Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1463543-Hawk
Rated: E · Serial · Mystery · #1463543
Detective Hawk solves crimes as he slowly uncovers his mysterious family history.
He slowly crept towards the doorway, careful not to make too much unnecessary noise. The sweat pours down his face from walking up six stories to reach the fugitive's apartment. He wipes with his sleeve, then draws his Colt Python from the holster with his right hand and grimaced as he reached for the door handle with his left.

There were some complications when he was asking his informant for information. He resorted to a more violent method and although he got the address he needed, his left hand paid a price.

He tests the door with his injured hand and finds it locked. He repositioned himself and wipes one last time before giving a mighty kick through the door. Splinters fly off the hinges as he charges through the doorway.

The living room was a mess as can be expected from a known alcoholic and petty drug dealer. Busted for possession numerous times, the warrant this time for armed robbery and murder is the biggest crime he's done and he's going to pay for it.

Besides a dirty couch, a small TV and lots of old magazines, there is no murderer to be found. He took one glance to the open kitchen to the left and saw only old pizza boxes and Chinese takeout menus. The right side leads to a hallway which he guesses to be the bed and bathrooms. First doorway, yielded only a small closet with what he presumed to be still dirty laundry, stuffed haphazardly into the compartments.

As he closed in on the second doorway, he heard a voice from inside the room. Not wanting to give away his element of surprise, he positioned himself to again kick down the door. Just as he was ready to collect his hard earned prize, the door opens with the fugitive coming out of his bedroom holding a syringe filled with something obviously dangerous. Like a cornered animal, he fight back with anything its got.

Before he could raise his gun, the fugitive lunged with his loaded weapon and tried to stab him with it. With the reflex of years of self-defense classes, he dodged the syringe and in one movement knocked the addict to the ground.

"You're under arrest for armed robbery and murder."

"M-murder!? I never did anything like that!"

"We'll see about that."


"Hawk! Why did you not inform me at once when you got the address to his apartment?!" screamed Chief Inspector Higgins.

"When'd you take a picture with Christina Aguilera?" gesturing to the wall of pictures of the inspector with various celebrities.

"Pay attention! Do you know how dangerous that was? He could've escaped! Then what kind of a case would we have with our main suspect on the run?"

"I had it under control. It was three o'clock so I assumed you were busy picking up your daughter from school."

"In any case, you should have informed me of any attempt to arrest a fugitive! I could've called in backup!"

"I don't need any backup. How is our guy doing anyways?"

"He's in interrogation room 4. Not talking to anyone."

"What about his prints? Does it match the ones on the gun?"

"Don't worry about the prints. His mug was all over the surveillance tapes. He even gave us a nice closeup after he shot those three guards."

"Did you even send the prints to the lab?"

"Yes, the report will be ready soon."

"I would like go look at them myself."


Jennifer, a second year forensic investigator, worked on the bank job case, including taking the prints off the gun used to murder three people coldblooded. Hawk approached her immediately as he's been in the lab many times and found her to be most useful.

"How are we doing?"

"Well, I've just been through the prints from the guy you caught and compared it to the prints off the gun. This is interesting though, the prints match on a 83% level, but the match is not complete. Usually, if two good prints are made off the same person, the prints would be matched to around 95% but this time, it's nowhere near that mark but it's close still a close enough match to draw up the file on your fugitive on our computers."

"What does this mean?"

"It means this might not be the man we're looking for."
© Copyright 2008 Jubatus (jubatus at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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