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Rated: 13+ · Essay · Health · #1462779
I wrote this in 1990's.Today there are more diet books, eating plans than ever b4.
The Dangers of Dieting

Slashing too many calories and nutrients can sabotage your mood, your looks, and - worst of all - your health.
''Dieting''  the process of changing what and how you eat in order to shed pounds  is an antiquated word relegated to the bygone era of cottage cheese, grapefruit and Tab.
''Obesity'' - means being more than 20 percent over ideal body weight, but it can vary with individuals depending on their proportions of fat and muscle tissue.

Are you tired?  Do you feel moody?  Has your hair lost its shine?  Oh, and are you on a diet? 
Aside from being low on the list of activities most of us generally consider fun, dieting can harm your physical and mental well being.  Fatigue, loss of energy, a weakened immune system and depression are just a few problems that can arise when people practice improper eating in the pursuit of thinness. 
Three pitfalls
1.          Getting sick more often 
The body also needs fat to absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K, as well as to manufacture estrogen and other hormones.  And while eating too much saturated fat is implicated in heart disease, some fatty acids (contained in unsaturated fats) actually protect against heart problems by lowering "bad" cholesterol levels.
2.          Feeling tired all the time
Cutting calories is the catch-22 of dieting. When you go on a low-calorie regimen (between 800 and 1,200 calories per day) your body instinctively conserves energy by burning less of it.  This metabolic slowdown counteracts your weight-loss efforts and can lead to fatigue, as well as to slow reflexes, cold intolerance, constipation and dry skin and hair.
Another reason to stay away from low-calorie diets is that they usually lead to muscle loss.  While you may shed some pounds quickly, that's mainly because you're losing water, which is expelled when muscle tissue breaks down. Ultimately, losing muscle sabotages your weight-loss efforts, since muscle tissue burns more calories than fat cells do.
3.  Missing out on the nutrients you need
The fear of fat has caused many women and teenage girls to shy away from meat, dairy and other sources of important vitamins and minerals.  Red meat, for example, is rich in iron.  Though iron deficiencies are uncommon in women who eat a well-balanced vegetarian diet, those who fail to include all the food groups and severely reduce their caloric intake can run into trouble.
Consuming too many low-fat diet foods can also cause you to come up short on nutrients.
Processed foods can't take the place of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which supply not only vitamins and minerals but also phytochemicals - substances in plant-based foods that have been shown in laboratory studies to protect against certain types of cancer.

            Eight Steps to losing weight.
Here are eight recommendations for a successful weight-loss program distilled from experts in the fields of nutrition, psychology, medicine and fitness:
♀          Be ready to change your lifestyle, perhaps radically, and be motivated to do it permanently.
♀          Eat a well-balanced Diet.  You should emphasize veggies, whole grains and fruits, but also add some protein, such as meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs or nuts, to equation.
♀          Be physically more active and plan to exercise each day. When you exercise, you're more likely to keep off the weight. Added benefits: They offer a cardiovascular workout, protect against osteoporosis and promote overall good health.
♀          Follow an eating plan low in fat (No more than 30 percent of the calories you consume daily, including less than 10 percent from saturated fats).
♀          Reasonable number of calories (Slice no more than 250 calories from diet in order to avoid a metabolic slowdown and fatigue) and closely aligned with the Department of Agriculture’s Food Guide Pyramid.
♀          Record everything you eat and the exercise you do in a food diary for at least two weeks and perhaps longer so you and a registered dietician can analyze it.
♀          Set reasonable and achievable goals.
♀          Develop a strategy to prevent relapse: Have a plan of action ready for when you lose your way.

    And you will!! !         
It is human nature to slip...

Americans are obsessed with losing weight. Before trying to lose weight, you should analyze why you want to lose weight. Do it for yourself, psychologically.  Do it to be in control of your life. There aren’t barriers to losing weight; the barriers are to keeping it off.  Almost anything will help you lose weight, but managing and maintaining that loss is difficult. You must continually work at keeping the weight off.  The underlying reasons are your own particular biology and metabolism and your environment.  Genetics, physical activity and psychology also play major roles. Being overweight is a double disability.
(First,) there is a tremendous social disadvantage: It’s like being a member of a minority group but more so.     
(Second,) you are blamed for being the way you are. It’s considered being your fault.
    A.          There’s a whole constellation of biological and a psychological factor that makes it very difficult for some people to lose weight
    1.           Among the biological are: genetic predisposition, biological pressures for a specific body weight and shape, metabolism and the number of fat cells a person has.
2.           For some...the problem is never cured: It always has to be controlled. Sometimes they just wear out mentally.          

People set unreasonable goals when trying to lose weight, so their expectations for what they can lose are greater than what they can keep off.  Do not restrain your eating, by doing so you crave certain things, and this makes you unhappy much of the time.  And you eventually fall off the diet wagon.

"Thermogenesis" - Every time you eat a meal, the body uses a certain amount of energy in preparing the digestive system to receive and digest the food in that meal. By eating five meals, the body gears itself up five times a day instead of three and much more energy is sued up.

"Set Point" - Losing weight by diet alone has its limitations. The body adjusts to the lower caloric intake after a while (usually two to three weeks) by lowering its metabolic rate. This is because the body resists changes in weight.  When you restrict your caloric intake, the body begins to use calories more efficiently in order to maintain the original weight or.  By three weeks into your diet, your body is working at 30% greater efficiency.  This is sufficient to prevent you from losing additional weight. 
When you get down to your ideal weight, you must maintain it for at least three weeks by restricting your intake so that you can change your 'set point' to a new level. Once that new 'set point' is achieved, the body will defend it rather than the old level.  It will resist any gain in weight as well as loss in weight.


