Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1464219-The-Tale-Of-The-Dark-Falcon-Section-2
Rated: · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1464219
Continue Of The Adventure

The rock of the ship soothed Jack while he slept. The sheets were as smooth as silk. The pillow seem to be just as soft as a feather. Enjoying the rest, and comfort he deserved after a hard, rough journey.

Jacks thoughts seem to alert him to a presence in his room. Gently holding his dagger under his pillow, he could feel the heat coming forth from the intruder. Before he could attack, he felt a sharp pain surge through his back.

"Relax Mr. DuVon." Araina whispered. She gently lifted up her knee.

Jack sat up. "Have we arrived already?"

Araina did not answer, instead she threw his shirt at him. Jack placed his shirt upon his bed. While he was putting on his boots, Araina could not help but follow the crease of his body. How it shaped the outline of his muscles. By the shadows of the candlelight, his complexion was appealing. Araina shook the thought from her mind.

"I'll be waiting in my Quarters Mr. DuVon." Araina said. She turned, and left without a sound. While walking back she could feel him behind her. Silence was constructed around the area as they arrived in her Quarters. Araina sat down at her desk.

Jack could see the sun hasn't even risen from it's slumber. He sat down in front of Araina. He could feel the daggers from her eye's glaring into his soul.

"My crew are on a fine line of finding doubt within my command Mr. DuVon. I cannot afford giving my crew more reasons to doubt me.I will not have a mutiny upon my ship." Araina sternly stated. She paused to let her words reach into Jack. "That is why I'm asking. What is the story behind the island?" A slight pause. "Or is there one?"

Jack answered. "There is a story behind his island."

Araina pointed to her window. "We have plenty of time before we arrive. Why don't you start."

Jack took a deep breath. "Natives use to live in peace within this island. But that peace was interrupted by sailors traveling from Spain. They decided to take over there island to use as a trading post. There was a battle, but unfortunately the natives could not withstand there tactic forces. Since they knew they could not withstand a chance, they sent traps around the island. If they could not live in peace upon there island, then no one will. They hid there most prized possessions, and that's what we are after."

Araina took the map out of the island. "How do you know the story behind this?"

"I learned from an Indian tribesman. His great grandfather was one of the natives who escaped the island. It's said his great grandfather was chief, and stole a priceless map from the Spaniards." Jack stated.

Jack took the map, and searched for the island they were heading. After finding the island, he searched for the hidden passageway for there main entrance. Jack pointed to the map, "From the left side of the island we want to make an entrance here. We will follow the tracks here." Circling the exact spot with a feather pen. "The tribesman warned me about the signs of each trap I would face. Read the signs, avoid death."

Sunlight was shining through her window. Daybreak has appeared. "I will alert my men." Before Araina could sound any alarm, Jack stopped her. "It will be only wise if we send two or three with us. We do not need to spare anyone else."

Araina could agree. But knowing she has to come along seem to alert her of a feeling of mistrust. Who would she trust with the ship? No one really. The only person she could trust was herself. The only reasonable action she can think of was..........

"CAPTAIN LAND-HO!!" Mr. Gullman yelling from the birds nest. Araina was startled by the announcement. Jack, and Araina looked at each other. Both ran out to the deck. Looking upon the island they could see the beautiful evergreen of the trees, the beauty of the white sand, and death hidden inside it.

"Captain we found a cove to port the Dark Falcon." A crew member said. Araina gave him directions to steer the Dark Falcon into the cove, and set anchor.

"Perfect, the right direction we want to head." Jack relieved. Araina just smiled. Knowing for now, things were working out perfectly.

"Remember Mr. DuVon, if this be a wild goose chase, you will know the true meaning of annihilation. After I'm done with you, there will not be anything left."

Jack shook his head in understanding. Hopefully life could grant him his last wish........finding the map.


Araina's crew stood in line of who would journey into the jungle with there Captain. No one wanted to be picked, but would face even more danger by not voluntary at all.

Jack was packing supplies that would be needed for there dangerous journey. He did not want to go unprepared, for he did not know what to expect upon the island. What dangers they would face, what creatures would harm them. Jack would be prepared for anything that would face them. Finished packing, Jack came upon deck to see if Araina was ready. Looking around he could not spot Araina anywhere. Jack walked up to Mr. Gullman. "Where is the Captain?"

"Right here Mr. DuVon." Araina coming from the bulkhead. Araina passed Jack, and walked over to Mr. Gullman. "Your in charge Mr. Gullman. Do not disappoint me ."

"Never dream of it Cap'n." Mr. Gullman bowing gently. Araina walked over to her crew members Rat, and Sneaky Larry. She signaled them to step forward. "Welcome gentlemen. You will be joining us." Araina saluting towards them. Rat, and Sneaky Larry were not thrilled by there Captain's choice, but had no say in the matter.

