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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1466245
A retired soldier from a secret orginization has to relive past horrors.
Chapter One

Mark turned on the camera and pointed it at me.
“Alvin say hi.” He said.
“I’m Mike he’s Alvin.” I said pointing to Alvin. Mark turned the camera toward Alvin and said. “Say hi.”
“Hi.” Alvin said.
He turned the camera toward me again. “Hi.” I said.
It was about three in the afternoon, the clouds covered everything. It was cooler than usual and it would seem like another ordinary day had it not been for the body bag at our feet.
Let me explain.
Me Mark and Alvin were going to high school in a few months and Alvin was obsessed with science. So he is videotaping himself bringing a dead guy back to life, ridiculous isn’t it? And me the idiot who can’t say no, agrees to help him.
Alvin called me over and told me to pick up one side of the body bag while got the other. Mark kept filming as me and Alvin practically dragged the body bag up the small hill near my house.
I think Alvin might be a bit crazy. He has seventeen handguns in his house, a grenade and a closetful of ammo. There were even rumors at Freed that he had an RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade) in his house.
Alvin unzipped the body bag and pulled it off to reveal the dead man’s face.
“Ladies and gentlemen, Joey Garcia.” Alvin knelt down and injected Joey with a needle.
“Get ready to run.” He said injecting the last of the liquid. “Okay, run!”
Alvin rushed past me before I heard him, then I ran. Half way there I turned around to check if Mark was behind us. He was still filming but as soon as Joey started to get up he started running. Joey was on his feet and running toward us by the time Mark got to the side of my house.
Mark pointed the camera toward Alvin.
Alvin looked at the camera and said. “Watch this.”
As Joey got closer he emitted a screaming growl. His eyes were completely white and his teeth were sharper than they had been a second ago.
Alvin aimed his revolver and fired three quick shots into his chest. Joey was knock backwards, snarling as the bullets knocked him to the ground.
Alvin turned toward the camera and smiled saying. “Is that cool or what?”
I’d seen a lot of zombie movies and in all of them you are supposed to shoot them in the head. I was about to warn Alvin when“-GRAAAAAA!!!”
Joey grabbed Alvin and attempted to bite him as Alvin jumped into the air and grabbed his knees. As Alvin dropped to the ground Joey lost his grip and staggered forward. Alvin regained his footing and attempted to shove Joey back as he lunged forward for another attack.
Thinking quickly I pulled out a packet of pepper from my pocket, (Don’t ask) opened it and threw it in Joey’s face. Joey inhaled it and sneezed on Alvin’s face; Joey looked to the right and sneezed into the air. Before Joey could charge him again, Alvin dived for the dropped revolver and emptied three shots into Joey’s head.
Alvin wiped the zombie’s snot off his face as he got up.
“Disgusting.” I heard him mutter.
He turned toward the camera and said. “Well that’s enough excitement for one day.”