1. Always eat breakfast.  Not only does breakfast perk you up for the coming day, but traditional food provides some nutrients - calcium, fiber, and vitamin C - that many Americans don't get in the rest of their diets.
2. Avoid high-calorie muffins and other questionable breakfast foods.  Sometimes muffins have as much fat in them as a double cheeseburger.  Also beware of breakfast foods available from fast-food joints.  Many are high in fat and low in nutrients.
3. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day.  That's water, not soft drinks or iced tea.  Your body craves water, not only for the minerals it contains, but because plain old water helps regulate your body temperature and helps you get rid of waste more effectively. And here's a bonus: drinking all that water will help you curb your appetite.
4. When you want fruit juice, reach for a piece of fruit instead.  You will get the same vitamins, but you will also be getting more fiber.  Most fruit drinks do not contain 100 percent fruit juice and are loaded with water and sugar.
5. Eliminate 1 tablespoon of butter or margarine a day.  If you're sauntering veggies, use a nonfat cooking spray instead of a pat of butter.  Over a year, you could lose 10 pounds.
6. Eat at least three food groups at each meal.  Most people don’t eat enough fruits and veggies, if you want to chow down on Oreo’s, between meals, have the cookies with a glass of milk and a banana.  You'll eat fewer Oreo’s and get healthy food, too
7.  Switch from cream to half-and half in your coffee or from whole milk or 2 percent milk in your cereal. It will be hard, but taking small steps will make the change more palatable.
8.  Pick more healthful choices when you eat out.  If you eat out for lunch every day, pick a healthful item off the menu two to three times a week.  Don't be tempted to eat lean and mean all five days a week.
9. Treat yourself occasionally. If you stop eating all your favorite foods, you'll quickly sour on this lifestyle change. Instead treat yourself a couple times a week or drastically cut your serving size.
10. Begin walking.  Check out the exercise portion of this paper.
Permanent weight loss requires a commitment to modifying your patterns of physical activity as well as eating habits.

As you compile and write down all the food that you eat each day and each meal, which includes amounts. Ask yourself these questions and answer them in your diary.

          What did you eat, and in what quantities? (exact calories)
          What time of day, where, and with who did you eat?
          What was your mood at the time you ate?
          How hungry were you at the time you ate?
          Were you reading- watching TV - sitting with the family or by yourself - or some other activity as you ate?
Recording these facts enables you to pinpoint the situations where you tend to overeat.
By charting your meals this way, you will learn the relationship between portion size and caloric value, and determine which foods give you the most satisfaction at the least calorie cost.

Resolutions for situations of overeating - pinpointed above.
“I'm hungry" is your conscious self-responding to external cues.

          What you feel is appetite, a psychological urge.
          A learned motivation
          A positive sensation
          Real hunger is physiological; it’s your body's way of requesting more fuel. 
           Experienced as a drive for food
          an unpleasant sensation that demands relief programmed into us by heredity
Hunger is the only cue you should respond to. To eat when you are hungry and to eat only as much as your body needs, satiety - a signal - it is time to stop eating usually 10 to 20 minutes.

Ask, "At what level of hunger is your body right now". This is your first hunger reading, keep it in mind.  From now on, you’re going to start eating only when you’re at 0, and you’re going to eat only to 5 - the point of comfort.


          I will not overeat when I am tired.
          I will not eat as a response to stress at work.
          If I miss a meal because of a busy schedule, I will not overeat at my next meal to make up for it.
          I will not eat at times when I tend to eat food only half-consciously, such as when reading, or watching TV or running out the door.
          I will eat less when I miss my regular workouts.
          I will not binge in response to family or emotional pressure.
          I will not eat out of boredom, loneliness, or frustration.
          I will not eat at those times of the day when my diary tells I tend to overeat.

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Behavior Modifications
Here are a set of strategies to deal with food cues discovered by keeping your diary.
          Eat meals and snacks at set times.
          Eat only in one place.
          Store food out of sight.
          No serving dishes on the table. Serve food in kitchen and take plates to dining room.
          Develop 'Buddy system' - someone to talk to when you’re stressed.
          Stay busy - go for a walk, jog - take a hot bath - call a friend - take a nap.
          Change eating behavior - Be aware of every bite you take - and you will eat less. (Knife/fork down between bites - pause for several minutes during meal - leave food on plate)
          Whenever you make a change in your habits - give yourself a reward  ( a movie - a new dress - a make over - a new hair style)
          Job stress causes you to gobble, eat carrot sticks
          Use smaller plate
          Do not miss meals or fast.
          Allow yourself a treat once a day.
          Eat only at scheduled times and at scheduled places.
          Learn that it's okay to say 'No thank you'  when other people offer you food

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I'm trying to find out who declared "moderation" a bad word. A recent study reported in the media offered this bit of earth-shattering news:

Americans who eat a low-fat diet often don't lose weight.  It seems we are spending too much time counting fat grams, not calories.

Ok, all aboard. 
The clue train is pulling out of the station. A balanced diet geared to help you lose weight must be, well - balanced. 
Some folks have decided that fat grams are as important as the winning Lotto numbers. These shoppers are walking up and down the supermarket aisle selecting foods based on fat grams and ignoring the number of calories, sodium, carbohydrates, etc.  In the process, some shoppers are ignoring flavor as well.  If the taste buds don't send some "um, um good" signals to the brain every now and then, it's:
"Katy bar the bakery-shop door, I spy chocolate-double-fudge-cream-extra-butter-pound cake".

"Variety is No. 1" when it comes to success.

