Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1464484-A-night-of-evil-and-its-horror
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1464484
A woman at work and a night to remember.
Day in, day out. She doen't really care for her job or the people that she works with. She is the assistant manager of the local stadium 16  movie theatre. Many years of suffering through rude and ungrateful customers yelling, cursing, and expecting to get everything for free. She works the night shift, long and grueling untill wee hours in the morning. Some times leaving at the crack of dawn. Just as most are getting up she is headed home to lay her head to rest. One normal day she went to work as usual preparing for what she thought to be an average night then realizing it was 06/06/06. She tried to put it behind her and blow it off as if it were nothing. Just as she had convinced herself that all would go well, she realized that tonight was a midnight showing of the debut of 'The Omen". The crowd was crazy, all excited and ready to be scared. When time came to escort the line into the auditorium she was there to help seat for the sold out show. Just before the lights went low and the previews were to begin she made her usual announcment. "Please silence your cell phones, No talking durring the movie, and pictures or video taken of the film are strickly prohibited'. The projectionist upstairs recieving her cue with the touch of a button started the projector. Into the first preview three young gentlemen at the top of the auditorium refused to stop talking so she instructed that the projector be turned off untill they stop. She asked them nicely, the crowed asked them nicely and yet they refused to stop so she asked them to leave. She tried but the crowd convinced the young gentlemen to leave. By this point it was obvious that all three of them were intoxicated. Not happy to be leaving, one of the three of them decided as he was headed down the stairs of the auditorium where security was waiting that he did not want to deal with them. Looking over the edge of the rail he then jumped over the edge. It was about a 20 foot drop from where he lept. Standing there in shock she looked at the gentleman next to her "Did that just happen"?
She looked over the edge and there he lay, on his stomach, still and broken.
When she got to him, his friends were at his side. They checked his breathing, he was still alive and the stench of cheap booze was strong from this distance. She demanded that no one touch him and for the paramedics to be called. His mates refusing to listen and rolled him over to his back. This is when they realized that his wrist was shattered and he awoke screaming in pain. Not sure what was going on and hurting so much he started swinging his fist at anyone close to him. The security gaurds then pinned him down till the ambulance arrived. When it did, he refused treatment there at the theatre or to go into the ambulance. A police officer took him to the emergency room. 6/6/06, "The Omen" and a drunken jumper. What a day.
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