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Rated: E · Column · Action/Adventure · #1464173
A short story on how to do lots of things.
Thank you for coming to my column of "How To Do". I'm going to show you how to do many things, including write a short story. I will add new things often so check here every other day if possible.

First things first, what do you want to learn about? Well, lets started out with putting together an instrument such as clairnet.

To put you clairnet together, you must have four peices. The thing that looks like a bell is in fact the bell. This part goes last, so just stick that on the ground with the bigger circle on the ground. Now, there is two long peices. The longets peice of the clairnet goes right on top of the bell. There is a little wooden-like peice at the end of the longest part. Stick that in the bell anyway. If your wooden-like peice feels dry, your clarinet had something that looks like chap-stick in your case. Take that and rub the soft grease on the wooden-like part until its moist. Now your ready for a hard part. The smaller peice that looks almost alike to the biggest peice goes on now. Once you have stucken that in, you have to align it with the biggest peice. The little circles (finger holes) have to align now. Got it? Of course you do, your so smart! Now putting the reed on is easier than it looks like. All you have to do to make it stick is lick the reed's backside a few times until its very wet. You could even suck and spit if you can. In your case you have a small pointy part. You reed goes on the open part of that. Its positioning is simple too. You only need to push it above the little pointy part about a centimeter. Also in your case you see a metal thing that has two knobs. Untwist the knobs so that they the metal thing can gently slip over the pointy part and to the round area no problem. Then twist the knobs again to that it does allow the reed to slip off. Now keep in your cheeks and blow! Now look to your "How to Play Claitnet" for all the notes and songs. Good luck!

Another thing that I can tell you to do is function your speakers.

First of all you have to look at the back of your computer tower. Now turn it around. Usually the port to the speakers is near at the bottom of the tower. Your speaker's end where is is plugged into your computer usually has a colored tip. Depending on the brand, colors will vary. Sometimes the color on the tower, and color on the speakers, do not match, again, depending on the brand. On the back of your tower, there's a picture of either a musical note or small speaker.Some computers have arrows pointing out of the speaker or into the speaker if each speaker has a indiviual wire, one will go in the hole going out of the speaker and one going in. The wire's hole in this case will not make a diffrence. If your speakers are connected in one wire, be careful which port you place them in. The port to put the wire in the port with the arrow pointing out. Remember to plug in the speakers into an outlet if needed.

Another thing that I can teach you how to do is a simple science project. This is showing chemical reaction and change.

Ingrdience needed-
Safety googles
Two or more people
Baking Soda
Jar/containar (If using containar a ZIPLOC would be best)

Chemical Reaction- how a change reacts when mixed with another substance
Chemical Change- a change that changes a substance into something completly diffrent

First step-
Pour vinagar into a jar/containar that covers at least the bottom and 2 inches up.
Second step-
Pour baking soda into jar/containar
Third step-
QUICKLY cover the top of the jar/containar with ballon
Fourth Step-
The ballon should blow up
Fifth step (optional)-
Remove the ballon and tie bottom in a knot
Sixth step-
Watch as gas flows from jar/containar
Seventh step-
Pop ballon but keep your distance in case of gas getting in mouth

If this expeirement doesn't work, trying adding more vinagar and baking soda to your jar/containar.

Another thing I can tell you about is how to ride a horse PROPERLY.

Riding a horse is something you need to be very cautious with. Depending on how expeirenced you are, the horse would differ. The more expeirenced you are, the more variety of horses you can ride. If you have only been riding a horse for a few years, then a younge, trained horse is recomened.

Safety gear-
Helmet (you should never ride a horse without one)
Riding pants,
Elbow and knee pads (when a beginner it's a very helpful item)
Long sleeves (so ticks and flease don't bite, optional)

The ride a horse, a good posture is necessary. Keep your back staright, shoulders back, and feet to the side. Have a tight grip on the reings to have complete control. To increase your speed, shaking the reings and putting pressure on the horse's sides helps. To decrease your speed, tug on the reigns and release the pressure from the horse's side. Another way to slow a horse down is to calmly say "who" or "whoa". To turn a horse, pull the reigns to the side and apply pressure on the oppistie side of the horse with your feet. Do this lightly, or the horse might start to trot, canter or run. Also be careful of the horse saddel being to lose. Most horse's have a trick where they inhale in the time the saddel is being tightened to be more relaxed.
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