So why can't many of us get a grip on this moderation thing?  It (moderation) is so simple.  But that's how it betrays people because the idea that a message could be wrapped up in common sense doesn't appeal. One way to get a handle on moderation and start carving out a new, healthier you is rethink how you make some of your favorite foods.  Almost any recipe can be lightened up without anyone knowing any better just by using light cream cheese or sour cream, skim evaporated milk, etc.  Changes like these will keep the 'comfort' in comfort foods without adding to the cushion padding on your back side or your waist.  But even if the dish is low fat, remember one serving is all you really need.

In the beginning there were four food groups, and life was simple.  Everyone ate red meat, the more the better.  Whole milk was nature's perfect food.  Bread made you fat.  Then came the nutrition revolution that turned Mom's advice upside down and eventually befuddles almost everyone.

The Food Guide Pyramid,

Makes it clear that it isn't just what people don't eat, but what they do eat that is important to health. At a glance people can tell that they should eat more grains than fats, and that fruits and veggies should be eaten in greater quantities than dairy and meat.  The beauty of the pyramid is that it does not banish any foods.
Follow the (USDA) Food Guide Pyramid to help consumers choose what and how much to eat from each of the basic food groups.  The pyramid emphasizes basic plant-based foods but suggests a variety of animal products in limited portions.
The pyramids main objective is simple: To point you in the right direction about food choices.
For example:
          Instead of chocolate that can help rot your teeth, add pounds to your waist and do awful things to your skin - eat an apple.
          Instead of a cookie, try some carrot sticks, cucumber slices and broccoli florets.
                    Eating lots of fresh, raw vegetables can make you feel full without fat or lots of calories. And choosing liberally from that part of the pyramid will help you shed unwanted pounds when accompanied by exercise.
But the pyramid isn’t the end all and be all of good nutrition.
If you emphasize eating fruits and vegetables, that will reduce fat intake and give you some sound nutrition. But watch out for fried foods including fried vegetables and snacks that provide lots of calories but no nutrition.

Fats, oils, sweets use sparingly
Milk, yogurt, cheese  Two to three servings daily
Meat, fish, poultry, dry beans, eggs, nuts  Two to three servings daily
Fruit  Two to FOUR servings daily
Bread, Cereal, Rice, Pasta SIX TO eleven servings daily

To mark the occasion, we present a list of popular myths, followed by what the latest evidence shows:  (based on 1990’s evidence)

    Bread, pasta and other starches are fattening:
Who knows when or why this misconception got started? Perhaps it began because bread, potatoes and the like are so filling. But it's exactly because they are filling that they are not particularly fattening, unless you go to extremes  say, eating a pound of spaghetti at a sitting.
Starches are carbohydrates and contain 4 calories per gram compared with fats, which have 9 calories per gram. An ounce of potatoes has the same number of calories as an ounce of broccoli.
The pasta is not what drives up your calories and eventually your poundage: It's the fat laden cream sauce or generous squirts of olive oil you put on top of it (but see myth No. 3).
Calories are not important to weight loss, just fat:
Although cutting down on fats in food is very important to weight loss  a single pat of butter or margarine adds 36 calories  excess calories from any source can turn into adipose tissue. That's especially true for those who sit rather than walk. Calories from alcohol get metabolized
Just as fat does, and the simple sugars, such as those in fat free cookies, add so called ''empty calories'' because they have little nutritive value. The bottom line is if you want to lose weight, you must trim calories, no matter what their source.

Exercise makes you hungry:
Nothing like a good workout to work up an appetite, right, I don’t think so. A thirst perhaps, but exercise does not create a craving for calories,
In fact, when you exercise long and hard enough, fat is released into the bloodstream, creating a feeling of fullness and an actual loss of appetite. ''This is one more reason that exercise is critical for weight loss.''

Between meal snacks are bad:
No eating between meals may have been the law for your parents and grandparents, but most of the population no longer obeys it. Whether you
Get your daily calories from three meals a day or five, your body treats them the same ''Some authorities even believe that if you don't snack when you are hungry, you may eat more than you should at mealtimes. Some think small, frequent, mini meals are the best way to apportion calories, particularly if you are active throughout the day.'' The exception is a snack right before you retire at night. ''Those calories are more likely to go to fat,''
The content of what you eat is more important than the timing. If you are noshing on high calorie, high fat chips, dips and other foods from the top of the Food Guide Pyramid rather than having balanced meals, then Snacking can be detrimental. But fruits, raw vegetables and breads make great snacks.

''The quality of life counts too: smelling, tasting, chewing, conversation.''

Well, pay attention one last time


Study after study shows that an overwhelming percentage of people who diet eventually gain back the weight, and then some.  Such weight cycling (also called yo-yo dieting) is thought by some to lower the rates at which the body burns calories, making it even more difficult to lose weight in the future. Permanent weight lose is not thought possible now without an exercise program, lifelong changes in eating habits and perhaps even counseling. Instead of dieting, some people should concentrate on eating healthy, exercising, and accepting themselves as they are.  "People need to accept the body type that God has given them".

Calcium can help prevent osteoporosis.  The link between calcium and osteoporosis is an important discovery that can have a profound effect of the health of women, who are the primary victims. It is the fourth leading killer of women, and affects 25 million Americans.  Adequate calcium intake and weight bearing exercise can help prevent osteoporosis, which is a gradual thinning of the bones that can lead to fractures later in life. Girls and young women ages 11 to 25, and those that are pregnant or nursing, should consume 1,200 milligrams of calcium daily. Other women need 1,000 milligrams a day, and during and after menopause, 1,500 milligrams (provided they're not on estrogen therapy). An 8 ounce glass of skim milk has 300 milligrams, and a cup of cooked collard greens, 350 milligrams. Other good sources of calcium are cheese, yogurt, ice cream, tofu and leafy, green vegetables. Calcium also is available in supplements.

