Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1462856-Chapter-Three-Guilty
Rated: E · Chapter · Other · #1462856
We meet the man that put Melanie in a coma and some other startling facts...
Chapter Three: Guilty

“What have I done?” Forty-two-year-old Mitch Elder wondered out loud as he sat staring at the bars before him. Having been sitting here for the past six weeks on various charges, he knew he wasn’t getting out. He knew it the moment the cops picked him from the hospital. This time he was going to do hard time.

“I deserve it.” Mitch whispered to the shadows on the floor.

He shook his head in self disgust. What a screw up he was, his whole life. One thing after another always went wrong for him because he never tried hard enough, never listened to other’s advice, and just did what he wanted. And look where it got him.

“Mitch you’re going to jail for a long time.” He ran a hand through his balding hair. “Say goodbye to sweet intoxication, sunlight, and freedom.”

A jingling of keys echoed through the silence and he looked up as a guard came to stop in front of his cell. The door slid open and came to a halt with a thud.

Mitch stared at the twinkle of the silver handcuffs dangling from the cop’s hand.

“Come on, Mitch. Your lawyer’s here.”

“That can’t be good.”

“I don’t know. He seemed in a decent enough mood, but I guess you’ll find out.”

Mitch stood still as the familiar cold metal circled his wrists.

“Wish me luck.”


The room looked the same as every other jail’s visitor room. Four walls, two sets of doors, and tables spread out here and there to allow sitting access for the visitor and criminal. And of course security guards every where you looked.

Attorney Douglas Martin sat impatiently in the uncomfortable seat of one of the tables waiting for his client to be brought to him. He had lots of news, things to go over with Mitch and he wanted to get started now.

As if sent by God, the doors on the left swung open and Mitch appeared being followed by a guard. He wore the usual orange jumper; a first for Mitch since he never stayed in jail more than a couple days. He had a nice beard coming in, and looked rough.

Of course he looks rough. Doug thought harshly to himself. The man caused an eight car pile up!

The guard unhooked the cuffs and moved to sit at a couple tables away, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

“Tell me how much shit I’m in, Dougie. No sugar coating it.” Mitch said as he slumped into the chair across from Doug.

“A whole hell of a lot of shit, Mitch, and you know it.” He pointed at the stack of papers near him that stood as tall as his briefcase was thick. “And that’s just from this accident, at least what I have.”

“What do you mean this accident?” Mitch eyed the papers cautiously as if it were a snake ready to strike.

“The other attorneys will bring up all your past criminology and you will get hammered for that, too.”

He let out a long whistle and silently calculated. “Man, I got juvie stuff, too.”

Doug nodded and reached into his pocket for the pack of cigarettes he had brought for Mitch. He slid it and the lighter across the table to him. Mitch snatched them greedily and took a long draw.

“Look, I won’t lie. You’re going to jail.” Doug began.

“Yeah, I figured.” Mitch said without even a hint of surprise. “Guess I might as well get used to this joint.”

“Well…I imagine you’ll go to a high security prison. I don’t know for how long. I will try as best as I can to make it as little as possible.”

“That’s all I need. Just try, Doug, just try.”

He nodded, “You have my word on that. However I want you to be aware of something.”

“What’s that?” Mitch blew out a smoke ring.

“If any of the…15 people involved in the accident die…” He looked Mitch right in the eyes. “You will get Vehicular Homicide and will be in jail for life, maybe even get lethal injection.”

“Which am I most likely to get? Life or death?” Mitch found it odd how easily they discussed his demise.

“Depends on who dies. There were two infants, two children, and three teens. The rest were adults, who of course are married and have family.”

“So I’m truly and royally fucked no matter who dies?”

“If anyone dies, yes you are.”

Mitch dropped the dead cigarette on the table and pulled out his third. He lit it up, took a long drag, held it, and slowly released it to the side. He sighed.

“I am pleading guilty to every thing. No matter what the end result, I know I deserve it.”

“I’m glad you know that. I can’t tell you how many people I have worked with and they continue to proclaim their innocence and blame their actions on something or someone else.”

Note to self, bring more than one pack of cancer in a tube for Mitch. He thought upon seeing the half empty pack.

“Do you want to know the details of each victim?”

“Keep it PG.”

“Okay, I’ll try.” He reached for the first file. “The three teens have some broken bones but that’s it. They got the bunt of the accident. The two men driving a company truck experienced one concussion for the driver and they both had broken or fractured bones. The elderly woman had some more serious injuries…head and internal. The single mom and her infant experienced some damage. As far as I know, her child was unharmed but they kept him for testing. She…broken arm, cuts, bruises, etc.”

Mitch continued to listen in silence to the hurt and heartache he caused.

“The family of five…mom broken leg, head injury, concussion I think it was. Doesn’t really say here. Dad had internal injuries, broken ribs, and head injury. Their two toddlers experienced some bone breakage as well and the infant had breathing problems but most likely from panic.

“And finally, newly weds the Gordon’s, whom you hit first. Mr. Gordon was like you, walked away injury free except the inescapable cuts and bruises. His wife on the other hand, experienced a head injury, broken ribs, and was rendered comatose.”

Mitch cleared his throat uncomfortably and rested his elbows on the table.

“Is that it?” He asked.

“No. As of two days ago, Mrs. Gordon woke up.”

He raised an eyebrow, confused. “So? Isn’t that good news?”

“She’s awake, fully aware of everything… and her memories as well.” Doug ran a hand through his hair and looked at his client. “Mitch, she claims that before the accident she was pregnant. Now she’s not.”
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