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Rated: E · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1465745
A journey between two strangers with many hardships and mysteries
It’s was getting complicated, too complicated for my liking. I was being chased for god’s sake! That is creepy and irrational, I did all the chasing! I never once got chased down because someone had a grudge and just had to kill me and blah blah blah or they just couldn’t keep their hands to themselves and when I say that I’m talking about the females, but that’s different! This is unbelievable.
No seriously…I don’t need this, I was just so close and so ready to start a new life, a fresh and clean start, but no fate loves torturing me! This just had to happened, it just had to.
I groan silently just ready to slam my head against the wall multiple times.
I glanced blankly at the evil thing shinning and sadly stuck to my wrist, Handcuffs…freaking bloody handcuffs! How was that I got into this mess? I’m not quite sure, it all seemed to happen so fast that I didn’t have time to actually plan an escape and if I had I wouldn’t be in this mess now, but it’s not ENTIRELY my fault…Oh no of course it’s not. It’s her fault!
I narrowed my eyes in irritation at the girl sitting a couple feet next to me and staring into space, who knows what she’s thinking…I swear she is evil…I’m probably wrong but I got to take it out on someone and who else then the person who got me into this mess!
If it were anyone else I would have simple killed them and be on my way like nothing really happened, and yes I would do it to her too…It’s not like she’s someone important, but considering the circumstances of me being handcuffed to her…It’s not possible, the idea of dragging around a dead cadaver is not very appealing and mostly when the person chasing us has the key.
So that’s definitely out of the question, I have to come up with something else.
That will take some time.
Stupid girl it’s all her fault…It’s her fault I’m in this mess. I can only hope they don’t know where I live…If so I’ll have to say good bye to this house.
I groaned, just the thought of it disturbed me…I really like this house.
I looked at her again glaring at her...Maybe if I glare hard enough she’ll disappear…I doubt it.
I yanked my wrist hard making her fall of the chair…I smirked at least I can find some sort of entertainment in her.
“What the hell was that for?” She screamed at me, her eyes glaring daggers. I simple shrugged as if it was only accident and I didn’t mean to do it.
Of course that’s a lie.
I couldn’t help but remember how exactly I got into this mess and more importantly how I got stuck with her.

It was a normal day, well as normal as it could get. I was sitting in my car driving away from the city and onto the ocean that I could plainly see outside the window…Just a little farther and I’ll be home…Sweet home where there is no annoying and extremely loud boss…let’s not forget fat.
I’ll be home take a bath and go straight to bed. Today was so not my day…It was awfully an irritating day, which explains the sour mood I now have. Just the thought of finally having a break and rest made me hit the accelerator going faster towards my destination.
Luckily my house was close to the ocean, actually it was on top of a cliff giving me a relaxing sight of the ocean and fortunately I had no neighbors…Thank goodness!!
Last time I had neighbors I remember literally having a headache every single day. It was a complete bother. Hearing those gossiping old ladies was a pain. I seriously do not want to go through that again…No way in hell. Just the though of it tensed me.
I sighed already tired of the day’s events…Stupid boss, one more slip from his fat ass and I would have punched his guts out. I guess I better start looking for a new job…I have the slight suspicion that I’m going to get fired…But not if I quit first…Doesn’t matter if he fires me, heck I practically run that stupid company, he’ll lose the company for sure…Too bad.
I noticed lazily a car off to the side with a broken tired and something…Or more likely someone banging on the trunk door from inside in what I think “Hopes of getting out”
Yes I somehow happened to notice all this by just passing the car. I simple ignored it, it’s not my problem. Plus if I were to help whoever was trapped in that trunk I am sure something would happen because of it and I definitely would not like it.
I slam on the breaks in surprise when I heard a feminine voice shriek in anger. What the hell? Well it’s final I hope gone insane…This is just great, now I’m hallucinating…Just what I freaking need. I heard the so called feminine voice scream again…Well that makes me feel better, now I know I’m not insane.
Still I’m going to ignore it. Plainly because I was in bad mood and had no intention of helping anyone and on the way get in a mess. Still even if I am in a bad mood I’m not that cold heartless…So I guess I’ll help her out. I’ll just get her out and be on my way.