Cancer Information Service: 1-800-422-6237
Food and Drug Administration: 1-407-648-6922
FDA Seafood Hot Line: 1-800-332-4010
Garlic Information Hot line: 1-800-330-5922
National Center for Nutrition and Dietetics: 1-800-366-1655
Milk Hot Line 1-800-949-6455
USDA Meat and Poultry Hot Line: 1-800-535-4555
A woman's Health Network Clearinghouse: 1-202-628-7814

CHART:  Suggested weights for adults*
(Weight in pounds without clothes) 
      (Height without shoes)           
                                              19 to 34          35 years
                                                  years                      and over
  5'0''                                      97 128                    108 138
  5'1''                                    101 132                  111 143
  5'2''                                    104 137                    115 148
  5'3''                                    107 141                  119 152
  5'4''                                    111 146                  122 157
  5'5''                                    114 150                  126 162
  5'6''                                    118 155                  130 167
  5'7''                                    121 160                  134 172
  5'8''                                    122-167                  138 178
  5'9''                                    129 169                  140-182
  5'10''                                  132 174                  146 188
  5'11''                                  136 179                   151 194
  6'0''                                    140 184                  155 199
  6'1''                                    144 189                  159 205
  6'2''                                    148 195                  164 210
  6'3''                                    152 200                  168 216
  6'4''                                    156 205                  173 222
  6'5''                                    160 211              177 228
  6'6''                                    164 216                  182 234

*The higher weights in the ranges generally apply to men, who tend to have more muscle and bone; the lower weights more often apply to women, who have less muscle and bone.



Slight changes can bring great results if you have decided to lose weight, do it the healthy way and the way that works best for you.  Full-blown dieting is not necessarily the only way to lose unwanted pounds.  Most of the time, people need only slight changes in eating habits to eventually see results.  There are three keys to healthy eating.  They are:

I.    Variety  Don't eat just one kind of food.
        Eating only salads can be boring and tempt you to stray from your diet.

II.    Moderation  Even moderate amounts of junk foods fit into a well-balanced diet.  A candy bar will not kill your diet if you indulge only once in a while.

III  Wholeness  Try eating the least-processed foods you can.  Food is a fuel, with nutrients that are I important for good health.  The purer the food, the better it is for your body.

When fat build up around your waist, hips and thighs, strength in those muscle areas begins to decrease.  Exercise is the key to regaining strength in your muscles as you lose weight.

Weight training or aerobics, there is no easy answer.

Doing either is good.  But the best thing (or one of the best) is to do both.  Depending on what you're after, a little more of one or the other may be appropriate.  If you’re after pure bulk, go for the weight training.  If you’re just after cardiovascular fitness, go for the aerobics.
Whatever you decide, make sure you have variety in your workout plan.  A successful workout plan is to do exercises that you enjoy, and then find the time to do them every day.  The activity doesn't have to be long and strenuous. Just 12 minutes a day, every day, doing something you like.
How hard can that be?  Try riding your bike or walking a few blocks instead of driving the car.  You'd be surprised at how many things you can do to get the exercise you need.
Don't be alarmed if you don't seem to be losing weight as fast as you think you should.  Those pounds did not go on overnight, and they will not come off overnight. Take your time, eat healthy and have fun.

To maximize the effect on metabolic rate you should do exercise two hours after eating.  You burn more calories, and you don’t get cramps.
Preserves Lean Body Tissue.  (Loss of muscle & protein from vital organs weakens body & is life threatening)
Psychological Benefit
          Feel less hungry.
          Improves sense of well being
          Helps to relieve stress
More exercise - more calories burned off.
List ways you can exercise.
          walking up stairs
          parking away from office or mall and walk
          Mall walking
          Carry groceries to car instead of in a cart
          Mopping the floors
          vacuum the rugs
          mowing the yard or gardening

Counting Calories
Want to know how many calories you burn when you are forced to clean your room.  Here's a list of activities and how many calories per hour you burn for each 2.2 pounds you weight.

Driving a car          1-3
Bathing          1-4
Housework          2-8
Weight Training          3-6
Shopping          3-4
Canoeing 5 mph          9-11
Volleyball          3-8
Tennis, Swimming          5-8
Walking          7-10
Hiking          7-8
Cycling, soccer, football          7-10
Dancing          3-11
Basketball          8-14
Running 10mph          15-20

((Ex. if you weigh 204 lbs.- you divide 204 by 2.2 gives you 92.73 and then you multiply that total by 1-3 calories. 92.73 * 3 calories =278.18 total calories expended. The amount of calories you multiply by, I guess depends on how hard you’re working, exercising))


Better health, self-image, and self-esteem
Longevity and quality of life
          you have to feel that you life in some way depends on your exercise.

Set a realistic goal for yourself
Set challenging, very specific goals
Take it one day at a time and don't punish yourself for slipping. You'll be more successful if you remember to be your own best friend.
Determine precisely what it is that you want to achieve:
Bigger muscles
Less weight
More strength/greater endurance
Walk 10 more minutes
Add a specific exercise to your program

With tangible rewards:
A romantic movie
New walking shoes
A manicure or pedicure
That new dress you have wanted

Add your own (and list what you need to do to win them)










A simple variety is a key to keeping motivation HIGH
Walking a different route
If you listen to music - change the type of music you listen to
If you don't listen to music - try it- it does put a bounce in your step
When it becomes warmer - swim some laps- the resistance is great for muscle toning.