Araina went to her Cabin, and grabbed some supplies. Her Samurai sword attached to her belt, and her two pistols attached upon her belt behind her back. Coming out of her cabin, she can see everyone waiting for her. "Treasure will soon be ours!!" She shouted into the air. Her crew joined in the enjoyment.

Jumping into the row boats Araina watched her ship appearing further, and further away. That ship was her whole life. Leaving The Dark Falcon, was the same as leaving a part of her. Knowing anyone could try to steal her most prized possession. The Dark Falcon has been through many dangerous, and yet exciting adventures with her. A sense of fear crawled within her stomach. She would have to be strong, and endure. Until she could safety, and peacefully step onto her ship again.

Jack could sense disturbance coming from Araina's vibes. Asking would be pointless. A woman like Araina was no joke. She would be fierce like a powerful lioness. Fear would not drive her, nervousness would not move her. Trying to see if a woman like Araina could be vulnerable, or woman-like seemed impossible. It seemed no one would be able to break that gate to her affectionate, and loving side......if she possessed one.

Arriving upon the shore seemed only a few minutes. Araina made sure her two men would secure the rowboats. Having a way back to her true love was all that mattered to her. Having no treasure would be disappointing, but having no ship would be no life at all.

Jack walked up to a trail that was led by bleached white skulls. Rat, and Sneaky Larry came from behind. "I assume we will not be entering here." Rat whispered to Jack. As Rat looked upon Jack's face, he could see a smile appear. "We enter here." Jack pointing to the trail. Rat, and Larry gave a sigh, and hunched.

Araina came from behind, and suddenly Rat, and Sneaky Larry straightened up for there Captain. Araina was there inspiration. If a woman could look straight at death with no fear, then surely they could also. That was merely there goal. To be as brave as this woman was. She has earned there respect, and loyalty. Knowing there wasn't no greater Captain that could serve them better, but yet there was always a hint of doubt within her leadership. After all, she was only a woman.

The jungle was surrounded by darkness, by the thick tree's that lay overhead. The thickness of the moist air suffocated the trail. The warmth of the sun penetrated barely through the treetops. The area was erupting of all kinds of sounds from many different creatures within the jungle. Carefully walking through the thick jungle, Jack was the first one to spot a sign. Covered with vines, Jack ripped them off. The sign included carvings that created an image.

"What does it mean?" Rat whispered to Jack who seem to be in deep thought. Jack outlined the carvings with his fingers. "It seems to be the ground, but these wiggly lines.....they could be flow of a river." Jack suggesting, but seemed suspicious. They could be a creature, something dangerous."We should be careful, who knows what lurks around here. The sign could be flow of a river, or a creature." Jack warning them.

Rat took out his dagger, Sneaky Larry took out his pistol, and Araina took out her Samurai sword. Preparation was everything to them to experienced warriors. Bloodshed tend to come as an requirement as a pirate. Ready for anything that might cause them a sudden surprise.

Carefully walking further, and further into the jungle, the fearless explorers came cross something suspicious. It seemed to Araina a cave that was formed by bushes. The hole seemed to travel into darkness. The size of the formed bushes was big enough for a creature. Suspicion, and curiosity tend to crawl up there spine, leaving a shiver. Before anyone could make a move, silence ran through the jungle. The over screeching primates took a screeching halt. The roaring insects of the island came to a sudden hush. The swaying of the wind, took a bow of silence. Something was coming. It hungered blood, and flesh. Across from the cave, there was something that triggered Araina's interest. She came close to it, bending down, and scoping her hand through it. She used all her sense's to analyze the sand-like particles. Tasting, sniffing, hearing the sound when rubbed against the skin, analyzing the texture. Her shipmates watched with confusion of her sudden interest in white sand.

Turning around, she looked into the eyes of her comrades. "What we have here is crashed bones." Dusting off the particles from her hands. "It's coming. Prepare yourselves. It's coming home." Araina taking out her small dagger, and putting away her Samurai sword.

"Why should we wait for whatever is coming to eat or kill us?" Sneaky Larry stated.

Araina took out her pistol. "We kill it, we don't have to worry about the creature later."

Looking at her crew they seemed stunned. There eyes were struck with fear. Araina confused by there stature. She could then feel a presences behind her. Turning slowly around, she glared face to face with a long, evil creature. It's bloodshot eyes seem to lust for her. Craved for her flesh. For her blood. It's hissing with it's forked tongue could almost taste her.

Instincts cautioned her not to make any sudden movements. It's head was face to face with her. Before she could defend herself, the creature took hold of her. Coiling her up with it's body. Twisting, and crushing her bones. Jack reacted by jumping onto the serpent, taking a small axe from his back pocket, and hammering away at the creatures head. Araina's lungs were about to burst. She was moaning in pain. Rat, and Sneak Larry tried to uncoil the serpent for Araina to escape, but the creatures muscular body was too constricted. With each second her breathing was slowing down. Jack continued attacking the head of the serpent until he took his sword, and chopped off the creatures head with one stroke. The coil of the serpent was still intact. Rat, Larry, and even Jack unloosened the coil. Araina's body could no longer stand. Jack held her up, and relaxed her on the ground. Sneaky Larry came to Araina's side. Inspecting any injuries within her body.

