Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1466110-date-of-death
by e
Rated: 13+ · Editorial · Other · #1466110
date of death

Written By: Michelle Borukhova, Mazal Mullodzhanova, and Isabella Badalova

It was a cold, dark night in the winter-wick jail where a dark scary creature awoke from the dead…..Naaaaa just kidding now this is how the story really goes.

It was a warm and sunny morning on Winter-Wick Street where a yummy looking ice cream truck past by. Then, out of nowhere we heard a scream, a gunshot and then another scream. We slowly walked to the area were the scream was coming from, and saw a floating bullet on the floor that was puddle with blood. We quickly turned around to ask the ice-cream truck driver if he saw anything suspicious but as soon as he saw us he closed his window and drove away.

The next day we went to see if the ice-cream truck had the same driver so we can investigate him, but as we walked close to the area we heard 3 rapid gunshots and we saw the 4th one fly into the air. We quickly called our dad and he was already there [we know we heard his personal ring tone]

We chased the truck on our dad’s Lexus. When we got to the end of Winter-Wick we saw the track driver walk into the Winter-Wick jail, and the driver was wearing a police uniform. Then out of nowhere another police man stepped into the ice-cream truck and drove away into were it bent in the under-growth.

Every day after the incident we asked our dad “papa” “what do you think about this situation? Since you are such a professional police man” but he always turned around and walked away. “Enough”!!” we can’t take this anymore this is not like you at all tell us the answer now now now.

Finally we decided to check our dad’s cell-phone and we checked his text message and it said:

Meet us at 10:00 o-clock pm at you know where at the you know what
Singed: you know who

We were furious when we found out what happened. Now he is not in the game, we would not tell him anything that happened. We would just stalk him instead.

The next morning when our dad left we looked in his underwear drawer to see if there is anything suspicious there. Out of nowhere we found 2 old crumbled almost burned letters and one was by our mother and it said:

April 9, 1996
My dear children, if you ever get this letter I want to tell you your father is planning on killing me. If I'm dead by the time you read this letter ,do not believe a word that monster says to you. He is planning on killing me because I found out about his plans to kill the world .he wrote that I was first to die in our family, your next.
__Annalisa Parker__
The next letter said:

Names of people I want to kill :
ü Annalisa Parker
My children – if they don’t want to dominate the world with me
ü Gabriella ishakbayeva
ü Rinat Priev
ü Kristina Babayeva
ü Natalie Kushmakova
ü Leoz
ü David
ü Alex
ü And more…..

As we read this note our fear grew more and more. We knew that we are going to get killed next, and we had to do something about it. We waited until 2 AM in the morning for the monster to come. He finally came with a bruised eye .We sat him down then the bazaar and spicy Mazal massaged him. Then the hyper and crazy Michelle wrapped tape around him. Then out of no where the hot and sycomaniac Izabela slapped him and asked who killed our mother? Our father started blushing and sweating as he slowly said your mother killed herself. Izabela slapped him once more, and then altogether the girls took alcohol and shoved it up his mouth. Then Mazal said in horror that know that we know that you know that we know that you killed our mother. We found out from the old letter that our mother wrote Michelle said slowly. Then he started to move rapidly, but really he was taking a gun out. The monster said I swear I will kill you if you don’t help me kill the world out. Then we all took out our guns and Izabela said, “Well we have six guns, so it is six against one”. Our father gave up and said please don’t tell any one, and leave me alone. “Father”, said Izabela “you have done so many bad things to us, you have left us without a mother and soon you are going to leave us without a father”.


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