Try doing something totally different
Walking with pound weights (if you try this, make sure you swing your arms to keep the blood moving)

It's hard to go after anything if you're afraid of what might happen along the way. Success scares some people too, so don’t sabotage your efforts, keep a positive self image.
Make sure you're not one of them by keeping firm grip on your imagination use it intelligently – in visualization - to invigorate your workouts with positive, achievement-oriented images.

Incorporate visualization into your training
1. Believe it.  You can do what you see yourself doing in your mind's eye.
2. Want it.      Desire is the fuel that sustains effort of any kind.
3. Expect it.  Just the way you would expect water to flow when you turn a faucet on.
4. Relax.      A quiet mind is important for effective imagery practice.
5.           Feed it.  The greater the detail you can visualize (sweat in your eyes, the sound of your feet striking the trail), the more effective the image will be.
6. Be specific.  Walkers should image a good hike, in woods, streets, or jogging course.
7. Be positive.  Use images and words that don't confuse the          body. Don't say, "I'm too tired".  Instead "I'm full of energy" and then picture yourself brimming with vitality.

Common obstacle to maintaining a workout schedules simple fatigue.
Make sure that this fatigue is not just mental.
Try Competition.
Opportunity to learn your particular activity
To test yourself against others while you’re learning.


Improving the quality of your life
Regular exercise generates
          more energy
          More resistance to illness
          More resistance to stress
          Less susceptibility to injury
          Less anxiety
          Lower risk of some degenerative diseases(heart disease, cancer)
           stronger bones (and control of osteoporosis)
          Stronger, more efficient heart and lungs
          A better self-image
          More Self-confidence and sociability
          A sharper mind
          Longer life

WALKING is a natural, healthy expression of the human body. Your body is built for walking - it's the ultimate exercise machine.
WALKING is easy, safe and inexpensive. All you need is a pair of comfortable walking shoes.
WALKING is aerobic. It will give you all the aerobic benefits of jogging, swimming, step aerobics and more extreme exercises.
WALKING is the perfect exercise for weight loss. It is the best way to burn calories and increase your body's ability to burn fat.
WALKING improves both muscle tone and strength. It tones and strengthens your hips, thighs, stomach and buttocks. This graphic shows you the main muscle groups used in walking:

WALKING is the best cardiovascular workout. It conditions the heart, lowers blood pressure and raises HDL (good cholesterol).
WALKING is the easiest way for all the family to keep fit. Everyone can do it, it's cheap and it's non-competitive. And the family that walks together talks together.
WALKING is an injury-free way for the over 5Os to keep fit. Because walking is a low-stress exercise, almost anyone can begin to walk at any age providing they begin slowly and build up frequency and intensity.
WALKING is the ideal way to relieve stress. Walking is an ideal way to relax, re-energize, and 'burn away' the harmful effects of stress.
WALKING produces a variety of important health benefits. Walking can help with back pain, osteoporosis, respiratory problems, diabetes, arthritis, cardiac rehabilitation and a variety of other health problems.
So walk, don't run to tell your friends and family about the benefits of aerobic fitness walking.

Consistency, not intensity, is what is important. Walking is not wimpy
A Regular walking program 30 minutes a day, five days a week can benefit the body.

          Stimulate thought increase brains supply of O2.
          Boost spirits - release of natural, mood elevating brain chemicals called endorphins

          Increase VO2 max ( ability of the cardio respiratory system to use O2)
          Strengthen muscles of diaphragm
          Reduce symptoms of chronic emphysema and bronchitis
          reduce the desire to smoke

          Relieve back pain by strengthening and toning muscles - spine more stable

          Respond to weight-bearing exercises by taking on more calcium and becoming thicker - more resistant to osteoporosis

          Subjects feet to forces no greater then standing
          Strengthens muscles and tendons in the feet
          Reduces risk of stroke by keeping the blood flowing freely and by keeping the arteries of the brain elastic.
          Forestalls senility by keeping blood vessels in brain free of blood - blocking plaque.
          Reduces the discomforts of headaches by increasing circulation to both the brain and scalp.

          Lowering resting pulse
          Reducing blood pressure
          Decreasing levels of artery - clogging blood fats
          Encouraging the development of 'safety - valve' blood vessels capable of redirecting blood flow should a heart attack occur.

          Helps stomach work better ( by aiding digestion)
          Helps stomach look better ( by aiding weight control)
          Burn nearly as many calories per mile jogging
          Step up bodies metabolism in a way that burn calories even during rest
          Help curb appetite
          Reduce the number of calories absorbed from a meal by as much as 5 to 10 percent, if done within 30 minutes of that meal's completion.
          Boost self-confidence, more than an effective weight - loss program needs to succeed in the first place.

          Slim down the legs
          Build up skinny legs
          Discourage the onset (as well as progression) of varicose veins.

Because it is a low-impact exercise, it is a good choice for everyone who is overweight and under exercised.  It won't unduly stress your joints or ligaments, but will strengthen your heart and lungs, tone your calf and thigh muscles and burn plenty of calories.
•          Slow leisurely walks for one hour - one mile burns 100 calories
•          Speeding up a little to - two miles in one hour - burns 200 calories
•          A brisk walk - three and one-half miles per hour - burns 330 calories.

Being healthy  {not thin}  is in

Pass on breakfast, and your body dips into the liver for glycogen (stored glucose or blood sugar) for its morning energy rather than complex carbohydrates from your morning meal. The liver supply often runs low before lunch, which causes your blood sugar to drop. You end up feeling tired.
Studies show that missing breakfast can undercut reading skills, memory and concentration. Other research reports breakfast eaters test higher for levels of vitamins and minerals.

