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Rated: E · Chapter · Animal · #1465516
i like to draw more than write so i'm posting this to see if anybodylikes it.
once many thousands of years ago, the main universe lived in peace . the residents consisted of animals, aliens , and humans, and other things as well.things were fine until the humans became power hungry they conquered the entire universe and forced many animals, aliens , and other things to be slaves. they took 2 of each species of animal and ran tests on them in labs. one day a clumsy lab assistant accidentally knocked bio-mutagen into the animals water supply. soon after the animals drank there water they mutated into humanoid animals. they oamed the planet earth for many months until they discovered something that the humans had been searching for for centuries. it was a portal to a parallel universe.so the animals arrived on the parallel earth(which was uninhabited)and lived there in peace for many years. then a cat by the name of elwood c. catuis conquered the parallel earth and ruled the land under the name catlord. the catlord wore only a black mask that fit the entire top of his head and ended on the top of his nose.he had orange fur , atriangular nose , big black eyes , and he wore a blue three quarter sleeved shirt with a v-neck, he also wore a yellow belt folded up tightly. and he wore black baggy pants , and part of his catlord sybolism he wore a black cape with a yellow pen that connected the cape with a red "c" on it.he was way more brutal to the animals than the humans ever thought abou being, he killed citizens of his villages just for coughing in his presence.then out of nowhere appeared a mouse that wielded a sword and also wore a black mask appeared.he single handedly defeated the catlord and was named the mouse warrior. like the catlord he had a special kind of aura that separated him from other mice (this was how he pulled the mouse sword out of the stone).he realized that after he hada son he no longer had this aura that allowed him to harness it in the form of blasts and beams he could release from his hands and feet.so every year on his son's birthday he allowed his son to try and pull the sword out of the stone(for he could no longer do this). up until his son's 12th birthday he was unsuccessful,but when he turned 12 he harnessed his aura and pulled the sword right out so he named his son the mouse warrior .so this legacy went on for some time . now it's tronks turn. tronk an 11 year old mouse is about to turn 12. the sun shone in tronk's window, that light was so bright he could hardly see.he got out of his bed still in his usual pjs a t shirt and bedpants.he looked at the clock."9:04, huh?"said tronk.he wondered what dromo his grandfather, former mouse warrior and current monk meant when he had said the previous night that he hoped tronk was ready for the events that might occur.hmm crazy old man.he dressed simple white t-shirt and black shorts.he climbed down the stairs where he heard whispering coming from the kitchen.he walked in"surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!"yelled everyone .there in the kitchen stood everyone tronk new that was still alive. his best friend ,who lived in this village,jimp who is an 11year old lizard, like tronk his parents were dead.moke another close friend who is an 11year old otter that lived in the village his parnets were also dead.lock another of tronk's friends he is a 13 year old lobster and of course his parents were dead too.dromo his grandfather. he is very skilled in the field of aura control and has taught tronk a lot.his big brother schemo who is 15 . 3 years ago he took the mouse test but failed .for the past three years he has been training himself and his little brother .that is where tronk's fighting skills come from.also his little sister flower who is 8 was there."gee, thanks guys.you didnt have to throw me a party."said tronk."hey don't worry about it."said jimp.tronk opened all his presents and received wonderful stuff.a weird kind of half club half energy shooter from jimp,an all purpose watch from moke (made by moke),a crescent moon sabre from lock,a new karate belt from schemo,and a bundle of flowers from flower."tronk it's time."said dromo."time for what?"asked tronk."you'll see." said dromo.so dromo led tronk out of the house to the sanctuary down the dirt road where many people used to meet and laugh and talk until the incident. flashback: 8 years ago people still lived in this village,but then the newest catlord, gahono catlo, invaded the village with hi army and killed every one except for tronk ,dromo,flower,schemo,jimp,moke ,and lock.he even killed tronk's dad he then took him back to his base which it's whereabouts are unknown.tronks mother just disappeared. end of flashback:they entered the sancuary ,and traveled past many rows of pughs.they got to the end,and went through a door leading into a back room.dromo grabbed a lantern on a table , and lit it.he then opened up a trap door and said to tronk"come on."disappearing down a ladder.tronk quickly followed . they traveled through what seemed like miles and miles under ground until tronksaw a ladder and light shining down. he followed dromo up the ladder to a grove of trees. in the middle was a stone with the mouse insignia on it,with a sword with a yellow hilt in it."now,tronk try and pull it out." "ok....."said tronk.he placed his hands around the brown partof the sword , and without much effort pulled it out. his blueish whiteish aura coming up in big rifts.