"Captain has bruises upon her ribs, legs, and arms." Larry taking off his jacket to rest her head.

"We should set up camp for her to rest." Rat suggesting. Jack found it an ideal plan. Araina wanted to refuse, and go on, but soon the sun would set. Night fall would be the worst time to travel. All of her energy was consumed by the terror she just faced. Even though injured, she was still in charge of this mission.

"Alright then. We set up camp. Sneaky Larry find fresh water, I can hear the sound of rushing water flowing from that direction." Araina commanded. Larry nodded in agreement, and went on hunting.

"Rat, you are on kitchen duty. See if you can rustle us some grub from the serpent." Rat took off finding any kind of spice he could use in his meal.

"Jack, you can set up camp. Start a fire."

Jack left looking for wood to use.

After a few hours, the group joined in for a well-deserved meal. Rat found some interesting spices from near by roots. Sneaky Larry found two empty jars, and used them to carry fresh water. Jack had already had the fire burning. The warmth of the flames calmed Araina down. Making her achy body relax.

The serpent was delicious. Rat was complimented for his efforts. Belly's were full, and there mind, and body were ready to rest. Rat, and Sneaky Larry were the first to doze off. Matching there breathing patterns. Jack came to Araina's side where she was laying. "Should we take out the fire?" Jack whispering, not wanting to wake the jungle of the night.

Araina pondered for a bit. If the fire was put out, any creature of the night would surely come for a night snack. Then again, leaving the fire to burn would attract creatures to the light. Suddenly remembering an old remedy.

"Jack take out a small glass bottle from my bag." Jack searched around until he found a clear glass bottle. Just enough for two tablespoons. The liquid was clear like water. "Take a jar of water, and pour at least 2 drops." Araina stated.

Jack slid a jar of water towards him. He uncorked the small bottle. The fragrance of the small bottle was overpowering that Jack had to move his nose into his shirt. Tears started to form since the liquid was concentrate. Jack carefully put two drops of the liquid. He looked at Araina for more instructions. He could see that she was dozing off.

"Now form a circle around the camp with the water."

Jack did as he was told. By pouring out the water from the jar, he formed a circle around the camp. The smell was not as strong as he could tell. He came over to Araina. "What is this?" Giving back the small bottle to Araina.

Araina placed it back in her bag. "A medicine man gave it to me from one of the neighboring islands. Night creatures are sensitive to the smell. The chemical confuses the creatures, and turns them away. It should keep us safe for the night. As you can smell it is very strong. It's basically marking our territory."

Jack could not help but notice the shine in her eyes when the moonlight was just right. Those glowing green eyes staring back at him.

"We should awake before the sun. We must cover more ground to get out of this unforgiving island." Araina dozing off to sleep. Jack wanted to feel the warmth from her skin upon her forehead, but dared not touch. He quickly put his hand down to his side. A woman like Araina was not like any other woman he has met. She didn't seem the type to crawl into a mans arms, and nest there. To find comfort, and protection. Her body didn't seem to yearn for another warm body. Another soul to grace her with it's touch. Shaking these endless thoughts from his head, he rested upon his jacket to get some rest. Having one last image of Araina's eyes.

Jack was suddenly awaken from his slumber by a shake. With his sudden reaction, he grabbed his dagger, and placed it on the throat of the intruder. Looking up he could see it was just Rat. Jack placed his dagger back in his handle. Looking around he could see the sun was still in it's slumber, and only in a few minutes it will awaken. Looking around, he could not find any traces of Araina. Quickly reacting he demanded to know where she was.

"Captain has gone ahead. She wanted to cover more ground, and wanting to make sure the journey was much safer then our last encounter." Rat quickly said. Sneaky Larry was packing up camp.

Jack was annoyed by her actions. Wishing he could only go into her mind, and find what was her motive of her actions. "Quickly we should follow. Who knows what other dangers lie ahead." Jack quickly suggested. Picking up his pack, Jack started sprinting, following the trail.

Running down the trail, they came to a sudden halt. The trail led into a cave. Appearing to be a home for a large creature. Jack, and his comrades looked around for any other leading trails. All of a sudden Araina jumped down from a near by tree. Surprised by there finding they greeted her.

"I was hoping you would hurry. I decided to wait for your sake." Araina mockingly stating. Jack couldn't be too sure. Was it the thought of her crew, or was her own fear holding her back? Who could say. Her expression could not be read.