Complex carbohydrates also enhance physical performance. Fruit, a bagel, even a blender ''smoothie'' (yogurt, fruit, juice, and ice) will provide the energy you need.  Everyone should aim to make breakfast part of a daily routine.  And now starch is looking like the enemy again. Weight loss experts and obesity researchers are studying the role played by insulin a hormone produced by the body to process sugar, and starches like those found in white bread, pasta and processed ''nonfat'' snacks in weight gain.
The pendulum of weight loss wisdom is constantly swinging, leaving behind some lasting scientific fact and some misbegotten notions. Few researchers question the health benefits of a low fat diet, but many are beginning to wonder if high carbohydrate regime is appropriate for everyone, particularly overweight people and the ''insulin resistant,'' those who overproduce insulin after eating sugar or starches.
The "insulin resistant" respond to starches or sugar by overproducing glucose, which in turn triggers an overproduction of insulin, a hormone responsible for a wide range of metabolic activities – including determining how much of the glucose will be used immediately as energy and how much will be stored as fat; the regulation of triglycerides; and perhaps even the stimulation of appetite.
''The more insulin your body produces, the more likely it is that you will convert dietary calories into body fat,’’ We may have gone too far with the low fat emphasis.
In the past decade, Americans have cut their fat intake from 36 percent of their average daily calories to 34 percent. Nevertheless, they also gained about 8 pounds a person.  ''People can get fat on a high fat diet, but people can get fat on a diet high in carbohydrates, too.''

In weight loss clinics, the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming, ‘‘how did I gain weight on a low fat diet?'' To answer this question, consider the fact that rather than replacing dietary fat with complex carbohydrates such as vegetables and fruits, many were reaching for simple carbohydrates such as starch and sugar.
This realization led some researchers to revisit the scientific literature about the functions of insulin and to suspect that many dieters may be insulin resistant. In addition, new research detailing the effects of insulin on athletic performance has provided more insight into how the hormone is used. ''Insulin resistance was helpful historically because it enabled people to survive extended periods of caloric deprivation,''

Whether you're running, jogging, walking or barely moving at all, the road to fitness is often a confusing journey.
Is it any wonder that, confronted with isokinetics, toning beds and Miracle Thigh Cream, so many of us instead choose cold beer, La Z Boys and Rocky Road ice cream?
Although fitness experts agree that Americans have access to more and better information about exercise and good nutrition than ever before, they acknowledge that it's hard to separate fact from fiction. And that can keep people from exercising correctly  or exercising at all.
''People have this notion that they are too old, too far gone or too lazy to get started.'' 

Here is a ''best of'' collection of fitness fallacies followed by the facts that should set you on the road to personal fitness or, if you're already on the journey, make it easier to navigate.
FALLACY: No pain, no gain. If one is good, two is better.
TRUTH: Whether it's exercise, dieting or vitamins, there can be too much of a good thing. Coach people to ''train, don't strain.''  If you push yourself too hard, you're likely to get hurt and have to stop exercising until you recover  a wasted effort, ''Any exercise in excess of the minimum amount required will be wasted effort at best and counterproductive at worst.''
FALLACY: Weight loss is a key part of getting fit.
TRUTH: Your weight has no direct bearing on your physical fitness level. Getting in shape often means adding weight  shedding fat but picking up muscle.  Those who plan to trim inches using increasingly popular stair climbing machines will likely end up with the opposite result, because such workouts add muscle to the thighs and buttocks.
FALLACY: It will take months of working out to achieve anything.
TRUTH: The road to fitness begins with the first step. ''In a week's time you can make significant changes,  ''Some of the most dramatic results take place early on as couch potatoes are suddenly injected with new energy, Like money in the bank, a proper exercise regimen builds on itself, enriching you every step of the way.
FALLACY: I'm too old to start getting in shape.
TRUTH: Health experts generally agree that the human body would last 120 to 140 years under ideal conditions. ''People don't realize that in there 70s they can have the same vitality as they did in their 30s,''
FALLACY: If I get fit, my whole life will turn around.
TRUTH: Getting fit is certainly a good place to start, but fitness is not an end unto itself.  ''A focus on fitness as the answer is wrong; ''fitness is just a symptom of larger issues, such as whether you are glad to be here.'' All the exercise and stress management in the world won't help if you are miserable in your job,
FALLACY: Modern science and fitness gurus are getting closer to Creating the perfect exercise machine or technique  a ''breakthrough!''
TRUTH: There's no such thing as the perfect machine or technique and never will be. ''The best exercise is the one you are going to stick to.''

According to the Association for Fitness Professionals, these exercises should be avoided because they place undue stress on injury prone parts of the body such as the lower back, head and neck.
•          The Yoga Plow. Lying on your back and kicking your feet up over your head, touching the floor behind you.
•          Neck circles. Rolling your head and neck around in circles.
•          Bridging. Often done by football players and wrestlers. Lying on your back and forming a bridge with your body, placing all the weight on the feet and the top of the head.
•          Straight leg sit ups. The kind with your legs straight out on the floor.
•          Double leg lifts. Lifting both legs, straight out, off the floor, while lying on your back.
•          Standing toe touch. Touching your toes from a standing position.
•          Back hyperextension. Kicking your leg out to the side or rear while down on your hands and knees.
•          Hip twists. Swinging your legs in a circular motion while down on your hands and knees.
•          Hurdler's stretch. Sitting with one leg bent back and to the side of the body while the other leg is straight out front, then leaning forward to touch the toe of the straight leg and backward to touch your head or elbows to the floor.
•          Full squat. Deep knee bends that go all the way down.

