oil of Kenya. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 47: 4495-4499
Yanaka A, S Zhang, M Yamamoto, JW Fahey (2005) Daily intake of sulforaphane-rich broccoli sprouts improves gastritis in H.pylori-infected human subjects. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention 14(11, Suppl): 2754s.
Jed W. Fahey. Moringa oleifera: A Review of the Medical Evidence for Its Nutritional, Therapeutic, and Prophylactic Properties. Trees for Life Journal 2005, 1:5.
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