-gasp- went dromo."tr..r..onk d-do...you..know what this means....?""uh...........no."said tronk."it means you tronk are the new mouse warrior."said dromo."w...hat?me?no......way!!!!!!are you serious!?!?!?"said tronk."yes tronk i am."back at the sanctuary......."aaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuughgggggggggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!"came a familiar scream from outside."huh?"said tronk running outside into the field in front of the village.there he sawit. gahono catlo, riding off on his pet crehonole(half dragon -half giant chicken)in the air with his, HIS little sister in the creatures claw."HEY YOU UGLY COME BACK HERE NOW!!!!!!!"screamed tronk.he ran as fast as he could after his sister and jumped up in the air with his mask on and his sword in hand,but then gahono got a glimpse of the young warriors attire.-gasp-he went.tronk grabbed a hold of the monster's tail and and stabbed him in the back with his sword."ARRRRRROOOOOOOARHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"screamed the monster.gahono then lit a redish purpleish aura blast in his hand.it hit tronk sending him speeding towards the ground .he was attempting to get up when gahono lit a much larger aura beam and this time it knocked tronk out. he awoke in a bed with a big bandage over his stomach looking up at schemo,dromo,jimp moke,jimp,and lock.that's when he noticed . "hey where's flower?"silence.crickets.chirp,chirp.finally dromo spoke up "well..that fool who calls himself a catlord kidnapped her.""well can't we go get her?"said tronk."well......we don't know where gahono's base is."silence."well that ain't gonna stop me!"said tronk."isn't going to."corrected dromo."whatever!i'm going to save my sister!"tronk was gone in a flash.he ran all the way across the field and entered the feared zagu forest.he then found his way to a big volcano.which he climbed up.at the top he noticed that there was a pool of molten lava and on the ground was a door."ah ,ha !civilization!"said tronk.he quickly jumped down onto the ground and entered the door which led to a flight of stairs carved out of the rock.he then came to millions of hallways and doors with bars on them. he looked through them all and then he noticed a small familiar gray furred little mouse girl.he then used an aura blast to blow down the door."tr-r...onk?"said flower."yup!who else?schemo?right!"tronk joked."tronk help me they've done horrible things to me...."said flower bursting into tears."hey don't worry about it i'll beat the snot out of 'em"said tronk breaking flower's shackles that hung her to the wall."r-r..eally?"said flower being led back down the hallways and up the stairs"yeah."said tronk getting flower out of the volcano."now........for some unfinished business ."said tronk cracking his knuckles.he then found another passage and fell down a hole that led to a oval shaped room surrounded by lava with a certain catlord waiting at the other end of the room."well, it's about time tronk.MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!"said gahono."ok loserlord it's on!"tronk pulled his sword out of his shief,and charged at gahono who pulled out his magestic javelin.-clack-was the only sound made when tronk's sword colided with gahono's javelin .then tronk's sword went flying into a wall, and gahono'sjavelin was hit into another wall."well,well,well you are much more of a threat than your father ever was."said gahono."WHY......YOU MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"screamed tronk."now lets see if you can handle this,mouse warrior,hahahahaha!"taunted gahono.he lit a aura blast in his left hand and brought has right one up under it yelling."slicz..........torm.............nakio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"a huge torpedo shaped blast sailed towards tronk.he quickly put his arms up to block it.it left many scratches on tronk's arms."YEEEOWWWW!"screamed tronk."hehehehe......you've underestimated me.now TAKE.......THIS!!!!!"yelled tronk bringing both hands up beside his head and forming to separate aura balls.he then brought them together in front of his chest and released it saying "kor........tay......ra.........tu.........HEEYA!!!!!"a blue and white torpedo shaped blast lunged towards gahono.it hit him square in the stomach leaving a ripped shirt and many scracthes.tronk then aimed a kick for gahono's face which was blocked ,gahono took a shot at tronk wirh his fist in tronk's stomach which was blocked.this went on for a while until tronk kicked gahono square in the side knocking him towards the lava at the sides of the room an then into it.the volcano began to rumble.tronk quickly grabbed his sword jumping up through the oringinal hole he fell through lava rushing behind him .he barely made it out of the volcano,and was headed for the zagu tree tops when a huge explosion happened knocking tronk all the way across the field. he awoke the next morning , this time every one was present, but he was surprised to see himslef all bandaged up.he went out side to the field,and looked up at the volcano."hmmm....strange no more smoke."
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