At the very moment you're reading this, you could be burning fat, and you wouldn't have to be running on a treadmill or pedaling on a stationary bike to do it.
While exercise is not to be ignored as a powerful fat attacker, playing the following tricks on your unsuspecting body can help the battle of the bulge:

The ginger boost: Adding fresh or dried ginger to your meals can boost your metabolism as much as 20 percent.  Ginger is a vasodilator  it expands the blood vessels, causing the body to lose heat. ''When the body loses heat,'' ''it compensates by speeding up the metabolism to generate more heat.''

The three meal furnace: Food digestion has a thermal effect, which causes the body to dissipate heat, burning calories and fat. ''The effect lasts about five hours, but if you eat infrequently, there's clearly a metabolic slowdown,''

The carbohydrate/protein advantage: A diet that is at least 60 percent carbohydrates will help you burn calories at an elevated rate, even while you sleep. The body burns calories for energy to store food as body fat.
When storing dietary fat, the energy cost is so small that you store about 94 percent of each fat calorie. Storing carbohydrates, however, leaves only about 80 percent of each calorie for fat storage.
Protein uses even more energy than carbohydrates, but metabolizing too much protein can stress the organs, so experts warn against making protein any more than 10 percent to 15 percent of your daily intake.
Thus, a diet rich in carbohydrates such as pasta, bread and apples, with a moderate amount of low fat dairy products, beans, lean red meats, poultry and fish, helps fuel your fat burning engine.

The chromium connection: Studies show that the mineral chromium discourages the body from storing fat. ''Most people don't meet the recommended 50 to 200 micrograms of chromium,'' Research shows that taking 200 micrograms of chromium daily can enhance fat burning and weight loss. Good sources of chromium include whole grain breads and cereals, broccoli and brewers yeast.

The hot spice burn: A British study showed that adding hot chili sauce and spicy yellow mustard to a meal increased subjects' metabolism up to 25 percent for three hours. Three fifths of a teaspoon of hot stuff per meal can do the trick.

The benefit of eating early: If you eat at least 25 percent of your calories at breakfast and the same at lunch, you'll burn calories when your body burns them best  during the first 12 hours of the day.

Freeze it  Stock bagels or English muffins in the freezer. Pop them in the toaster or let them thaw while you shower and dress. Fruit and low fat yogurt are quick accompaniments.  Blend it Sip a power breakfast blender drink: 1/2 cup low fat vanilla yogurt, 1 banana, 1/2 cup orange juice, 1/2 cup strawberries and a few ice cubes. 
Brown bag it Brown bag something healthful for breakfast if you don't care to eat as you rush around in the morning.
E mail: OSOfood@aol.com on Internet.
Starches are carbohydrates and contain 4 calories per gram compared with fats that have 9 calories per gram.

Water, Water Everywhere
How 8 glasses a day keep fat away?
Incredible as it may seem, water is quite possibly the single most important catalyst in losing weight and keeping it off.  Although most of us take it for granted, water may be the only true "magic potion" for permanent weight loss.
          Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat.
Here's why:
The kidneys can't function properly without enough water. When they don't work to capacity, some of their load is dumped onto the liver.
One of the liver's primary functions is to metabolize stored fat into usable energy for the body.  But, if the liver has to do some of the kidney's work, it can't operate at full throttle.  As a result, it metabolizes less fat; more fat remains stored in the body and weight loss stops.

           Drinking enough water is the best treatment for fluid retention.
When the body gets less water, it perceives this as a threat to survival and begins to hold on to every drop.  Water is stored in extra cellular spaces (outside the cells).  This shows up as swollen feet, legs and hands.
Diuretics offer a temporary solution at best.  They force out the stored water along with some essential nutrients.  Again, the body perceives a threat and will replace the lost water at the first opportunity.  Thus, the condition quickly returns.
The best way to overcome the problem of water retention is to give your body what it needs - plenty of water.  Only then will stored water be released.
If you have a constant problem with water retention, excess salt may be to blame.  Your body will tolerate sodium only in a certain concentration.  The more salt you eat, the more water your system retains to dilute it. 
But getting rid of unneeded salt is easy - just drink more water.  As it's forced through the kidneys, it takes away excess sodium.

           The overweight person needs more water than the thin one.
Larger people have larger metabolic loads.  Since we know that water is the key to fat metabolism, it follows that the overweight person needs more water.

           Water helps to maintain proper muscle tone.
Water helps by giving muscles their natural ability to contract and by preventing dehydration.  It also helps to prevent the sagging skin that usually follows weight loss - shrinking cells are buoyed by water, which pumps the skin and leaves it clear, healthy and resilient.

           Water helps rid the body of waste.
During weight loss, the body has a lot more waste to get rid of - all the metabolized fat must be shed.  Again, adequate water helps flush out the waste.

           Water can help relieve constipation.
When the body gets too little water, it siphons what it needs from internal sources.  The colon is one primary source.  Result? Constipation.  But, when a person drinks enough water, normal bowel function usually returns.

Okay - Just how much water is enough?

On the average, a person should drink eight 8-ounce glasses every day.  That's about 2 quarts.  However, the overweight person needs one additional glass for every 25 pounds of excess weight.  The amount you drink also should be increased if you exercise briskly or if the weather is hot and dry.
Water should be cold - it's absorbed into the system more quickly than warm water.  And some evidence suggests that drinking cold water can actually help burn calories. 
To utilize water most efficiently during weight loss, follow this schedule.