Jack got in front of Araina, almost sharing the same air. Before Jack could speak his mind, Araina interrupted, as if she knew what he was about to say. "Do remember Jack, I am Captain. I can travel without you or join you. I have a choice to scout ahead. Do not let your mind fool you otherwise."

Staring into those green eye's as the sunlight reflected off of them, the only reaction he could do is nod. The only upside that she held in her cards, was her ship. The only transportation he could rely on. Knowing this logic, his tongue could not be held steady.

"We came as a group, we walk as a group, we leave as a group." Jack firmly said. His harsh command made Araina uneasy. The only man who ever tried to instruct her was her Captain. Knowing that Jack's tone, and firmness motioned her to obey, confused her. Not giving him the satisfaction of agreeing, she simply walked around to study the cave that lay ahead.

Jack could not see if he just set himself up for the blank, or he got through to her thick skull. But putting it to rest, he decided to find a clue of where this cave would lead them. Was the deep, moist cave a trap or did it lead to treasure? Jack studied the area until he came to a sign with vines covering it's message. Taking off the vines, he found more drawings to follow. The drawing appeared to be the cave. Next to the drawing of the cave seemed like swirls. Jack counted three.

"What have you found?" Rat coming from behind. Sneaky Larry, and Araina followed. Studying the image that was drawn on the blank. Araina turned around, and peered into the cave. As she focused harder she could see only spots of light from holes on top of the cave. IT was enough to show them the way.

"Alright let's go. We have to at least get through before night fall." Araina turning around. Nervousness struck Rat's face. Worried, what kind of trouble would await them. What creature would try to devour them.

Jack walked over to Araina. "I will take the lead." Knowing she could argue with his plan, she decided to leave it be. Jack took the lead, Araina follow, and so did Sneaky Larry, and Rat. Questions arise in everyone's mind. What dangers await them? Will they survive? No one really knew. Araina longed for the sea, to be on her ship. She pondered of how The Dark Falcon was holding up. When she arrived back, would she see her beloved there? Only time would tell.


Jack had a fine stick to lead them through the cave. Testing the moist walls, the soft sand, and the hard rocks. Trying to discover any traps that may lay ahead. The only sound that could be heard was silence. No one wanted to break the silence. Be cautious of every step they took.

Jack decided to stop. In front he could see a trail of small boulders, easy to step on leading in a wavy motion. The small boulders looked like a small trail. Jack senses caused him to be alert. He decided to test out a theory that was forming in his mind. He took a heavy rock, and threw it into the sand in front of him. Everyone else watched as well. The rock as first fell on top of the sand. But then in an instant sunk, leaving no trace.

Jack turned to face his comrades. "We stay on the rocks." Everyone agreed. "Rat pass me the rope." Jack reaching out with his hand to grab it. Rat nervously gave it to him. While tying the rope to his side, Araina decided to take the lead. Jack followed right after her.

"Step carefully gentlemen, if you want to avoid meeting Davy Jones himself." Araina mockingly stating. After a few seconds later, Jack started to fumble. Araina, and her crew looked upon him with worried eyes. Before Araina or anyone else Jack fell back into the quicksand. Acting quickly Jack threw the rope high for someone to catch.

Jack sank into the quicksand, taking one last breath, then disappearing.

Araina catching the rope she railed him in. Sneaky Larry, and Rat helped. Railing in the rope, there was no Jack.

"When I tug on the rope, pull us in." Araina commanded. She tied the end of the rope around her waist, and then dove in. Holding onto the rope, they waited. Hoping soon they would pull them out. After waiting a few minutes that seemed endless, they felt a tug. As hard as they could they railed them in. Araina, and Jack's head popped out taking there first fresh breath of air. Rat helped, Araina, and Sneaky Larry took Jack. Helping them sit, and relax. Araina, and Jack were gasping for air. Coughing, and spitting all the disgusting sand. Araina got up, and helped Jack up. They had to get out of this silent killer of a cave.

Finally reaching the outside word, they fell onto the ground to relax. Breathing, and taking all the warmth of the sun in. Drinking fresh water, and eating a bit of fruit, they decided to go on with there journey.

Within a few hours they found themselves in front of another sign. Rat, and Sneaky Larry moaned.

As Jack studied the sign, he smiled. Araina could see he knew something important. "What is it?" Looking at the sign.

Ignoring her, he discovered a tree with many carvings. Bending down he decided to dig. Araina, and her crew waited impatiently.

Jack took out a small chest. Rat, and Sneaky Larry cheered. They could finally get off of this horrible island. Araina nodded to Jack as a job well done. Jack returned it. Now there adventure could finally begin. Treasure was ever more closer to them. They had a chance.

Araina looked upon her comrades. "We have our heading."


Arriving back on shore, she looked upon the sea. She searched, and searched. The only body she could see was the body of water, the open sea. Her heart felt as if it dropped to her lower intestines. Her head started to turn. Dizziness came upon her. As she was about to collapse to her knee's of vulnerability , she saw a glint of hope.

