Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1465170-The-Vision
by Jenn
Rated: E · Short Story · Drama · #1465170
A story about a girls visions of the future and events that change lives.
The Vision

It all started when I was eight years old and for the next twenty years I would feel as if I were crazy.

You see, it begins like I said when I was eight years old. I heard ants talking. I know it sounds crazy but I heard them talking. “Hurry up, move over, put that over there.” I could hear them giving and taking orders. I went into the house and told my mother.

She gave me her usual “that’s wonderful dear, what a vivid imagination you have.”
Over the next couple of years the ability to hear conversations grew stronger and stranger. I could hear conversations across a room, birds talk, people in their home’s talking and even trees talking. I stopped telling people, they were beginning to call me strange and my mother took me to see a psychiatrist.

Then at thirteen, while playing soccer at a neighborhood park. I stopped to tie my shoes and saw a vision. There was a shiny, red brand new mustang speeding, and then crashing into another car. The scene was so vivid; I sat down on the ground trying to figure out what was going on in my head. Shortly after arriving home, we received a phone call saying that my uncle Carl had bought a brand new mustang and was killed in a car accident on the way home. I was shocked and confused. I angered my family asking questions about the car and where the accident happened. I needed to know if the vision that I saw was about my uncle. Had I really seen his accident?

By the time I was nineteen, I would be what some people call an empath. I can touch people or things and know the history of them. When it first began I would get a feeling or impressions about people. That was about seven years ago. Last year I began to see visions when I touch people, which can be very startling. I began wearing gloves and long sleeves, so I wouldn’t touch people and they couldn’t touch me.

Why am I telling you all this? Well something happened yesterday and I don’t know what to do. Yesterday I was sitting at my favorite little café down the street from my apartment. I decided to eat at the café, instead of going home as I normally would. I sat eating and enjoying my coffee. The young man who served me was passing by and I reached out and touched him to ask for a refill. I had taken off my gloves to eat; now, I wish I had gone home instead. When I grabbed the young man I had a vision of him and two others making some kind of bomb. Afraid I jerked my hand from his arm.

“Excuse me miss, can I help you?” he said.
“Oh, oh, yes, I would like some more coffee, please.”
“Yes ma’am,” he said picking up my ticket and reading the ticket.
“Just a moment ma’am”, he said and walked away.
“Thank you.”

I sat there staring at the table trying to decide what to do. Should I touch him again? What should I do? Suddenly he appeared at my table.
“Here’s your coffee ma’am. Can I get you anything else?’
“No thank you,” I said as he turned and walked away. I grabbed his arm “yes,” he said.

I’m sorry, I would like something else,” I said slowly trying to watch the vision I was seeing. “I would like another croissant, like the one my ticket, can you bring me another one?” I said, letting go of his arm.
“Of course,” he said, picking up the ticket and walking off.

I sat their thinking about what I had just seen, trying not to let my hands tremble. I’m sure they were making a bomb, bombs actually and they weren’t done yet. I heard them talking, they were very excited about what they were doing. Where are they going to set them off? When are they going to set them off? I thought to myself. Wondering if I should touch him again?” He reappeared with my food and placed it on the table.
“Thank you,” I said, afraid to touch him again.

I thought about the visions of the making bombs, excited about the work they were doing. I had heard one of them say “The world will never forget.” I knew I had to do something but I didn’t know what to do.          

They next morning not having slept all night, I decided to call into work. I sat on the end of her bed, trying to figure out who to call and what to tell them. The FBI, CIA or whoever would think she was crazy or even worse arrest me. I decided to call my father, a retired sheriff from a small town.

“Hey dad got a few minutes?” I said, “I need to talk to you about something.” I told my father about my visions.
“Wow Sam, let me think. Don’t touch him again, but keep an eye out on him. I’ll make some calls and call you back ok?”
‘Ok dad, talk to you soon, love you.”
“Love you too baby, be careful.”

The next couple of days I went to the café, but didn’t touch the waiter. Then one day I was sitting in the café and the waiter stopped and put his hand on my shoulder.
         “You need anything else miss?”
I saw images of several building blowing up, fire, screaming, and people running everywhere.
         ‘Uh, no thanks,” I said startled. Trying to keep from spilling my coffee I was shaking so hard. I finished my coffee, grabbed my book and left.
Sitting by the phone, tears rolling down my face, I grabbed the phone.          
        “Hey dad, I gotta talk to you.”
         “Good, I tried to reach you. I talked to an FBI friend and he contacted someone there in New York, she’s going to call you. Everything alright, baby?”
“He touched me. I saw several buildings blowing up, it was awful dad,” I said crying.
“Let me give you her number, hang up and call her right away. Everything will be alright, try not to worry.”
         “I’m scared dad.”
         “I know baby. Give Ms. Moreno a call.” He gave me the number and said his goodbyes.
         “May I speak with Agent Moreno?”
         “This is Agent Moreno, can I help you?”
         “My name is Samantha Billings. I was told to call you about some visions I’ve had.”
         “Yes, Ms. Billings, I glad you called, tell me about them.”
I told the agent about the visions she’s received and where the café was at. They made plans to meet outside the café the next morning.
         “Yes, Leeta?”
“Nice to meet you, how are you?”
“Nervous, I’m afraid of what will happen if he isn’t stopped.”
“Let’s go inside, you can show him to me.”
“No problem, I normally sit at his table.” We went inside and sat at my normal table.
“Hello ladies, may I take you order?” We gave our orders and talked while we waited. we finished eating and talking.
“Can I get you ladies anything else?”
“Some more coffee please,” Leeta said, “You’re a good waiter, what’s your name?”
“Thank you. Kasar Muhlajhad, can I get you ladies anything else?”
“No thank you Kasar,” Sam said. They finished eating and walked towards Leeta’s car.
“Will you let me know what happens?”
“I’ll do my best; I will turn the information over to my supervisor. Can’t promise you anything, take care.”
“Thanks, I hope nothing happens. You take care, also.”

I kept eating at the café in the mornings. A couple of days later I noticed that Kasar was no longer around.
“Excuse me, Does Kasar still work here?”
“He stopped showing up,” the waitress said.

I called the agent several times to let her know that Kasar was gone. Then one night tired after working late, I sat down on the bed and turned on the news. I looked up from taking off her shoes when I heard the newscaster say.
         “Six suspected terrorist have been arrested for planning to set off booms in New York, Chicago, D.C., Los Angeles, Miami and Phoenix.” My mouth fell open when she saw the picture of Kasar starting out from the television at me. He was one of the six men arrested.

© Copyright 2008 Jenn (msjwoodard at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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