Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1463003-Jewel
by Emma G
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1463003
This is my story. it has some work that still needs to be done, but overall, I love it.
Chapter 1


Emeralda quickly walked toward the palace. She was furious with herself! She had been invited to the biggest ball of the year, and now, she was hours late! It all started with her mother scolding her for not making plans for an escort.

“Emeralda,” her mother had reprimanded. “No daughter of mine will arrive to any ball without an escort! It’s disgraceful!” To this, Emeralda rolled her eyes at Queen Lyna.

“Mother! What’s so important about an escort, anyway? Who could I possibly find on such short notice?”

“It is late notice, which is why I am so frustrated with you!” Emeralda wasn’t bothered by her mother’s harsh words, she heard them daily, and they were almost always directed at her.

“Well, who do you suggest I drag along?” Emeralda grinned inside, after referring to an escort like a useless object. Queen Lyna was livid. She paced the marble floor of one of the castle’s many antechambers.

“Well, I just don’t know! If Liam weren’t abroad… he could take you.” Emeralda sighed at this statement at her mother‘s words..

She wished her brother were here. He was the only one in her family she could talk to. She missed him so much. Liam hadn’t been home for almost a year now.

She decided not to listen while her mother droned on and on, and thought about her brother. She knew this was going to be a long, heated, one-way, conversation. She also knew she wouldn’t have to pay attention to a word her mother said, because she heard them so often, she wouldn’t be missing anything she’d never heard before.


Emeralda stepped out of the carriage that had brought her, and smoothed her dark green dress. She made sure not to disarray the delicate beadwork on the bodice of her dress. She walked up to the elegant doors of the palace, and stepped inside, hoping no one would notice her late entrance. It was raining, and her feet, properly dressed in gold-trimmed slippers, were wet, muddy, and cold.

She hustled up the stone steps and into the foyer. She tried to wipe the mud off her green dress, embroidered with gold thread, but to no avail. She tried using her shawl to wipe off the mud, when it only made it worse. The only thing keeping the princess from getting upset was that she noticed someone standing near the ballroom door. It was a young man, she could tell he was tall, and he had dark brown curly hair. Emeralda couldn’t tell if she recognized him or not, but his profile looked familiar. She suddenly knew who she had been gawking at when he turned to look at the girl in the soiled dress.

“ANDREW?” Emeralda shrieked.

“Jewel?!” Prince Andrew’s face lit up and they met in the middle of the foyer. His eyes were warm. Emeralda had forgotten how handsome he was. She was flabbergasted; she didn’t know what to say.

“So… how are you these days, Em?”

“Uhh-huh.” Emeralda could only nod her head. “H-how about you?”

"Well, since we last saw each other, my father passed on, and now, you're looking at King Andrew." His eyes sparkled as he chuckled at Emeralda’s response.

"Oh." Emeralda said softly. “You must…miss him dreadfully.” He had to be crowned king at one point of time or another, but why did it have to be so soon? She thought to herself. "But I suppose you have...dozens of young women just...begging to be married to you, and you had forgotten all about me, until now."

"Now that's not true, Emeralda." Andrew spoke sweetly, but firmly. "I could never forget about you. How could I forget my Jewel?”

“I am so sorry, Andrew. I didn‘t know your father…you know…”

“Thanks.” He whispered. “One good thing happened though about his death, not as though I’m glad he’s passed on, but-”

“I know what you mean.” Emeralda interrupted. Taking a deep breath, he tried to meet her eyes. She was trying to do the same with his.

“Oh, well… when my father died, my mother didn't wish to hassle with being queen alone, so she gave the crown to me, and even giving me the privilege of picking a bride of my own…”

“Oh? Well…that’s…how nice for you…. I do hope I will be invited to…your wedding…” Now, Andrew will need of a queen. She thought. On the inside, she was hurt. I want to be his bride. If he hadn’t been standing there, she would have run out of the castle, and gone home to cry.


“Come on, Emeralda!” the young Prince Andrew called to his best friend. The two young children were racing towards the castle stables. Emeralda, her hands full of her riding skirt, stumbled along the path. How she hated running, at least in skirts.

“Ugh! I hate these skirts! They only slow me down!” Emeralda muttered this to herself, running as best she could to catch up. “I’m coming!” she called ahead of her. Andrew paused, and turned, so he could look at her. He gave her a crooked, but warm, smile. Emeralda, though only ten years old, got lost in Andrew’s smile. He was so charming for twelve. So much, that she almost ran into a lone tree branch that hung over the path she was running up. Her friend laughed.

“Okay, but hurry up! I want to actually get to ride, today, if possible.” Andrew stopped running, and waited on his riding companion.

“Ha ha ha. Very funny.” Emeralda quipped when she finally caught up to Andrew. They walked together the last twenty or so yards to the stables.

Andrew let Emeralda pick her horse, knowing full well she would pick the same bay mare she always rode. Johanna was her name, and Emeralda always said that she and the horse had a special friendship. Andrew thought that was ridiculous, but it was Emeralda. The prince went straight for his pure white stallion named Anthony. Both children stroked their choice horses’ necks and noses. Emeralda gently kissed Johanna’s nose, while Andrew fetched two saddles and reins. Of course, Andrew could have had one of the stable hands to prepare the horses, but he knew Emeralda enjoyed doing it herself, which only added to the list of things he loved about her.