1 week later………………………………………………

I changed the channel to comedy central to see if the Colbert report was on. The show wasn’t on so I changed it to king of the hill.
The door opened and Mark and Alvin walked into the house. “Dang, those ants are beating the crap out of each other.” Alvin took off his backpack and sat down in the chair. Mark continued into the kitchen not taking his eyes off of the PSP he was playing. Alvin took a zombie survival guide out of his backpack and started reading. Mark came back into the living room eating a ham sandwich and playing his PSP one handed.
I got up when the phone rang. “Hello?”
“Hey Mike it’s your uncle Bob, turn your TV to channel five. Alvin wouldn’t have anything to do with this would he?”
I looked toward Alvin and then to the TV. “I’ll check it out.” I said. Then I hung up the phone.
“Hey Alvin.” I said. “Change the TV to channel five.”
Alvin changed the channel. A news woman stood in front of the ST. Mary Corwin hospital.
“-and attacked his grandson.”
The hospital was replaced with the news room. “Thank you Stephanie.” A news anchor said. “In other news a car bomb in Baghdad kills forty nine civilians and two U.S marines.
“Change it back.” I said.
Alvin changed it back to king of the hill. “Hey Mike go see if Johnny across the street is doing anything.”
“Sure” I said.
I walked toward the window and opened the curtains.
I jumped back startled.
A girl had her face up against the window, blood smearing the window as she tried to bite through. More of the people outside saw us and gathered at the window. Mark put his down his PSP and closed the curtains.
“Alvin, what did you do?” I asked.
Those people screamed and smashed at the window.
“Alvin, what did you do?” I repeated.
“Why you asking me?” Alvin said calmly.
“Well the government isn’t smart enough to do this.” I said.
“Amen to that.” Mark said raising his drink.
“And you made one of those last week.” I continued.
“I shot it and brought it back to the morgue.”
Alvin pulled three guns and a box of revolver ammo from his backpack.
“Here” He said as he tossed Mark and me both a gun. I took the gun and put in my pocket.
“Alright I got thirty bullets.” Alvin said handing Mark and me both ten.
“Okay.” I said. “Now what?”
Alvin thought for a moment. “We stay in the house, secure the door, and is there anything that died here recently?”
Mark kept at the window, loading his gun and making sure they wouldn’t break it.
“My hamster Fluffy died yesterday.” As I said this, I heard a loud growl come from the laundry room followed by the sound of a cage breaking.
Fluffy ran along the wall from the laundry room, jumped off the wall and scurried across the floor toward me. It jumped at me; I raised my gun to fire.
Fluffy fell to the ground with a bullet in its head. Alvin lowered his revolver.
“You’re a horrible shot, you might need the bullets.” He said. Alvin took his backpack to my room.
“Am not” I muttered.
Alvin came back into the room. “Okay, as long as were in here they can’t get us.” Alvin pointed at the window. “Mike, how many are out there?”
I went to the window and opened the curtains. I tried not to jump as the girl tried to bite through the window. Seventeen of them gathered at the window, twenty were across the street and at least seven wandering around.
“At least fifty as far as I can see” I told him.
“Okay” Alvin said. “We’re going to run out of ammo quickly if they get in here, so we’re going to need some melee weapons. Shovels, Knives-“
“I have a hatchet.” I said.
“Good. Everyone have pocket knives?”
I got mine.” I said. “Mark, got yours?”
Mark pulled a huge knife out of his back pocket. “Are you kidding?” He said. “With Alvin living in the same city, I should have my sword.”
Agreed, I thought.
I went to the room to get my hatchet. I walked into the room and saw Alvin’s backpack next to my computer. Walking up to the computer I opened a drawer and saw the hatchet. I looked down at Alvin’s backpack. I thought about looking inside but Alvin would kill me. And I mean kill me, not you broke my toy I’m going to kill you. I mean I work for the government you know too much kind of I’m going to kill you. Either way it’s bad it’s against his privacy. But what the hell you know. I’m too curious. I started to unzip the backpack.
“Mike!” The voice sounded close. I quickly zipped the backpack back up and grabbed the hatchet. I turned around and Alvin was standing there.
“I found the hatchet.” I said trying not to sound nervous.
If Alvin was suspicious he didn’t show it. “Good.” He said. “You’ve got to see this.”
I followed Alvin into the living room. He pointed at the door. The zombies were jiggling the doorknob.
“They’re trying to open the door.” Mark said.
I looked out the window and saw one of them trying to open the door.
“I thought zombies were supposed to be stupid.”
“Don’t call them that.” Mark said.
“Call them what?” I asked.
“That, zombies don’t say that.”
“How about mentally challenged hungry people?” I said.
“Zombies it is.”
Mark went to the garage as I recounted how many zombies were outside. There were still around fifty of them outside from my view.
Mark came back into the room with a shovel and a baseball bat. He tossed the bat to Alvin and went back into the kitchen. I sat in the chair and closed my eyes for a second. A very faint screaming filled my ears. My eyes opened and looked to my right.
Thousands of ants crawled under the door and up the chair.
“Whoa!” I jumped up and knocked the ants off my sleeve. Hatchet in hand I swung at them and retreated into the kitchen. After I calmed down, I looked into the living room. Hundreds of millions of ants filled the room.
“Zombie ants?” Mark exclaimed. “Never heard of that before.
Marked tossed me the bug spray from the bottom of the sink. As I caught it, I caught a glimpse of Alvin running into my room. I sprayed them but it had no effect. I turned around. “Mark!” Mark already had a lighter in hand. “Way ahead of you.” He tossed it to me. I turned around, turned the lighter on, held it in front of the bug spray and sprayed the ants.
The fire shot toward and burned the ants but it wasn’t enough to get all of them.
“Get out of the way!”
I turned around and saw Alvin with an RPG aimed at the living room. I scrambled to the side of the kitchen, dropping my hatchet as Alvin fired the RPG. A smoke trail went from the kitchen into the living room frying the ants, destroying the furniture, breaking the window, and nearly blowing the door in half.
I used the bug spray and lighter to finish off the last dozen ants. I dropped the can but pocketed the lighter. I looked up to see the mentally challenged hungry people climbing through the window. The girl was the first one to get in.
“Shovel!” I shouted as she ran towards me growling.
I turned around grabbed the shovel Mark threw at me and hit her in the head. She fell back fast.
I tossed the shovel back to Mark. I grabbed my hatchet and attached it to my belt. More must have got in because Mark fired three shots.
We took cover as Alvin fired another RPG at the window.
As soon as I got to my senses I shouted to Alvin. “What is that doing in my house?!!”
“I had to hide it somewhere!” Alvin Replied. “After the rumors at school, I had to hide it somewhere.”
More of the zombies got in and Alvin fired the last RPG.
“Get into the room! Go!” I shouted.
Alvin ran into the room followed by Mark, followed by me.
Twenty of them ran at us, one was faster than the others and got to the door first. Me and Mark tried to keep it out but it was too strong. We pulled it and Alvin slammed the door. We struggled with the zombie. I didn’t know where Alvin was doing but me and Mark tried to keep it from biting us. It shoved Mark down and was about to bite me when-
Something hit it and the side of its head melted away. I looked at Alvin. He was holding a laser gun. It looked like something off of star wars.
I pushed the zombie to the ground.
“What the hell?” Mark exclaimed.
Indeed, I thought.
Alvin put the gun back behind my computer. “Forget what you saw.” He said.
“Okay, now what?” I asked.
The zombies slammed against the door.
Alvin put his backpack on. “We have to get out of the house.” A hand broke through the door. “How many bullets we have left.”
“I fired three shots.” Mark said.
“I still have all my bullets.” I said.
“And I fired one, ”Alvin said reloading his revolver. “That means we have about twenty six bullets left.”
Mark opened Alvin’s backpack and found a grenade.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
Mark looked at me and Alvin. “I will not be eaten alive, when they get in here, fire til the last round, then pull the pin.”
Mark handed me the grenade.
© Copyright 2008 Emvalle (e.m.j.v at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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