Morning:  l quart consumed over a 30-minute period.
Noon:        l quart consumed over a 30-minute period.
Dinner:    l quart consumed between 5 and 6 o'clock

When the body gets the water it needs to function optimally, its fluids are perfectly balanced.  When this happens, you have reached the "breakthrough point."  What does this mean?
1.          Endocrine-gland function improves
2.          Fluid retention is alleviated as stored water is lost
3.          More fat is used as fuel because the liver is free to  metabolize      stored fat
4.          Natural thirst returns
5.          There is a loss of hunger almost overnight.
If you stop drinking enough water, your body fluids will be thrown out of balance again, and you may experience fluid retention, unexplained weight gain and loss of thirst. 
To remedy the situation you'll have to go back and force another ‘‘breakthrough’’.
So far, we've discovered some remarkable truths about water and weight loss.
1.          The body will not function properly without enough water and can't metabolize stored fat efficiently.
2.          Retained water shows up as excess weight.
3.          To get rid of excess water you must drink more water.
4.          Drinking water is essential to weight loss.


          What are your expectations of slimming down?
          Do you imagine suddenly being able to wear everything?
The reality is that while you will certainly have much more fashion freedom at your slimmer size, your body shape is still constant.

Be thankful for your assets.
          Make a list of the body parts you do like, and highlight them.  If your hands are your strongest point, treat yourself to a manicure; if it is your complexion you like most, choose a scarf in a flattering color and wear it around your neck.

          Free yourself from negative thinking about your body.  Focus on what your body can do rather than just on how it looks.  Take pride in the fact that it had given life to beautiful children if you are a mother, that it gives great hugs, or that it now lets you walk a 10-k course without feeling exhausted.

Instead of focusing on your body's flaws, focus on the positive things it can do for you.
          Make a list of all the things you feel grateful for about your body. 
For example: I love that I can pick up my child, carry groceries to my car without any help, or walk my dog around the block twice without feeling winded.
          Make a list of body goals that do not have anything to do with the way your body looks.
I want to be able to: bend down to touch my toes, walk 3 flights of stairs each day, or lift 15 pounds without any help.

Imagine yourself as already fit, stress-free, or at your goal weight, and create a detailed picture of your new self -- everything from what you are wearing to how you are behaving.
          When the picture is clear, step into it.
          See what your future self is seeing, hear what your future self is hearing, and feel what your future self is feeling.

If you can begin to love and care for your body unconditionally, just as you would a child, it is possible to develop a fondness for the body you have, to enjoy all the emotional benefits that accompany that acceptance.

Lose the guilt trips -- And the weight!
Try this:
          Make a list of all the benefits of a healthier, trimmer body -- like increased stamina, longer life, better - fitting jeans.  Refer to it when potato-chip cravings strike.
Do not define yourself solely by your body.
          Try to build your self - image around other aspects of your life: your intelligence, your personality traits, your gratifying relationships, your work competence, or your artistic abilities, for example.
If you are setting personal weight loss or fitness goals for the New Year ask yourself why you want to achieve them.
          Are you doing this for yourself -- or because someone else is pressuring you?  Changing your lifestyle for another person rarely results in success; the desire and commitment have to come from you.


Plot out gradual, realistic, and attainable goals that can improve your overall fitness levels.
Example:  if it takes you 20 minutes to walk a mile, try to shave one or two minutes off your time in the next month.

Try to become aware of what you say to yourself on a daily basis.
Try using positive self-talk to counter the self-damaging messages you ordinarily give yourself.

To help reduce stress and preoccupy my mind, a list I can add to as idea's come to mind.

The following are things I wrote down which I should do to lose weight:

          Pray each morning and night
          Set aside the first fifteen minutes a day to be in the Word.
          Walking at least three times a week
          Stretching exercises for flexibility
          Write every little amount of food I eat down
          Plan each days food intake the night before
          Avoid fatty animal products -- stay with chicken, fish, pork (removing excess skin and fat)
          Eat more fresh veggies and fruit, uncooked (they have more natural bulk.. more enzymes. help with weight loss)
          Carry good food instead of becoming prey to fast food and vending machines
          Reduce caffeine it creates an artificial appetite and hunger pangs
          Most important positive self-talk, keep away from sabotaging your dream of weight loss.

Today I promise I will not quit.
I pledge that no matter how many vicissitudes I pass through,
I will continue on my journey.
I pledge to make a NEW START today,
Moreover, forgive myself for my past,
In addition, to stop being so critical of myself.
I pledge to take control of myself,
To stop making excuses,
Moreover, stop blaming other people or situations.
I pledge to treat myself as I would my Best Friend,
Because that is who I am.
I pledge to stay in the race
Moreover, to be a WINNER!


Through the infinite power of God's spirit, my heart and
mind are peaceful and serene
As I give expression of my gratitude to God,
all burdensome, doubting thoughts and feelings are swept away.
I can be the kind of person I long to be
I can live the kind of life I long to live
I know there is no goal that is unattainable to me
for I have strength of Spirit
Gods' Spirit within me gives me the courage and
confidence to achieve.
I am growing in wisdom and understanding
God is working in and through me to inspire me to even
greater heights of achievement and success.

Some antidotes
    If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.

    There is no strength where there is no struggle.

    Repeat the same behavior, gets you the same results.

    Do you want to be right or have peace?

    No admiration, no respect...there’s no love.

    Say, I love you.

    When people show you who they are, believe them.

    NO means NO - what part of no do you not understand.           

For information on the USDA Food Guide Pyramid, contact the Cooperative Extension Service in your area. Here are the telephone numbers:
  Brevard County:                          (407) 633 1706.
  Lake County:                              (904) 343 4101.
  Orange County:                          (407) 836 7572.
  Osceola County:                          (407) 846 4181.
  Seminole County:                        (407) 323 2500, Ext. 5556.
  Volusia County:       
  (Deland and vicinity),                    (904) 822 5778 
  (New Smyrna Beach and vicinity),  (904) 423 3368
  (Daytona Beach and vicinity).        (904) 257 6012 

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