It was her ship. The Dark Falcon, coming around the island to greet her. Oh how she missed her. Her black flags, the wooden panels, oh how she looked marvelous. Excitement wanted to over take her, but she blew a sigh of relief.

"Glad to see her back?" Jack coming from behind. Araina took no notice of his question. Any sign of her glee would cause an opening to her weakness. Araina did not want to show her true love for her ship.

The Dark Falcon anchored, and a small row boat headed right for them. Coming upon the shore, Mr. Gullman greeted them. "Oh Cap'n, it's so good to see you all, alive and well." Shaking her hand.

Araina had no time for greetings. Every second was being wasted on greetings. Treasure was important, treasure was her main goal. Treasure meant everything to her, and to her crew. Treasure even meant more to the Dark Falcon herself.

"Let's stop wasting time Mr. Gullman. Let's get to my ship." Araina charging into the row boat. Everyone else followed. Thankful to get off this dreadful island.

Arriving back on The Dark Falcon, Araina just wanted to appreciate her ship. Knowing every second she was away, made it terribly hard to keep pushing forward. But first she needed a heading. A charted course to direct The Dark Falcon to treasure. Coming into her cabin she could see everything was the way it should be. Nothing seem to be touched, or misplaced. Everything was in tip-top shape, and organized. Jack, and Mr. Gullman followed her inside. Sneaky Larry, and Rat decided to join there crew, and give them tales of what they faced upon the dangerous island.

Araina came to her chair. Sitting upon it gave her power once again. "Alright Jack the map if you will." Placing her hand out to reach for it.

Jack seemed nervous. His mind began to ponder. If he handed her the map, what would stop her from feeding him to the fishes? He needed leverage to keep his soul alive, and have some kind of power as well.

"I will read the map." Jack stated.

Araina's expression became confused. "Hand the map to me Jack." She asked.

Jack just held the map tighter. "No. I will hold the map."

Araina could see something was bothering Jack. "Mr. Gullman leave us." Without any hesitation, Mr. Gullman exited.

"Jack, you know as well as I do, that this map will be much safer in my possession." Araina coming in front of Jack.

"Then what is holding you back from meeting The Flying Dunchman himself?" Jack placing his hand upon his gun handle.

Araina smiled. "We struck a deal Jack. And when I make a deal, I keep my word."

Jack became suspicious. "Your a pirate. Making deals with pirates is as useless as salt on a wound."

Araina came closer to Jack. "Well I will assure you Mr. DuVon that my word is unbreakable." Araina put her hand on the map, she try to take it but Jack's grip was tight. She looked into his eyes. "Trust me."

Jack had no choose. Either he withholds the map from her, and die, or he gives her the map, and die. No matter what he chose, he could die. But looking into her eyes, he found something he could not see then. He saw honesty. Honesty within a death-dealing pirate. Honesty. Either her expression was a trap, or her honesty was pure. Jack knew one thing, he would always be on guard for his life when it came to surviving on this ship.

Jack handed the map to her.

Night was setting, Mr. Gullman brought dinner to Jack, and Araina while working the coding on the map. Candles were lit for light. The moon seem to be a big importance in viewing the map with it's shine.

"These signs must mean something." Araina confused of the symbols upon the map. "How can you be sure this map is trustworthy?" Looking up to Jack.

Jack gave her a reassuring smile. "Isn't it worth to explore?"

Araina could not respond to that at all. For she knew he had a point. Exploring, Adventure, Danger, all things that would frighten a woman, and yet it excited her. To be free. Freedom was the key word in her mind. To discover, create, explore, many things which set her soul on fire.

After hours of studying the map, Jack came to a conclusion. "We need expert advice. We need to set sail to Isle of Apestoso."

"For your sake Jack. You have better be right." Araina growing impatient.

"All in good time. Cap'n. All in good time." Jack reassuring smile.

Araina viewed the map to see where that Isle was. As her brown curls fell to one side, Jack could not help but take a whiff of her brown locks. She curls smelled of fresh flowers, and honey. He drew closer to her side. Something about her intrigued him to want her. To be close to her. He found her exciting.

Araina could sense him behind her. She turned, gazing into his brown eyes. Her lust was taking over her. Her lips wanting to be touched by his. Her arms wanting to be held by his. Coming ever so close, yet just the temptation of the lips seem to draw them ever closer. Her desire for companionship was overtaking her.

Until her mind clicked. She stood up. "We need to set sail to Isle of Apestoso then."


While viewing Isle of Apestoso, Araina could feel Jack coming up from behind. She could sense him no matter where he was. Jack came to her side, viewing along side her.

"What are we looking for on this Isle?" Araina questioned. Turning to Jack she could see him lost in thought. Until he snapped out of his gaze, and gave his attention to Araina.