As always, Andrew asked Emeralda if she needed help, of course she declined, only to try to do it herself, and fail horribly. He would gladly pick up the saddle and set it on the back of her horse. This day was no different.

“Do you need help?” Please say yes today. He wanted to say.

“No, I’m going to do it myself today.”

“Alright.” Why will she not just admit she needs help? Andrew asked himself.

Emeralda lifted the saddle, and struggled to lift it to put in on the horse that stood fourteen hands high. Nearly falling over from the weight of the saddle, a small shriek escaped her lips. Andrew came around the corner almost immediately.

“You okay?” He was truly worried, but laughed when he saw the princess on the floor of the stall, her curls in her face. She blew at a curl, trying to get it to go back in place. She blew at it three or four times, Andrew still standing there, grinning.

Chapter 2

“I’m fine.” Emeralda kicked the saddle, while she was still on the ground.

“Did’ja fall?” Andrew laughed.

“No. I tripped over my skirt trying to put the dumb saddle on.”

“Well Emeralda, I asked if you needed help.”

“What’s your point?”

“Well you should stand up to put a saddle on. It’s not going to do you any good sitting on the ground.” he smiled, and walked over to help his friend stand up.

Andrew picked up the saddle, and put in on the back of Johanna. He bridled her, and helped Emeralda on the horse’s back. She led the horse outside, and Andrew jumped on Anthony’s back, and followed. The two talked as they rode along the path. Mostly they talked about the last time they had seen each other, or about things that other friends had said in the past. But after a while, Andrew started to ask something that had been on his mind for some time.



“Am I…” he couldn’t force himself to ask what he truly wanted to. Instead he asked “Why do you always wear green?”

Emeralda wasn’t sure how to answer that. “ Are you ready for an extremely absurd answer?? I don’t know. It’s my favorite color…and I own gowns in other colors, but I just like green.”

“That makes sense…I think.” the two friends laughed, and continued talking on their ride.


Princess Amanda noticed her best friend enter the ballroom almost immediately. The birthday girl noticed a young man she thought she recognized, but wasn’t sure. She hurriedly walked over to the two.

“Emeralda, how are you!?” the birthday girl squealed, giving her long-time friend a hug. Before Emeralda could open her mouth, Amanda added slyly, “Who’s your friend?”

Emeralda jabbed her elbow into her hostess’s ribs, and quickly gave her a look. Amanda knew that look. It was the same look she had gotten from Emeralda every time she mentioned Andrew….

“It isn’t! Andrew?” He turned to look at Amanda.

“Hi Birthday Girl!” he said happily.

“Thanks! I’m so happy you could come! Both of you!” Amanda gave both friends a hug.

“Happy birthday!” Emeralda told her friend. “You’re 15 years old, and your mother and father haven’t presented a husband yet? Most girls our age already have children.” She stuck her tongue out and made a face, which made her friend laugh.

“Nope. Thank goodness!” she suddenly noticed Emeralda’s soiled gown. “Why is there mud all over your dress?” Emeralda laughed.

“That, my dear friend, is the sign of when dirt and water meets green silk.” Amanda found that amusing.

“Ahh. I see.”

“May I have this dance?” Andrew offered his arm to the princess in green, dragging her toward the dance floor. “We’ll talk more, later, Amanda!” He placed one still gloved hand on Emeralda’s waist, and grasped her hand firmly, but still gently with the other, taking her breath away. She positioned her hand on his shoulder, and she gracefully tried to set her hand in his.


After their long ride, Andrew and Emeralda returned Anthony and Johanna to the stable. Emeralda always became sad at the end of their visits. Andrew made Emeralda feel…what was it? She laid in bed at night, staring at the ceiling, especially after a day like their riding day, and pondered what it was that made her so happy when she was around Andrew. She knew she was too young for love, she was only ten, for goodness’ sake! Even in those days, no one married at ten years old, at least it wasn’t common. And it was never for love.

“My mother should be coming in about an hour.” She sighed.

Andrew nodded. “I wish you could come here more often. Let’s go up in the tower, we can see when someone’s coming and we can watch for your mother.”

“Ok!” Emeralda answered, and the two children raced through the castle’s great hall, through corridors, and up stairs, until they made it to the great tower.


From across the room, Amanda just smiled, seeing her friend in love. She knew they were perfect for each other. But she was sure Emeralda’s mother would do anything to stop the two from ever getting engaged. Amanda knew things about Queen Lyna that Emeralda should know, but now wasn’t the time to bring it out. But she knew she had to tell her soon. Amanda’s sister, Clara, rushed up to her. “Amanda! I’ve already been asked to dance by FOUR princes, and two counts!” she twirled around. “And I’ve declined to several more! I’m just so popular this evening!” Amanda was extremely disgusted at how her sister could get men to fawn all over her. After all, it wasn’t her birthday.

