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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1465302
Time to go home. to TS of L in NY. (not finished yet)
(sorry peeps but i haven't finnished this chap yet, but here's most of it for your interest.)
Chapter 6: TS of L in NY

So they lived in the Statue of Liberty, no big deal.
         “How can you live in the Statue of Liberty?!” I exaggerated.
         “Well we don’t like live in it, in it, but under it. The only way to get to our house is through a trap door and down some stairs that are directly under Lady Liberty.” Clarified Skyler.
         “Yeah, and it was built for us by the President.” Zoe proudly stated.
         “You mean the president knows about the Silverwings?” I asked.
         “Of course, almost, every president down to around Lincoln knew,” Of course, how could I have missed that, ”there is this place that only the present, past presidents, and Silverwings know about.”
Hint, hint: that was Skyler. Oh, and know Zoe, even better!
“And only the president may go there.”
“It’s under the Library of Congress,” wow, why is everywhere important always under national landmarks?
         “It’s where every secret about the Silverwings is, and after Zoe’s little incident in D.C., the president wanted to place us in a place that no one could ever find us at, unlike all the other presidents who didn’t even care, not even about the war that average people see as Terrorists. The only one who has ever done anything is, believe it or not…our present president. Although, he really didn’t care that much until 9-11, which was really the Darkwings.”
         “Yeah, once he found out we were the only ones left then it mattered, and the president before him didn’t even tell him that much the last time they went to the Silverwings Presidential Library.” Added Zoe.
         Okay, so I was obviously still pretty confused about everything. Half of my questions haven’t been answered, and they just keep telling me more stuff! If they don’t get to the main point of why/what we’re doing I’ll drop dead of a head explosion! “This is all pretty shocking to me still, so are we close to TS of L or what?”
         “Yeah, we just have a few more miles to go.”
Whoa, time pasts fast when the people you’re with don’t shut up! We were right over New York City!
         It was beautiful and exciting, extravagant and overwhelming. The world spins so fast and I can’t believe I had missed this one piece of it. Why had I never left Minnesota?
Well, actually that’s pretty obvious. They loved me, my parents; they loved me so much that they couldn’t risk anything.
         “You’re right.” Softly mumbled Skyler right next to me.
         “You’re right, they couldn’t risk it. There are so many possible ways they could’ve lost you. They could of lost you in a quick blink of an eye.” His eyes where locked on mine and the connection he held with me was as shocking as seeing an old drunk lady dancing in the middle of the highway…it’s possible. “Okay, how’d you know that?” putting my hand on my hips. Wow, that must’ve looked weird when I’m flying horizontally in the sky; I’m not doing that again.
         “You’re forgetting a lot already, your eyes change with your mood and I thought you figured out that I could read your mind?” said Skyler with his gaze still locked and a twisted expression that was amazingly gorgeous and questionable; now known as one of my favorites.
         “But we’re flying, my eyes are light grey.”
         “No, there’s a twinkle of blue-silver in them, which I’ve figured out means you’re confused and sad about something.” His wonderful expression then turned into a mocking grin.
“I did not know you could read my mind.”
“Sorry. It was kind of fun for a while though.”
“Shut up.” I snapped.
“ Hey, it’s only if I want to and even sometimes I have no choice and your thoughts just blow into mine.” He said acting like I should have known this.
“well quit it! You’re barging in on none of your business.” I felt heat rise from my cheeks. I was angery. I knewit. How could he keep doing this without telling me that he had known a lot more about me than either of us had given the other credit for.
Zoe said,“Just forget it guys, we’re home.”  With a happy little twinkled of happy tears forming in her eyes; she lead us into the trap door in Lady Liberty’s feet.
         Right when I walked down the few dark stairs I could hear the clatter of what sounded like the sounds of a 5-star resterant kitchen and a large real estate office.
Well I was close. When we walked down and opened the door at the bottom of the steps, there was a really messy almost house. The president obviously didn’t care all that much when he gave them this wimpy home.
         As I looked through the wood carved framing of the doorway, there was a very large room. This room looked actually more like two rooms put together. There was one perfect orange and modern rectangular area to the left of me that had a kitchen in it. There were cabinets, and a large sink on the wall to my left, an oven, more cabinets, a stove, and also a small, what looked like a pantery, door in the far corner on the longer wall coming from the first. A refridgerator and a few chairs were in a line on the other shorter end of the ‘room’. But what made it look like it’s own area was that there was a small countertop finishing half of the other “longer sided wall”; it had high chairs on the outer side and on the inner there was a dishwasher.
In my mind I have to get all of my surrounding straight.
         There was a small wall in front of me that had gorgeous headshot, black and white, picture of Zoe’s head in the corner and her hair fell straight through the center, but she was looking almost right at me. There was a picture of Skyler next to it on the left of the wall. On the right there was a picture of a girl who looked maybe in her twenties and a picture of a women who resembled Zoe way to much to not be her mother next to it. Right in the very center, there was a large photograph of all of them. Black and white, beautiful people, gorgeous poses, and a happy looking family in one.
         Below all these stunning pictures was there beautiful dinner table.
         I looked over to Zoe and she was smiling at the photo oblivious to everyone else.
The second “room” that was on the other side of the photo-filled wall was also rectangular.  There was a single white couch and foot stool against one wall and two white arm chairs  with a glass table on the other side. Also a large dark colored cabinet on a shorter wall that opened to the TV and more photos. The whole room put together was both old fashioned and modern if you could picture it correctly. But in total it was very well designed and clean.
          Where there should have been another shorter wall, in the more of living room type area, there was a hallway that from this angle I couldn’t see down.

(my hands started cramping after this, sorry but you'll have to wait for more. keep readin' and keep rating!)
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