"A medicine man. His name is Abhijat, meaning noble, wise. The symbols on the map...., I have seen similar in Abhijat's home."

Araina just nodded. Solving the mystery of the map that leads to the treasure was important to her. In fact important to her whole crew. But all Araina could think about was last night. The moment kept repeating within her mind. Her mind was racing.......or was it her heart? She did not know what to think. What to do. The only reason that she was familiar with was to forget anything happened. Thinking of any thoughts about a man should only be introduce to death. Soon she would block whatever happened or any kind of feeling that was trying to pry into her heart and mind. Nothing was going to break her down. Nothing.

"Cap'n. We have docked." Mr. Gullman coming from behind.

"Thank you Mr. Gullman. You will accompany us both on shore." Araina looked upon Jack, and then left to her Quarters.

Mr. Gullman, and Jack watched as she ascended to her Quarters.

"Have any advice to share Mr. Gullman?" Jack said while still staring upon her door.

"Ye sir. Stay faar away as possible." Mr. Gullman stated, while patting Jack's shoulder, and leaving to his chores before leaving with his Captain.

Jack gave a smirk, and looked one last time at her door. "So close, and yet so far." He whispered to himself, and walked away to his room. Knowing he was going to need some valuable objects to talk Abhijat's language. Finishing up, Jack went up deck to meet Araina, and Mr. Gullman.

When Mr. Gullman was about to knock on Araina's door, she quickly opened it.

"Let's go." Araina walking past him. He followed right after her. She seemed to be a on a mission. She was focused, ready, and determined.

"HALT!" A soldier with a gray uniform commanded, before Araina could step off her ship. "Captain Araina?"

Araina tilt her head. "Ye?"

The soldier came forward, "You are to report to Master Peter Whitkin. He request an audience with you."

Araina walked past the soldier. "I have been detained for the day."

The soldier turned around, and gave a whistle. With that signal fifteen soldiers blocked her way. Araina stopped. The soldier came around to face Araina. "I'm sorry Madam, but my Master will not take "NO" for an answer." The soldier turned around. "Please follow me."

Araina, Jack, and Mr. Gullman followed behind. Knowing they could not escape from the clutches of these soldiers. They all were escorted to a carriage where they would be taken up to Master Peter Whitkins manison.

Alone in there carriage, Mr. Gullman was confused of how Araina easily gave up of trying to escape. "Why no retaliation Cap'n?"

Araina laid back, with her eyes closed, enjoying the sunshine coming from her side of the window. "Aren't you curious Mr. Gullman? Curious of what our old friend is up too? Why, we haven't seen our ole chap for quite sometime. Apparently he is eager to see us."

"Ye, eager to see our dead necks swinging by a rope." Mr. Gullman rubbing his neck nervously. Araina just smirked with her arms folded.

Jack grew surprised. "How are you aquianted with Mr. Whitkin?"

Araina knew all too well. Old friends always come back to hunt you. She could remember back where they first met. Young, and inexperienced Araina wondering around the streets of Johnson Town. Leaving the orphange at eighteen, she was ill-prepared of what she could do for a living. No shelter, No money, and no family to lean on. Meeting Peter Whitkin saved her life. In a dark alley corner, next to a Pub she found a place to lay her head. In a big crate with straw she lay her head for the night. Without warning men appeared out of the shadows. The dark night hid there faces. There devilish goal was to take her captive, and sell her as a slave. About to take her, the side door opened from the Pub. Blinding light shone through the alleyway. The evil men ran away seeing a tall, musclar shadow upon the door. Araina gasped. Her sense's told her, she was in a dilemma. The man approached her.

"Are you alright?" Kneeling next to her.

Araina could not speak. Fear developed inside her. "Yes." She whispered. The man nodded. Looked around her area, then knelt down beside her again. "This is no place for a beautiful young lady such as yourself to be staying for the night."

Araina looked around, and looked at herself. Wearing old rages as a dress, and with her hair undone. "I have no other place to go." With her impressive green eyes.

"Come with me." Peter taking her arm. Araina stood her ground. Peter looked confused of why she wouldn't follow until he realized it. "I'm Peter. Let's find a more comfortable place for you."

Peter's parents gave her a job, to earn her keep within the household. Soon the family fell in love with Araina, and so did Peter. Around the same age as Araina, he developed a deep soft spot for her. But soon Peter left to become a soldier, and Araina left to explore the world. The next few years, they found each other in a poor surrounding. Peter was promoted to Commodore, and sailing off with goods to Governor Johnson, until a pirate ship attacked Peter, and his crew. Stealing all of the ships goods, and treasury. After defeating two pirates who was no match, he came face to face with Araina. Becoming a pirate he was amazed of her outcome in life. He grew hot with anger. Before he could defend his ship, they escaped with all of there belongings. Looking upon the evil ship, Araina looked upon him. With no expression upon her face, she turned her back. Years later Peter Whitkin became Admiral Whitkin, commanding the soldiers underneath him, and the fleets that surrounded him. Araina eventually become Captain of her own ship. Araina, and Whitkin faced many times within there lives. Came close to defeating one another, but never made it through. Whitkin's goal in life was to wipe out the existence of pirates.