I will help her out but mostly because my curiosity was killing me…Seriously.
Who the hell wouldn’t duck tape a victim they wanted to kill?? That’s literally the first thing you do!
I made my way towards the car having already gotten out of my own and noticed with dismay that the front was complete crushed denying me access to the lock of the trunk so I guess that means I’ll have to unlock it…how troublesome.
I knocked lightly on the trunk. “Hello?” I called out…Hey you never know! She could be deaf for all I know. I’m taking precaution.
“GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE!” A voice from inside screamed.
Ok so she isn’t deaf…I would prefer if she was mute.
“Give me a second, Jeez calm down” I said back rubbing my poor ears. I could still feel her voice ringing in my head.
“Shut up! I’m trying to concentrate!”
“Get ME OUT!” She screamed again.
“If you don’t shut up I’m going to leave you here!” I threaten.
That seemed to shut her up.
“Fine, just get me out” She mumbled.
Thankful I got to work and with ease I unlock the trunk door and out jumped a body onto mine, legs wrapped around my waist and arms around my neck, Thank you whispered in my ear multiple times.
The temptation to yank her off was so there considering her death grip and my lack of air, I grabbed her arms and I did yank her off. I sucked in air, finally being able to breath.
I twitched in frustration when I noticed the car had gone up in flames and any second now it was really going to explode….I thought she was just joking and just going into panic??
I grabbed her wrist and yanked her into my car while the car behind us exploded. Thankfully luck was on my side and I had already made it to my car and was safely away.
After a couple of miles I pulled over.
“Get out” I commanded to the girl sitting in my opinion too comfortably on the passenger seat.
“What? Why?”
“Because I said so, now get out!”
“No” She said stubbornly while crossing her arms and sticking to the seat.
I narrowed my eyes and literally yanked my door opened as I walked to the other side. I opened her door and grabbed her by the wrist once again and yanked her off my seat. Unfortunately she had managed to grab tightly onto the door.
“I already saved you! That’s all I did. No more, no less! Now let go!” God damn it, I could feel a headache coming in.
“Fine” She literally screamed while letting go of the door and crashing onto me.
I should have really seen this coming. I sigh pushing her off me and quickly dusted off the dirt from my pants and my way towards the car.
I hit my head non-stop against the steering wheel. I really should have just ignored her…I really shouldn’t have pushed my luck.
Groans escaped me. The keys to start the car…Where…gone and I just knew who took them…Damn I should have known she would be bad luck!
I turned my head towards her and literally growled at what I saw.
There in front of me was that girl wiggling MY keys with a smirk plastered in her pretty face…Hold on…What the hell? PRETTY? Did I just though that?? I must really be going mad.
I got out of my car slamming the door and when I felt I was close enough to her. I lunged at her colliding with her full force. I grabbed the wrist that was holding the key and made an attempt to take them away from her while she squirmed under me.
Unfortunately she somehow managed to escape from under me and I watch in horror as the keys “slipped” from her hands and rolled down the hill.
I slammed my head against the hard ground; Shit…Just what I need, I just thank god that I had decided not to join my house keys with the car ones incase something happened, still I could have broken in if I had lost my house keys but that would have just been an immediate headache considering the alarm I installed. Still I hardly expected this to be the “Something”
“Oops, that wasn’t suppose to happen” She laughed nervously.
“You think” I said sarcastically my sour mood increasing ten-fold.
Why me?? Sure I have done plenty of bad things, but this is insane! What kind of messed up punishment is this?? I surely cannot deserve this; it’s completely and utterly absurd… Fate just loves messing with me doesn’t she…Stupid curiosity…I am blaming it all on that.
“So what do we do now?”
“We? There is No we! I’m alone; I’m not doing anything else for you” I told her angrily finally mustering the will to stand up from the ground.
Considering I don’t have any car keys and I can’t exactly turn it on…because with this kind of car it’s pretty much impossible to do. So my only option is too…walk…all…the…way to my…house…It’s settle then the world hates me! And fate is laughing her ass off at me!
I guess I better get started, if I’m lucky I’ll make it home before night time. I sighed walking away.
“Hey you can’t leave me here!”
