Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1465420-The-Spiteful-Sprite
Rated: E · Poetry · Fantasy · #1465420
A childrens poem showing that anyone can change if there heart is into it.

The spiteful sprite, try as she might
to do the right thing.
But in the end, she could not bend
the nature of her being.

The other sprites, so full of delight
love to dance and play.
But spiteful sprite, dark as the night
would stay inside all day.

The morbid thoughts and actions not
those of her Fairy race.
Would frighten her peers with fantastical fears
and cause them to retreat in haste.

So this wicked sprite decided to fight
for very lonely was she.
Thinking maybe some kindness and something quite generous
just might be the key.

So she went to the Queen; the Fae of Green
known thus for her attire
Of leaves and vines, so very devine
to her she went to inquire.

Thus the sprite asked her queen, "lady how do i ween
myself from my horrid ways?"
Responded the Lady "your heart is quite shady
it is inside you must gaze."

"Look into your soul, and then you will know
what it is you must do."
And as the words filled her, that delicate purr
She knew that she could break through.

So quick as a fox and whatever the cost
she left the great Queen's lair.
Then she gathered some flowers, heading back to her bower
and put two of them in her hair.

Now the other sprites saw this. "Something is amiss"
one exclaimed to another.
"Whatever the reason this sprite is concieving
it cannot benifit others."

But much to their surprise there was hope in her eyes
as she handed out her bouquet.
but she wasn't done yet, it was transparent
she also had something to say.

"Please, take this as a token for the oaths i have broken
and the havok im sure to have caused.
And i hope that one day a friendship just may
be possible between us.

And with that she began to gather again
twigs, leaves, moss, rocks and vines.
And thus joined the others .The sisters and brothers
each and all of them one of a kind.

And they all as one, and having much fun
began to build a great scene.
As the sun went down, the final piece, the crown
was placed on the Goddess of Green.

And there where she stands gather friends holding hands
on ocasion to show there delight.
And to tell the story of the Sprite of Glory
formally nown as the Sprite of Spite.

© Copyright 2008 K.M. Floyd (darkpandora at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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