After remembering her history with Peter Whitkin, she opened her eyes towards Jack.

"Let's just say Mr. DuVon, we have a long history."


The manison that was given to Peter Whitkin from his Father has been past down from generation to generation. The manison's size was majestic, how it towered over Crane's Hill as it's lord. A white fence surrounded it's corner of the world. It's grand pillars with golden carvings creased along the body. Dark blue shudders that would keep any unwanted weather out. It's princely red double door refusing any undesirable, or poorly young men.

Stepping out, Araina and her advisors were escorted inside. With wooden clean floors, and high ceilings, the manison was empty. Furniture has not flourished yet, only a desk, and chair that occupied the space in the living room. Within that area there sat a man with a noble brow. Tall, a muscular build, with brown locks in a tie. A well-fitted uniform of authority, and empty gray eye's to match. Three seats were lined up in front of the desk where the man sat. Arriving in front of the desk, the man with the empty death-like eyes looked upon his visitors. A smirk went across his face, as if he conjured up a plan that was on it's way of being completed.

He stood up. Gazed upon Araina for the longest time without any expression coming across his face. He noticed she has grown into a woman since the last time he has seen her. Her body was rightly shaped. Her confidence allowed her to flaunt. Her long brown curls fell around her face. Her green eyes as big as ever. Her lips juicier with red lipstick. Wearing a dark red corset shaped her torso, and held her perfectly shaped breast erect. Her black laced up pants shaping her thighs giving a sneak peek of her soft legs. A small white jacket. Black boots that seem to shine. The man in Peter could not help but find her attractive, but the prosecutor within him wanted justice. He was torn by two evils. After a few moments that seemed like hours, a hidden smile appeared. He signaled his guest to sit.

"Greetings Araina. It's been a long time." The host stated.

Araina sat comfortably within the chair by slouching. "It's been far too long Mr. Whitkin."

"Please call me Peter. We are past the point of formalities as you well know." Peter took a moment to look upon the strangers next to Araina. "Who are your friends?"

"Friends who will remain anonymous to you Admiral." Araina with silent pride. Peter was triggered by her response. Her sarcasm was something he was not willing to tolerate. He would have silenced her by the back of his hand. Seeing her as just another woman that needed to be put in her place. But he held his hand, and his temper from pouring out upon Araina. Instead, gave a small chuckle, and a smile.

Araina knew she was already under his skin. She had to play her cards cautiously.

"What brings us here Admiral? Have we gone against the law?" Araina with innocence.

"My duty to question who comes to Port. Especially guests such as yourselves."

Araina gave an expression of thought. "We are visiting a close friend."

Peter looked suspicious. "Who is this friend?"

Araina seemed surprised, with sarcasm within her expression. "Now that is violating our privacy Mr. Whitkin, your duty is to ask, 'if our visit is business or pleasure?' Not to go seeking in our affairs. Isn't that true?"

Peter Whitkin had no choose. She was right. He was impressed of her basic knowledge of the law. "My apologies."

Araina, and her crew stood up. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Peter nodded in disappointment. Nothing else can hold them here. At least not yet. Needing more evidence was essential.

"No. You may go."

Araina, Jack, and Mr. Gullman left. Araina turned around, and gave a look to Peter Whitkin.

"Cap'n!?" Mr. Gullman calling, holding the carriage door for her. She turned, and got into the carriage.

Riding down the hill back towards the town she knew her instincts had to be on the alert. Peter Whitkin was not going to give up so easily. His mission was to capture Araina in the act. In her piracy. Evidence was vital to Whitkin. She was going to work diligently to make sure that evidence was not found, or proven.

"Araina?" Jack calling for her. Araina was in her own thoughts about treasure, her crew, and Whitkin. "Araina?" Jack kept calling for her attention.
She looked up. Her expression seemed stressed. "We will head back to the ship. We have much to contemplate about our new distraction."

Jack was about to protest, but Mr. Gullman patted his arm, and shook his head. Jack read the signal. It wasn't a good time. Apparently Araina, and Peter Whitkin's history was serious, and deep.

Arriving in front of Port, Araina walked as quickly as she could to her Quarters without looking suspicious. An outsider looking in would see her as a woman on a mission. Walking right after his Captain, he knew trouble from her past was hunting her. There was no escaping. Quickly arriving upon The Dark Falcon, the crew stood in respect for there Captain being back on board. Climbing on top of the stairs, and leaning upon the railing to face her crew hard in there chores she spoke, "Gentlemen go, and enjoy a night off in the Pub. Drink up. For we are arriving closer to our goal. You may obtain your cut by Mr. Gullman. He will be available for you. You are to report by midnight tonight. So drink, and enjoy what this island has to offer." Her crew was overwhelmed with joyfulness. They rooted, and hollered in approval. Araina joined for a short time, and left to her Quarters. Her crew took that as a signal of dismiss, and hurried to Mr. Gullman to collect there earnings.