“Yes.” Amanda said behind clenched teeth. “It’s amazing how you can get a man so easily, whilst they avoid me like the Plague. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going over to Emeralda and her friend.” She turned with a smug grin on her face. She knew Clara would wonder about Emeralda and follow her.

“Friend? What kind of friend? Why did you say friend like that?” She tried to catch up with her sister. In reality, Clara hadn’t even noticed her best friend’s arrival. Amanda just ignored her sister; she knew she’d be shocked when she found out who the friend in question was. Clara continued pestering her sister with questions, but when she didn’t receive any answers, she shut her mouth, and pouted.


There was a red velvet settee under the window of the tower, and Andrew and Emeralda both sat on their knees, facing the window over the back of the couch.

“I’m glad you got to come, Jewel.” Andrew said, calling Emeralda by the nickname he, and only he could call her.

Emeralda nodded. “Me too.” she giggled. “Do you remember when you gave me my nickname?” Andrew grinned.

“Yes. My family had visited yours, and we had been playing chess-”

“I was winning,” Emeralda helped.

“Yes…you were.” the prince grinned. He had been the one to teach Emeralda how to play the game.

“And you said…?” she started.

“I said, ‘I’m going to call you Jewel.’”

“And I said, ‘Why Jewel?” Emeralda reminisced.

“Because, your name is not only as beautiful as a jewel, but, if you take off the ‘a’, it is a jewel.” Andrew had said. “Not to mention it’s your birthstone.”

“I like it.” smiled the princess, shifting back in the chair she was sitting in.

“Now, you have to promise me, that you won’t let anyone else call you that. It’s my special name for you.” the young prince stuck out his hand for her to shake.

“Alright. Only you may have the honor of calling me ’Jewel’.” She shook Andrew’s outstretched hand.

Both prince and princess loved reminiscing moments like that together. They were brought back, by the sound of horses coming towards the castle.

Chapter 3

Andrew noticed Clara and Amanda coming their way as they were dancing. He whispered, “Hey, Amanda and Clara are coming over, I think.” Emeralda looked over her shoulder to look in the direction of her friends.

“Ah, so they are.” She pulled away to get a better look. “Clara! How are you?” Emeralda waved as she ran to hug her.

Clara couldn’t see who Emeralda was dancing with, but she could see that Emeralda was in heaven. The only clue she had, was that the young man had dark curly hair. He was tall, and he held Emeralda like she was the most precious thing in the world. This was not just any friend. Clara walked over to Emeralda, smiling.

“Emeralda! So…who’s your friend?” she jumped straight to the point. She pointed to Andrew, still not knowing whom she was pointing at. At that, he turned around to look at Clara. He smiled at her.

“Hello there, Clara! How are you?” He stared at the finger pointed at him, and laughed. “It’s not polite to point.” Clara quickly grabbed her red skirt, and blushed.

“Andrew is your friend?!” She couldn’t believe it. Since they were young, or at least, from what Amanda had said, Clara knew that Emeralda and Andrew were a perfect couple. And now, maybe it was happening.

“Yes…?” Emeralda said quizzically . Clara couldn’t believe it. She clapped her hands in joy.

“FINALLY! It’s finally happened!” she jumped up and down.

“Why all the excitement, Clara?” Emeralda questioned with a laugh.

“Oh, Emma! EVERYONE knew you two would find each other again!”

“Shhhhhhh! I don‘t know what you mean“. She honestly knew Clara knew. Probably Amanda too.
She was in love, it was probably written all over her face.

“Emeralda. You are my friend, right?” Clara asked. Emeralda nodded. “Alright. Now, we girls can always tell when another girl is in love. I know.” She guessed that Andrew couldn’t hear what she was telling her friend, but she would make sure she, her sister, and Emeralda talked more later.

“Clara, I…” Emeralda stammered.

“We’ll talk later. Right now, I must go talk to someone over in the other side of the ballroom.” And with that she waltzed away, obviously leaving Emeralda and Andrew alone, at least if Amanda would leave.

Poor Amanda! She was so quiet, Clara didn’t know how her sister would ever find a husband if she would never speak to anyone! Amanda had merely stood by Clara, in fact, she had nearly forgotten she was there!


“My mother is here, it seems.” Emeralda said sadly. She had had such a wonderful time riding with Andrew. She didn’t want to leave.

“Yes, she is.” Andrew replied, just as sadly.

“Emeral-DA!” she heard her name being called from outside. They were up very high, and Emeralda was surprised that she could hear her mother’s call from so far up.

“We’d better get downstairs so you can…go.” Andrew wanted to remove the word from the English language.

The two scuttled down the stairs, and found Queen Lyna in the courtyard, gesturing to her daughter.

“Come, Emeralda. We must leave immediately.”


“Emeralda! I said we must leave! Come along.” Lyna turned and started walking to the carriage, expecting her daughter to follow. Emeralda turned and gave Andrew a bewildered look.

“Goodbye.” she gave one of her best friends a hug. He hugged her back.

“Goodbye.” he whispered.

He waved as Emeralda stepped into the carriage with her mother, and waved until it drove out of sight.

Little did they know that it would be the last time they would see each other for five years.
© Copyright 2008 Emma G (emeralda at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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