Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1463051-A-Patriot--Lost
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · War · #1463051
What are we doing to our soldiers?! One man's tale...
A Patriot – Lost…

‘Twas not so very long ago
my father filled with pride
when I elected to enlist –
my services – provide.
I felt a duty deep within
to join in ‘our great cause’.
But now my days are dark and gray –
For me, there’s no applause…
I’m sinking fast –
for I’ve been ‘caste’
in life – an amputee.
And unsurpassed –
you look right past
the person that is me…
I risked my life!
I lost my wife!
It cuts into me like a knife!

It all began one fateful night
within the month of June –
While on a run I faced my maker,
underneath the moon.
I carried secrets and supplies
to our most noble men;
I made them laugh with silly jokes –
a true comedian…
It came so quick –
with such a kick
it knocked me off me feet.
I laid there dazed –
engulfed in haze;
not able to retreat.
I shook my head
and filled with dread,
as others close around me, fled…

I tried to stand and get away –
my feet did not perform.
Such odd sensations they gave off –
they felt so strange and warm.
The darkness was forbidding –
my dear God! What can’t I see?
No longer did I feel whole –
No longer was I me…
I felt below
where legs should go –
but one of mine was gone.
Then shock set in –
I felt my shin
beside me on the lawn.
Oh God!  The fright!
In black of night –
I begged – “Don’t let me die tonight!”…

I was so stunned – I felt my blood
around me, all about; 
I had to keep my wits reigned in –
for I was bleeding out…
There wasn’t anybody else
that I could see or hear.
And then the clouds released the moon –
my horror was made clear.
I had to tie
my stump – or die.
My blood was going quick.
T’was not my time
to end my prime –
My God! I felt so sick.
I cried – I moaned;
I felt alone,
as I tied off my splintered bone…

Then blackness fell upon my mind –
Was I alive or dead?
Upon regaining consciousness
I lifted up my head.
I had been found and taken to
a  M.A.S H. – my life was spared!
This awfulness was over –
I was saved!  My country cared…
I was alive!
I did survive!
They came and got me out –
And better days
were on their way –
of this, I had no doubt.
I lost my limb –
It’s kind of grim –
But once again... I’d learn to swim.

They shipped me home and gave me help
for injuries incurred.
But then they left me in the lurch –
to be a flightless bird.
My job no longer fit the man
whose body was defaced.
My country that I served so well
has left me in disgrace.
I have no job –
my country robbed
the person that I was…
I fought for them!
But now – condemn
the way they write our laws.
What we deploy –
we don’t employ –
and soldier’s lives – we thus, destroy.

I thought my nightmare ended
when they rescued me that night.
I gave my all – now freedoms lost...
It’s here in black and white.
Our government won’t follow through
and help the ones who fell.
My days are filled with bills and pain –
My ‘freedom’s’ turned to hell.
And so through you
I will pursue;
and ask that you be fair.
A soldier’s strife –
Their worth in life –
The fact that we’re impaired?
You’re safe and free
by men like me –
We fight your wars!  Please hear our plea…
© Copyright 2008 Robin:TheRhymeMaven (tikkunolam at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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