In the privacy of her own Quarters Araina wanted to relax. She removed her jacket, and her boots. She laid on top of her built-in bed, attached to the side of the ship for her relaxation. She took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. Then a few seconds later she blew out a sigh. Her thoughts were on receiving the translation of the map. Peter Whitkin was going to use his spies to watch every single move that her, and her crew make. She would have to be swift, and cunning like the wolf. Clever as a fox. Cautious as a snake. Innocent as a dove. She would have to be one step ahead of Peter Whitkin. Any evidence he finds would be used against her and her crew. They would be prosecuted, then executed. She did not want to be responsible for there leading into a trap. Her crew was her responsibility. She had to take charge.

Distracted by her own thoughts she suddenly felt another presence in her room. Cautiously taking a dagger from under her pillow she threw it swiftly into the wood panel that barely missed her intruder.

Jack did not flinch. Knowing Araina's tactics, she would not kill first before receiving information.

Araina rolled her eyes. Laying back down. "What do you want Mr. DuVon? Why don't you go enjoy the evening with my crew. Or are they too good for you?" Closing her eyes.

Jack just chuckled. "Being intoxicated is not my kind of enjoyment." Jack coming over to Araina. "We have bigger matters to discuss."


Araina smiled. Quietly chuckling to herself. Jack looked over to her. In question of her expression. "You find this amusing?" Jack spoke seriously.

Araina got up. She poured red wine for herself, and for her worried comrade. "You worry too much." Handing him a cup. She settled upon her bed. Giving a heavy sigh of relief to her exhausted day of reuniting with old friends from her past.

Jack poured the wine out of the window. "Drinking won't solve the issue we have now." Placing the cup back onto the tray. "Whitkin is after the treasure. We need a plan to gather information from Abhijat. We need him to read the map for us."

Taking another sip of wine Araina started to unwind. "And how do you suppose we do this?"

Jack came to her side. "We create a distraction." Before Jack could go further with his plan, he was hypnotized by her captivating eyes. Stunned by her beauty for a second. Araina could sense his physical attraction pulling her closer, until Jack got up. "I could go meet Abhijat. He has been my friend for sometime. The only language he speaks is payment."

Araina wanted relief from her stress. She had one mind set for tonight. Nothing about planning, distractions, or old enemies mattered at the moment. She stood up, walked over to Jack. Facing each other there breathing soon became heavy. Araina's chest moving up, and down matching Jack's breathing pattern. Distractions were no longer on Jack's mind. Tonight, he only viewed her as a woman, a beautiful woman. Nothing seem to matter to him right now but her. He gently stroke Araina's face. Voyage on the sea would make any being's skin rough by the salty spray, but Araina's skin was quite different. Soft as silk. Smelled as sweet. His index finger ran from her forehead to the middle of her lips.
Araina craved for his embrace was overwhelming. The only word that came into her and his mind was "longing." Finally Araina felt like a woman. The feeling frightened her. She was always in control, always in command. (Jack held her close.) Now she was putty in a man's hands. But comfort overcame the fear of becoming the weaker vessel. Holding each other close she wanted this.(Jack held her tighter) It's been long since she has had a man wrap his arms around her. To feel secure. Jack leaned in for the kiss. Jack did not realize what he was doing, but did not care.

"Cap'n!" One of Araina's men shouted.

A sigh of disappointment blew out from Jack, and Araina. Lips have not yet began to touched. Jack, and Araina stood back from one another. She turned to put her boots on, and jacket. There passion would have to wait or soon disappear.

Stepping outside. "What is it?!" Yelling back to one of her men. Thinking tonight was suppose to be her night of relief from her anxieties.
"Soldiers wish to come aboard Cap'n. They request an audience with you."

Araina thought for a minute. She came down the stairs to greet her guests. Three soldiers greeted her.

"It is late chaps. What can I do for you?"

One of the soldiers spoke up. "Our Master request you join him for a night cap at the Pub."

Araina thought for a minute. She could use this as leverage. "Tell your Master I will be there soon."

Soldiers bowed in acceptance of her message. She grabbed her cape from one of her men. "Tell Mr. DuVon we will discuss the matters at a later time. I have found our distraction."

Araina grabbed a horse, and raced to the Pub. She had a plan. If Whitkin was accepting, then her plan will follow through. One major thought had to be considered. Peter Whitkin was no idiot. Cunning was to be her allie.

© Copyright 2008 Captain Stevie (gwshark90 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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