“Watch Me” I told her picking up my pace.
“You know I think you must have hit your head too hard, it would explain something” She told smirking.
I stopped in my tracks and looked at her in suspicion.
“What are you talking about?” I asked curiosity getting the better of me.
She grinned. “You do realize I can follow you”
Shit…Double Shit.
“Hey I’m hungry! Do you have any food?” A voice called out to me interrupting my train of though, well more like remembering.
“No so suck it up”
She sighed going back to staring out the window.
Now that I was all alone and back to my thoughts I continued to remember.
Back to flashback
I groaned plotting in my head of a way to get rid of her. Yea it was the only thing I could think of wasting my time with.
It seemed that girl was busy entertaining herself by following and whistling with her arms behind her back but what annoyed me the most was the stupid smile plastered in her face as if she knew something I didn’t. Which was probably a lie and she just wanted to tick me off.
Yea that was probably it.
Of course my day wasn’t over and something else just had to happen, like for example getting kidnapped and because of her.
Don’t get me wrong it’s not like it hasn’t happened before this time I just happened to have company and kidnapped because of someone else, because of that I am annoyed because they want her. Not Me.
I just had to get dragged into it, because I just had to save her, but no way am I saving her again. This time I’m escaping and not with her, plus she’ll probably make things all the more difficult when it came to escaping.
So here I am after walking for hours trying to get home because of someone’s fault, if I was a younger I would have probably pointed but doing it and being 18 doesn’t exactly suit well. That someone also happened to be following me.
Then a black car just comes by and men with guns come out and literally take us prisoners, I bet if dungeons still exited we would have probably been thrown into one.
Thankfully we were sitting on not so comfortable couches but still it was better then being thrown somewhere disgusting. Unfortunately I was handcuffed to whoever her name was and that made my escaping plan all the more difficult if I even had one.
I had the slight suspicions that they were mafia members and they were after her. I was just curious as to why.
“Where is it!!?” They asked her pointing a gun to her head.
“You wouldn’t kill me, you know you need me, I’m the only one who knows where it is”
Cocky much? I was starting to wonder what the “It” was.
“Don’t push my patient bitch!” He said pulling the trigger.
She stayed quiet but I could easily tell that she was tempted to mock him. I chuckled inside.
He left after that being called by another associate.
“What’s the ‘It’?” I asked her expecting an answer. She simply laughed nervously and looked the other way.
“You have an escape plan?” She finally asked.
“Yes, but you’re not in it”
She glared at me. “You aren’t going anywhere without me” She said showing me our handcuffed wrists.
I sigh. She had a point, I guess it’s no use leaving her behind; it was starting to get on my nerves just being near her and mostly because I knew it was all her fault.
I’m starting to realize that I’m pretty much blaming everything on her, but it is really her fault even though I did have some fault in it. Now that I think about she’s literally a stranger! I don’t even know her name for god’s sake!!
I quickly grabbed the keys that man had left behind and stuffed them in my pocket. I yanked her wrist mention her to follow me.
These mafia members or whatever they are were truly imbeciles, they left the door open. What? Were they expecting us to simply sit quietly and not make a move??
This was the easiest escape I had ever done; I literally walked all the way to the front door! They were too busy fighting over how to get the girl to talk that they didn’t notice me walk out the door! Yes at first it was very suspicious that I escaped that easily, but I was cautious, and really it was easily and not made up they really didn’t notice.
After coming out the front door I got into the car those keys I stole belonged too, sadly with the girl sitting on the passenger seat.

End of flashback.

Now here I am on my house the one I was suppose to come to without making stops and resisting, but not any more.
I had found out the girl’s name and it’s a weird name, but hey it’s not weird in a bad way it’s just…weird. Her name is Yeisi and that’s about all I know she didn’t elaborate on anything else, and of course she already knew my name she said something about having seen it on some part of my car.
My poor car which was left on the road probably a truck already picked it up. Sadly we would have to leave my house very soon.
After all Yeisi was so nice as to inform me that they were after her and would probably find us soon.
Of course it didn’t go unnoticed by me that she failed to mention as to why they were after her.
I’ll let it go but only for now.
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